Jesus Worker in the end times

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Jesus Worker in the end times



Christians in the West don't know what it's like to be illegal for believing in Jesus Christ. We take it for granted that our governments are Christian too... or at least that they are tolerant of the Christian religion. But we know from Bible prophecy that this tolerance is going away. The world is becoming progressively anti-Christian, and one day, you will be considered a criminal unless you denounce your faith in God. If you don't prepare for this time now, you will almost certainly turn from God when the going gets tough. This video will help you to prepare, so please watch it, and then write to us if you want to link up with others who are also preparing to be illegal for Christ

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Why did Mark record in his gospel that Jesus loved the rich young ruler who came to him asking about eternal life? Sometimes, the truth can be a bitter pill to swallow... but it's made so much easier to take when we know the one offering it to us loves us and wants what is best for us. Are we willing to let go of all we hold to, take up our cross, and follow the One who IS Love? This is the path to eternal life, and it comes from one who loves you. Believe in his love.

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In this video, we explore if God really did command the Hebrew armies to 'slaughter every man, woman and child'. We also look at one of the most puzzling contradictions in the Old Testament. God has the right to do and be whatever he wants... after all, he is God. But what if much of what has been record to have been done 'in his name' is nothing more than a gross distortion? This is the fourth part of a series on the God of the Old Testament.

You can also watch this video to complement the topic-

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What do we really know about Moses and the 10 commandments? Contradictions in the biblical accounts, exaggerations and lost tablets - are you ready to question your understanding of the God of the old Testament?

From the ten commandments to over 600 other rules, the image many have of the God of the Old Testament, is one of a 'kill-joy'. But wait a minute? Did God communicate all of these rules and if he didn't why were they added? And what if the rules he did give were only just the start of him trying to communicate his will to a people whose hearts were just as hard as the stone on which the 10 commandments were written?

Next weekend I would be uploading the 4 video of this series. Do not miss it.

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One of the stories Satanists use to argue that the "God of the Old Testament" is cruel and inconsistent is that of Abraham being told to sacrifice Isaac, his son. But is there more to the Abraham and Isaac story than is usually considered? Can such a story really be reconciled with the concept of God as a loving Father? Or are the God of the Old Testament and the God of the New Testament two different gods?

Next weekend I would be uploading the third video of this series. Do not miss it.

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How can the knowledge of good and evil be a bad thing? After gaining such knowledge, Adam and Eve, and indeed the rest of humanity, were doomed to a life outside of the Garden of the Eden. Satanism teaches that his unwillingness to provide us with knowledge is what makes God, himself, totally evil. But before we assume God to be the cruel dictator he is painted out to be, let's look at exactly where the knowledge of good and evil has gotten us as a human race. And let's start with what is considered the greatest achievement in human ingenuity... artificial intelligence.

Next weekend I would be uploading the second video of this series. Do not miss it.

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Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, and expecting different results. So, why is it that we continue to place our hopes in political solutions, in religious institutions or in other leaders and people? The answer: insanity. But there IS a solution, to all of our problems, and that answer is Jesus. The question is: Are you sane enough to put his teachings into practice?

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Christians are supposed to represent a Bride who is loyal to Jesus Christ... our corporate husband. But something terrible has happened! This spotless, faithful Bride has turned into a WHORE! How did this happen? And what can we do to repent, and become the faithful body of Christ that we were meant to be?

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This video explores some shocking bible verses: Would you cut off your hand, or poke your eye out if it meant being saved from hell? Should we take Jesus literally when he says to cut off body parts if they cause us to sin?

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Jesus called on his disciples to pick up their cross and follow him. Jesus died for the truth and so did his followers. But they died at the hands of a godless system that persecuted them for their faith and love. They didn't choose to take their own lives, like what the world has seen in Jonestown, or Heaven's Gate, or the more recent mass suicide in Shakahola, Kenya.

Jesus calls on us to lay down our lives, but this doesn't mean taking our lives. It means giving them in loving service to God and others. When we do this, we will experience the kind of abundant life that God and Jesus want us to have. We may be hated by the world for the lives we live, and they may one day take our lives, as they did to Jesus Christ, but we know the story doesn't end there.

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"Is this a sin?" It may be a reasonable enough question. After all, most of us don't WANT to sin. So why shouldn't we make a list of all the things we shouldn't do if we want to be right with God? In this video, we look at how this approach to sin is not only unhelpful, but actually harmful for us spiritually. If we let go of the long list of religious do's and don'ts, and focus instead on the guiding principles of Jesus' teachings, we'll discover a kind of wisdom which transcends any list of rules we can come up with... including the ten commandments!

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News about artificial intelligence isn't going to stop anytime soon. AI's abilities are increasing so exponentially that the experts themselves have been caught off guard. We don't know how AI programs like ChatGPT even work, but we do know that there is a very likely possibility... an expectation, in fact, that artificial intelligence is going to be used for evil. For anyone who studies Bible prophecy, the link between AI and the antichrist is quite visible at this point in history. We can see it coming... but what are we going to do about it?

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Jesus said a lot about money. He preached about blessings for the poor, and he said "Woe to the rich". He commanded his disciples to forsake their wealth, to give all they had to the poor, and to live a life of voluntary poverty. In this video, a well-known pastor named Mike Winger gives you his perspective on how we should follow these teachings of Jesus.

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The Mark of the Beast (666) is coming and we need to prepare ourselves spiritually RIGHT NOW if we are going to reject it. If you really want to know how to avoid the Mark of the Beast, this video is for you!

The mark of the beast chip is just around the corner, and too many people are not prepared for the strong temptation that they will face when it is finally implemented. There are some serious spiritual and practical preparations we need to make beforehand.

This video covers 5 spiritual preparations we need to make if we hope to refuse the Mark of the Beast. Please take them seriously.

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What is eternity? Can the concept of a dimension outside of time, space and matter, bridge the gap between human understanding of science and religion? From questions of what God is, the creation of the earth, to death and the judgement; this video explores how the concept of eternity could help to bring harmony between two very different realities.

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Many people talk about the Mark of the Beast chip that is coming, but very few are preparing themselves practically for it. Practical preparation to reject the Mark of the Beast is not about stocking up food and building shelter. It's about training ourselves in practical ways so that we will be able to resist the TEMPTATION to accept the Mark of the Beast microchip.

So many people are not prepared for the strong temptation that they will face when the microchip implant is finally implemented. There are some serious spiritual and practical preparations we need to make beforehand.

This video covers 5 PRACTICAL preparations we need to make if we hope to refuse the Mark of the Beast. Please take them seriously.

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Conspiracy theories in 2020 are more prevalent than at any other point in history. You don't need to be on Facebook or YouTube for very long to see talk about a conspiracy related to Covid-19 and China, or a Black Lives Matter conspiracy. Some theories are totally fabricated, while others contain some pieces of truth. So is there any merit in listening to them? This video provides 10 tips to help you navigate this field of conspiracy theories, without getting tripped off and distracted from the REAL conspiracy facing the world today.

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Do you want true happiness? This radical video suggests that the very thing we do to find happiness is what stands in the way of achieving it. It asks the question: Do material things make you happy?

Christmas, birthdays, and other celebrations are generally seen as happy times. But reality is that more and more people are growing tired of celebrations. At the very least, you may need to change the way you celebrate!

The cult of materialism has led to a worldwide obsession with trinkets and gadgets, whereas the key to happiness may just be to rid yourself of junk. Less stuff, happier life! You can get out of the materialism trap now and fill the spiritual void with something better than junk.

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Seventh Day Adventists have been taught that the Mark of the Beast is doing anything holy on Sundays while the prophecy from The Book of Revelation says the Mark of the Beast is for buying and selling. Now that an RFID human implantable microchip is being marketed and sold in its thousands, SDA members are being forced to choose between holding on to their pet doctrine or changing to conform to the truth. While many SDA's now claim that they would object to taking an RFID chip, this video explores the likelihood that they will give in by taking it. That's if they choose to hold on to their false doctrine that Sunday Law is the Mark of the Beast, while refusing to consider that microchip implants for buying and selling are the actual Mark of the Beast. What do you think the Mark of the Beast is? Isn't it worth getting this issue right?!

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Protestants point the finger at Catholics for their use of the title 'father' in the Catholic church, while turning a blind eye to their own use of titles for their own ministers and/or the use of other titles Jesus forbade when convenient to do so. Yet there is one case where both protestants and Catholics (and even unbelievers) all use the same title to refer to one specific man, a title that Jesus only said should be used for Our Father, THE Father... i.e. God. It's the easiest command of Jesus to practice, yet one universally disobeyed. What are YOU doing with this teaching of Jesus?

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It's hard to admit when yoIt's hard to admit when we're wrong, especially when it comes to uncomfortable truths like the timing of the rapture compared to the great tribulation. This video examines the pre- and post-tribulation debate, but more than that, it discusses the important need to honestly examine the facts and accept the truth to better understand Bible prophecy... no matter how uncomfortable it may be. result.

I hope it helps you like it did for me.

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Thanks to social media, the world is getting more and more polarized over such issues as the covid-19 vaccine and US politics, and there doesn't seem to be anyone left who is thinking rationally and fairly about these and other important, global issues. The world is falling apart, and almost nobody can see how we are being manipulated through social media to become this way. Who is to blame? The social media supercomputers? or the people who allowed themselves to be manipulated by them?

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The entire world is eagerly awaiting the rebuilding of the temple in Jerusalem. The Bible predicts that it will happen... and it may not be far away. For some, this event will be a wonderful confirmation that God's chosen people are the Jews, and that his holy city is Jerusalem, over there in Israel. But for others, the third temple will be seen as a testimony to how far the human race has strayed from God, and it will also be the start of great suffering for many who claim to follow Jesus Christ. What do you think this Jewish temple represents? Watch this video, before you make up your mind.

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'Jews and the End Times - Who are God's Chosen People?' explores the confusion that exists surrounding Judaism and Jews in general.
Many Christians are taught to believe that if you are a physical descendant of Abraham, you are part of God's elect. But is this true?

As we get closer to the return of Christ - and the fulfillment of end time prophecy outlined in The Book of Revelation - the question
of who God elects as part of the new Israel He is bringing together, needs to be broached with wisdom.

Is faith in Jesus Christ the key needed to unlock this emotive and controversial issue?
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What does the UN security council have to do with Bible prophecy? In the book of Daniel and in the book of Revelation, we read about animals which are used to represent different governments. There are similarities, but also important differences between the animals in Daniel, and the animals in the Revelation. However, as you'll see in this video, the animals in Bible prophecy line up perfectly with the animals that are used to represent the nations in the UN security council today. The implications of this are vital to our understanding of what is about to happen on the Earth.
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Created 1 year, 3 months ago.

151 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

This page will be dedicated to sharing uplifting material for those who are interested in truly following Jesus as the Christian prophets and putting into practice his teachings of love.
My name is Jeremy and I am dedicated to working for God full time and on this site I will promote and defend what Jesus the son of the Creator of the universe taught.