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"Fowl Play: Winging it with the Bird Flu" is our take on the curious world of H5N1. With a mix of humor and personal insights, we explore the science, impact, and oddities of bird flu. Get ready for a feather-ruffling journey that’s anything but chicken feed!

JOIN US LIVE MONDAYS AT 4pm PT~5pm MT~6pm CT~7pm on Rumble @sovereignsisters

We're always Disrupting the Norm on the Sovereign Sisters Podcast! Changes are afoot -- come join us as we unveil the unexpected!
JOIN US LIVE MONDAYS AT 4pm PT~5pm MT~6pm CT~7pm on Rumble @ sovereignsisters

What's going on at the Sovereign Sisters Podcast? Disrupting the Norm of course! What's weighing on our minds? Find out the unfiltered truth!


JOIN US LIVE | MONDAYS AT 4pm PT~5pm MT~6pm CT~7pm ET on Rumble @sovereignsisters

Get ready for a mind-opening chat as the Sovereign Sisters shine light on a topic often hidden in plain sight: weather manipulation. In this episode, we're diving deep into how governments use geoengineering to control the weather, stirring up chaos, fear, and making us reliant on those in power. It's a conversation that will make you question what you thought you knew and empower you to see beyond the clouds.

JOIN US LIVE | MONDAYS AT 4pm PT~5pm MT~6pm CT~7pm ET on Rumble @sovereignsisters and YouTube @SovereignSistersPodcast

Join our trio of audacious, no-nonsense women as we dish out the unfiltered truth about the insidious world of synthetic eats. We're not here to sugarcoat it – these addictive, nutritionally void concoctions are wreaking havoc on our health, loaded with chemicals that are more nightmare than nourishment. From exposing the dirty secrets of the food industry to diving deep into the diseases lurking in every processed bite, we're throwing caution to the wind and serving up a fresh perspective on what it means to truly nourish ourselves. So, grab your headphones and get ready to join the rebellion against fake food f*kery!

JOIN US LIVE | MONDAYS AT 4pm PT~5pm MT~6pm CT~7pm ET on Rumble @sovereignsisters and YouTube @SovereignSistersPodcast

This episode goes out to the one who nurtures us, pushes her needs aside, has been disrespected over and over again and has been putting up with our crap for far too long...Mother Earth. This is our dedication to you!
Join the Sovereign Sisters as we discuss the literal Ins and Outs of the Earth. Is Earth Hollow? Is it Flat? Is it a Spinning Ball? What's up with that Ice Wall? What's up with the Schumann Resonance?
JOIN US LIVE | MONDAYS AT 4pm PT~5pm MT~6pm CT~7pm ET on Rumble @sovereignsisters and YouTube @SovereignSistersPodcast
Find out more about the Sovereign Sisters at

In this episode, "Unfiltered & Uncensored" we delved into a wide range of topics, from the intriguing nuances of a spiritual expo and the practice of mediumship to the complex dichotomy between organized religion and individual spirituality. Our discussions are characterized by open, honest hearts, encouraging a dialogue with our live audience. What’s weighing on your mind? Share your unfiltered truth with us in the comments below.

Find out more about the Sovereign Sisters at
JOIN US LIVE | MONDAYS AT 4pm PT~5pm MT~6pm CT~7pm ET on Rumble @sovereignsisters and YouTube @SovereignSistersPodcast

Dive into the shadow with us in this latest podcast episode, where we unravel the mysteries of the total solar eclipse that enchanted North America on April 8, 2024. From Mexico through the United States and touching parts of Canada, this celestial event turned day into night, captivating millions. With the path of totality covering densely populated regions, spectators experienced up to 4 minutes and 28 seconds of darkness, marking this as a monumental occurrence in the history of total solar eclipses. Explore the truth and the profound impacts of this awe-inspiring event. How will this eclipse transform us? Join our exploration into the Moon’s shadow and discover the possibilities. Watch the recording now to be part of this extraordinary journey!

JOIN US LIVE | MONDAYS AT 4pm PT~5pm MT~6pm CT~7pm ET on Rumble @sovereignsisters and YouTube @SovereignSistersPodcast

"The ABC's of Conspiracy PART 2" is a fun continuation of a live podcast series where we explored deep into the world of conspiracy theories, from M to Z of the alphabet. Following the high-spirited and engaging atmosphere of Part 1, which covered A through L, Part 2 embarked on another adventurous journey through the lower half of the alphabet, delving into the less revealed mysteries that have captivated conspiracy theorists worldwide.

People who have often been labeled as "Conspiracy Theorists" will appreciate the frankness of this podcast as it provides an opportunity to showcase the knowledge that is set to vindicate their views. The atmosphere of the podcast emphasizes the importance of open discussion and exploration of “alternative” viewpoints which are known as truths in our movement.

By unraveling these mysteries together in real-time, "The ABC's of Conspiracy Part 2" was not just to entertain but also to inform, exposing the mainstream narratives and challenge listeners to think critically about the world around them. It's a celebration of curiosity, skepticism, and the pursuit of truth, all wrapped up in this interactive podcast.

JOIN US LIVE | MONDAYS AT 4pm PT~5pm MT~6pm CT~7pm ET on Rumble @SovereignSisters and YouTube @SovereignSistersPodcast

Find out more about the Sovereign Sisters at

What a wild ride we had on our latest podcast episode! Ever felt like you've been labeled a "Conspiracy Theorist" in recent years? Well, it seems like our instincts were onto something because many of the theories we've been discussing have actually started to unfold. It's time to embrace our inner detectives and showcase just how much we've picked up along the way!

In this interactive podcast, we embarked on an exhilarating journey through the alphabet, with each letter representing a different conspiracy theory topic. In Part 1 of this theme, we went from A to L, delving into the realms of the unknown, piecing together clues and uncovering hidden truths.

The real fun began when our live viewers joined us, dropping their words related to each letter in the comments section. Together, we formed a community of truth-seekers, unraveling mysteries in real-time and proving that being a "Conspiracy Theorist" isn't just a title – it's a badge of honor!

Thanks to everyone who tuned in and participated. Remember, the truth is out there, and it's up to us to uncover it. Stay curious, stay sovereign, and above all, keep having fun on this wild journey of discovery!

Come back next Monday, April 2 at 4pm PT~5pm MT~6pm CT~7pm ET for Part 2. Join us live on Rumble @SovereignSisters and YouTube @SovereignSistersPodcast.

We want to give a shout out to Firmamental ( for inspiring us to do our own ABC’s of Conspiracy.

Dive deep into the unseen energies of Mother Earth and explore "Is Mother Earth Making You Sick?" Led by our Sovereign Sister Lisa Richards, alongside co-hosts, Angela Atkins and Tami Haines, this eye-opening discussion delves into the concept of Geopathic Stress – the hidden radiation emitted from the Earth's crust. Discover how seemingly harmless elements like underground waterways, caves, fault lines, and oil veins can disrupt your health and well-being. From disturbing your sleep to affecting your productivity, these energies can lead to the onset of various ailments.

However, rest assured, there's a simple solution to mitigate these effects: relocating to areas free from Geopathic Stress. Whether it's just a few steps away or miles afar, the benefits to your health can be profound.

JOIN US LIVE | MONDAYS AT 4pm PT~5pm MT~6pm CT~7pm ET on Rumble @SovereignSisters and YouTube @SovereignSistersPodcast

Dr. Judy Morgan is a true trailblazer in the world of veterinary medicine! In a world where pet health can often be overshadowed by profit margins and questionable practices, Dr. Judy stands tall as a fierce defender of animal well-being. She fearlessly exposes the dark underbelly of the pet food industry, shedding light on the dangers of chemicals, over-vaccination, and subpar nutrition. Join us as Dr. Judy rattles the very foundations of the industry.

Judy Morgan DVM, CVA, CVCP, CVFT is a certified veterinary acupuncturist, chiropractitioner, and food therapist. After 36 years, Dr. Morgan retired from clinical practice in 2020. She now focuses on empowering pet parents to provide longer, healthier lives for their pets through educational courses and seminars, blogs, international speaking engagements, and her Naturally Healthy Pets podcast. Her e-commerce site, Naturally Healthy Pets, provides high-quality products to enrich the lives of animals. She is a best-selling author of seven books and has appeared on CNN, PBS, ABC, CBS, NBC, and hundreds of radio shows and podcasts. Her goal is to change the lives of over ten million pets by teaching pet owners worldwide how to minimize the use of chemicals, vaccinations, and poor-quality processed food while using natural healing therapies.

Dr. Morgan has been awarded:
2023 People's Choice Award Winner
2022 Game Changer Award Winner
2021 IAOTP Empowered Woman of the Year
2019 Pet Age Woman of Influence
2019 IAOTP Veterinarian of the Year
2019 Veterinary Hero Award Nominee
2018 Woman of the Year in the Pet Industry

In an era where the very essence of our food system seems to be in the hands of political agendas, one man stands sovereign, advocating for clean eating and sustainable living. Bruce Haines, a true steward of the land and a beacon of hope in the realm of agriculture brings his knowledge of the “system” to light. His journey towards clean food production spans over a decade, marked by unwavering dedication and a deep-rooted passion for nurturing the earth and feeding the community.
It's a reality where healthy foods are often held hostage by big government under the guise of protection, but as Bruce and many others like him know, it's more about control than genuine concern for public health. The regulations and red tape imposed on small-scale, sustainable farmers often serve to suffocate their operations rather than support them.
In a world where the industrial food complex reigns supreme, individuals like Bruce Haines and Amos Miller serve as beacons of light, guiding us towards a future where the health of the planet and its people take precedence over profit and control. It's time to rally behind the voices of change and reclaim our food system from the clutches of political agendas.
JOIN US LIVE | MONDAYS AT 4pm PT 5pm MT 6pm CT 7pm ET on Rumble @SovereignSisters and YouTube @SovereignSistersPodcast

In this episode of the Sovereign Sisters Podcast, we delved into the topic of preparedness during power outages and system failures. With recent events like AT&T outages and widespread power failures across the globe, we focus on reclaiming sovereignty in the face of such disruptions.

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In this thought-provoking podcast, we delve into the paradigm shift happening in the realm of healthcare, exploring the concepts of fasting, medical sovereignty, and the impending transformation of the allopathic medical model.

Our discussion begins with fasting, a practice that has gained significant attention for its potential health benefits beyond mere weight loss. We explore how fasting not only promotes physical detoxification and metabolic health but also stimulates autophagy, a cellular rejuvenation process crucial for longevity.

Transitioning to the notion of medical sovereignty, we emphasize the importance of individuals reclaiming autonomy over their health decisions. With the rise of information accessibility of natural healing modalities, people are increasingly questioning the traditional allopathic approach and seeking personalized, holistic solutions tailored to their unique needs.

We explore the allopathic medical model, which often prioritizes symptom management over addressing root causes and fails to acknowledge the interconnectedness of mind, body, and spirit. As society becomes more disillusioned with a system focused on pharmaceutical interventions, there is growing momentum towards embracing integrative approaches that honor the innate healing capacities of the human body.

Throughout the podcast, we encourage listeners to explore diverse perspectives, educate themselves, and actively participate in their health journey. By fostering a culture of empowerment and self-responsibility, we envision a future where individuals are empowered to make informed choices that align with their well-being, ultimately paving the way for a new age in healthcare.

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Don’t miss out on the next episodes of the Sovereign Sisters Podcast – Mondays at 7:00 PM ET

In this episode, Natural Healing Solutions, we share our “secrets” of herbal and natural remedies. In today's fast-paced world, many of us are seeking alternative approaches to support our health and well-being, and what better way to do so than by tapping into the power of nature itself?
Using nature's farmacy of herbs, essential oils and more, we offer a treasure trove of healing solutions derived from plants and natural ingredients. From ancient times to the modern day, civilizations around the globe have relied on the medicinal properties of herbs and botanicals to address a myriad of health concerns.
In this podcast, we delve into our home remedies, exploring the diverse array of common pantry items, herbs and essential oils to make healing remedies that have been used for centuries to promote vitality and wellness. Whether it's the boost from cayenne pepper, the soothing sweetness of honey, or the detoxifying properties of apple cider vinegar, we share our own remedies using nature's healing secrets.
So, whether you're a seasoned herbal enthusiast or just beginning to explore the world of natural healing, our podcast has something for everyone. Tune in, subscribe, and let's embark on this exciting adventure together. Nature's farmacy awaits!
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Tune in to the premiere episode of the Sovereign Sisters Podcast hosted by Angela Atkins, Tami Haines, and Lisa Richards. In this inaugural discussion, the trio delves into the topic of sovereignty, exploring its significance in the contemporary world as they unpack what sovereignty means to them and why it matters now more than ever.

Find out more about us at

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Created 4 months, 2 weeks ago.

17 videos

Category Education