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Created 2 years, 7 months ago.

272 videos

Category Arts & Literature

Sawyer And Robbie is a heartbreaking coming-of-age book series about a boy and his dog

Unlike the rest of his graduating class who have great plans for the future, Sawyer Bowen is going to the prestigious Tule University for one reason and one reason alone: his little tan doggie, Robbie.

Their adventures take them through the old New England Ivy League campus, to secret underground cavernous passageways of the nearby 17th century cemetery where they meet spirits and witches, and then finally to an encounter with a warring tribe in a remote part of the Brazilian rainforest.

Throughout it all, Sawyer embarks on a quest for his beloved little doggie in a world where simple beauty and true love have been all but forgotten. The cold modern world tries to pull them apart. It fights them at every turn.

Sacred Gemstones is the first book in the Sawyer And Robbie coming of age series which traverses through ancient times and never-before seen places in the quest for forgotten secrets and lost ancient magic. At times playful and sexy, and others filled with ironic humor and biting satire, Sawyer And Robbie is fueled by love that drives the search of what is truly meaningful and for what living life truly means.