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We continue to dismantle the multi level marketing (MLM), or network marketing, system. I present additional arguments which show that the MLM system is inefficient, outdated and most distributors which are part of the system end up being losers.
I show that products that are sold through the network are more expensive, yet no better, than other products on the market. I prove that MLM is for losers, with the only winners being those who head the pyramid structure and shift the whole risk of sales to the losers below them.

Today I discuss multi level marketing (MLM), otherwise known as network marketing. I provide a unique, yet factual, perspective on this form of business structure. I begin by undertaking a historical analysis, and this is something that is very, very important when trying to understand multi level marketing. I argue that the MLM model is now obsolete, inefficient and inappropriate for most people.
I am a business consultant. I am not biased for or against any forms of business systems or structures. My role is to investigate, analyse and assess business systems and conclude as to their appropriateness and affectiveness.

There is a way to increase your passive income if you have blue chip shares, and that is through renting them out using call options. This is a no risk strategy which means that no additional risks are incurred to implement this strategy. For a cost of $500 I will provide a consultation that will take around five hours that explains in detail how to take advantage of your blue chip shares and enable them to give you an additional income, apart from the income you receive from dividends.

My name is Peter Solanikow and I am the founder of the Bizness Crew.
I would like to introduce you to the services of the Bizness Crew. As business consultants and advisors we can help you to improve your financial position and/or improve your quality of life. Ultimately, we help to get people into business or those who already are in business can use our services to improve business performance.

Peter Solanikow is back.
Now that I am on my annual European holiday I am able to devote more time to make more videos about business and finance related topics and cover some interesting issues.
This short clip is simply an update to provide an insight into topics to be covered in future videos. The plans include discussing topics such as multi level marketing (network marketing), a wide spread extortion scam targetting bloggers, groups and businesses that have an online presence, renting out shares and my own model - the Solanikow Model of Mankind.

This podcast is on the topic of bank bail-ins as they might apply in Australia. There are increasing rumours that a potential banking crisis will lead to a bank bail-in, or even multiple bank bail-ins. Do such rumours have merit?
What has Peter Solanikow's past kick boxing training got to do with bank bail-ins?
Do you know the difference between thinking and strategic thinking?
So many questions. The answers will be provided in this bank bail-in fake podcast.
Peter Solanikow is a strategic thinker and so his views and opinions about various topics are far from mainstream views. Listen to what he has to say and if it makes sense, share it with others.

The final part of the financial crisis in Australia series.
This part sums up the whole series and provides a road map of the various parts of the series and how they fit in with each other.

In this part the discussion focuses on business strategies that are best used to shield against an economic and financial crisis. Example case studies are provided of A1 Tuition, Czysty Blysk, 69 Tours and the Bizness Crew, three Australian based organisations and one which is based in Poland. Peter Solanikow explains how specific strategies have been implemented to allow the businesses to gain competitive advantage and prosper in a market that faces difficult conditions when the economic activity deteriorates.

Crime prevention ideas for shop owners.
When the economy declines significantly there is an increase in crime as more of the population becomes more desperate. Retailers and businesses often become the victims of crime through a rise in shoplifting, burglaries and fraud. This podcasts outlines some ideas and tactics that business owners could consider to help them reduce the likelihood of becoming a victim of crime when economic conditions deteriorate.

A short update aimed to inform about upcoming podcasts in November 2018. These are planned to include the conclusion to the Australian financial crisis ahead series, a one-off Australian bank bail-in podcast that will be titled Bank Bail-In Fake to represent a boxing move where the boxer uses a fake move to steer attention away from the intended move. A short mini series about precious metals is also planned.

Free financial and economic analysis information.
This is a free business consulting and coaching service where various financial and economic issues are discussed. This is not financial advice, but rather commentary on the financial and economic conditions that are playing out in Australia and other parts of the world.

The Australian financial and housing crisis series has been very popular, more so than I had imagined. This podcast provides an update about the upcoming podcasts in this series. The good news is that the next part will be more comprehensive and more focused on the needs of Australians than earlier planned.
Thanks for your patience.

A quick and simple introduction to the Bizness Crew channel


Created 5 years, 7 months ago.

13 videos

Category Business & Finance