AmRen Conferences

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AmRen Conferences

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Jared Taylor reminds the audience what AR is fighting for. “We stand in defense of our people and way of life,” he said. “We owe this to our children, who must not become despised minorities in their own land.”

He decried the prevalence of anti-white sentiment among whites. Mr. Taylor argues that whites are encouraged to think of themselves in explicitly racial terms only in order to feel shame and to ask for forgiveness. For non-whites, it is the opposite: They are proud of their racial identities and make no pretense of embracing “diversity.”

Mr. Taylor ends on a high note, confident that whites will reclaim their racial identity.

Sam Dickson closes the 20th American Renaissance conference. He says we are fighting for the Western view of life against those who deliberately avoid reality. He argues that our opponents have a “religion that believes in defiance of reality, in defiance of the facts.” Mr. Dickson heaps scorn on the dishonesty and corruption of the American government but promised that reality will ultimately triumph. Facts and science are on our side. Our opponents “are on a collision course with reality” and cannot avoid disaster.

Jared Taylor reflects on decades of public activism. Though the future may appear dark, he argues that “the censors are failing” and that intelligent white activists are building their own communities and taking over existing institutions. The system is dying even as it lashes out viciously. Mr. Taylor concludes with gratitude for AmRen supporters who permit him to live a life of purpose: “I have the daily joy of doing my duty.”

Stephen McNallen draws on the theories of psychologist Carl Jung, who argued that distinct peoples and nations share a collective unconscious that can be dominated by certain archetypes. Wotan has two key characteristics: fury and wisdom. Fury led to the fratricidal tragedy of the Second World War and the even further degradation of Germany. Thus, wisdom will be the key in the new postwar era. Mr. McNallen argues that Ragnarök is upon us, but we need "runes rather than ruins" and "the mead of inspiration rather than a poison pill in the bunker." He calls us to "become more than what we are," and to "deserve life and deserve victory." "Wokeness is weakness," he says, "and weakness is death for the individual and the group."

Dr. Ricardo Duchesne attacks the idea that “Cultural Marxism” or another recent innovation is responsible for the decline of Western Civilization. Instead, what we face is arguably the endpoint of civilization as liberal pluralism reaches its logical conclusion. Though the Founding Fathers and others took white racial identity for granted, Dr. Duchesne says the principles they espoused made it logically difficult to oppose even the most radical egalitarianism. He concludes that white racial survival requires the development of a fourth political theory beyond liberalism, fascism, and communism.

Flemish activist Dries Van Langenhove chronicles his achievements founding the influential youth movement Schild & Vrienden and becoming the youngest member of Belgian parliament. He says technological advances caught our rulers off guard and enable us to fight oppression. He reminds us that our ancestors faced far worse odds and far more dangerous enemies. He ends with a call to ensure that “the lands of our ancestors remain the lands of our descendants.”

Gregory Hood argues that the current system offers whites nothing. Those with higher status always avoid the consequences of egalitarianism. However, our ruling class of liars and cowards can never admit this. Mr. Hood argued that such a system is intolerable for whites with any sense of dignity, and that we must explicitly work towards a state that safeguards our racial existence and higher development. White nationalism is not just moral, but a moral commandment.

James Edwards offers a long-term, insider perspective on the American Right. The white middle class is showing signs of life, he says, and politically correct conservatism is giving way to white identity politics. Once extreme ideas are now mainstream views in conservative circles. He argues that polarization will intensify, especially because of government persecution of President Trump. Forces are speeding towards collision and the masses are poised for revolutionary change.

Keith Woods speaks of the struggle of nationalist Ireland against immigration. Mr. Woods argues that “denationalization” in Ireland began with the effort by the upper middle class in Dublin to show its distinctiveness and social superiority over others, and says the problem was exacerbated by a thirst for economic growth. Mr. Woods offers hope for Ireland because there is no “faux” populist party that can serve as a safety valve to dissipate nationalist resistance. Instead, the political system will be forced to cope with a new force.

Ruuben Kaalep, a member of the Conservative Party in Estonia and an elected parliamentarian, passionately defends ethnonationalism and independent nation-states. He says ethnostates are the norm in Eastern Europe. “We are an ethnostate,” he said of Estonia, “and we exist, and we are successful.” He argues that in the current era, white nationalism must never be imperialist, but should respect the autonomy of all peoples. Nevertheless, Mr. Kaalep argues that white nationalists around the world should work together. "Our future is united,” he says, calling for “an alliance between nationalists around the world.”

“What is it about whites,” Mr. Taylor wants to know, “that makes them casually say such vicious things about their own people?” He traces this to a uniquely white compulsion to feel virtuous. Mr. Taylor notes that whites' zeal for the welfare of other races and a thirst to condemn their own people is unique. No other people ever work up a fanatic conviction that they are bad and should be suppressed. He says we should not to think of our opponents as vicious or bad-intentioned, but as lost brothers and sisters whom we must respect enough to try to understand and win over. We cannot afford the dizzying luxury of hatred; we must enlighten and lead.

Former Congressman Steve King guides the audience through Western history, identifying the origin of key concepts such as the rule of law, the right to confront one’s accusers, and limits to the power of the state. He defends whites as the group indispensable to the creation of Western Civilization, and says that others should be grateful for what whites have done. Congressman King expresses amazement that leftists believe the West will roll over without a fight. “We’re the ones who have to save this country,” he concludes.

Attorney Sam Dickson argues that aspects of Americans' national history are difficult problems for whites. These include an emphasis on materialism, opposition to the frank and necessary use of state power, and a tendency to take the “easy way out,” of just moving away from problems. Mr. Dickson says whites must delay hard choices no longer. We need a home of our own. If whites don’t meet this historical challenge to secure self-determination, our children will pay ever higher costs. Only one question remains: How high a price will we have to pay?

Henrik Palmgren of Red Ice presents a comprehensive economic and geopolitical case for why he believes the current global order will collapse. He argues that the system will intensify its attempts to centralize control, and concludes that each of us will have to decide for himself how to survive a potential collapse, but in chaos will come many possibilities for renewal.

Laura Loomer describes the censorship she faced running for congress, and says failing to protect free speech was President Trump’s biggest failure. She notes that many of the censors who work for Big Tech are “Third World invaders,” which means that strangers help decide what we can say, read, and think. She argues that free speech has been the engine of progress in the West and called for us to defend a country that was “once a shining example of what is possible when white men come together to build something great.”

Gregory Hood argues that what our movement needs more than anything is a Sorelian Myth to inspire immediate action for a long-term goal. Mr. Hood says that the West is entirely on the wrong course because it is following an egalitarian morality that will end with dissolution and chaos. Our mission is to build a Western Civilization-State that would have the explicit purpose of ensuring the physical survival of the white race, the advancement of Western culture, and the upward development of every Western man and woman to his or her fullest potential.

Dr. F. Roger Devlin gives a fascinating account of the role of envy in race relations, detailing societies in which envy plays a powerful role. Dr. Devlin notes that envious groups can “embrace even failure itself as a badge of identity.” Dr. Devlin concludes that if blacks and whites must live together, society must teach that white success does not depend on black failure and that everyone must succeed by his own efforts.

Jared Taylor notes that "our country is sick," and offers a diagnosis. Mr. Taylor says the racial dividing line is so clear and bright it should “should dazzle even whites who are deliberately blind.” He concludes with optimism: “All of you,” he said, "have the blood of those heroes in your veins, and like our noble forebears, we will fight and will be victorious.”

Michelle Malkin traces her “30-year journey from mainstream campus conservative to establishment Con Inc. media figure to speaker here at American Renaissance.” She has come to the conclusion that we can't all "just get along." She points out the shortcoming of blind rank-and-file Republicans and shares her hope in America First dissidents.

Peter Brimelow says the Biden administration's radicalism has led to a "moral panic" from which no conservative is safe. He lays 3-1 odds that the GOP will take back the house and the senate in 2022, and proposes a "to-do" list. Lastly, he points to dramatic shifts in voting patterns that he says could lead to a "reconquista."

Sam Dickson says Americans of European origin must have a nation and that there is no hope of political reform. He points out that the Left has given up on everything it once championed, and adds the rising number of people who see our government as illegitimate “offers great hope for the future.” He concludes with his belief that “we will have our own nation.”

Gregory Hood speaks about how European-Americans are the ones with real grievances in America — as they suffer from government discrimination, media defamation, and a complete lack of political representation. Mr. Hood charged that “we have practically dismantled our entire civilization” but have received almost nothing in return. He concludes with a rousing call to action.

Jared Taylor speaks of how the most basic and ancient distinctions between people have been crushed by relentless egalitarianism

Mr. Spencer explains that for many decent whites the process of letting go of the dream of America will be very painful, but we must dream of a new nation, an ethnostate for our people on this continent.

Fabrice Robert speaks about one of the most dynamic nationalist movements in Europe today, the Bloc Identitaire (Identitarian Bloc), of which he is a leader.


Created 3 years, 11 months ago.

50 videos

Category News & Politics

The speeches from past American Renaissance conferences, in one place.

American Renaissance is a publication founded in 1990 and dedicated to the study of immigration and race relations so as to better understand the consequences of America's increasing diversity, and to speak in the name of the legitimate interests of America's historic majority. It was published as a monthly print magazine until 2012, and has since been produced online.

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