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November 25th (2019-2021 files)

I must've been trying to learn these songs and meant to go back to try again.

Then Covid happened and I stopped recording.

November 25th (2019-2021 files)

I must've been trying to learn these songs and meant to go back to try again.

Then Covid happened and I stopped recording.

November 24th (2019-2021 files)

I must've been trying to learn these songs and meant to go back to try again.

Then Covid happened and I stopped recording.

November 24th (2019-2021 files)

I must've been trying to learn these songs and meant to go back to try again.

Then Covid happened and I stopped recording.

November 24th (2019-2021 files)

I must've been trying to learn these songs and meant to go back to try again.

Then Covid happened and I stopped recording.

November 24th (2019-2021 files)

I must've been trying to learn these songs and meant to go back to try again.

Then Covid happened and I stopped recording.

November 24th (2019-2021 files)

I must've been trying to learn these songs and meant to go back to try again.

Then Covid happened and I stopped recording.

November 24th (2019-2021 files)

I don't know how to be something you miss...

I must've been trying to learn these songs and meant to go back to try again.

Then Covid happened and I stopped recording.

November 24th (2019-2021 files)

I must've been trying to learn these songs and meant to go back to try again.

Then Covid happened and I stopped recording.

November 24th (2019-2021 files)

I must've been trying to learn these songs and meant to go back to try again.

Then Covid happened and I stopped recording.

December 1st (2019-2021 files)

I must've been trying to learn these songs and meant to go back to try again.

Then Covid happened and I stopped recording.

December 1st (2019-2021 files)

I must've been trying to learn these songs and meant to go back to try again.

Then Covid happened and I stopped recording.

December 1st (2019-2021 files)

I must've been trying to learn these songs and meant to go back to try again.

Then Covid happened and I stopped recording.

December 1st (2019-2021 files)

I must've been trying to learn these songs and meant to go back to try again.

Then Covid happened and I stopped recording.

December 1st (2019-2021 files)

I must've been trying to learn these songs and meant to go back to try again.

Then Covid happened and I stopped recording.

December 1st (2019-2021 files)

I might have up'd the sound a little too much.

December 1st (2019-2021 files)

I must've been trying to learn these songs and meant to go back to try again.

Then Covid happened and I stopped recording.

November 24th (2019-2021 files)

All rights belong to the artist. I'm just singin' to their backtrack.

December 1st (2019-2021 files)

That's my glass computer love in paris table. It matches my Paris theme room hehe

This song was a request. I tried to learn it quick and record it.

November 24th (2019-2021 files)

All rights belong to the artist. I'm just singin' to their backtrack.

(2019-2021 files)

This is when I was trying to learn this song from one of my fave movies.

"I would have loved you forever."

2 11

I used to lock myself in my bedroom playing Mariah's first album over and over until my brother would scream for my mom to make me stop. Well, I was trying to learn her songs lol:)

1 19


Created 6 years, 9 months ago.

113 videos

Category Music

These are my practice tapes from years ago. I go through the songs one after another, learning it as I go with lyrics up.

Sometimes it's just part of the song and then the other part until I feel like I've memorized it a bit. Then I go through the full song.

A lot of times, I would just sing through a whole bunch of songs in a row.

Everything is always done at random. It makes it more fun that way.