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2 Thessalonians 2:3-7, focal verse 7. When the Holy Spirit is taken out of the world, all hell is literally going to break lose. God is holding the evil back from taking over like it really wants too.

Psalm 34:8. How can you tell someone what something tastes like if they have never tasted it before.

Just because you don't fit into the "elite" of the world doesn't mean God cannot use you. He doesn't look on the outer appearance as the world does, He looks at the heart of the person. David's Mighty Men were misfits and outcasts.

Matthew 11:28-30: People often feel weighed down, burdened, and weary during hard times in life, but Jesus said, "I will give you rest."


Created 3 years, 2 months ago.

4 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith