Health & fitness 2024

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Health & fitness 2024



'What I really like about the ZOE approach is that it's not a kind of restrictive list of do's and don'ts and things you're not supposed to eat. It's all about adding in the good stuff''

We’ve teamed up with Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall to bring you seasonal recipes that pack in the plants to support your gut health.

For more information on how to improve your gut health and to start your ZOE journey today, head to

Half the Garden Soup:

You don’t have to use all the veg mentioned here and quantities do not need to be precise either. Brilliant if you can get in 10 or more plants, but
seven or eight is still great!

Serves 4-6

2 tbsp olive or rapeseed oil
4-5 banana shallots or 2 medium onions, chopped
1 celery stalk, chopped
1 large or 2 small-medium carrots, scrubbed or peeled and chopped
1 leek, trimmed and sliced
2 cloves garlic, chopped
A small bunch of chard, stems and leaves separated, stems chopped, leaves shredded
2-3 medium beetroot, peeled and chopped fairly small
A wedge of squash, peeled, deseeded and chopped fairly small, about 200g once prepped
1 x 400g tin plum tomatoes, chopped, or about 400g fresh tomatoes, skinned and chopped
A fistful of runner beans, de-stringed and roughly chopped, or French/green beans, de-stalked and
About 750ml veg stock
A handful of cavolo nero and/or Russian kale leaves, removed from the stalks and shredded
A couple of handfuls of peas, fresh or frozen
1 tin borlotti or cannellini beans, drained
Leaves from a couple of sprigs of thyme
Extra virgin rapeseed or olive oil
Salt and freshly ground black pepper

Heat the oil in a large saucepan over a medium heat. Add the shallots or onions and a pinch of salt,
get them sizzling then turn down the heat and let them sweat for about 5 minutes. Add the celery, carrot, leek and garlic and sweat for about 10 minutes until the carrots are starting to become tender.
Add the chopped chard stalks and the beetroot and squash. Add the tinned tomatoes now too, if
using. Cook for about 10 minutes, then add the chopped runner or green beans. Stir and cook for
another few minutes, then add the stock. There should be enough liquid to just cover the veg. Make
it up with a little water if you need to. Increase the heat to bring to the boil, then reduce the heat
and simmer for 10 minutes.
Now add the shredded kale, the chard leaves, the peas and the tomatoes, and cook for a couple of minutes, until the leaves have wilted down. Finally, stir in the tinned beans and the thyme leaves and simmer for a couple of minutes more. Taste and add more salt, and some pepper,
as needed.
Serve straight away, ladled into bowls, with a trickle of extra virgin oil over each, or a good dollop of the Pestomega.

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Proteins, carbs, and fats … most people understand what the last two are. Carbs are sugars, and fat is, well, fat. It's protein that’s so important to our diets, but so often misunderstood — by the general public, that is.

Since the 1950s and 1960s, scientists have been measuring how protein affects our performance, how it supports and maintains the body’s structure, and how best to incorporate it into our diets.

From big steaks to protein shakes, tofu to seitan, protein is more available now than ever before. With so many options, surely we’re getting enough protein?

In today’s episode, Jonathan speaks with a leading nutritional researcher to find out.

Christopher Gardner is a professor at Stanford University and a member of ZOE’s scientific advisory board. He’s pioneering the movement to redefine how we understand the quality of our protein intake.

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As a listener to this show, you’ve probably heard of the gut microbiome. But did you know that your skin has its own microbiome?

Recent evidence suggests that these microbiomes are vital for our skin health. So, what should we do? Which foods make an impact?

And if we want our skin to look healthier, how about those collagen supplements that many of you have asked us about?

In today’s episode, our guest is Dr. Justine Kluk, a consultant dermatologist with a specialist interest in acne. Justine is a member of the British Association of Dermatologists, the Royal Society of Medicine, and the Royal College of Physicians.

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In today’s short episode of ZOE Science & Nutrition, Jonathan and Sarah ask: Are fish oil and omega 3 intakes important, or is this just another food myth?

“Omega 3s,” - we’ve all seen the name Omega 3s advertised on labels from nuts to seeds and even eggs! But are these fats healthy for us, or is this just another food myth?

In today’s short episode of ZOE Science & Nutrition, Jonathan and Sarah ask: Is fish oil and omega 3 intake essential or is this just another food myth?

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'What I really like about the ZOE approach is that it's not a kind of restrictive list of do's and don'ts and things you're not supposed to eat. It's all about adding in the good stuff''

We’ve teamed up with Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall to bring you seasonal recipes that pack in the plants to support your gut health.

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In today’s episode, we’re talking about periods.

Jonathan and Sarah are joined by “The internet’s gynecologist” Dr Jen Gunter to get a better understanding of our body's behavior during the menstrual cycle. Jen will provide you with her period toolkit and offer solutions to the most common problems of modern-day period health.

Dr. Jen Gunter is a gynecologist and pain medicine physician at the Permanente Medical Group in northern California. Her books ‘The Vagina Bible’ and ‘The Menopause Manifesto’ were both New York Times bestsellers. Her 2024 book ‘Blood’ tackles the science, medicine and mythology of menstruation

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Stress is a main factor contributing to ill health, and Dr. Rangan Chatterjee believes that it’s the number-one cause of the illnesses he treats.

In today's episode of ZOE Science & Nutrition, Rangan sheds light on the causes of stress, ranging from sleep deprivation and overwhelming workloads to a lack of quality time with others.

You’ll learn how “microdoses” of stress can reach a tipping point, why recognizing these doses is key, and which powerful strategies can help you cope.

Are you ready to transform your relationship to stress?

Dr. Rangan Chatterjee is regarded as one of the most influential medical doctors in the U.K. He wants to change how medicine is practiced for years to come, and his mission is to help 100 million people around the globe live better lives. He’s a professor of health communication and education at the University of Chester, and he hosts one of the most listened-to health podcasts in the U.K. and Europe — Feel Better, Live More has had over 200 million listens to date and is listened to and watched by over 8 million people every month.

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If nuts are so full of fat, can they really be good for us? Well it turns out that nuts are the ultimate superfood.

Jonathan is joined by Dr. Sarah Berry to explore the food matrix of nuts

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Biochemist Jessie Inchauspe heads into work one morning at a genetics lab in California. During the morning meeting, management offer staff the chance to self-test a new medical device. Jessie accepts.

She couldn’t have known this device would take her on a journey of discovery to reshape her health and help countless others do the same.

The device was a continuous blood sugar monitor, and it was this, combined with her academic background, and a remarkable willingness to use herself as a lab rat, that began a journey of discovery into how blood sugar affects our health.

In today’s episode, Jonathan is joined by two leading experts on the topic:

Jessie Inchauspe is a biochemist, bestselling author, and founder of the Glucose Goddess movement who’s helped hundreds of thousands of people improve their health by making cutting-edge science accessible.
Dr. Sarah Berry is one of the world's leading experts on human nutrition, who has personally run over 20 randomized clinical trials looking at how humans respond to different fats.

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Antibiotics are one of the greatest discoveries of the 21st century. Since their inception, they’ve saved countless lives, but these miracle drugs come at a cost. In some cases, they can seriously affect your health or can even be life-threatening.

In today’s episode, Jonathan puts himself under the microscope. After an injury forced him to take antibiotics, he shows you the effect they had on his own gut bacteria.

Jonathan’s joined by Dr. Will Bulsiewicz and Prof. Tim Spector, who explore the impact of different types of antibiotics, how they affect your bacteria in the short and long term, and how we can reverse the unwanted effect of these drugs.

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What does "organic" food mean? And how do you know if something's organic?

Of course, foods tell you if they're organic in massive letters on the packaging. And they cost way more. But what makes food organic? Is eating organic better for your health? And are the benefits worth the expense?

Luckily, Professor Tim Spector is here today with answers. Tim is one of the world's top 100 most cited scientists, a scientific co-founder of ZOE, and the author of the bestselling book Food for Life: The New Science of Eating Well.

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Our bodies naturally follow a roughly 24-hour cycle, called our circadian rhythm. And every cell has a rhythm.

As we get older, we tend to lose muscle, making us more prone to falls and less able to live independently. Though we can't stop aging, staying active helps keep our muscles strong and our bodies healthy for longer.

Prof. Karyn Esser is a specialist in how the body's natural rhythms affect muscles. Today, she guides us through the latest research and shows that it's always possible to harness the power of your muscles to enhance your quality of life. She is a professor in the Department of Physiology and Aging at the University of Florida, where she’s also the co-director of the University of Florida Older Americans Independence Center.

In today's episode of ZOE Science & Nutrition, Jonathan and Karyn explore the body's internal clocks and ask: why do our muscles have their own schedule, and is there an ideal time of day to exercise?

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Did you know that every 12 years, our skeletons undergo a complete transformation?

Osteoporosis, a condition where bones become fragile, significantly increases the risk of fractures from minor incidents, often without any noticeable symptoms. Worldwide, it affects one in three women and one in five men over fifty, leading to pain, potential disability and loss of independence.

In today’s episode, Jonathan, Tim and Cyrus ask the question: How can understanding osteoporosis and implementing targeted lifestyle changes enhance bone health and reduce the risk of fractures?

Cyrus Cooper is a Professor of Rheumatology at the University of Southampton, where he is also the Director of the MRC Lifecourse Epidemiology Unit and Vice-Dean of Medicine. In addition, he’s a Professor of Musculoskeletal Science at the Nuffield Department of Orthopaedics, Rheumatology and Musculoskeletal Sciences at the University of Oxford.

Tim Spector is one of the world’s top 100 most-cited scientists, a professor of epidemiology, and scientific Co-Founder at ZOE. Tim trained originally in rheumatology and epidemiology.

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Have you gained weight in lockdown? How many pounds have Americans gained on average? Professor Tim Spector and Emily Leeming, RDN share learnings from over 97,000 US respondents on whether or not Americans have gained weight during lockdown and if they have, why. Tim and Emily discuss the science of snacking, how to lose weight by getting your biology on your side and how to test your biology with ZOE.

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"What I really like about the ZOE approach is that it's not a kind of restrictive list of do's and don'ts and things you're not supposed to eat. It's all about adding in the good stuff."

We’ve teamed up with Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall to bring you seasonal recipes that pack in the plants to support your gut health.

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Interested in understanding how many carbs to eat on keto or paleo? Are you trying to decide if low-carb or low-fat is better for you?

Christopher Gardner Professor of Medicine at Stanford University, talks about the DIETFITS study, different diets, the science behind them, and how many carbs you should really eat. He discusses randomized control trials and what the future looks like for personal nutrition.

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Watch our simple steps to log your vaccine with the ZOE COVID Symptom Study.

To log your vaccine, open the ZOE COVID Symptom Study app and begin your daily report.

You should be presented with a screen titled, ‘Your COVID-19 vaccines’ - if you don’t see this screen, head to the app store and make sure you’ve got the latest version of the app installed on your device.

Pick the name of the vaccine you received from the drop down list.

And select the date of your dose from the calendar.

Enter the batch number of your vaccine if you know it. You’ll find details on a card given to you at the time you were vaccinated.

Once you’ve completed these steps, you’ll see your vaccine record.

You can edit these details, add a second dose or simply confirm your details are correct.

The app will then ask questions about any local after effects you might be experiencing around the injection site.

Once you’ve completed this step, you can begin the usual symptom report.

If you’re not feeling quite right, whether or not symptoms could be a result of your vaccine, tell us about it.

If you reported any of the symptoms associated with COVID-19 infection, even if they could have been brought on as an after effect of your vaccine, we’ll invite you for a COVID-19 test via email.

Even though you’ve been recently vaccinated, we recommend you accept any invitation to test yourself for COVID.

Remember, you’re still vulnerable to infection for some time after your vaccination, and should continue to take precautions and follow official guidance

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Asking Siri or ChatGPT for medical advice right now is a terrible idea. But major breakthroughs in AI and language processing are poised to revolutionize many industries, including medicine.

While our first fear is that AI will replace human jobs, Dr. Eric Topol is far more optimistic. The world-renown cardiologist and author has been studying how AI can free doctors from the administrative burdens of the medical business, spend more meaningful time discussing care with patients, and allow patients to self-diagnose far more accurately and efficiently.

But as with all emerging tech, the optimism must be balanced with risk. This week, Jonathan speaks with Dr. Topol about how your next visit to the clinic could be very different.

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Professor Tim Spector from the COVID Symptom Study and ZOE shares the latest data in the UK revealing mixed signals across the country. For the latest regional data visit

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How did two tech entrepreneurs bring one of the world's most-cited scientists on board to start a personalized nutrition company? By supporting him in conducting the world's largest nutrition science study.

Welcome to the ZOE nutrition revolution.

In this episode our co-founders, Professor Tim Spector OBE, Jonathan Wolf and George Hadjigeorgiou sit down to tell the ZOE story and their manifesto for the future of nutrition.

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This year, cases of an invasive bacterial infection are rising earlier than usual in the United States, the United Kingdom, and other countries across Europe.

Infection with group A Streptococcus bacteria — commonly known as strep A — usually only causes mild illness. However, things have become severe in some cases, with several children dying in recent weeks.

So, should we be worried? And what symptoms should we look out for to help us identify this illness in ourselves and our families?

In today’s episode, Jonathan is joined by a world-leading expert on the subject; Shiranee Sriskandan is a professor of infectious diseases at Imperial College London, and her research focuses specifically on strep A bacteria. Regular guest and ZOE co-founder Tim Spector also joins, and as one of the world’s top 100 most cited scientists, Tim has been closely following infectious diseases in the community through the ZOE Health Study.

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Should you be counting calories? We sat down with Christopher Gardner, Professor of Medicine at Stanford University, and Sarah Berry, reader in nutritional sciences at King's College London & lead researcher of the PREDICT studies, to find out.

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Doctors and clinical researchers Claire Steves and Tim Spector share an update on the insights they're learning from COVID Symptom Tracker and how we're using it to aid the global health community, slow the spread of the virus and identify those at risk sooner.

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Tim guides contributors step by step how to use the new improved health report feature in the ZOE Health Study app.

He goes through setting up your 'Usual Self' as well as how to log health reports from now, once your 'Usual Self' is in place.

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Dr Claire Steves and Professor Tim Spector delve into the latest data from the COVID Symptom Study. They will share data around those who have been hospitalised and factors that place them at risk. This includes lung disease, type 2 diabetes, lung disease, asthma, obesity and other co-morbidities.

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Created 3 months, 2 weeks ago.

337 videos

Category Health & Medical

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