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This video highlights the most common issues we see with housewrap being installed incorrectly. While this video only shows a few issues it does show how important these minor details are and what can happen if they are not done correctly! Contact us with any questions you may have.

This video highlights the most common issues we have seen with these integrated weather barrier systems such as ZIP. We highlight the most vulnerable points in the system to try to help prevent these issues from costing you or your family a life savings to correct! Feel free to contact us with any questions you may have.

What is the difference between Tyvek & other housewraps? We explain that very question in this video. Feel free to reach out to us with any questions you may have.

This video explains what roof flashings are and where they are required to keep your home dry. We explain when flashings need to be soldered as well as where flashings should be used. If you need help with roof flashings feel free to reach out to us with any questions you may have.

Weather Proofing America is a consulting company that helps prevent major issues when it comes to waterproofing any structure. We can guide your builder or contractors with the correct materials & methods of installation in order to keep your building standing against the test of mother nature. With over 20 years of experience in the roofing & water intrusion business we have seen just about all the no no's! Let us help you keep your building dry and safe from water intrusion.


Created 2 years, 10 months ago.

5 videos

Category DIY & Gardening