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Oddities of the new camera. Blank screen for the first few seconds.

So I'm on the Bus. Biddy chatting about her friend who was "breathless". Went to the ER. Diagnosed with Heart Failure.
News at 3 11


Spin-up dat Graphene!

"Prepare her an Electric Funeral"

GeoGodley vlog*com

GeoGodley vlog*com

Spinning Class

GeoGodly vlog*com
& Yes I was in Leicester Square yesterday too.

autoimmune encephalitis

adverse effect intended

Sleeping Beauty Transposon
Equilibrium Constant K

Re-Election - BOOM - Blackout - 2nd US Civil War.
Key film: Sahara

I don't blame you if you don't wanna watch this one


Created 6 years, 3 months ago.

1326 videos

Category Health & Medical

Having seen the CPR footage, I have to consider the use of mannequins like in the Nice 0p a few years ago. So I'm not clear on this one at all. We will see.....