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As more and more people die in Gaza and the West Bank, the International Criminal Court files for a warrant against Bibi and Sinwar.

Who could have thought the world powers would allow this to last this long? Who could have predicted that one day there would be people cheering on a genocide. I no longer ask how or why it happens, the motives are oddly repeated throughout time.

Despite strong warnings and condemnation from leaders around the globe, the IDF have entered the last region in Gaza known as the Rafah refugee camps. They'll find no refuge there or anywhere in Gaza that is the plan.

Israel bans Al Jazeera from Israel as the IDF continue to bomb areas in Rafah. Netanyahu vowing to attack southern Gaza to route out the Palestinians and take all their land for Israel.

Despite warnings from multiple world leaders Israel insists on attacking the Rafah camps.
Channel donation: https://paypal.me/garyshelley1

Israel plans to spend billions on reconstruction but what they are NOT saying is that it will be ONLY Israelis reconstruction in the Gaza strip and the Palestinians will all have been forced to flee with their lives. Israel has NO plan to rebuild Gaza for the Palestinians....like I said, it is what Israel doesn't say sometimes.

Targetting, reporters, UNWRA workers, aid workers, food workers, Doctors, Nurses and Politicians ALL KILLED in record numbers exceeding that of ANY previous conflicts. Those wishing to donate to the channel can here: https://paypal.me/garyshelley1

The United States and Great Britain are keeping a close eye on muslim countries to make sure NO ONE can come to the rescue of the Palestinians while Israel conducts it's genocide on the Gazan people before moving onto the West Bank. Thanks Uncle Sam, Thanks UK, they couldn't carry out a genocide without you!

Warning a few choice words in this one. America there was always tons of money for health care but the owners of you guys make much more off keeping it privately in the billionaires hands. Corporations rule the US, Canada, UK.

It is becoming more and more obvious just who owns the major megaphones on TV and on the Internet, what is this magic power of the Jews?

Bibi asks war heads for targets in Iran. Channel support, Beer Fund & Tip jar: https://paypal.me/garyshelley1

Control of the media is always crucial when the states go to war. Channel donation, Beer Fund, & Tip Jar: https://paypal.me/garyshelley1

Israel is claiming that Iran has begun it's attack. Channel Support, Beer Fund & Tip Jar: https://paypal.me/garyshelley1

Thank you all for watching! Channel donation, Beer Fund & Tip Jar: https://paypal.me/garyshelley1

Channel support, Beer Fund & TIp Jar: https://paypal.me/garyshelley1

Donations, Beer Fund & Tip Jar: https://paypal.me/garyshelley1

Channel donations, Beer Fund & Tip Jar: https://paypal.me/garyshelley1

Israel accused of executing doctors at Al Shifa hospital, but that will be a ok with Uncle Sam. Channel support, beer fund & tip jar: https://paypal.me/garyshelley1

Channel donation, Beer Fund and Tip Jar: https://paypal.me/garyshelley1

Uncle Samstein is still blind and remains unable to confirm that Israel is starving Palestinian men, women & children to death and disposing of the body's via the many thousands of Israelis bulldozers that are prepping the land for Israelis occupation forces. These are just the ones captured on video for the world to see.

Nothing has changed. Neither Hamas nor Israel recognize the ceasefire. Israel continues to throw a hissy fit since the USA abstained from the vote at the UN. Channel Donations, Beer Fund & Tip Jar: https://paypal.me/garyshelley1

Channel donation, Beer fund & Tip Jar: https://paypal.me/garyshelley1

The US abstained from the vote. Israel throws tantrum.
Channel support, Beer fund & Tip Jar: https://paypal.me/garyshelley1

Channel donation, Beer fund & Tip jar: https://paypal.me/garyshelley1

Israel is the KING of stall tactics, they have successfully denied Palestinians statehood for 76 years and counting. Israel is willing to negotiate for years if that's how long it takes to obtain the Gaza strip, meanwhile it continues to balkanize the West Bank and imprisoning its' young men. Uncle Samstein rides shot gun, ready to veto any ceasefires and provide the money and weapons needed to erase Palestine. Channel donations, beer fund & Tip jar: https://paypal.me/garyshelley1


Created 4 years, 11 months ago.

214 videos

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