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Interview with Alan Buttle for his podcast on Folk Radio, talking about convid and the myth of contagion and viruses. Original show with all the source links here:

Following the sudden death of Sallie O. Elkordy​ I went to check the status of her show and found the one I did with her was no longer available. I have gotten hold of it and Alan Buttle has kindly uploaded it to my bitchute. This is a bit old and the sound is not great but the info is still true. First half is about cancer with some questions and discussion on vaccines and other things medisin related. RIP Dear Sallie I know you're in a better place now.


Created 4 years, 1 month ago.

2 videos

Category Health & Medical

Independent researcher for 35 years into vivisection, big pHarma, CRUK and other medical charities, cancer itself, vaccines and recently germ theory and the fraud of virology.