MMS DIY (Chlorine Dioxide)

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MMS DIY (Chlorine Dioxide)

MMS DIY (Chlorine Dioxide)


Yes, I am back...

This is a podcast between Mark and Joseph Grenon and their guest Daniel Smith that was given in 2017. Smith was arrested and jailed for selling "MMS" (raw ingredients used to make chlorine dioxide for medicinal purposes) as a cure to many illnesses and the Grenon's were later jailed for similar reasons. It was this podcast that inspired me to do what I can to help the world learn more about how this. Simply put, Chlorine Dioxide is a real solution to most diseases because it safely destroys harmful viruses, fungus, bacteria and parasites in the human body. I especially admire these gentlement for their dedication to help the world against sickness. In this podcast, Smith shares his experiences of being harrassed, threatened and then jailed. And yet, he still has the most wonderful "Christ-like" attitude of loving his enemies and doing good to others. The Grenon's have also had several persecutions and spent time in jail. Yet, they still stand by their convictions to God and their willingness to help others against disease with this "Miracle Mineral Solution".

Although I am not a doctor, I share these videos to help the learners understand the principals and flexibilities of using it. In the end, you are the ones that need to learn and test these out for yourselves.

Health and Wellbeing can be inexpensive and accessible to all, if they are willing to learn, test it out and "prove all things" so that they can "hold fast to that which is good".

As always, all of my information is FREE. See below for more info:


My Video Channel on Brighteon:

My Mewe Group - Chlorine Dioxide Truth:

My Telegram Group:

My Gab Group:

Chlorine Dioxide is one of the best medicinal treatments for sickness in Adults and Kids. It is inexpensive, quick, powerful and you can make and use it at home. However, when working with children, you simply need to know how to adjust the dosages for children based on their size/weight. Smaller weight = smaller dosage (usually)

In this series of videos, I walk through how you can adjust the dosages for children and how to introduce someone to Clo2, if they have never taken it before. It may seem scary at first because it is a very different type of medicine. However, if you take time to study and test it out for yourself (and even on yourself) you will see that these techniques can be made simple...and THEY WORK. In fact, they usually work faster and more powerfully than pharmaceutical medicines.

Although I am not a doctor, I share these videos to help the learners understand the principals and flexibilities of using it. In the end, you are the ones that need to learn and test these out for yourselves.

Health and Wellbeing can be inexpensive and accessible to all, if they are willing to learn, test it out and "prove all things" so that they can "hold fast to that which is good".

As always, all of my information is FREE. See below for more info:


My Video Channel on Brighteon:

My Mewe Group - Chlorine Dioxide Truth:

My Telegram Group:

My Gab Group:

Are you tired of getting sick during flu season?

Are you worried that you might get you infected from somebody else?

No worries!

When you know how to use Chlorine Dioxide as a medicine (or Browns Gas, or Calcium Hypchlorite - MMS 2), you know how to avoid getting sick like everyone around you.

If you don't know how to use these Simple Molecular Medicines and want to learn, my free ebook that can be found at at this Link:

All Free, because this information is too important to charge money for.

My Video Channel on Brighteon:

My Mewe Group - Chlorine Dioxide Truth:

My Telegram Group:

My Gab Group:

If you don't know how to use these Simple Molecular Medicines and want to learn, my free ebook that can be found at at this Link:

All Free, because this information is too important to charge money for.

My Video Channel on Brighteon:

My Mewe Group - Chlorine Dioxide Truth:

My Telegram Group:

My Gab Group:

When I travel, I have found some simple and inexpensive ways to carry my CDS (Chlorine Dioxide Solution) where you can take it on a plane or on a road trip. With this method, you can do a protocol without even having to take a measuring syringe or dropper to measure. I travel with 2oz (About 60 mililiters worth) containers. My mixture numbers are not exact but they are good enough to be safe, effective and quick if needed while I am away from home. This way, I am able to have this Universal Antidote anywhere that I go and I can help myself or anyone else from getting sick or with their protocol needs. (How to make CDS:

Health and Wellbeing can be inexpensive and accessible to all, if they are willing to learn, test it out and "prove all things" so that they can "hold fast to that which is good".

As always, all of my information is FREE. See below for more info:

Free Ebooks on Molecular Medicines (like chlorine dioxide) Downloadable at this Link:

My Video Channel on Brighteon:

My Mewe Group - Chlorine Dioxide Truth:

My Telegram Group:

My Gab Group:

(Raising Protocol 1 up to 5 drops per liter - 20 drops per gallon)

Molecular Molecules are great for health and well being. However, you can also use them as a help when you are trying to curb your appetite for non-nutritious food and other addictive chemicals. I've known this for some time but I have never applied it like I am doing now. I have a goal to loose 50 pounds over the next 12 months through better diet, exercise, rest, nutrition AND USING MOLECULAR MEDICINES LIKE CHLORINE DIOXIDE, HYDROGEN, ELECTRICALLY EXPANDED WATER, HYPOCHLOROUS ACID, and possibly even some DIMETHYL SULFOXIDE. To share this personal quest weight loss is pretty embarrassing (Especially if I fall flat on my face with the goal). However, I know that my experience will help others to understand how these molecules can safely work in the body and how they can help others as well. With each weekly video I will teach about what Molecular Medicine I am taking as a supplement, how much I am taking and give an update on my progress and experience.

Health and Wellbeing can be inexpensive and accessible to all, if they are willing to learn, test it out and "prove all things" so that they can "hold fast to that which is good".

As always, all of my information is FREE. See below for more info:

Free Ebooks on Molecular Medicines (like chlorine dioxide) Downloadable at this Link:

My Video Channel on Brighteon:

My Mewe Group - Chlorine Dioxide Truth:

My Telegram Group:

My Gab Group:

After taking Chlorine Dioxide for over 2 years, along with a few other simple Molecular Medicines. I had my yearly Dr. visit, consultation and full blood test last week. I wanted to show the details of how my visit went and let you decide if Clo2 is hurting or helping me. I am a 52 year old male who is a big guy trying to live healthier and using these Molecular Medicines to detox my system. I have used Clo2 in various ways including taking it orally, on my skin, sinus rinses, eye drops, ear drops, baths, in the air and as a disinfectant spray. Clo2 is the best single product to use as a pathogen killer (viruses, parasites, fungi, bad bacteria) and it also safely oxidizes metals in the body that shouldn't be there. You can make more than a years supply in your home for about $30 or buy it on Amazon/Ebay. I don't sell it but I teach how to make and use it through my free ebook and webpage. It is referred to as the Universal Antidote and is extremely vilified by all big tech and pharmaceutical-based medical workers. It is the MOST CENSORED MEDICINE IN THE WORLD. (Ivermectin and hydroxychloroquine don't even come close to what Clo2 has been through). And yet, IT WORKS!

Health and Wellbeing can be inexpensive and accessible to all, if they are willing to learn, test it out and "prove all things" so that they can "hold fast to that which is good".

As always, all of my information is FREE. See below for more info:

Free Ebooks on Molecular Medicines (like chlorine dioxide) Downloadable at this Link:

My Video Channel on Brighteon:

My Mewe Group - Chlorine Dioxide Truth:

My Telegram Group:

My Gab Group:

(Mixing Protocol 1 by the gallon)

Molecular Molecules are great for health and well being. However, you can also use them as a help when you are trying to curb your appetite for non-nutritious food and other addictive chemicals. I've known this for some time but I have never applied it like I am doing now. I have a goal to loose 50 pounds over the next 12 months through better diet, exercise, rest, nutrition AND USING MOLECULAR MEDICINES LIKE CHLORINE DIOXIDE, HYDROGEN, ELECTRICALLY EXPANDED WATER, HYPOCHLOROUS ACID, and possibly even some DIMETHYL SULFOXIDE. To share this personal quest weight loss is pretty embarrassing (Especially if I fall flat on my face with the goal). However, I know that my experience will help others to understand how these molecules can safely work in the body and how they can help others as well. With each weekly video I will teach about what Molecular Medicine I am taking as a supplement, how much I am taking and give an update on my progress and experience.

Health and Wellbeing can be inexpensive and accessible to all, if they are willing to learn, test it out and "prove all things" so that they can "hold fast to that which is good".

As always, all of my information is FREE. See below for more info:

Free Ebooks on Molecular Medicines (like chlorine dioxide) Downloadable at this Link:

My Video Channel on Brighteon:

My Mewe Group - Chlorine Dioxide Truth:

My Telegram Group:

My Gab Group:

Molecular Molecules are great for health and well being. However, you can also use them as a help when you are trying to curb your appetite for non-nutritious food and other addictive chemicals. I've known this for some time but I have never applied it like I am doing now. I have a goal to loose 50 pounds over the next 12 months through better diet, exercise, rest, nutrition AND USING MOLECULAR MEDICINES LIKE CHLORINE DIOXIDE, HYDROGEN, ELECTRICALLY EXPANDED WATER, HYPOCHLOROUS ACID, and possibly even some DIMETHYL SULFOXIDE. To share this personal quest weight loss is pretty embarrassing (Especially if I fall flat on my face with the goal). However, I know that my experience will help others to understand how these molecules can safely work in the body and how they can help others as well. With each weekly video I will teach about what Molecular Medicine I am taking as a supplement, how much I am taking and give an update on my progress and experience.

Health and Wellbeing can be inexpensive and accessible to all, if they are willing to learn, test it out and "prove all things" so that they can "hold fast to that which is good".

As always, all of my information is FREE. See below for more info:

Free Ebooks on Molecular Medicines (like chlorine dioxide) Downloadable at this Link:

My Video Channel on Brighteon:

My Mewe Group - Chlorine Dioxide Truth:

My Telegram Group:

My Gab Group:

Molecular Molecules are great for health and well being. However, you can also use them as a help when you are trying to curb your appetite for non-nutritious food and other addictive chemicals. I've known this for some time but I have never applied it like I am doing now. I have a goal to loose 50 pounds over the next 12 months through better diet, exercise, rest, nutrition AND USING MOLECULAR MEDICINES LIKE CHLORINE DIOXIDE, HYDROGEN, ELECTRICALLY EXPANDED WATER, HYPOCHLOROUS ACID, and possibly even some DIMETHYL SULFOXIDE. To share this personal quest weight loss is pretty embarrassing (Especially if I fall flat on my face with the goal). However, I know that my experience will help others to understand how these molecules can safely work in the body and how they can help others as well. With each weekly video I will teach about what Molecular Medicine I am taking as a supplement, how much I am taking and give an update on my progress and experience.

Health and Wellbeing can be inexpensive and accessible to all, if they are willing to learn, test it out and "prove all things" so that they can "hold fast to that which is good".

As always, all of my information is FREE. See below for more info:

Free Ebooks on Molecular Medicines (like chlorine dioxide) Downloadable at this Link:

My Video Channel on Brighteon:

My Mewe Group - Chlorine Dioxide Truth:

My Telegram Group:

My Gab Group:

Molecular Molecules are great for health and well being. However, you can also use them as a help when you are trying to curb your appetite for non-nutritious food and other addictive chemicals. I've known this for some time but I have never applied it like I am doing now. I have a goal to loose 50 pounds over the next 12 months through better diet, exercise, rest, nutrition AND USING MOLECULAR MEDICINES LIKE CHLORINE DIOXIDE, HYDROGEN, ELECTRICALLY EXPANDED WATER, HYPOCHLOROUS ACID, and possibly even some DIMETHYL SULFOXIDE. To share this personal quest weight loss is pretty embarrassing (Especially if I fall flat on my face with the goal). However, I know that my experience will help others to understand how these molecules can safely work in the body and how they can help others as well. With each weekly video I will teach about what Molecular Medicine I am taking as a supplement, how much I am taking and give an update on my progress and experience.

Health and Wellbeing can be inexpensive and accessible to all, if they are willing to learn, test it out and "prove all things" so that they can "hold fast to that which is good".

As always, all of my information is FREE. See below for more info:

Free Ebooks on Molecular Medicines (like chlorine dioxide) Downloadable at this Link:

My Video Channel on Brighteon:

My Mewe Group - Chlorine Dioxide Truth:

My Telegram Group:

My Gab Group:

Molecular Molecules are great for health and well being. However, you can also use them as a help when you are trying to curb your appetite for non-nutritious food and other addictive chemicals. I've known this for some time but I have never applied it like I am doing now. I have a goal to loose 50 pounds over the next 12 months through better diet, exercise, rest, nutrition AND USING MOLECULAR MEDICINES LIKE CHLORINE DIOXIDE, HYDROGEN, ELECTRICALLY EXPANDED WATER, HYPOCHLOROUS ACID, and possibly even some DIMETHYL SULFOXIDE. To share this personal quest weight loss is pretty embarrassing (Especially if I fall flat on my face with the goal). However, I know that my experience will help others to understand how these molecules can safely work in the body and how they can help others as well. With each weekly video I will teach about what Molecular Medicine I am taking as a supplement, how much I am taking and give an update on my progress and experience.

Health and Wellbeing can be inexpensive and accessible to all, if they are willing to learn, test it out and "prove all things" so that they can "hold fast to that which is good".

As always, all of my information is FREE. See below for more info:

Free Ebooks on Molecular Medicines (like chlorine dioxide) Downloadable at this Link:

My Video Channel on Brighteon:

My Mewe Group - Chlorine Dioxide Truth:

My Telegram Group:

My Gab Group:

Molecular Molecules are great for health and well being. However, you can also use them as a help when you are trying to curb your appetite for non-nutritious food and other addictive chemicals. I've known this for some time but I have never applied it like I am doing now. I have a goal to loose 50 pounds over the next 12 months through better diet, exercise, rest, nutrition AND USING MOLECULAR MEDICINES LIKE CHLORINE DIOXIDE, HYDROGEN, ELECTRICALLY EXPANDED WATER, HYPOCHLOROUS ACID, and possibly even some DIMETHYL SULFOXIDE. To share this personal quest weight loss is pretty embarrassing (Especially if I fall flat on my face with the goal). However, I know that my experience will help others to understand how these molecules can safely work in the body and how they can help others as well. With each weekly video I will teach about what Molecular Medicine I am taking as a supplement, how much I am taking and give an update on my progress and experience.

Health and Wellbeing can be inexpensive and accessible to all, if they are willing to learn, test it out and "prove all things" so that they can "hold fast to that which is good".

As always, all of my information is FREE. See below for more info:

Free Ebooks on Molecular Medicines (like chlorine dioxide) Downloadable at this Link:

My Video Channel on Brighteon:

My Mewe Group - Chlorine Dioxide Truth:

My Telegram Group:

My Gab Group:

Find and interact with TENS OF THOUSANDS OF CHLORINE DIOXIDE USERS online at various alternative social media outlets like Mewe and Telegram. These people used to share and teach each other freely online but they have been shut out of the msinstream social media outlets.

Here, I show you who they are and how to find them.

There really are millions of Clo2 users in the world but they have been censored and scattered online by those that now own and control the main media outlets. That is ok though, because Clo2 still works and anyone willing to properly learn and try it out will find out the truth with it.

IT WORKS!!! It is more than an Cure, it is a Solution to disease. Healing can be inexpensive and accessible to all, if they are willing to learn and "prove all things".

Free Ebooks on Molecular Medicines Downloadable at this Link:

My Video Channel on Brighteon:

My Mewe Group - Chlorine Dioxide Truth:

My Telegram Group:

My Gab Group:

Is there any actual research on Chlorine Dioxide to show it is safe and effective? ABSOLULTELY! This video set demonstrates one of the HUNDREDS OF RESEARCH ARTICLES, MEDICAL STUDIES, PATENTS AND INDUSTRIAL REVIEWS that have been published over the past 50+ years on Chlorine Dioxide. This substance is completely safe when used correctly and each of these episodes/articles illustrates how this is true. Ironically, when you take Clo2 as a supplement, your body also heals faster from most any disease or infection. (Huh? Who would have figured that?)

Healing can be inexpensive and accessible to all, if they are willing to learn and "prove all things".

Access these research documents at:

and at:

Free Ebooks on Molecular Medicines (like chlorine dioxide) Downloadable at this Link:

My Video Channel on Brighteon:

My Mewe Group - Chlorine Dioxide Truth:

My Telegram Group:

My Gab Group:

If you are new to Clo2 (Chlorine Dioxide) but want to start making it and using it in the home?

Here is a quick and simple video that shows you how to make the spray bottle version by yourself. You can use the A and B bottle (activated MMS) to make it OR the CDS liquid (Chlorine Dioxide Solution). Both are effective at helping with infections and other issues on the skin, eyes, nose and environment. It is the single best spray to have with you for health purposes. It kills all pathogens and helps to quickly clear up the skin of issues that you might be suffering from. It is Oxidation in a bottle and Oxygen in a bottle at the same time.

Video Table of Contents:

Beginning: Finding Amber colored Glass bottles for spraying

2:00 Making MMS Spray Bottle Mix

4:36 Making CDS Spray Bottle Mix (At the 5:10 mark I say "Sodium Hypochlorite" but i meant to say "Sodium Chlorite")

It is more than an Cure, it is a Solution to disease. Healing can be inexpensive and accessible to all, if they are willing to learn and "prove all things".

Free Ebooks on Molecular Medicines Downloadable at this Link:

My Video Channel on Brighteon:

My Mewe Group - Chlorine Dioxide Truth:

My Telegram Group:

My Gab Group:

If you are new to Clo2 (Chlorine Dioxide) but want to start making it and using it in the home?

Here is an excruciatingly long video on start-to-finish production. I start with the dry Naclo2 "Sodium Chlorite" flakes and walk you through making the Liquid Sodium Chlorite, then the Liquid HCL "Hydrochloric Acid", then the MMS "Master Mineral Solution" which is used for the main "drop-mix" protocols, then the CDS "Chlorine Dioxide Solution", and finally the CDS "Protocol C", which is the most commonly used CDS-protocol. Chlorine Dioxide It is safe to use when you understand the dosages, it is inexpensive and it is more effective than most pharmaceutical drugs for treating diseases.

Video Table of Contents:

0:57 "A" Mix - Sodium Chlorite Flakes - Measuring & Adding Water & Mixing Naclo2, 80 to 25%

8:40 "B" Mix - Hydrochloric Acid - Dilution with water from 20% to 4-5%

19:42 MMS Drop-Mix Demonstration (Protocol 1000, 2000, 3000)

21:08 Making CDS from "A" and "B" liquids. (Chlorine Dioxide Solution)

46:45 CDS Protocol C Mixing Demonstration with DMSO

It is more than an Cure, it is a Solution to disease.

Healing can be inexpensive and accessible to all, if they are willing to learn and "prove all things".

Free Ebooks on Molecular Medicines Downloadable at this Link:

My Video Channel on Brighteon:

My Mewe Group - Chlorine Dioxide Truth:

My Telegram Group:

My Gab Group:

If you are new to Clo2 (Chlorine Dioxide), this book will help you to read the stories of those who have used it and recovered from dozens of different diseases. It also includes some basic protocols used to treat disease (which are usually the Protocol 1000 - MMS, and the Protocol C - CDS). Over 280 pages, and growing, of people's experiences and recovery using Clo2. It is safe and effective when you learn how to use it, which is shown in my book 1, "Simple Molecular Medicines".

Download book 2 "Treatments & Testimonials" AND Book 1 for free from my website at or at the link below:
Book 2:

Book 1:

It is more than an Cure, it is a Solution to disease.

Healing can be inexpensive and accessible to all, if they are willing to learn and "prove all things".

Free Ebooks on Molecular Medicines Downloadable at this Link:

My Video Channel on Brighteon:

My Mewe Group - Chlroine Dioxide Truth:

My Telegram Group:

My Gab Group:

Is there any actual research on Chlorine Dioxide to show it is safe and effective? ABSOLULTELY! This video set demonstrates one of the HUNDREDS OF RESEARCH ARTICLES, MEDICAL STUDIES, PATENTS AND INDUSTRIAL REVIEWS that have been published over the past 50+ years on Chlorine Dioxide. This substance is completely safe when used correctly and each of these episodes/articles illustrates how this is true. Ironically, when you take Clo2 as a supplement, your body also heals faster from most any disease or infection. (Huh? Who would have figured that?)

Healing can be inexpensive and accessible to all, if they are willing to learn and "prove all things".

Access these research documents at:,%22action%22:%22open%22,%22userId%22:%22112635842224751150869%22,%22resourceKeys%22:%7B%7D%7D

or at:

Other clo2/Anthrax historical info at:

Free Ebooks on Molecular Medicines (like chlorine dioxide) Downloadable at this Link:

My Video Channel on Brighteon:

My Mewe Group - Chlroine Dioxide Truth:

My Telegram Group:

My Gab Group:

Is there any actual research on Chlorine Dioxide to show it is safe and effective? ABSOLULTELY! This video set demonstrates one of the HUNDREDS OF RESEARCH ARTICLES, MEDICAL STUDIES, PATENTS AND INDUSTRIAL REVIEWS that have been published over the past 50+ years on Chlorine Dioxide. This substance is completely safe when used correctly and each of these episodes/articles illustrates how this is true. Ironically, when you take Clo2 as a supplement, your body also heals faster from most any disease or infection. (Huh? Who would have figured that?)

Healing can be inexpensive and accessible to all, if they are willing to learn and "prove all things".

Access these research documents at:

Patent in English:

Patent in Chinese:

Army Ebola Article from 2014:

Using Clo2 to stop Ebola in Sierra Leone (Grenon Book Excerpt):

Free Ebooks on Molecular Medicines (like chlorine dioxide) Downloadable at this Link:

My Video Channel on Brighteon:

My Mewe Group - Chlroine Dioxide Truth:

My Telegram Group:

My Gab Group:

If you are new to Clo2 (Chlorine Dioxide), consider these questions about your own health and how it will likely help you in your life. It is safe to use when you understand the dosages, it is inexpensive and it is more effective than most pharmaceutical drugs for treating diseases.

It is more than an Cure, it is a Solultion to disease.

Healing can be inexpensive and accessible to all, if they are willing to learn and "prove all things".

Free Ebooks on Molecular Medicines Downloadable at this Link:

My Video Channel on Brighteon:

My Mewe Group - Chlroine Dioxide Truth:

My Telegram Group:

My Gab Group:

Is there any actual research on Chlorine Dioxide to show it is safe and effective? ABSOLULTELY! This video set demonstrates one of the HUNDREDS OF RESEARCH ARTICLES, MEDICAL STUDIES, PATENTS AND INDUSTRIAL REVIEWS that have been published over the past 50+ years on Chlorine Dioxide. This substance is completely safe when used correctly and each of these episodes/articles illustrates how this is true. Ironically, when you take Clo2 as a supplement, your body also heals faster from most any disease or infection. (Huh? Who would have figured that?)

Healing can be inexpensive and accessible to all, if they are willing to learn and "prove all things".

Access these research documents at:

Free Ebooks on Molecular Medicines (like chlorine dioxide) Downloadable at this Link:

My Video Channel on Brighteon:

My Mewe Group - Chlroine Dioxide Truth:

My Telegram Group:

My Gab Group:

Is there any actual research on Chlorine Dioxide to show it is safe and effective? ABSOLULTELY! This video set demonstrates one of the HUNDREDS OF RESEARCH ARTICLES, MEDICAL STUDIES, PATENTS AND INDUSTRIAL REVIEWS that have been published over the past 50+ years on Chlorine Dioxide. This substance is completely safe when used correctly and each of these episodes/articles illustrates how this is true. Ironically, when you take Clo2 as a supplement, your body also heals faster from most any disease or infection. (Huh? Who would have figured that?)

Healing can be inexpensive and accessible to all, if they are willing to learn and "prove all things".

Access this research document at:

Free Ebooks on Molecular Medicines (like chlorine dioxide) Downloadable at this Link:

My Video Channel on Brighteon:

My Mewe Group - Chlroine Dioxide Truth:

My Telegram Group:

My Gab Group:

Is there any actual research on Chlorine Dioxide to show it is safe and effective? ABSOLULTELY! This video set demonstrates one of the HUNDREDS OF RESEARCH ARTICLES, MEDICAL STUDIES, PATENTS AND INDUSTRIAL REVIEWS that have been published over the past 50+ years on Chlorine Dioxide. This substance is completely safe when used correctly and each of these episodes/articles illustrates how this is true. Ironically, when you take Clo2 as a supplement, your body also heals faster from most any disease or infection. (Huh? Who would have figured that?)

Healing can be inexpensive and accessible to all, if they are willing to learn and "prove all things".

Access this research document at:

Free Ebooks on Molecular Medicines (like chlorine dioxide) Downloadable at this Link:

My Video Channel on Brighteon:

My Mewe Group - Chlroine Dioxide Truth:

My Telegram Group:

My Gab Group:

Is there any actual research on Chlorine Dioxide to show it is safe and effective? ABSOLULTELY! This video set demonstrates one of the HUNDREDS OF RESEARCH ARTICLES, MEDICAL STUDIES, PATENTS AND INDUSTRIAL REVIEWS that have been published over the past 50+ years on Chlorine Dioxide. This substance is completely safe when used correctly and each of these episodes/articles illustrates how this is true. Irronically, when you take Clo2 as a supplement, your body also heals faster from most any disease or infection. (Huh? Who would have figured that?)

Healing can be inexpensive and accessable to all, if they are willing to learn and "prove all things".

Access this research document at:

Free Ebooks on Molecular Medicines (like chlorine dioxide) Downloadable at this Link:

My Video Channel on Brighteon:

My Mewe Group - Chlroine Dioxide Truth:

My Telegram Group:

My Gab Group:

If you ever had a chance to infect yourself willingly with Covid-19, would you do it? I had the chance and I turned out fine because I knew exactly how to treat it with Chlorine Dioxide (Clo2) to conquer the virus infection. Clo2 safely destroys virus infections as well as other pathogens that cause disease in humans. No Fear!

Healing can be inexpensive and accessable to all, if they are willing to learn and "prove all things".

Free Ebooks on Molecular Medicines Downloadable at this Link:

My Video Channel on Brighteon:

My Mewe Group - Chlroine Dioxide Truth:

My Telegram Group:

My Gab Group:


Created 3 years, 10 months ago.

209 videos

Category Health & Medical

If someone wants to learn about Chlorine Dioxide (aka CD or MMS) or any other simple molecular medicine they would first need to understand why it has such negative press from the mainstream media outlets, Pharmaceutical companies, the FDA and on social media. Simply put, THEY ARE INEXPENSIVE, YOU CAN PRODUCE AND USE THEM AT HOME, AND THEY WORK! This does not fit the for-profit business model of any company or regulating government. Anyone that really takes the time to learn about it will find that there are two extremes of people talking about it. The first group (Which you could call the "Newsies") reports that they are fake medicins, snake oils and some kind of toxic-bleach-poison. The other group (Which could be called the "Grass Roots" Group) gives thousands of testimonies of real people who tell how it helped with autoimmune diseases, infections and other ailments. My mission is to find and explain the truths of what CD is and how it can help the body. I also have a free book for anyone who wants to learn the basics about this as a health suppliment. You can download it from this link:

For this channel, I have a couple of guidlines that I ask of all members. 1. Please be kind to each other. We are all here to learn and may not completely agree on everything. 2. Please keep your language more on the cleaner side. There are plenty of places online where you can use foul language but I'd like to have this place be one where kids and adults can read and learn without the swearing. Thank You! (Brian)

More info at: