Old Religion Dystopia: Knowing Vs. Belief

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Old Religion Dystopia: Knowing Vs. Belief



Who were the first modern-day terrorists? The Muslims or the Jews?
The Irgun (The Birth of Modern Terrorism (Greater Israel) Stern Gang
Source: https://rumble.com/v45l7j6-the-irgun-the-birth-of-modern-terrorism-greater-israel-stern-gang.html

"They must break the spirit and will of their enemies." We are dealing with people who never play by the rules.

Zionist Jews are serious about destroying America and killing up 95% of all humanity, leaving only "Jews" and their slaves.

"Alejandro Nicholas Mayorkas (born November 24, 1959) is an American lawyer and politician who is the 7th and current United States Secretary of Homeland Security, serving since 2021. A member of the Democratic Party, Mayorkas previously served as director of United States Citizenship and Immigration Services from 2009 to 2013,
His father, Charles R. "Nicky" Mayorkas, was born in Cuba. He was a Cuban Jew of Sephardi (from the former Ottoman Empire, present-day Turkey and Greece) and Ashkenazi (from Poland) background. He owned and operated a steel wool factory on the outskirts of Havana.[16][18][19][20] Nicky Mayorkas studied economics at Dartmouth College.[20]

His mother, Anita (Gabor),[20] was a Romanian Jew whose family escaped the Holocaust and fled to Cuba in the 1940s[21][22][23] before leaving for the United States after the Cuban Revolution."

Zionist Manufacture War in USA and West Will Start This Year. The USA has 45 Million illegal aliens, and many are fighting men. Shit will be going down this year. I strongly suggest avoiding all the crazies on all sides for the next couple of years. Let the pyscho take each other out.

The Zionists are posting the same images they have from October 7, 2023, and ignoring the 999.9 % of their own Genocidal Ethnic Cleansing atrocities. They have corrupted the West and forced us to accept their racist, genocidal agendas

The "final part of the three-part series. Many think they understand what's going on. Please let me tell you something ... 95% don't have a clue, and that's by design. The head of the snake and the massive power behind the Ukraine War to Covid, everything before, in-between, and beyond. is one specific group. It's always been them, for the last thousand years. They are and have always been a pariah on humanity. So many things that don't make sense with our world at the moment are connected and scripted. It's to enrich them and pave a path for their global domination while diluting and ultimately eliminating the White European bloodline. The New World Order is their construct. The Kalergi Plan is in full swing. I'm proving what few have the courage to admit." by DomDocuments
YOUTUBE - DR. THOMAS COWEN https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KGIzWjjkpNk
Source; https://www.bitchute.com/video/mbzQYZhmb0UG/

"They ALL lied to us and MUST come clean" Former CDC Director on Covid Vaccine Cover-up.
Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SYHe4FPcOrY

Zionist Jewish Supremacy is pure evil and must be stopped. Zionism truly is antihuman.

Source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/TP9w3qPI4rss/
"In just 130 years, one specific tribe has managed to not only control the commerce of the world but almost every aspect of cultural appropriation. This has been achieved through media and academic institutions of which they control. They are embedded deep within European and all western governments. The end goal is to destroy these nations, then rule over the ashes. They are slowly achieving this, solely due to the apathy and the lack of critical thinking by the citizens of these nations. The "architect" plays the victim, which insulates him from criticism and accountability. Our world is in extreme danger if this is not stopped."

Do you really want to know the source and pain that we are suffering? Can you handle it?
Source: https://www.bitchute.com/video/xfDMK0EgpVjh/

The Sorcerers of this soul Trap Matrix Assault of Rafah, Gaza, and all of humanity. A possible cure for the Jab,

RABBI SHMULEY TROLLS AROUND NYC ABUSING JEWS AND ONLY FINDS A TEENAGE BOY TO SPEW HIS HATE ON. I hope the youngster finds a good therapist after that ordeal.

Pro-Israel UCLA student says she was "incredibly intimidated" by the "dangerous" political rhetoric of protesters, which "unfortunately is protected by Free Speech," as well as an "incredibly anti-Semitic" statue of a pig. "Anti-Zionism is most definitely Anti-Semitism," she says
Source: https://twitter.com/mtracey/status/1786528488998027607

More hypocrisy is coming out of a Zionist mouth. I bet anything the thugs will come in the next few days to break up a peaceful protest on the MIT campus. It's getting so predictable.

Judge Napolitano - Judging Freedom

This shit didn't start on October , 2023.

The Psychos that run this Soul Trap Matrix are Evil and Dumb

They will be forcing Palestinians to live in the USA, or they will be genocided. We, the people of the USA, have no government and are living in a giant reduction camp.
This is much bigger than the USA or Israel. We have no police force. We are living a collective lie. This is more than left or right; it's the privileged class against all the rest of us.

MAY DAY ZIONIST ATTACK ON PEACEFUL PROTESTERS ON UCLA CAMPUS WAS A SETUP LIKE 9/11 AND OCTOBER 7TH. It is becoming more and more clearly that the zionist attack on peaceful Pro Palestine protesters on the UCLA campus was a SETUP. It could have been stopped. It didn't have to happen—another betrayal by the Oligarchs. The choice of MAY 1 was not a coincidence.


Created 4 years, 9 months ago.

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