Angel and Soul Orbs plus UAPs and more

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Angel and Soul Orbs plus UAPs and more



Another version of the same clip but without zooming in.

"Orby" is back! It's a Night Entity / Soul Carrier WILD!!
It looks like a drone and acts like one, but it's a crossover from the #AngelicRealm #angels #orbs

One of my older "Orby" videos is here:
(Not the greatest quality when I first started in 2018.)

We've seen this many times before. It's one of my favorite forms, as they can shapeshift.

Like Tucker or dislike him, the same goes for Joe Rogan. But finally, confirming what I have been saying for ages now: # UFOs #UAPs are mostly the #Angels. Everything I've been showing and sharing is all from the dimensional #Angelic Realm.

Link to the article:

Just a quick update regarding the NJ Earthquake and aftershock. We have a lot of Angelic activity in this area.

Eclipse = No Fear Angels are Here
Day Orbs - New Photos April 4, 2023
North NJ

Winter Pick Me Up with DNA Repair 528 Hz by Yotam Agam

#night #nightime #repair #healing #orbs #love #hope #faith #angels #angelic #peace

Souls and Angels Daytime Orb Activity (UAPs)
February 17, 2023

These types of #Orbs often get mistaken as #UFOs or #UAPs.

The weather is calm and cold, with thick skies hiding quite a lot.

Warrior Angel Visitation Mid-January Recollection. I also have a blog on my website, among others I've written. Please never lose hope. Keep standing tall the best you can. God's got this; he has our backs even when we feel our worst.


Gina Maria Colvin Hill - Lilith the Deceiver, Satanic Hand Signs, and Sex Assault on a Member.

This video and information are brought to you by this Facebook Group:
Please ask them questions. They have tons of saved screenshots, etc.

And to everyone else out there who's worked hard to bring about truth, you are a soldier fighting against evil. And as for who is innocent and who's telling the truth in this latest saga/drama, just keep in mind that we are in a battle between GOOD and EVIL. A good rule of thumb to go by is to look for the symbolism.

Article regarding astrophotography and image stacking:

My blog site:

Happy New Year everyone. It's going to be a crazy, wild ride. Just a note: I'll never ask for a dime. Be careful of those taking $ all while deceiving you. Certain players, like Gina Maria Colvin Hill, now have 2 other channels to also lead you astray. Demons always twist their words. Speaking of demons, mention of Epstein, and the never-ending censorship of Angels - this is why I post to other platforms.

#Angels #BiblicalTimes #lightvsdark #orbs #spiritualawakening #GinaMariaColvinHill

Winter Fairy Angels Christmastime December 2023, plus Orb photos taken December 13 & 14, 2023.

@WatcherOrb on Twitter
North New Jersey

Night Angel & Spirit Orbs - December 10, 2023
Mary Our Lady of Guadalupe

** Note: Filmed in my backyard using Arlo Securing Cameras the night of December 10, 2023. **
Sorry, videos take me a long time to get around to.

Continuation of research night and day orbs.

Link to public photo album:

Night Orbs /Repeat Anomalies/Holograms/Projections Part 2 of 2
With the mention of Marlan Marcan, author and researcher of #Orb phenomenon.

#angels #orbs #paranormal #spirits #souls #ghosts, #theveil #guardianangels #afterlife #weirdNJ #portals

Night Orbs /Repeat Anomalies/Holograms/Projections Part 1 of 2
With the mention of Marlan Marcan, author and researcher of #Orb phenomenon.

Souls and Angels Daytime Orb Activity (UAPs) November 2023

A quick hello from Curacoa, where it's warm but quiet skies. Back to the cold in NJ, cooler weather is better for filming. Skies on the island are clear, but there is no activity like back home—lots of love to all.

This is only here temporarily. My husband spoke up about bullying and slandering my name across town by a specific group of women.

"Right now, the whole world seems to be going through a dark night of the soul." - Flannery O'Connor -

Night Orbs - October 14, 2023

Day Orb Activity and Bardsey Island's Dead
September 2023

Courtesy goes to Janeway888 on Twitter

The Druid's Last Defense:

August 3, 2023 - UFO Hearings UAPS, Multidimensional, Angels & Soul Orbs

Twitter (which is now X) @WatcherOrb

(Note: I grabbed the easiest shortened clips online. I did not record the hearings myself, that is. I've been so tied up writing.)

There is always light in the dark... Day Orbs

Holographic Projections Theory - Entity Visitations - Archaix Channel

Signs on a Dreary Night Archaix Phoenix Phenomenon & Pyramids.
#Orbs #signs #spirits #paranormal #theveil #messagesfromspirit



Created 5 years, 1 month ago.

204 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

I see paranormal ghost orbs along with angels. They're always around us but now can be seen in the daytime. Fairly certain this is tied to our "Great Awakening". I also receive telepathic messages in dreams.

Please check out my Google photo album, which is listed below:

Or find me on Twitter at WatcherOrb for Blogs