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the end

Ayatollah Khameini Tree
(final video tomorrow)

made for Island Records, 1970
music video by me

I intended this video to be a 10-minute clip dump of short events which did not justify their own standalone videos. Then stumbled upon that golden 8-minute clip, so about half the video is just that

Behold, black mesa siege. A video I wanted to make 6 years ago, but evidently not enough

Trying a new daily upload schedule. one new video EVERY DAY. for four days. then i'm done making videos
Over Reactor music: Glad by Traffic
Thunder Run music: Garda Panteri Mauzer by Roki Vulovic

songs used:
the kettle - colosseum
paper hats - this heat
life during wartime - talking heads
masoko tanga - the police
i tried to make them era-accurate so the cold war op gets alt punk/newwave, takistan op gets hardrock

another old ass video i never edited until now. Music from the album Vanishing Point by Primal Scream (thanks to my friend Kuze for showing me that)

yes i always played arma with this bad a framerate
no this video is not new... well, yes, it's new in the sense I just made it. the footage is definitely not new though. I've been combing through my 2018-2019 era footage and there's a lot of good stuff i didn't turn into videos: skinhead joe perhaps being the best of them. This might be the last year i ever upload more than one time, I promise you there will be more 2018 shenanigans later this month. I still have some more hours to comb through...

my quota of one video per year has been fulfilled. happy halloween everyone
i'll try not to post coal next year (no promises)

glad i got a video out this year
music is from the album 'Third' by Soft Machine

nerf 049

I mumble throughout this whole video, hope you enjoy (probably not making another isaac video until online co-op drops)

Another jojoke I worked 5 hours on. No I still don't have a youtube channel again, and probably won't ever unless youtube does a mass un-ban wave. Which is unlikely.

2nd-person perspective for nik, made completely using photos he sent me from his time in the marines
the true ending is sad as fuck and you shouldn't read it if you want to not cry.
although if you do read it, you will get 200 microsoft points.

Meant to upload this when I made it 4 months ago, forgot about it.


sources: Calebcity & Diamond Is Unbreakable

its calax not kale axe you utter fractionbrain.

expect no new calax or VC episodes anytime soon. Maybe other new videos but i doubt it.

Sorry that we both made shit characters but i think the krieger squad carried the party on that end. And by the krieger squad i mean brainlet. And by brainlet i mean nik's ability to just be funny, which is an infinite supply.

Sorry that this one is pretty boring, I didn't want to drag it out to 30 minutes, and nothing particularly exciting happened this episode. There is not a single edit, besides cuts, shots, text, and music. The next one is a combat episode, so don't worry, it gets better.

The Ultimate Shitpost.
Music is Chase - Noteblock Edition (courtesy of plebbit user u/Underhacker)
Next episode of VC should be up eventually... I'm just high key putting it off. We are also putting off having another session so...

We finally did another one of these last week. Sorry my mic was off for the first third. Also sorry for the discord PTT sound, that actually was picked up by the mic.

Sorry to disappoint: Very old video. Idk how this wasn't uploaded earlier, but this was my first attempt at an ArmA Zeus Op. I went on to make exactly one (i think) ops after this. It involved multiple Dead Man's Switch Suitcase Nukes. Colonel Aziz's Son died. This was made in July 2018 when I was 16 years old. (and still had a FUCKING YOUTUBE ACCOUNT)

I am running away from Valve HQ in Bellevue as I upload this. This is pure and uncut leaked gameplay from the new update coming out.

My Autistic ass XCOM Campaign

Yeah, this is a re-up. It improves a few things, especially the lip syncing, and even the thumbnail looks a little nicer.
But the reason i had to remake this in the first place was this video which I wish came out a few weeks earlier. I was using Cornered before this, which had the perfect timing for this, but since I saw this video it is now using the real noise


Created 4 years, 11 months ago.

50 videos

Category Gaming