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Every journey starts with a first step. This one starts with a first flight.

Life can be a lot of things. Among them, freedom. Freedom to roam. Freedom to explore. But where to explore and how to explore? That my friend is the question. That is the quest. Join me on the path less traveled on a quest for nothing more than the journey. I am Dominic Wilbrink. And this is a day in the life….

T-Shirts & Swag:

I had a work trip to Seattle and found the time to go downtown for a little bit before I had to fly out. My goal is to get some dried fruit at the fish stand, where they throw fish. But it was closed when I got there…

T-Shirts & Swag:


Created 6 years, 2 months ago.

176 videos

Category Vlogging

My mission is my mantra.. to work hard, play hard, and be a big softy when I get home.

In keeping with my mantra, this channel is about what I am about. And I am about Mountain Biking, Jeep Stuff, Family Life, Photography & Film Making, Construction (my day job) and being Frugal and Resourceful. I make videos about all of these things and more. This channel is sort of a vlog meets personal review meets do-it-yourself... and anything in between. So stick around, we'll have some fun and get things done.

Work Hard. Play Hard. Be a big softy when you get home.

Thanks for watching,
