PostScript - The Arlington Institute

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PostScript - The Arlington Institute



Futurist, John L. Petersen addresses Martin Armstrong's economic confidence model, highlighting its prediction of a directional change in May 2023. The model suggests shifting global confidence from governments to the private sector, indicating potential instability and a future downturn. John underscores the increasing loss of faith in governmental systems and the potential for significant global changes, including economic shifts, geopolitical tensions, and technological advancements impacting societal structures.

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Futurist, John L. Petersen interviews Teri Cochrane, founder of Beyond Nutrition, and a pioneer in personalized wellness and integrative health. She will be joining The Arlington Institute in July for Transition Talks. She developed The Cochrane Method® and The Wildatarian® Diet, focusing on genetic tendencies and individual needs. She advises top athletes and doctors, offering clinical and intuitive insights.

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In this eye-opening video, we discuss how repeated exposure to events without tangible outcomes can desensitize people, diminishing the shock factor. Emotions play a crucial role in shaping our reality, a concept supported by scientific research. Learn how our biological mechanisms, like the pineal gland and hippocampus, enable us to use emotional charges to influence and create our reality. Join us as we delve into the fascinating connection between emotions and reality creation.

#Emotions #RealityCreation #EmotionalImpact #PinealGland #Hippocampus #ScienceOfEmotions #Desensitization #ShapingReality #EmotionalCharge #BioHardware

In this engaging video, we explore the profound question of what we can give beyond material possessions. While addressing material needs is crucial, we must also recognize the importance of meeting emotional and psychological needs to prevent instability. We discuss the significance of providing support, fostering coherence, and nurturing a sense of family, brotherhood, and sisterhood. Join us as we delve into how giving emotional and psychological support can create a more balanced and harmonious society.

#EmotionalSupport #PsychologicalNeeds #MaterialNeeds #Community #FamilyValues #Brotherhood #Sisterhood #EmotionalWellBeing #PsychologicalWellBeing #Collaboration

In case you missed it, Penny Kelly gave her presentation at TransitionTalks: “How Reality Really Works”. You can get the full replay of it here:

#ThinkForYourself #IndependentThinking #CreativeFuture #SelfReliance #CriticalThinking #ReclaimControl #Autonomy #ChallengeTheNorm #SocietalInfluence #ArlingtonInstitute

Join us June 15th at TransitionTalks. Click the link below!

#Transhumanism #ArtificialIntelligence #FutureTech #100thMonkeyEffect #ConsciousCreativity #Positivity #SocietalChange #Awareness #CriticalThinking #AIImpact

In case you missed it, Penny Kelly gave her presentation at TransitionTalks: “How Reality Really Works”. You can get the full replay of it here:

#SocietalChange #HumanDevelopment #CollectiveCare #FutureSociety #IntelligenceOverMoney #NeedsFirst #EquitableFuture #PersonalGrowth #ValueOfIntelligence #TransformativeShift

In this captivating discussion, we explore the recent phenomenon of the Northern Lights being visible far south and its connection to heightened solar activity. While many attribute this to solar flares, few recognize the underlying issue: the weakening of Earth's magnetic shield. We delve into how this impacts our planet and discuss the intriguing notion that engaging in these conversations can alter predictive timelines. Join us as we shed light on the hidden forces at play and the importance of awareness in shaping our future.

#NorthernLights #SolarFlares #EarthsMagneticShield #SolarActivity #PredictiveTimelines #GeomagneticField #CosmicEvents #PlanetaryChanges #CollectiveAwareness #HiddenForces

In this talk, John Petersen and friends explore potential future breakthroughs and inventions, emphasizing social, technological, and environmental changes. Topics include political unrest, technological advancements, AI integration, extraterrestrial engagement, and evolving community dynamics, highlighting the need for innovative solutions and collaborative efforts.

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In this enlightening video, we delve into the complexities of language and how it shapes our understanding of reality. Despite shared commonalities, words often hold different meanings for each of us, leading to subjective interpretations. This discussion highlights the dynamic nature of communication and the exciting possibilities of future realities where these constraints may evolve. Join us as we explore the fluidity of meaning and the potential for transformation in our understanding of truth.

#SubjectiveReality #LanguageAndMeaning #Communication #SharedUnderstanding #DynamicInterpretation #FutureRealities #TruthExploration #EvolvingUnderstanding #TransformativeThinking #PhilosophyOfLanguage

In this compelling video, we explore the essential role of critical thinking in navigating our complex, physical world. Even the wisest sages find it challenging to convey direct experiences, highlighting the necessity of progressing through critical thinking stages to reach intuitive understanding. We delve into the modern issue of truth dissolution in our post-truth society, where the decline in exercising critical thinking skills has become prevalent. Join us as we discuss the balance between critical thinking and intuition, and the importance of nurturing both in today's world.

#CriticalThinking #Intuition #PostTruthSociety #DirectExperience #Wisdom #TruthDissolution #ModernSociety #Mindfulness #IntuitiveUnderstanding #IntellectualGrowth

In case you missed it, Penny Kelly gave her presentation at TransitionTalks: “How Reality Really Works”. You can get the full replay of it here:

#ConsciousnessShift #HigherConsciousness #BeyondMaterialism #Kingsley #FourthDimension #MindsetChange #SpiritualGrowth #MaterialExistence #BeyondMoney #philosophicalinsights

Cut from Futurist John L. Petersen's Post Script Insights, John points out a very efficient way for the people too deal with corruption.

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Explore the power of reprogramming our minds and overcoming ingrained fears in this enlightening video. Teri discusses how, despite early conditioning, we can untangle old programming and adopt new, healthier mental patterns. By understanding the role of the amygdala—originally designed to protect us from immediate danger—we can recognize how its current function often perpetuates a slow drip of fear leading to paralysis. Learn how to harness our inherent adaptability as human beings to signal our cells differently and live a more empowered life.

#RewireYourMind #OvercomingFear #HumanAdaptability #MentalHealth #PersonalGrowth #Neuroplasticity #BreakFreeFromConditioning #FearParalysis #SelfImprovement #EmpoweredLiving

In this insightful video, Teri explores the profound idea that no external force has power over us unless we permit it. She delves into how aligning ourselves with higher frequencies can transform our perception of fear and interference, allowing us to tap into a deeper wisdom and manage life's challenges with grace. By observing rather than absorbing fear, we maintain our internal balance and open ourselves to greater consciousness. Join her as she discusses how to elevate your frequency and live a more empowered, expansive life.

#EmpowerYourMind #OvercomingFear #HigherConsciousness #Mindfulness #PersonalGrowth #SpiritualGrowth #FrequencyOfLife #InnerWisdom #SelfImprovement #LiveEmpowered

In this insightful discussion, we delve into the fascinating intersection of genetics and physiology, exploring how our DNA and genetic expressions are influenced by various external factors. The conversation highlights the role of the Fibonacci sequence within our DNA and how pathogenic, environmental, physical, and emotional influences can hijack genetic sequencing, affecting gene expression. We also touch upon specific genes like OXTR, associated with empathy, and others that impact neuro-excitability and sensitivity to electrical signals. Join us as we uncover the intricate ways our genes shape our interaction with the world.

#Genetics #Physiology #DNA #FibonacciSequence #OXTRGene #Empathy #NeuroExcitability #GeneticExpression #HumanBiology #ScienceExplained

In this compelling video, Teri explores the dual role of fear as both a destructive and constructive force. By understanding what triggers our body's perception of threats, we can reframe fear as a catalyst for positive change. While sustained fear is inherently destructive, using fear to drive catalytic change can be highly productive, similar to harnessing anger for constructive outcomes. Join her to learn how to perceive threats differently and transform fear into a powerful tool for personal growth and transformation.

#HarnessingFear #CatalyticChange #UnderstandingFear #PersonalGrowth #TransformativeChange #ConstructiveFear #FearManagement #ProductiveFear #EmotionalIntelligence #OvercomingFear

In this video, I discuss the fascinating concept that every one of our genes emits a frequency that connects to a greater universal consciousness. When our genes express disharmoniously, they send signals that impact this cosmic connection. By aligning with our divine blueprint, we can harmonize our genetic expression and enhance our overall well-being. Join me to explore how understanding this relationship can help us achieve greater harmony in our lives.

#Genes #Frequency #UniversalConsciousness #DivineBlueprint #GeneticExpression #Harmony #WellBeing #CosmicConnection #Alignment #DisharmoniousSignals

In this video, we discuss how to optimize your unique genetic blueprint for peak performance and health. Even if you're not ill, understanding your genetic "fingerprint" can help you stay at the top of your game. We work with elite individuals to maintain their mental sharpness and physical resilience. Learn how environmental factors, like mold sensitivity, can impact your health and what steps you can take to avoid triggers and maintain optimal well-being.

#GeneticBlueprint #Optimization #PeakPerformance #EliteHealth #GeneticFingerprint #MoldSensitivity #EnvironmentalFactors #HealthMaintenance #OptimalHealth #PersonalHealthStrategy

Ever wondered how kidney stones and gallstones form? In this enlightening segment, we discuss how these painful conditions don't develop overnight. Instead, they result from the gradual accumulation of calcium oxalate crystals over time. Discover how subclinical imbalances in the body can silently progress, affecting our health long before we experience any symptoms.

#KidneyStones #Gallstones #HealthInsights #MedicalScience #Wellness #KidneyHealth #GallbladderHealth #CalciumOxalate #SubclinicalImbalances

In this insightful discussion, Teri explores the role of the amygdala, often referred to as our reptilian brain, in human survival. Designed to incite motion through responses like fight, flight, or freeze, the amygdala acts as a crucial safety mechanism. Learn how fear plays a pivotal role in alerting us to danger, ensuring we take action to avoid harm. Whether it’s moving out of the way of a falling tree or escaping a threatening situation, fear helps keep us safe. Dive into the fascinating ways our brain uses fear to protect us.

#Amygdala #FearResponse #SurvivalMechanism #FightOrFlight #BrainFunction #HumanSafety #Neuroscience #UnderstandingFear #ReptilianBrain #mentalhealth

In this enlightening video, Teri discusses how chronic stress and sustained high cortisol levels can lead to a chronic inflammatory state in the body. Over time, this can even result in the formation of an adenoma, a non-cancerous tumor on the pituitary gland. Learn how the pituitary gland functions as the body's "air traffic control," managing various hormonal signals. She also ponder whether the government is aware of these significant health implications. Join us for an eye-opening exploration of the physiological effects of stress.

#ChronicStress #Cortisol #Inflammation #PituitaryGland #HealthEffects #StressManagement #HormonalBalance #Adenoma #Wellness #ScienceExplained

In this video, we discuss the significant shift in the leading causes of death in the United States. Unlike a century ago, today's top killers are predominantly metabolic conditions, including heart attacks, strokes, diabetes, Alzheimer's disease, and lung disease. These illnesses are linked to how our metabolism functions—or fails to function—indicating that our current health model is no longer effective. Join us as we explore the implications of this shift and the urgent need for a new approach to healthcare.

#HealthCrisis #MetabolicConditions #TopKillers #HeartAttack #Stroke #Diabetes #Alzheimers #LungDisease #ModernHealthcare #ChronicIllnesses

In this video, we explore the remarkable impact of gene therapy on chronic conditions and overall health. By analyzing genetic vulnerabilities through saliva, significant health improvements can be achieved. We discuss a case where a diabetic patient, dependent on insulin for over 20 years, managed to normalize blood sugar levels without insulin or Metformin. This therapy also positively affects major health markers like blood sugar, cholesterol, and blood pressure, and stabilizes autoimmune markers and hormone levels. Discover how gene therapy presents an innovative approach to anti-aging and chronic disease management.

#GeneTherapy #HealthInnovation #DiabetesManagement #BloodSugarControl #Cholesterol #BloodPressure #AutoimmuneHealth #HormoneBalance #AntiAging #ChronicDisease

In this video, we delve into a unique methodology for analyzing genetic information. By leveraging data from platforms like 23andMe or, we pull your genetic data into a specialized algorithm. This approach reveals your genetic potential and highlights your most concentrated genetic vulnerabilities. Learn how these insights can help you understand your genetic makeup and guide personalized health and wellness strategies.

#GeneticAnalysis #PersonalizedHealth #23andMe


Created 5 years, 8 months ago.

387 videos

Category Vlogging

We encourage systemic, non-linear approaches to planning and believe that effective thinking about the future is enhanced by applying newly emerging technology. Therefore, we strive to be agents of change by creating intellectual frameworks & tool-sets for understanding the transition in which we are living. The Arlington Institute believes that we are living in an era of global transition, to a degree that our species has never seen before. The exponential increase of human knowledge, and the acceleration of its application through technology, is propelling humanity towards a new era of thought and endeavor. Society, science, ecology and commerce are converging at the intersection of danger and opportunity. A complexity and unpredictability that is beyond our past experience characterize the challenges at hand. If humanity’s preferred future is to be realized, new tools for strategic planning and problem solving must be invented and combined. We must think differently. We have made it our mission to help facilitate this transition, and to connect and associate with like-minded people so that we may together embrace the opportunities of this future. If you like what you're hearing here visit us at ArlingtonInstitute.Org and sign up for a FREE membership. That way we can notify you when more content is released.