Females In Fine Fettle Podcast

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Females In Fine Fettle Podcast

Females In Fine Fettle


Cancel culture can be scary AF. Speaking out against the mainstream narrative is scary AF.

Want the sure fire way to avoid criticism?

👉🏼say nothing⁣
👉🏼do nothing⁣
👉🏼be nothing⁣

A lot of people end up choosing to stay quiet and follow the “safe” (aka socially accepted) narrative. NOT because it’s their truth, but because easy-to-swallow concepts, ideas, and opinions, allow them to avoid negative comments, unfollows, and trolls.⁣

But guess what…

⚠️ Playing small, sticking to cliché health advice, avoiding addressing topics you’re passionate about…literally draws ZERO attention to you.⁣

It’s bland. It’s basic. It’s boring.⁣

Not to mention, self-censorship is downright soul-crushing.⁣

✨Be a beacon to the people who are actively seeking someone who can help them. You know what it takes to do that? You need to STAND OUT. Take the risk so that your soul-aligned clients can find you, resonate with your message, and self-identify as someone that YOU are uniquely qualified to help.

- Michelle

#functionalmedicine #howtostartavirtualpractice #howtostartanonlinepractice #onlinehealth #virtualwellness #wellthacademy


Heard this from clients before?

BIG 🚩energy.

I trust my clients to know their bodies better than ANYONE else, so when someone hires me, we do a thorough check of ALL body systems.⁣

Using functional labs, I can uncover subtle imbalances that other doctors EASILY overlook.⁠⁣

For one of my clients, I ran a comprehensive functional blood chemistry analysis, which picked up elevated levels of thyroglobulin antibodies 👉🏼my client’s immune system was attacking her thyroid gland.⁠⁣

This marker is associated with Hashimoto’s, Graves, thyroid nodules, or thyroid cancer, so I referred her to her primary doctor to get an ultrasound.⁠⁣

The doctor didn’t FEEL any nodules during the exam, so they were hesitant to spend money running an ultrasound [don’t get me started!] 🙄⁠⁣

From looking at the labs we KNEW something wasn’t right, so my client was persistent and FINALLY got the ultrasound.⁠⁣

⚠️ Not surprisingly, they found a nodule, which led to a biopsy.⁣

My client wrote to tell me: “My doc said that it was impressive that I’d had all these tests done already. I told her it was not my MD who ordered them, but YOU! My MD did not even feel a nodule! So a huge thank you for being on it.”⁠⁣

Fortunately, she was able to get an EARLY diagnosis of thyroid cancer, so she could start an effective protocol and avoid further damage to her thyroid and the rest of her body.⁠⁣

🔥THIS is the power of Functional Lab Analysis.⁣

Inside the WELLth Mentorship, I take a macroscopic view of six core labs and share a simplified strategy around interpretation & clinical application.⁣

This mentorship isn’t just about nailing your niche, packaging a powerful offer, or selling with confidence (although it includes *all* of that).⁣

It’s about becoming the best practitioner you can be, so you can serve your clients in the most beneficial way possible and literally SAVE LIVES.⁣

Drop a 🙏🏼 if you’re down to save lives. (I’m lookin’ at you!)

- Michelle

#functionalmedicine #howtostartavirtual..

Showing up is NOT easy.

I get it. I still struggle with figuring out how to show up here, in the next evolution of my life, and career. You know what that means?

I won’t be showing up perfectly all the time.

At one point, I was so unsure of how to show up on this platform that I… just didn’t 🚩

But perfect isn’t everything. We don’t need to show up perfectly, we just need to SHOW UP.

My purpose is to help shift the paradigm of health & wellness care around the world. I need to keep showing up. But at the same time, give myself grace to show up however that may look:

👉 Imperfectly
👉 Unapologetically
👉 Authentically

So tell me, what’s holding you back from showing up?

- Michelle

#functionalmedicine #howtostartavirtualpractice #howtostartanonlinepractice #onlinehealth #virtualwellness #wellthacademy


I feel you, I was there once too!

As health & wellness practitioners, we can focus so much on serving that we tend to over-give.⁣

BUT we need to remember that even when imposter syndrome rears its head, we don’t need to fall into a pattern of proving our self-worth through DOING, and simply allowing ourselves to BE (for a bit) certainly doesn’t make us lazy! (gasp!)

What if I told you ⤵️

By BEING more ourselves and relaxing into our unique gifts, we can tap into what makes us capable of transforming and even *saving* lives.⁣

Not convinced?

When people struggle with imposter syndrome, we often see:

→high level of achievement⁣
→attributing success to luck and/or struggle⁣
→fear of failure and being discovered as a fraud⁣
→overestimating others, while underestimating oneself⁣
→overworking or self-sabotage⁣

Instead of focusing on WHAT or HOW MUCH we offer, it’s important to focus on WHO we are serving so we can be clear on RESULTS.⁣

Sacrifice DOES NOT equal service, and time certainly DOES NOT equal money. It’s time to let that limiting belief go.

👉 We can overwork ourselves when we’re making assumptions about what our clients *actually* need, which prevents us from being able to articulate the results we can provide.⁣
👉 And when we fall victim to feeling like we’re not DOING enough, we can over complicate our offer, which can overwhelm and confuse our potential clients.⁣

More does not always mean better—your offer can be simple.⁣

- Michelle

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In this episode, I share a masterclass that covers my journey around signing my first high-ticket client for $10K in my online practice. 

I provide insights into what it takes to enroll the perfect client in a five-figure program, address common client objections, and highlight the strategies that helped me achieve this milestone.

If you want the breakdown of how I created a 6-figure ONLINE health and wellness practice and turned my 10-hour workDAY into a 10-hour work WEEK... Check it out here: wellthywoman.co/breakdown (http://wellthywoman.co/breakdown)

🤍 Connect With Me On Other Platforms:

YT: YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/@wellthywoman)

IG: Instagram (https://www.instagram.com/wellthywoman.co/)

FB: Facebook (https://www.facebook.com/wellthywoman.co/)

If you want the breakdown of how I created a 6-figure ONLINE health and wellness practice and turned my 10-hour workDAY into a 10-hour work WEEK... Check it out here: https://youtu.be/Tu_zBXnLRyA

🤍 Connect With Me On Other Platforms:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/wellthywoman.co/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/wellthywoman.co/

Build Your Online Practice Podcast | EP 114: How I Signed My First High-Ticket Client Masterclass

Be sure to LIKE, COMMENT, SUBSCRIBE and SHARE it with other health and wellness practitioners wanting to Build THEIR Online Practice.

- Michelle

✅ Instantly SUBSCRIBE to my channel here for weekly updates:

✅ Join our FREE BYOP Group for Health + Wellness Practitioners:

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How often do we put ourselves in a box? 📦

We take the labels society (or our friends or family) place on it and we take it for what it is… “This is who I am.” And don’t get me wrong, they aren’t always bad things.

Labels like:


But labels aren’t the only things that can put us in a box. Our titles can too.

👉🏼Take all my titles for instance: ND, MSAOM, and FDN-P⁣

These are all useful for identifying my areas of study—Naturopathic Medicine, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Functional Diagnostic Nutrition.⁣

I worked hard for these titles. But they do not define WHO I am and all I have to offer, especially as I continue to evolve.⁣

But none of these labels or titles on their own define who I am, how I serve my clients, or what I teach the practitioners inside the WELLth Mentorship.⁣

It goes so much deeper than that.⁣⁣

By dropping these titles, I’m not rejecting my expertise in the field or giving up the knowledge I’ve gained...I’m simply permitting myself to EXPAND beyond the labels.⁣

What boxes are you busting out of? What labels are you evolving beyond? ⤵️

- Michelle

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Did you just shake your head no? Or tense up your shoulders?

I thought so (I did too, for a long time!)

I get it, why open yourself up to criticism from colleagues and potential clients?

✨ Because this is where the magic happens. This is when you build that know, like, and trust factor!

As you come to the full realization of who you are, the people meant to be there will, and the ones that aren’t will fall away.

🛑 STOP worrying about:

👉 Your follower count
👉 Your engagement
👉 The number of likes on your last post

Those numbers aren’t an accurate indicator of your success. They’re simply vanity metrics.

What REALLY matters is the lives you’re able to impact by being authentically and unapologetically YOURSELF.⁣

So go forth in your convictions and know that those vibrating at the same frequency will find you.

Freedom over fear, always & forever. Give me a ✊🏼 in the comments if you agree!

- Michelle

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If you want the breakdown of how I created a 6-figure ONLINE health and wellness practice and turned my 10-hour workDAY into a 10-hour work WEEK... Check it out here: https://youtu.be/Tu_zBXnLRyA

🤍 Connect With Me On Other Platforms:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/wellthywoman.co/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/wellthywoman.co/

- Michelle

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In this episode, I share a little BTS secret that has transformed the way I approach market research, branding, content creation, and even my mindset. 🤫

My guess is you’re likely over there spending hours scrolling through social media, trying to figure out what your clients want, but still feeling lost and overwhelmed. 😫

Constantly tweaking your website and branding, hoping that the next change will magically attract clients, but the inquiries just aren’t coming in. 🖥️

Posting content every day, yet engagement is low, and you’re wondering if anyone is even paying attention. 📉

“Why can’t I figure this out?”
“Maybe I’m not cut out for this.”
“What if my ideal clients just don’t exist?”

If you can relate, head over to your favorite podcast streaming app and tune into the Build Your Online Practice Podcast ASAP (link in bio) 🎧

This episode will change the game for you, offering actionable insights to connect with your ideal clients and create content that truly resonates. 💡

- Michelle

#functionalmedicine #howtostartavirtualpractice #howtostartanonlinepractice #onlinehealth #virtualwellness #wellthacademy


I’ve been playing around with AI for the past *several* months, and I have to say - it’s really allowed me to open up at least 5 hours per week, which has boosted my energy in ways that I never really thought possible. 🤯

I started experimenting with prompts on generating detailed client profiles to brainstorming brand identities and content ideas.

What amazed me was not just the output but how it sparked an incredible wave of creativity within ME! 🎨

Through so much trial and error, I’ve learned with prompts that it’s all about asking the right questions and the clarity of your instructions.

The better the input = the better the output 🤖

If you want to have a response tailored to you, then you need to get specific in your prompts (a GREAT practice in learning to articulate what you do, how you do it, who you serve, etc)! 👏

Since I’ve been experimenting with ChatGPT to uncover how we, as practitioners, can leverage this incredible technology to push beyond our perceived limits, I’m sharing some of my favorite prompts that I’ve been sharing with my clients inside The WELLth Academy and CATALYST Mastermind.

They LOVE playing with them!

Even Stephanie said “I just used chat GPT for the first time using your prompts and WOW, this is amazing, Mind. Blown. I think this is the first time I’ve been able to really wrap my head around a real person who is my niche and how to actually speak to them!!“ 🔥🚀

For even more prompts to play around with in your practice, tune into episode 112 of the BYOP Podcast as I walk through the EXACT prompts I use on the day-to-day!

- Michelle

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When’s the last time you did it? (Been a while, huh?)

Like so many practitioners, we keep ourselves BUSY. Our schedules FULL. But we need time to connect with what REALLY matters.

We need the things that are most vital to our productivity:

👉🏼 Unstructured time
👉🏼 Breaks
👉🏼 Play
👉🏼 R&R

🛑 STOP letting your time own you. Own your own time and energy.

Imagine this: it’s entirely possible to live a life of health & ease AND be an entrepreneur with soaring productivity levels. (*cue big sigh of relief* 😌)⁣

I like to utilize the pomodoro technique to stave off mental fatigue by alternating work sessions with frequent short breaks.

This technique is great if you:⁣

✔️ Find that distractions derail your workday
✔️ Consistently work past the point of optimal productivity
✔️ Have lots of open-ended work like studying or research
✔️ Are overly optimistic about how much you can get done in a day

Want to give it a try?

1️⃣ Pick a task⁣
2️⃣ Set a 25-minute timer
3️⃣ Work on your task until your time is up⁣
4️⃣ Take a 5-minute break (this completes 1 Pomodoro)⁣
5️⃣ Every 4 Pomodoros, take a longer 15-30 minute break⁣

This is just one of the time management tools I teach inside the WELLth Mentorship.

Got another technique you love? Share the goods!👇🏼

- Michelle

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If we show up empowered, if we embody everything that we teach, if we feel empowered and driven and confident in the work we do, this can only flow over to those that we serve.

And if the people we serve feel empowered and begin to embody what we teach and begin to see the deep, amazing value of what they have to offer too, just imagine how far that ripple can go 💧💧💧

If we are able to stand in our power, believe in the value of what we have to share, and show up every day in this way, the possibilities are endless.

If you’re starting to feel burnt out and unfulfilled in your practice, I can tell you from experience that it DOESN’T have to be that way and there IS another way!

My new podcast, Build Your Online Practice, is for you.

🤍 Connect With Me On Other Platforms:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/wellthywoman.co/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/wellthywoman.co/

- Michelle

#functionalmedicine #howtostartavirtualpractice #howtostartanonlinepractice #onlinehealth #virtualwellness #wellthacademy


In this episode, I interview one of the lead automations specialists from Practice Better, my FAVORITE client management system. I HIGHLY recommend watching this one on YouTube, so you can see the walkthrough.


You can sign up here (affiliate link): https://practicebetter.grsm.io/michellerogers


If you want the breakdown of how I created a 6-figure ONLINE health and wellness practice and turned my 10-hour workDAY into a 10-hour work WEEK... Check it out here: wellthywoman.co/breakdown


🤍 Connect With Me On Other Platforms:

YT: http://www.youtube.com/@wellthywoman

IG: https://www.instagram.com/wellthywoman.co/

FB: https://www.facebook.com/wellthywoman.co/

If you want the breakdown of how I created a 6-figure ONLINE health and wellness practice and turned my 10-hour workDAY into a 10-hour work WEEK... Check it out here: https://youtu.be/Tu_zBXnLRyA

🤍 Connect With Me On Other Platforms:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/wellthywoman.co/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/wellthywoman.co/

Build Your Online Practice Podcast | EP 113: Automations To Start And Scale Your Business with Brittany Andrejcin of Practice Better

Be sure to LIKE, COMMENT, SUBSCRIBE and SHARE it with other health and wellness practitioners wanting to Build THEIR Online Practice.

- Michelle

✅ Instantly SUBSCRIBE to my channel here for weekly updates:

✅ Join our FREE BYOP Group for Health + Wellness Practitioners:

NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links that allow you to find items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. While this channel may earn minimal sums when the viewer uses the links, the viewer is in NO WAY obligated to use these links. Thank you for your support!


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How does it make you feel to think about enrolling a client in a $10k program?
How does it make you feel to think about investing in one yourself?

Do you feel...

Excitement mixed with uncertainty?
Or perhaps hesitation and self-doubt?

Our relationship with money can directly impact our self-belief and our perception of self-worth.

Unless, we decide to change it.

Trust yourself.

Take the leap.

Kristi did just that when she joined the WELLth Mentorship.

If you’re looking for inspiration to take the leap like Kristi did, listen in on episode 111 of the BYOP podcast for how she completely transformed her practice AND life in just 6 months.

- Michelle

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What is *actually* possible for you?

I’m seeing that most practitioners desire to have more income, more freedom in their life and to help people on a different level, but they don’t know exactly what that could look like.

I also see people thinking that the way I’ve run my online practice is the *only* way to have a successful business.

Well I’m here to tell you that’s not true!

To hear how Kristi created her own unique structure and offers to revamp her practice in just 6 months, tune into episode 111 of the BYOP podcast.

Because sometimes we just need to see how someone else does it to be *massively* inspired.
That being said, this is entirely possible for you too.

- Michelle

#functionalmedicine #howtostartavirtualpractice #howtostartanonlinepractice #onlinehealth #virtualwellness #wellthacademy


One of the quickest ways I’ve seen my clients become more confident in their online businesses is by incorporating functional labs analysis.

Here’s why:

✨It gives you an additional area of expertise
✨It ensures better results for your clients
✨Better results for your clients mean more referrals for your business

When you start to build your confidence in functional lab interpretation and practical application, you won’t leave valuable data on the table...and this means serving your clients at a whole new level🔥

Imagine taking ALL of your current talents, experiences, and modalities and ENHANCING them by incorporating this approach into your business.

I guarantee that when you master functional labs, you’ll see your results skyrocket -- for both your clients and your business.

And it doesn’t stop there.

As functional practitioners, we have the POWER to change the course of health and wellness care. People need this information! It has already been life-changing for so many of my clients.

I want to help you excel in what you do, so you can serve your clients in the best ways possible too. It’s as simple as that🔥

👉If you’d like to learn more about incorporating functional labs into your business, send me a DM to inquire about my new Functional Labs Bundle.

Normally only available to my WELLth Mentorship, these comprehensive modules will help you interpret and start to apply functional labs testing in your virtual practice ASAP:

Module 1: adrenal & hormone health (DUTCH PLUS urine & saliva test)⁣
Module 2: digestive analysis (GI MAP stool test)⁣
Module 3: food sensitivities (MRT blood test)⁣
Module 4: organic acids (ORGANIX COMPREHENSIVE urine test)⁣
Module 5: blood chemistry (DETAILED PANEL)⁣
Module 6: genomics (THE DNA COMPANY saliva test)⁣

It’s NEVER too late to expand your business and learn new skills. Join the growing community of health and wellness practitioners as we change the wellness industry, one client at a time.

- Michelle


We stand out in the online space and effortlessly magnetize ideal clients towards us, because…

📦 We think outside-the-box but are still trustworthy

💪 We are dedicated but not self-sacrificing

🐒 We are playful and still substantive

🔥 We are direct but still empathetic

🤓 We are knowledgeable but not sterile

🤍 We are transparent but not prescriptive

What qualities would you add to the group? 👇

🤍 Connect With Me On Other Platforms:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/wellthywoman.co/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/wellthywoman.co/

- Michelle

#functionalmedicine #howtostartavirtualpractice #howtostartanonlinepractice #onlinehealth #virtualwellness #wellthacademy


It’s our norm.

It’s how we’re wired.

AND… it’s actually a good thing *sometimes*…

It's what keeps us safe.

BUUUUUUT unfortunately, it's also keeps us playing small.

It keeps us stuck.

It keeps us from *actually* creating change, even when it’s the ONE thing we desire most 😩

You might not feel like you know enough or that you’re repeating unhealthy patterns over + over again.

This might look like staying in toxic environments to make yourself *feel* better without actually creating real change.

This might look like always having a *valid* excuse NOT to do the thing you know is best + giving yourself a way out (every… single… time).

But I want you to know that it’s 1000% possible to forge a path through your fears… 💪

Whether it’s around not feeling like you know enough, repeating past mistakes, the future, responsibility, inadequacy or something else.

It's the ONLY way you’re going to be able to create the life you *truly* desire, where your completely aligned with your purpose and passion… a life of WELLth.

It’s time to break that pattern.
It’s time to kick that MOFO to the curb.
It’s time to become Wildly WELLthy.

- Michelle

#functionalmedicine #howtostartavirtualpractice #howtostartanonlinepractice #onlinehealth #virtualwellness #wellthacademy


It’s time to build the life and practice you deserve.

If you want the breakdown of how I created a 6-figure ONLINE health and wellness practice and turned my 10-hour workDAY into a 10-hour work WEEK... Check it out here: https://youtu.be/Tu_zBXnLRyA

🤍 Connect With Me On Other Platforms:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/wellthywoman.co/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/wellthywoman.co/

- Michelle

#functionalmedicine #howtostartavirtualpractice #howtostartanonlinepractice #onlinehealth #virtualwellness #wellthacademy


In this episode I chat about 5 ways to use AI in your online practice to help you leverage your time -- I HIGHLY recommend watching this one on YouTube for the full effect.


If you want the breakdown of how I created a 6-figure ONLINE health and wellness practice and turned my 10-hour workDAY into a 10-hour work WEEK... Check it out here: wellthywoman.co/breakdown


🤍 Connect With Me On Other Platforms:

YT: http://www.youtube.com/@wellthywoman

IG: https://www.instagram.com/wellthywoman.co/

FB: https://www.facebook.com/wellthywoman.co/

If you want the breakdown of how I created a 6-figure ONLINE health and wellness practice and turned my 10-hour workDAY into a 10-hour work WEEK... Check it out here: https://youtu.be/Tu_zBXnLRyA

🤍 Connect With Me On Other Platforms:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/wellthywoman.co/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/wellthywoman.co/

Build Your Online Practice Podcast | EP 112: How AI Can Revolutionize Your Virtual Practice: 5 Key Strategies with The WELLthy Woman

Be sure to LIKE, COMMENT, SUBSCRIBE and SHARE it with other health and wellness practitioners wanting to Build THEIR Online Practice.

- Michelle

✅ Instantly SUBSCRIBE to my channel here for weekly updates:

✅ Join our FREE BYOP Group for Health + Wellness Practitioners:

NOTE: This description may contain affiliate links that allow you to find items mentioned in this video and support the channel at no cost to you. While this channel may earn minimal sums when the viewer uses the links, the viewer is in NO WAY obligated to use these links. Thank you for your support!


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Graduating with dreams as high as the sky, I was fueled with passion but also burdened with a massive debt of over 300k. 😖

It seemed surreal, almost like it didn't exist... until reality hit like a ton of bricks. 🧱

I spent YEARS in the insurance paradigm, trying to make it work but feeling the drain - every. single. day.

Struggling with overwhelming debt, exhausting days, and feeling like a slave to the system - it all weighed me down. But through it all, the fire within me burned brighter. 🔥

Walking away from a sought-after opportunity in pursuit of alignment with my heart's desires led me to opening up my online, cash based practice.

My virtual practice allowed me to work smarter, not harder, and deliver incredible results for my clients. 💪

Working fewer hours, making more money, and having time for self-care has become my new reality. ⚡️

With freedom, flexibility, and abundance in care, we can serve our clients wholeheartedly without sacrificing ourselves.

If you want the exact breakdown of how I help practitioners go from their first 5k to consistent 50k months with just two offers, 10 hours a week, and an entry-level audience, be sure to listen to my podcast. 🎧

Subscribe for your weekly dose of education, inspiration, and action to build your online practice. 🚀

- Michelle

#functionalmedicine #howtostartavirtualpractice #howtostartanonlinepractice #onlinehealth #virtualwellness #wellthacademy


If you want the breakdown of how I created a 6-figure ONLINE health and wellness practice and turned my 10-hour workDAY into a 10-hour work WEEK... Check it out here: https://youtu.be/Tu_zBXnLRyA

🤍 Connect With Me On Other Platforms:
IG: https://www.instagram.com/wellthywoman.co/
FB: https://www.facebook.com/wellthywoman.co/

#functionalmedicine #howtostartavirtualpractice #howtostartanonlinepractice #onlinehealth #virtualwellness #wellthacademy



Created 6 years, 11 months ago.

145 videos

Category Health & Medical

Females in Fine Fettle is a passion project birthed from a fierce friendship. It’s where conscientious women entrepreneurs, and women livin’ like a boss, come to learn about balancing their personal and professional wellness with ease.

We'll be loading 4 episodes monthly - to get the latest episodes, as they're released, subscribe on iTunes or Stitcher!