Conspiracy Music Productions

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Conspiracy Music Productions



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Is Tito good enough to deserve 100 subs?

Thank you to my subscribers!

The three people who didn't like my last one aren't going to like this one either! But seriously, I appreciate dislikes too.

Thank you to my subscribers. I will be uploading music more often. Be sure to comment, positive or negative!

The mice have returned with this surely not-to-be smash hit!
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Leave a comment! Even just for the hell of it!

Camping music video by Dinokuji fresh from the Underground Lair Studio!
Bears are the most dangerous animal in the woods, they will smell your campfire from over a mile away- then they will devour you.
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Headphone mix.

New song from Dinokuji
Copyright 2021 Conspiracy Music Productions

"Ohio beckons your return"
Copyright 2021 Conspiracy Music Productions

Music inspired by the movie.

Check out this hot new Dinokuji song fresh from the Underground Lair Studio.
Copyright 2021 Conspiracy Music Productions

Dinokuji music video
Copyright 2021 Conspiracy Music Productions

Copyright 2021 Conspiracy Music Productions

Music inspired by the film of the same name.
Copyright 2021 Conspiracy Music Productions

Tito McPeebles' cover of the infamous 2003 Cyborg Turtlehead hit

Copyright 2021 Conspiracy Music Productions

Please subscribe to this channel so we can support our artists! Thanks for listening!
Copyright 2021 Conspiracy Music Productions

Dinokuji presents:
A sensational retro exercise video with fun trivia and arson!
Copyright 2021 Conspiracy Music Productions

Enjoy this Rock 'n Roll video about one of the best states in America!
Copyright 2020 Conspiracy Music Productions
Written and recorded by Cyborg Turtlehead at the Underground Lair Studio

Pseudo Synth wave
Written and recorded by Cyborg Turtlehead
Alesis SR-16 sequencer and Yamaha MIDI keyboard provided by Underground Lair Studio
Copyright 2020 Conspiracy Music Productions


Created 3 years, 2 months ago.

34 videos

Category Music

Cyborg Turtlehead! Dinokuji! Tito McPeebles!
CMP was formed in 2004 and delivers music with a fresh, independent perspective to the masses.