Realizing Things

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Realizing Things



Was the history of Yasuke created to legimate Kalergi Plan in Japan?

Is the islamic world ruled by crytojews from beginning?

Beware Jews and Nobel Prize Winners war against whites

South Brazil, where the population is mostly white was destroyied by a big flooding. H.A.A.R.P. conspiring for Kalergi?

As My Aunt treats herself for cancer, her wears something similar to a kippah, than she wears a something similar to a jewish hat...

Excuse me the low light. Maybe I am also in a tunnel. :-)

The israeli movie "The Golem" is about a creature looking like a real boy. Is it just fiction or is there some truth that they want us to associate with fiction?


Created 3 years, 3 months ago.

302 videos

Category News & Politics

A Channel about conspiracies.