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Marcus Freudenmann


PEMF: Pulsed electro magnetic frequency to destroy cancer cells! PEMF cancer treatment. Learn more about PEMF devices here

Dr. Rau explains how Pulsed Electro Magnetic Frequency destroys cancer cells and boosts the immune system.

Dr. Thomas Rau is an internist and medical director of Paracelsus Clinic in Lustmühle Switzerland. He recognized as one of the leading physicians in the world today. As the creator of biological medicine, he’s been a pioneer in alternative health. Among his many innovations is the integration of medical and dental treatment, the use of darkfield microscopy as a diagnostic tool, new methods of enhancing detoxification and restoring immune strength, and highly successful treatment protocols for over a dozen disorders, including cancer, autoimmune disease, and Lyme.

Today's video he explains how to work PEMF for destroying cancer cells.

PEMF therapy has the following positive effects on the body: 
* Improved micro-circulation
* Increased supply of oxygen, ions and nutrients to cells
* Increased partial oxygen pressure
* Increased ATP production by excitation of electrons
* Stimulation of DNA and RNA production
* Accelerated protein bio-synthesis by electron and energy transfer
* Anti-oxidation regulation with increased circulation of available electrons
* Increased calcium transport and absorption for stronger bones, joints and muscles
* Enhanced cellular tissue elasticity with increased collagen production
* Stimulation of cellular repair mechanism
* Accelerated detoxification of cells and organs
* Decreased swelling, inflammation and pain
* Boost to the immune system
* Supports the body’s internal self-regulating mechanisms by activating cellular and molecular processes
* Stimulates the release of endorphins.
* The increased efficiency of toxic removal is only possible through restoring the body’s optimal mitochondrial energy so that mercury, lead, dioxin, and PCB can be successfully excreted out of the body. 
* Disruption of electromagnetic energy in cells causes impaired cell metabolism. This is the final common pathway of disease. If cells are not healthy, the body is not healthy.

Reboot your organ with PEMF.

In this video, Marcus going to train you how to use PEMF( Pulsed Electromagnetic Field) at home. This basic training helps you how to use this device to recharge your Lungs, Teeth, Jaw, Mouth, Mucus membranes, and more. Learn more at 5-positions-quick-recharge for PEMF therapy and PEMF

Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy is a unique and versatile type of treatment. It is also known as low field magnetic stimulations (LFMS), uses electromagnetic fields to heal non-union fractures and depression. PEMF therapy triggers the body’s natural healing processes and promotes good cell health and function. It’s used for a wide range of health benefits, and it’s approved by the FDA to treat several different ailments.

Marcus Freudenmann explains how to use PEMF devices to reboot our organs. PEMF therapy mimics the Earth’s magnetic frequency (7.8 Hz to be exact) that serves as a healing resource for your body. Today is a very practical session, he would like to show you how to use PEMF( pulsed electromagnetic field therapy) at home on the couch as a couch potato treatment and explain to you, how to do it best?

Now the reason, this is when you come to the workshop, we have the devices all there. The DCM 3500 gausses the PMT digital 9000 gals and the PMT 120 with 12 000 cows, all three and you can compare which one you like most all of them are ringer devices, and the DCM has an inbuilt oscillating device.

So that you can use it for recharging, for energizing, for calming preparing, for the bed, for all those things that make this treatment really valuable as a home treatment. Now what I would like to show you is how we use it and you remember my video that I made about recharging your batteries and I put it below in case you want to watch it again.

The main factor of PEMF is, this is the charging dock the coil and your body is the battery. So like you put your phone onto one of those round plates and it charges or your toothbrush onto one of those little knobs and it charges without being cabled or connected.

In the same way, charges PMF in your internal cells, your energy cells and we know that when you have a disease then that will mean you run out of energy chronic degenerative diseases will deplete your energy. Your body needs extra energy to repair and extra energy to deal with the inflammation, extra energy to get rid of unhealthy cells, extra energy to catch fungus mold bacteria viruses. So it's like non-stop so much to do and it's like you have too much work what happens you run out of energy, you get tired and that's the same thing internally your repair mechanism your immune system gets tired.

PEMF is a powerful healing tool. There are so many benefits to use PEMF therapy. In recent times, it is more popular for muscle recovery, resetting the central nervous system, strengthening the immune system, improving cellular health, recharge the spinal cord, Cerebellum, Gland Hypothalamus, Sinus, Eyes, Lungs, Hearts, Thyroid, and teeth, and jaw. Even you may know that It’s out-of-this-world, literally: astronauts use PEMF to recover from a debilitating space mission.

Hope you learned something new from organ reboot with PEMF and how to use PEMF at home. If you have any questions regarding this video then leave a comment below. Hit the video button and share this video with those who might also be interested in this type of educational video content. Don't forget to subscribe to my channel. Stay tuned. 5-positions-quick-recharge

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Welcome to my YouTube channel. In this video, Marcus Freudenmenn going to talk about PEMF therapy results to heal. So Let's watch this video and know about PEMF Therapy Results To Heal with PEMF. Learn more at

Enhances the body's natural recovery process. Corrects cellular dysfunction throughout the body. Stimulates and exercises cells to recharge cells. Gives patients more energy naturally. With the rise of chronic health issues and pain, there has also been a growth in technology and therapy to support those afflicted.

This rise can also be attributed to our health system’s tendency to treat symptoms and not address root causes and an increased need for more integrative therapies that don’t carry side effects. PEMF and Biofeedback are technologies with a long history of supporting those with health issues yet are unknown to the average person.

The pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) is reported to be an effective adjunct for the management of nonunion long-bone fractures. Most studies implement PEMF treatment after 6 months or longer of delayed union or nonunion following fracture treatment. Fracture patients treated with an early application of PEMF achieved a significantly increased rate of union and an overall reduced suffering time compared with patients.

PEMF therapy requires medium-long treatment periods. It is advisable to perform cycles of 45-90 days with a minimum duration of 3 hours per day unless otherwise indicated by the doctor. If necessary, it is possible to repeat the treatment several times during the year.

Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field (PEMF) therapy uses technology to stimulate and exercise cells to help resolve cellular dysfunction and to support overall wellness. At Interventional Orthopedics of Atlanta, Dr. Christopher Williams recommends it to many of his patients throughout Atlanta, GA for its therapeutic effects. During a consultation, he can evaluate your health or injury to determine if he believes that PEMF therapy will work best for you.

The speed of your recovery depends on how far you have to go and how much you have to restore. Even if you stop the abuse now it would take your body at least four weeks to break down the inflammation.

Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy is used as adjuvant therapy in the management of un-united fractures and in osteoarthritis. This treatment has well-documented physiological effects on cells and tissues such as the upregulation of gene expression of members of the TGF-β (transforming growth factor) superfamily. It also enhances chondrogenic proliferation, differentiation, and synthesis of cartilage extracellular matrix proteins. It additionally promotes subchondral bone healing which in turn augments cartilage regeneration.

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF, also known as low field magnetic stimulations (LFMS,) uses electromagnetic fields to heal non-union fractures and depression.

Hope you learned something new from this erectile dysfunction and prostate problems video. If you have any questions regarding this video then leave a comment below. Hit the video button and share this video with those who might also be interested in this type of educational video content. Don't forget to subscribe to my channel. Stay tuned.

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November 2021 PEMF WEBINAR

This webinar will answer many of your questions regarding PEMF, its application and it’s use. Marcus and Deborah will cover many questions and explain the different devices and use.

*** PEMF STORE ***




Heavy metal detox with PEMF. Detoxification is the most important and influential process an individual can do to improve their health and subsequently their life.

Download all slides and transcript here:

In the world of technology, there are countless blog posts, articles, websites, as well as books written on ‘detox’ and cleansing. However, very few of them actually have a comprehensive understanding of detoxifying. Additionally, many of them are not in-depth but instead are pure hype, marketing and sales driven. Detoxification is not something you can truly achieve through a fast, 14-day cleanse, green juices, or with some supplements. Instead detoxifying is more intricate, and long-term.

Most people living in the modern world, are inescapably toxic and can truly benefit from a detox. Unless of course, you’ve been living on a different planet entirely, you will have been exposed to heavy metals; in small, large or extremely high quantities. Human’s have been exposed to the highest levels of heavy metal toxins in recorded history! This is due to the industrial revolution, burning of fossil fuels, improper incineration of waste materials and so on. Toxic metals are everywhere and affect everyone on mother earth.

Heavy metals are metallic elements that are toxic or poisonous even in very low concentrations. Tumours are known to contain concentrated amounts of heavy metals. Dr Rau from Paracelsus clinic in Lustmuehle found up to 40000 higher concentration of heavy metals in tumours compared to healthy tissue. This show’s that heavy metals are certainly a factor in the development of disease and unquestionably something which should be detoxified.

Some of the common heavy metal pollutants among others are arsenic, cadmium, mercury, aluminium, nickel, and lead. In the table below are listed ‘some’ of the common toxic effects and sources.


A deflated cell with a low cellular membrane potential can not detoxify. This is why sport and exercise are so important. They increase your cells energy and shake loose some of these toxins.

PEMF however, increases the membrane potential dramatically in a matter of minutes and in turn increases 3 facts at the same time:
1 Detoxification (all toxins are shaken loose from the cell membrane receptors)
2 Oxygen uptake is drastically improved by the increased cell membrane potential
3 Nutrient uptake is dramatically increased due to cleared cell membrane channels.

These 3 factors alone make it necessary for a good detox to incorporate PEMF as an adjunct treatment. PEMF treatment can increase the detox by 40% due to shaking loose the toxins at a cellular level.

Additionally before using the PEMF machine taking a ‘primer’ to bind the toxins released into the body like chlorella, modifilan, modified citrus pectin and activated charcoal. This will help maximise the treatment.

For those of who you do not know what a PEMF is, it’s a Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy device. The therapy utilises small magnetic currents which are intermittently applied to the body.

Inside each cell within your body, there is an energy factory, the mitochondria. Surrounding this energy factory is a membrane of energy pathways through which nutrients go in and waste is expelled. Unfortunately over time, these pathways are blocked by toxins so the cell can’t take in the nutrients it needs. This causes the cell to “deflate” and, therefore, it doesn’t function as it should. The magnetic current from the PEMF “hits” the cell and knocks the toxins free. The cell’s nutrient pathways are now clear and the cell can begin to take on nutrients again.

The PEMF increases blood flow and oxygen to all areas within the body. This is then producing higher levels of anti-inflammatory white blood cells and more densely oxygen saturated red blood cells to the damaged areas. At the same time removing toxins. The PEMF, in turn, results in a more efficient healing process.

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Cancer is curable now and your immune system:

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Do you know what is PEMF and how does it work? In this video, Marcus Freudenmann is going to discuss PEMF therapy and how PEMF devices work for our bodies. Let's watch this video and get PEMF training from the expert. Learn more at

We are all energy beings having a physical experience. All energy is electromagnetic in nature, and nothing occurs in the body without an electromagnetic exchange between your cells. Pulsed Electro Magnetic Fields (PEMF) acts fundamentally on all your tissues, cells, organs, and molecules. Pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) therapy treats our cells as batteries. It’s common for them to slowly be drained of energy. PEMF technology can generate energy in human cells without an invasive procedure.

Pulsed PEMF therapy sends magnetic energy into the body. These energy waves work with your body's natural magnetic field to improve healing. PEMF therapy effectively can realign the electricity in your cells. When a cell is stimulated, it allows positive charges to enter a cell in an open ION channel. The inside of this cell becomes positively charged, which will trigger other electrical currents, turning into pulses. Any disruption in electrical currents can lead to dysfunction or illness. Pulsed PEMF therapy helps restore this disruption in electrical current to the normal state, which promotes overall wellness.

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF), also known as low field magnetic stimulations (LFMS), uses electromagnetic fields to heal non-union fractures and depression. PEMF devices utilize technology and emit electromagnetic waves at different frequencies to stimulate and encourage your body’s natural recovery process. You’re probably wondering how PEMF technology can benefit your body when other electromagnetic fields like those produced by microwaves and x-ray machines are harmful.

Welcome to my channel. In this video, Marcus Freudenmenn is going to talk about diseases responding well to PEMF and PEMF therapy benefits. Let's watch this entire video and learn about diseases responding well to PEMF and PEMF therapy benefits. learn more at

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy (PEMF), also known as low field magnetic stimulations (LFMS), uses electromagnetic fields to heal non-union fractures and depression. Coronary artery disease is a leading cause of morbidity and mortality in modern society. Massive loss of cardiac muscle after several ischemic episodes leads to compromised cardiac function, remodeling, and low-quality life of patients.

A growing body of evidence in experimental models of cardiac injury suggests that early re-establishment of blood perfusion to the injured myocardium would restrict infarct expansion, prevent cardiac remodeling and maintain cardiac function. PEMF therapy is simple to use, cost-effective and has no known side effects. Despite advances in post-operative analgesia, pain relief and maternal satisfaction remain inadequate in some patients.

Devices that utilize PEMF technology emit electromagnetic waves at different frequencies to stimulate and encourage the body’s natural recovery process. The waves created by PEMF devices occur in brief bursts and are very low-frequency, like the electromagnetic waves found in nature. In fact, most waves involved in PEMF treatments have a lower frequency than you would be exposed to during a thunderstorm.


Created 2 years, 4 months ago.

7 videos

Category Health & Medical

PEMF has become a stable component in many clinics and sport institutes to support faster recovery and to improve overall performance.

Learn all about PEMF at

- improves detoxification of heavy metals,
- increases the membrane potential of every cell and opens ion channels
- increases nutrient uptake and performance
- improves oxygenation and ATP production for faster healing
- reduces erectile disfunction and prostate swelling as well as PSA levels
- is the choice of top athletes to boost their performance and to reduce healing time
- is used in clinics to reduce healing time and to increase the effects of other therapies
- is used in European clinics to weaken cancer cells and improve adjunct cancer therapies.
- is used in many age care facilities to reduce pain medication and to increase vitality

PEMF is known to be the most powerful recharge station for the human body. Like a battery needs recharge, so do all of your cells recharge very fast with PEMF when sick or exhausted. The analgesic effects which reduce pain significantly are a welcome side effect many patient use to reduce their pain medication.

PEMF is recognised in oncology, chiropractic, physio therapy, sport rehabilitation and recovery from chronic degenerative diseases. PEMF is successfully applied in cases of Alzheimer disease, MS, chronic depression, incontinence, ED, osteoporosis, autoimmune diseases and as a very powerful immune support.

Learn all about PEMF at