Guy Giard

La voici, ma première chanson humoristique ! J'ai eu le plaisir de suivre une formation à l'École Nationale de l'Humour de Montréal avec Mario Bélanger. Après bien des difficultés et des échecs, j'ai réussi à trouver ma voix musicale, et Monsieur Bonheur a trouvé sa place dans le monde de l'humour Stand-Up. J'espère que vous l'aimerez, j'ai eu beaucoup de plaisir à la composer pour vous.

On est tous un peu fou
Et nous on s’en fout
Soit un loup un filou
Un voyou sans tabou
On est tous un peu fou

Quand j’écoute les nouvelles
C’est la guerre en Israël
Donald Trump est aux États
On est ti bin au Canada

Mais Y’ - z’annonce un aut’ virus
C’est ti bin à cause des Russes?
Faut s’refaire vacciner
Même mon chat sera masqué

Réchauffement climatique
Faut des voitures électriques
Moi j’préfère le cheval
J’irai vivre à Laval

Si jamais tu prend l’avion
C’est bin d’trop d’pollution
Faut payer la taxe carbone
Mes vacances sont à Terrebonne

L’téléphone nous espionnent
Et nous brule les neurones
Attention a la 5-G
Ils veulent tous nous ploguer

J’ai posté sur mon tik tok
Toute les choses qui me choquent
Si tu veux pas me liker
J’répond Hashtag tu me fait chier

Alors j’éteins mon ordi
J'arrête toutes ces conneries
J’ai envie de retrouver
Les amies qu'j’ai oubliés

Si l’amour est dans ton coeur
Et qu’tu respires le bonheur
Lève ton verre on s’pète la broue
Parcqu’on est tous un peu fou

Guy Giard Monsieur Bonheur On est tous un peu fou, avec paroles 2024
Chanson humoriste: "On est tous un peu fou"
Guy Giard Auteur-compositeur-interprète
Paroles et musiques ©

Cet hiver, j'ai suivi un cours de stand-up humoriste en même temps que je faisais de l'improvisation. Cela a donné lieu à quelques scènes rigolotes. En voici une : Guy Giard Impro humoriste Les Beatles 2024 Avec amour M. Bonheur ❤❤❤

Cet hiver, j'ai suivi un cours de stand-up humoriste en même temps que je faisais de l'improvisation. Cela a donné lieu à quelques scènes rigolotes. En voici une : Guy Giard Impro humoriste Les Beatles 2024 Avec amour M. Bonheur ❤❤❤

03 Mr Happiness Guy Giard Mr Thunder Shane Impro Montreal May 12, 2024 What a joy exploring Mr Happiness! I just love playing with the crowd improvising for the fun of everyone!!! Love you all xxx ❤❤❤ Guy Giard

What a joy exploring Mr Happiness! I just love playing with the crowd improvising for the fun of everyone!!! Love you all xxx ❤❤❤ Guy Giard Mr. Thunder Shane Impro Montreal May 12, 2024

Guy Giard Mr Happiness back in shape 10k run barefoot barechest.

After not being able to run for many months, I finally hit the road at 6 o'clock this morning. Barefoot and shirtless, I was able to run 10 kilometers at a speed of about 7 minutes per kilometer, which isn't very fast. I took care to start slowly, doing intervals of 5 minutes running with one minute rest. In total, I ran for about an hour and a half. My goal is to get back into shape for my 65th birthday in November! I hope to achieve this so I can give even more love and happiness around the world as a humanitarian clown, IMPROlaughter teacher and speaker. I love you all xxxx Guy

Guy Giard Mr Happiness back in shape 10k run barefoot barechest.

After not being able to run for many months, I finally hit the road at 6 o'clock this morning. Barefoot and shirtless, I was able to run 10 kilometers at a speed of about 7 minutes per kilometer, which isn't very fast. I took care to start slowly, doing intervals of 5 minutes running with one minute rest. In total, I ran for about an hour and a half. My goal is to get back into shape for my 65th birthday in November! I hope to achieve this so I can give even more love and happiness around the world as a humanitarian clown, IMPROlaughter teacher and speaker. I love you all xxxx Guy

01 Guy Giard Pappathomas La Muse PAPARUDA INTRO pluie 19 MAI 2024
This is one of our 3 songs, with Paparudam you hear an introduction of creating a rainfall with thunder!!!! Such fun!!! What a beautiful concert with the Romanian choir La Muse and André Pappathomas. I've been singing as a tenor for 30 years in various choirs, and this concert for Podium 2024: Congrès et festival choral / Choral Conference & Festival 2024 was an amazing mix of folk and contemporary improvisation! What an experimental blast! I love you all ❤❤❤ Mr Happiness Bonheur Guy Giard

02 Guy Giard Pappathomas La Muse COLIND DIN SALAJ 19 mai 2024
This is the second of our 3 songs, COLIND DIN SALAJ, a traditional Romanian folk song. What a beautiful concert with the Romanian choir La Muse and André Pappathomas. I've been singing as a tenor for 30 years in various choirs, and this concert for Podium 2024: Congrès et festival choral / Choral Conference & Festival 2024 was an amazing mix of folk and contemporary improvisation! What an experimental blast! I love you all ❤❤❤ Mr Happiness Bonheur Guy Giard

Guy Giard Christian Soulmate impro montreal the lab 22 mars 2024
I cherish these rare occasions when luck has it that Christian and I were picked to perform together. In this inrpovisation I think both oue deep qualities came out! Thanks for such a wonderful evening!!!!! Love you all ❤❤❤ Guy Giard Christian Henegan-Comeau Soulmate impro montreal the lab 22 mars 2024

02 Guy Giard Pappathomas La Muse COLIND DIN SALAJ 19 mai 2024
This is the second of our 3 songs, COLIND DIN SALAJ, a traditional Romanian folk song. What a beautiful concert with the Romanian choir La Muse and André Pappathomas. I've been singing as a tenor for 30 years in various choirs, and this concert for Podium 2024: Congrès et festival choral / Choral Conference & Festival 2024 was an amazing mix of folk and contemporary improvisation! What an experimental blast! I love you all ❤❤❤ Mr Happiness Bonheur Guy Giard

01 Guy Giard Pappathomas La Muse PAPARUDA INTRO pluie 19 MAI 2024
This is one of our 3 songs, with Paparudam you hear an introduction of creating a rainfall with thunder!!!! Such fun!!! What a beautiful concert with the Romanian choir La Muse and André Pappathomas. I've been singing as a tenor for 30 years in various choirs, and this concert for Podium 2024: Congrès et festival choral / Choral Conference & Festival 2024 was an amazing mix of folk and contemporary improvisation! What an experimental blast! I love you all ❤❤❤ Mr Happiness Bonheur Guy Giard

Guy Giard Christian Soulmate impro montreal the lab 22 mars 2024
I cherish these rare occasions when luck has it that Christian and I were picked to perform together. In this improvisation I think both our deep qualities came out! Thanks for such a wonderful evening!!!!! Love you all ❤❤❤ Guy Giard Christian Henegan-Comeau Soulmate impro montreal the lab 22 mars 2024

Here's the first of two conversations Mr Happiness had with the amazing Lorraine Elizabeth Campbell of the Star Parent Podcast! You'll discover many tools to transform your life into happiness and hear personal testimonials on overcoming obstacles. I love you all xxx ❤❤❤

This concludes Mr. Happiness's second of two conversations with the incredible Lorraine Elizabeth Campbell of the Star Parent Podcast! This week, we're delving even further into the unique obstacles that each of us must overcome to find happiness. Explore and find joy in numerous poignant and uplifting testimonies of conquering challenges. I love you all xxx ❤❤❤

This concludes Mr. Happiness's second of two conversations with the incredible Lorraine Elizabeth Campbell of the Star Parent Podcast! This week, we're delving even further into the unique obstacles that each of us must overcome to find happiness. Explore and find joy in numerous poignant and uplifting testimonies of conquering challenges. I love you all xxx ❤❤❤

Here's the first of two conversations Mr Happiness had with the amazing Lorraine Elizabeth Campbell of the Star Parent Podcast! You'll discover many tools to transform your life into happiness and hear personal testimonials on overcoming obstacles. I love you all xxx ❤❤❤

Here's an excerpt from our previous performance. "LA GRAND MESSE de Gilles Vigneault" is sung by Choeur La Muse. In addition to giving speeches and performing in the choir, I got the opportunity to sing in my first quartet and sing French songs from the Renaissance as well as Gilles Vigneault. Offering the gift of music in concert is such a delight. The 20th of April, 2024 What a wonderful event. I'm excited to use music to spread more joy. Mr. Happiness Bonheur Guy Giard, I love you all ❤❤❤

🥰J'ai été invitée à partager une courte anecdote qui a transformé ma vie. Voici mon histoire de clown 🤡 avec Dr Patch Adams. Je vous aime tous. ❤❤❤ Monsieur Bonheur

🥰J'ai été invitée à partager une courte anecdote qui a transformé ma vie. Voici mon histoire de clown 🤡 avec Dr Patch Adams. Je vous aime tous. ❤❤❤ Monsieur Bonheur

For your enjoyment, I present Mister Happiness / Monsieur Bonheur honing his musical improv craft. For the first time I'm on stage daring to let the audience improvise a song. I hope you appreciate it even though it's in French! What do you think, will you invite me to any of your events? xxx I love you all ❤❤❤ Guy Monsieur Bonheur Happiness 😀

For your enjoyment, I present Mister Happiness / Monsieur Bonheur honing his musical improv craft. For the first time I'm on stage daring to let the audience improvise a song. I hope you appreciate it even though it's in French! What do you think, will you invite me to any of your events? xxx I love you all ❤❤❤ Guy Monsieur Bonheur Happiness 😀

For your enjoyment, I present Mister Happiness / Monsieur Bonheur honing his musical improv craft. For the first time I'm on stage daring to let the audience improvise a song. I hope you appreciate it even though it's in French! What do you think, will you invite me to any of your events? xxx I love you all ❤❤❤ Guy Monsieur Bonheur Happiness 😀


Created 3 years, 10 months ago.

206 videos

Category Arts & Literature

Guy Giard is a Gardener of the Soul. Born in the French speaking province of Quebec, Canada, he lived for many years in Europe. Professional artist his artworks are exhibited across Canada and The Netherlands; and has a singer he’s given dozens of concerts. After teaching for twenty years in major art museums he becomes a Certified Laughter Yoga Leader and joins the real Dr. "Patch" Adams as a humanitarian clown caring in hospitals and orphanages in Guatemala, Peru, Mexico, India and Russia. He is a dynamic and engaging speaker and an inspiring consultant. He believes that anyone can plant his own life’s mission, grow his life’s purpose and sow a legacy.

Dr. "Patch" Adams writes about Guy Giard: “I truly feel his passion to live radiant, using clowning as a tool to help midwife a loving world. To hear of his own transformation to being a loving soul will inspire others to try it on."

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