Fear God Repent and Keep the Faith✝

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Fear God Repent and Keep the Faith✝

Fear God Repent and Keep the Faith✝


Track - A New Season Dawns
Speaker - Council of Time - Michael
Website - http://www.counciloftime.com/
Donation - http://counciloftime.com/donation.aspx

A very tender deep broadcast about loss and joy. Finding truth -
God doesn't make mistakes - You are here for his purpose. You have been prepared to live in these times.

Track - Tomorrow's Not Promised
Speaker - Council of Time - Michael
Website - http://www.counciloftime.com/
Donation - http://counciloftime.com/donation.aspx

Track - Qualifications For Serving Our Lord
Speaker - Council of Time - Michael
Website - http://www.counciloftime.com/
Donation - http://counciloftime.com/donation.aspx

God will fully deliver what He has promised - we may not all be at the same place in our walk with the Lord but He is bringing us closer to Him thru the trials we are given...these Trials qualify us by proving what we believe and who we are.
A trial will cause the real person to surface.
Watch the reactions of people in a trial...what comes out.
Fruit is what we leave behind.
Do not carry the residue of rejection from one place to the next. Do not minister to others when compromised...it is in your heart and will spread...and mix into the Word of God defiling it.
Asking in prayer in the name of Jesus must be within the will of God and bring Glory only to the Lord Jesus...not yourself.

Track - Birthing Pains (2014)
Speaker - Council of Time - Michael
Website - http://www.counciloftime.com/
Donation - http://counciloftime.com/donation.aspx

Track - Revealing Whats Been Hidden (2014)
Speaker - Council of Time - Michael
Website - http://www.counciloftime.com/
Donation - http://counciloftime.com/donation.aspx

Track - Fishers of Men
Speaker - The Once Lost Now Found sheep

Track - Re-Evaluate What You Have Been Following
Speaker - Council of Time - Michael
Website - http://www.counciloftime.com/
Donation - http://counciloftime.com/donation.aspx

Michael spoke on Hosea 8 tonight along with many topics...God chooses Kings...be careful taking in what the media is saying right now - propaganda. Maintain a Godly Standard - Choose the Father's Ways. What you sow you will reap.
God will visit the darkness of this world. Do you dilute your salvation with the doctrines of this world? This is your day to change.
What you act on is the truth of you...not what you say.
The mind is the gateway to the heart.
There is a planetary impact coming and we will hear from Michael at that window of timing.
You cannot loose what belongs to you.

Track - Have your Mind Made Up
Speaker - Council of Time - Michael
Website - http://www.counciloftime.com/
Donation - http://counciloftime.com/donation.aspx

Get yourselves prepared internally. The condition of your physical body does not effect you spiritually.
Zephaniah 1: 12
Answer this truthfully, do you agree with the Gospel of Jesus Christ ?

Track - Uttermost Salvation
Speaker - Charles Lawson

Track - Glory in Tribulation
Speaker - Council of Time - Michael
Website - http://www.counciloftime.com/
Donation - http://counciloftime.com/donation.aspx

"One more time a period of Grace is given and then the house will be uprooted in a very painful way"...if they don't choose for humanity they will be uprooted...
Jupiter is an indicator of what is next for us. The spot on Jupiter is the hottest spot of the planet and feeds heat to the whole planet. When Jupiter lights up like a light bulb it all begins...
Something was discovered outside our solar system...found by accident and has potential to destroy everything...a real black hole
Most of the population of the world lives within 10 miles of the ocean...there will be worldwide coastal flooding and deaths.
Commitment can only be true if love is involved. Count your blessings not your losses.
A dark kingdom is arising...God's love is conveyed to us in our tribulations Romans 5
Be used as a vessel to show God's deliverance to the world.
Discussion of Democracy and Republic.
When you forget the "house" is a blessing, that is when it is torn down.

Track - The Days of Noah Have Come
Speaker - Lion of Judah

Track - Knowledge (2014)
Speaker - Council of Time - Michael
Website - http://www.counciloftime.com/
Donation - http://counciloftime.com/donation.aspx

Track - The Great Falling Away in the Church is Here
Speaker - Tim Dilena

Speaker - Council of Time - Michael
Website - http://www.counciloftime.com/
Donation - http://counciloftime.com/donation.aspx

There is a time and a season for everything. Those with a Born Again Spirit
are given power to become the Sons of God.
Jesus was the first comforter.
The word of God will not return void.
The world was made by Him and He was in the world, and the world knew Him not.
You must be Born Again to see the Kingdom.
Signs and Wonders follow the gospel of Christ.

Track - Your Life Is A Crucible
Speaker - Council of Time - Michael
Website - http://www.counciloftime.com/
Donation - http://counciloftime.com/donation.aspx

Can you maintain your faith during a government shake up? See your world thru Spiritual eyes. Define what you really need. Do you require appreciation from the world?
Everything God does is for His purpose. You are here , in this world to shine the light of Christ. Trust in the Spirit...Walk in the Spirit...not in data information.
Seek to Honor Christ.
Different Q and A topics

Track - We Must Realise THIS POWER
Speaker - Carter Conlon

Track - The World Does Not Have The Truth
Speaker - Council of Time - Michael
Website - http://www.counciloftime.com/
Donation - http://counciloftime.com/donation.aspx

Track - The Power of Words
Speaker - Lion of Judah

Track - Trust in the Lord's Resolve
Speaker - Council of Time - Michael
Website - http://www.counciloftime.com/
Donation - http://counciloftime.com/donation.aspx

The top thing in your heart will consume you. Walk as a child of the King and not as a victim. Information gathering does not edify your Spiritual Life...we cannot live without the Word of God. If we rely on the natural flesh, we will be caught off guard. We are Children of the Spirit...why do we react after-the-fact and not know the results before? We are prideful and still stuck on ourselves. If you look in your past - drifting back over memory lane - you are not looking at Jesus...you are looking back at Sodom.
When our "stuff" is under threat - we are under threat....and defining ourselves by our stuff. You have a Redeemer.
Story of Parents-children-sickness-fire-8 month torment.
Choose the Father's will over your intellect.
Consider the will of God
"keep me Lord" prayer

Track - Are You prepared?
Speaker - Council of Time - Michael
Website - http://www.counciloftime.com/
Donation - http://counciloftime.com/donation.aspx

God causes it to rain on the just and the unjust. Always prepare for the storms. Your joy is in your calling. The key is obedience.
Always go to God for your answers, not man. You have access to the throne.

Track - Simplify Your Life
Speaker - Council of Time - Michael
Website - http://www.counciloftime.com/
Donation - http://counciloftime.com/donation.aspx

Track - Stand And Finish Your Race
Speaker - Council of Time - Michael
Website - http://www.counciloftime.com/
Donation - http://counciloftime.com/donation.aspx

The big betrayal is on the way - so is another on the way with a sweeping embrace.
If you ever want to know what tomorrow is like, the answer it in YOU.
As you grow and change, so does the world.
A great destruction is coming and you are trying to find where it is coming from.
Prophecy should never be based on something we can see.
Satan wants to hide your identity in the chaos he creates.
A person empowered need not show anyone they have power...they are humble and meek.
The words of Jesus are the highest words we could ever receive. Do you believe in what Jesus believed? agree with what Jesus was doing?
Finish your race for the sake of the Gospel. Expect to have the power of the Holy Spirit.
Pray that you are worthy to escape all these things and stand before the kingdom of God. This is day 2 of a 50 day count that ends on July 7th...a Sunday...and the day a vote is to take place in Iran for a new President. Contrast Daniel 11 message with what is happening.
(Dan 11: 19-21)

Track - There Are Demons Everywhere
Speaker - Lion of Judah

Track - Serious Global Update
Speaker - Council of Time - Michael
Website - http://www.counciloftime.com/
Donation - http://counciloftime.com/donation.aspx

Speaker - Council of Time - Michael
Website - http://www.counciloftime.com/
Donation - http://counciloftime.com/donation.aspx


Created 6 years, 5 months ago.

3778 videos

Category Music

John 14:6 - "Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me."

Job 28:28 - "And unto man he said, Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom; and to depart from evil is understanding."

Ecclesiastes 12:13-14 - "Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. For God shall bring every work into judgment, with every secret thing, whether it be good, or whether it be evil."