
channel image




.... that's not artistic ............ that's s a t a n i c .....

....you're sick and mental .....F A C T ........

"citizens took to the streets in protest of the W*o*r*l*d H*e*a*l*t*h O*r*g*a*n*i*z*a*t*i*o*n, related to C O V I D - 1 9 v a c c i n a t i o n , along with other issues."

....... you're going crazy or you're d e a d ............

...... the e v i l ones are very organised .................

...... that's how it is ....... F A C T .......

.......... how many is that ............

..... listen very carefully .............

.....it's only true if it's been on the M S M ....right? ..................

..... still trying their world control $ H i T ......

..... do what you're told or the s p e l l won't work ........6*6*6 ......

.....get you pure p r o p a g a n d a on the MSM ..........

...... T R E A T Y ................

........... fame and fortune the goal ......

......A G A I N ........

...are self serving ..... lying............ puppets .............

.....prove me wrong .....

......... recreate our geocentric realm ................

...... people were jailed for taking the videos ....... people were banned for posting them .............

"C h i n e s e P L A s o l d i e r walking with his armed robot dog"

....... orbs .......... watford england ..........................

........ a LOT of shaky camera and ground shots on this one ...........

... the plan is afoot .................

..... words ..............

.... casting .......

....at least it's being reported ................


Created 5 years, 4 months ago.

5072 videos

Category None

.........on this plane in human form.