CLO2 Solutions

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CLO2 Solutions

Scott McRae


Dr. Chetty eloquently discusses his successful treatment of over 14,000 COVID patients, saving them ALL from hospitalization and death. He also discusses his persecution for saving those lives and we learn about his early years and his willingness to be jailed to bring about freedom in apartheid South Africa. Finally he speaks of our spiritual battle from the perspective of a scientist and our mission right now, and how we can be victorious over the evil in our world. Truly the best Dr. Chetty interview ever!

Jeffrey Sachs gives us the most insightful explanation of the Russia-Ukraine war CAUSE. It was NOT unprovoked. It was ABSOLUTELY PROVOKED!

Great documentary on how unsafe and ineffective the covid vaccines are and how safe and effective IVERMECTIN IS (& HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE) ZERO mention of Chlorine Dioxide though, since it is truly the most censored safe and effective molecule (and hidden) on the planet which has the power to destroy Big Pharma.

In 2012, DARPA, the research division of the US military, ... started the "Pandemic Prevention Platform" which used gene encoded vaccines ... RNA or DNA, and their goal was to stop a pandemic in 60 days. A year later, MODERNA received a multi-million dollar contract. The reason they covered all this up and made everyone believe the jabs were developed by Pfizer and Moderna is because nobody would have taken the COVID-19 shots if they knew they were actually a part of a military program. So everyone who took these shots were really just a part of a HUGE military experiment. No wonder why China never gave its people these experimental mRNA COVID-19 jabs which GMO'd humanity. If you have been GMO'd, you might want to look into CLO2 Solutions. You can find information about CLO2 on my Telegram Channel here:

COVID-19 Planned Depopulation Sequence of Events AND What The Hell Happened To The “EXPERTS”

- CREATE the virus, RELEASE the virus, INFECT the weak
- TELL everyone there is NO CURE, TELL them to STAY HOME until they cannot breathe, and only then, to go to a hospital.
- The hospitals are given 100's of thousands of dollars PER PATIENT if they follow the government's "Health Directives" (actually Death Directives), To VENTILATE THEM & PUT THEM ON REMDESIVIR (Remdesivir having a higher kill-rate than Ebola, OVER 50%) until DEAD.
- IF the weak make it past Stage 1, begin Stage 2

- Convince everyone (using influencers, media and government) to take the GMO COVID-19 jabs which will eventually kill not only the weak but also the strong via the mRNA in the jabs which highjack everyone's cells to create SPIKE PROTEIN (the deadliest, most toxic part of the virus) which go to every organ of the body (the brain, heart, kidneys, liver, ovaries, testes [think STERILIZATION] etc...).

- As a backup plan, the COVID-19 jab also contains SV40 virus fragments (cancer causing) and foreign DNA fragments (from the E. coli used to mass produce the killer mRNA) which will enter the lipid nanoparticles, an important part of the COVID-19 jabs and also toxic to the human body, which have the ability to deliver the fragments directly into the nucleus of every cell of the body which will eventually cause cancer, autoimmune diseases and god knows what else, which will gradually reduce the population into the future.

- The above “COVID-19 Planned Depopulation” benefits from PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY to protect ALL of its actors along with the general population’s belief that since they are not “EXPERTS” in health, they MUST rely on the so-called “EXPERTS” to tell them what is good for them. It also relies heavily upon the basic greed of humans to seek their own personal good at the expense of the good of others. In other words, 99.999% of the doctors and scientists who understand the “COVID-19 Planned Depopulation” above and who know it’s a fraud and death sentence for the general public, are so tied to their paychecks which give them their houses, cars, nice clothes and food, etc., that they will NOT speak against it for fear of losing their paycheck which gives them all of these things. This is why and how the “COVID-19 Planned Depopulation” works so well. It uses the GREED of individuals against humanity and even the “EXPERTS” themselves, many of whom also got the jab because they were told they would lose their job if they didn’t take the jab. And so they obeyed, even though it must have been against their best judgement if they truly were “EXPERTS”. Then of course, if you as an “EXPERT” took it, you would almost have to recommend it and give it to others, to support your “EXPERT” status and at the same time, increase your PAYCHECK! Again, more GREED!

COVID-19 Planned Depopulation Sequence of Events AND What The Hell Happened To The “EXPERTS”
- CREATE the virus, RELEASE the virus, INFECT the weak
- TELL everyone there is NO CURE, TELL them to STAY HOME until they cannot breathe, and only then, to go to a hospital.
- The hospitals are given 100's of thousands of dollars PER PATIENT if they follow the government's "Health Directives" (actually Death Directives), To VENTILATE THEM & PUT THEM ON REMDESIVIR (Remdesivir having a higher kill-rate than Ebola, OVER 50%) until DEAD.
- IF the weak make it past Stage 1, begin Stage 2
- Convince everyone (using influencers, media and government) to take the GMO COVID-19 jabs which will eventually kill not only the weak but also the strong via the mRNA in the jabs which highjack everyone's cells to create SPIKE PROTEIN (the deadliest, most toxic part of the virus) which go to every organ of the body (the brain, heart, kidneys, liver, ovaries, testes [think STERILIZATION] etc...).
- As a backup plan, the COVID-19 jab also contains SV40 virus fragments (cancer causing) and foreign DNA fragments (from the E. coli used to mass produce the killer mRNA) which will enter the lipid nanoparticles, an important part of the COVID-19 jabs and also toxic to the human body, which have the ability to deliver the fragments directly into the nucleus of every cell of the body which will eventually cause cancer, autoimmune diseases and god knows what else, which will gradually reduce the population into the future.
- The above “COVID-19 Planned Depopulation” benefits from PLAUSIBLE DENIABILITY to protect ALL of its actors along with the general population’s belief that since they are not “EXPERTS” in health, they MUST rely on the so-called “EXPERTS” to tell them what is good for them. It also relies heavily upon the basic greed of humans to seek their own personal good at the expense of the good of others. In other words, 99.999% of the doctors and scientists who understand the “COVID-19 Planned Depopulation” above and who know it’s a fraud and death sentence for the general public, are so tied to their paychecks which give them their houses, cars, nice clothes and food, etc., that they will NOT speak against it for fear of losing their paycheck which gives them all of these things. This is why and how the “COVID-19 Planned Depopulation” works so well. It uses the GREED of individuals against humanity and even the “EXPERTS” themselves, many of whom also got the jab because they were told they would lose their job if they didn’t take the jab. And so they obeyed, even though it must have been against their best judgement if they truly were “EXPERTS”. Then of course, if you as an “EXPERT” took it, you would almost have to recommend it and give it to others, to support your “EXPERT” status and at the same time, increase your PAYCHECK! Again, more GREED!
My Telegram Channel Link:

Dr. Janci Lindsay: "... this is the most dangerous platform that has ever been released on Mankind." Dr. Janci Lindsay and Dr. Buckhaults on DNA contamination of COVID-19 jabs in S. Carolina senate hearing. Extremely powerful testimony.
*My CLO2 Solutions Telegram Channel Join Link:

Lots of good information in this video but not a mention of how Israel allowed this attack to even start and then also stood down for 6 to 7 hours and allowed it to continue.

October 7th was orchestrated by Israel who stood down to allow it to happen and then showed up about 6 to 7 hours later to then even kill its own citizens to create the FALSE FLAG story that Hamas killed 1200, including beheading babies, etc. This was all done so that they could use the attack as an excuse to do their genocide in Gaza, and take Gaza for themselves. By the way, Israel was also at least partially responsible for the demolition of the Twin Towers and Building 7 on 9/11/2001. Look up "Dancing Israelis" to start going down that rabbit hole.

"In the days after 9/11, while Ground Zero continued to smoulder, millions heard Dan Rather and various media outlets repeat vague and unconfirmed reports of arrests that took place that day. These rumors held that Middle Eastern men, presumably Arabs, were arrested in explosive-packed vans in various places around the city on September 11th, and that some had even been photographing and celebrating those events. What most do not realize is that those reports were not mere rumors, and we now have thousands of pages of FBI, CIA and DOJ reports documenting those arrests."—James Corbett

Canadian COVID Care Alliance received billing code data sets from 2015 through 2022 which when analyzed showed an increase in reproductive related illnesses.

Go to the following link for a deep-dive into the data:

*My CLO2 Solutions Telegram Channel Join Link:

The Covid-19 mRNA jabs are GMOs (genetically modified organisms) that are causing turbo cancer.

Therefore, sadly, everyone who got jabbed with one of the mRNA jabs is also a GMO since they themselves have been genetically modified.

An Australian Federal Court case has evidence to say they are GMOs
Case File Number: VID510/2023

Dr Julian Fidge v. Pfizer Australia Pty Ltd & Moderna Pty Ltd

Dr Fidge is an Australian medical doctor and trained pharmacist.

The case has been brought under the Australian Gene Technology Act 2000

Section 10 of Gene Technology Act defines what a Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) is.

First, an Organism is:
1. ‘any biological entity’
2. ‘capable of transferring genetic material’

The Pfizer and Moderna Covid products contain LNP-modRNA complexes
These complexes satisfy being called ‘any biological entity’ under the law

The modRNA is genetic material

The Lipid Nanoparticles or LNPs encapsulate the modRNA and together bio-distribute and transfer the LNP-modRNA complexes throughout the human body

The LNPs then transfect and transfer the modRNA cargo across cell membranes to deliver the modRNA inside cells

By moving the modRNA about the body and then into cells, the LNP-modRNA complexes physically transfer genetic material after injection

So the Organism part of the GMO definition is satisfied by the physical mode of transport of the LNP-modRNA complexes

The next part of the GMO legal definition is – a Genetically Modified Organism is:

3. 'an organism that has been modified by gene technology'

The Gene Technology part requires showing:

Any technique for the modification of genes or other genetic material.

Pfizer and Moderna admit they modify genes to create modified RNA or modRNA for their products

The MHRA, EMA, FDA, and TGA when approving the Covid-19 products recognized Pfizer and Moderna use modified nucleosides for the modRNA

In the TGA Australian approval for Pfizer example, the TGA notes:

The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine, BNT162b2 mRNA (tradename Comirnaty), comprises a nucleoside-modified messenger RNA (modRNA) encoding the viral spike glycoprotein (S) of SARS-CoV-2.

Pfizer and Moderna created their modified nucleosides in the lab using recombinant techniques

So the Gene Technology part of the GMO legal definition is also satisfied

This means the Pfizer & Moderna Covid-19 products satisfy the Australian legal definitions for being called GMOs

Under the Australian Gene Technology Act anyone who ‘deals’ with a GMO in Australia must be regulated under a GMO licence

Pfizer and Moderna failed to apply for GMO licences in Australia

Dealing with GMOs in Australia without a GMO licence is a serious criminal offense under Section 32 of the Gene Technology Act 2000

*My CLO2 Solutions Telegram Channel Join Link:

Insider Dr. Scott Atlas holds nothing back. Fauci and the rest all lied through their teeth.

*My CLO2 Solutions Telegram Channel Join Link:

Dr. Manuel Aparicio, specialist in Traumatology and Orthopedics in Querétaro, Mexico briefly explains his experience and success of using Chlorine Dioxide to treat over 6,000 symptomatic COVID-19 patients with an overall success rate of over 99%. He also treated over 20,000 family members of those 6,000 patients using Chlorine Dioxide as a prophylactic.
*My CLO2 Solutions Telegram Channel Join Link:

Johnson pushing for a stronger police state and more governmental control over us.

Dr. McCullough cites study after study which prove that the Spike Protein of the mRNA COVID-Jabs are causing TurboCancers & Heart Attacks. He explains the mechanisms of damage and explains that it's extremely important that people detox of the spike protein of the jabs which is persisting many months after the injections. He also lets us know what the primary treatments are; things we can buy right now from most natural health food stores: Nattokinase, Bromaline, etc.
-He also says that the people who are most likely to be effected are those who experienced the most problems immediately after injection.
*My CLO2 Solutions Telegram Channel Join Link:
-May you be well

Bottom line is that the mRNA-COVID-Jabs are destroying the immune system which normally keep cancers in check.
-My Protocol-1 might help boost the immune system until it does its own self-correction/repairs itself. I would not wait until I had cancer though.
-May you be well

Dr. Coleman explains how governments around the world are using the slippery slope of EUTHANASIA to justify the ending of the lives of more and more people for ridiculous reasons, outside of the traditional way it has been used in the past; to put an end to severe pain and suffering in extreme circumstances. In my mind, the fact that more and more people are accepting this is an indication of how immoral our societies are becoming. As conscious beings, we should not take the lives of anyone, and especially not our own, period. If anyone offers to take your life, run!
-If you are struggling with suicidal thoughts seek counseling from someone who will NOT offer euthanasia. For a great method to become free of suicidal thoughts (or any unhealthy thoughts), read the book, "The NeverMind Game" which you can find here in my Dropbox:
-May you be well _/\_

Ivor Cummins explains how they have planned to control the masses for at least a century. What do COVID, Global Warming, The Trans Agenda, Farm Shutdowns and Mass Immigration all have in common? It ain't good, but watch this video to find out AND learn what you can do about it. Please Share! All those who can see need to prepare and push back massively.

The Baltimore Bridge was demolished intentionally by someone. This video will open your eyes to this fact (if they're not already opened). Within 3 separate scenes, I point out the "Fireworks", the "Dust" and the "Clouds". This all reminds me of the 9/11/2001 lies and the use of NANOTHERMITE. What do you think?

For a clearer video you can also find this in my Dropbox here:

Excellent discussion about how the gut and its bacteria has been effected by COVID. Dr. Chetty saw this as early as May of 2020. In my opinion, Chlorine Dioxide will take care of ALL of the problems discussed in this video, and the best CLO2 Solutions would be activated or unactivated MMS drops or Scott's Antidote or CDH4000, in that order, but not CDS in this case because it doesn't have any sodium chlorite in it. The reason why I think this is because I believe it's important for some sodium chlorite to get past the stomach and into the small intestine, just like with what happens when it's used to cure malaria, even though it causes some nausea. In this way, the sodium chlorite and some chlorine dioxide will be able to do its work there in the small intestines and also in the liver where it will be carried to. This is similar to when these CLO2 Solutions are used to cure malaria, which is a microscopic parasite which has a stage of development in the liver, and the sodium chlorite and chlorine dioxide kill them (the parasites) there in the liver via the small intestines. As for the colon, Chlorine Dioxide Solutions can also be administered as an enema there too.

Dr. Paul Marik and Dr. Pierre Kory were joined by special guest Kevin McKernan, CSO and Founder of Medicinal Genomics, for a discussion on DNA contamination and the risks associated with the use of COVID vaccines.
-Since no solutions were discussed I'd like to say that in my opinion Chlorine Dioxide should be able to mitigate many of the problems discussed and people can find out more about how to make and use it to treat the problems on my CLO2 Solutions Substack and Telegram group: & (Telegram group)
***May you all be well everyone***

It's one thing for our governments to hide military secrets from us, but healthcare? Really? Why would our government want to hide anything about our healthcare from us? Watch this video to find out.

More videos like this on my "CLO2 Solutions" Bitchute channel here:

Dr. Tess Lawrie sits down with Andreas Kalcher to discuss Chlorine Dioxide's use in getting to the root causes of disease.

On the same day I personally got an answer from Andreas through a friend of mine who frequently talks with him. I had asked if Andreas knows if Chlorine Dioxide can dissolve the white rubbery blood clots being found in the still alive COVID jabbed, and he said yes, Chlorine Dioxide does dissolve those white clots. This being the case, my Protocol 1 which I made a video of which is here on this channel, may just be the very thing that can dissolve them and save lives. It's the easiest Chlorine Dioxide protocol that I've ever done. No bad taste or smell. I just put the sodium chlorite drops in all my water and drink as usual.

Here's the link to our "CLO2 Solution" Telegram group if you would like to learn more about Chlorine Dioxide use:

And here's my Substack:

It's one thing for our governments to hide military secrets from us, but healthcare? Really? Why would our government want to hide anything about our healthcare from us? Watch this video to find out. With Dr. Pierre Kory, Del Bigtree, Laura Logan, Dr. Robert Malone, Kevin Mckernan, Dr. Ryan Cole and many many more all speak at this extremely important and informative roundtable event.

By the way, what else in the realm of healthcare might they not want you, Joe citizen to know? Chlorine Dioxide is one thing. To find out more about it and how it can help you, check out my Substack: or you can also search for "CLO2 Solutions" on Telegram and join my group.

Whistleblower of a Catheter Lab Says He Is Removing The White Rubbery Clots From Those Who Received the mRNA COVID Jabs & Are Still Alive. Previously it was believed that these strange rubbery white clots formed only AFTER people died but apparently they are actually forming in people that are still alive! - An interview by Dr. McMillan. Dr. Chetty joins the conversation too. Shocking testimony!

***Important Note: According to Andreas Kalcker, CLO2 (chlorine dioxide) does dissolve these clots, so if I were jabbed (I'm not), I would continuously do Protocol 1 which I made a video about here on this channel.

Sorry for the bad news folks. I'm trying to find out if Chlorine Dioxide will dissolve these clots internally and I will produce a video if I find out it can.

Here's my Substack:

“Autopsy is not only a service to the doctors who were responsible for the patient, but it is a public service for our health system.” - Prof. Dr. Arne Burkhardt
Many cases of sudden death and severe disease have been reported since the rollout of the COVID-19 gene-based vaccines. Early on, several doctors and scientists warned that the COVID vaccines would lead to several complications including autoimmune disease, blood clots, strokes, and more. Additionally, The Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, or VAERS, data showed a strong correlation between the vaccines and adverse events. But how does one determine in an individual case that the vaccine was the cause of death or the adverse event? It is through pathology.
An early pioneer of pathological investigations into vaccine adverse events was Prof. Arne Burkhardt — a senior, highly accomplished pathologist from Germany. Prof. Burkhardt came out of retirement in 2021 to examine the autopsy and biopsy materials of vaccinated patients. The work of Prof. Burkhardt not only provided strong evidence of vaccine causation, it substantiated the professional medical hypotheses of doctors and scientists around the world.
Journalist Taylor Hudak interviewed Prof. Burkhardt in his laboratory in Reutlingen, Germany, shortly before his death in May 2023. Prof. Burkhardt explains several of his findings in detail as well as which testing mechanisms he used. Additionally, he shares his perspectives on the public health industry and academic and medical science as well as what motivated him to do this work.
Please Share and Like to help spread this extremely important information that Prof. Burkhardt gave us in his last year of life. His life's work is now in your hands. Thanks


Created 2 years, 11 months ago.

159 videos

Category Health & Medical

The information shared on CLO2 Solutions is for educational purposes only and should not be considered as health advice. Always seek the help of an experienced healthcare provider for health concerns.