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Surf English


A Different Look at Nixon and Watergate

We approach Sep 11th from a little different angle here, asking what is strange about the metanarrative of the terrorist attacks. What does it mean for society and why is it still so important and relevant today? Why should young people should care about what really happened and the truth about that day?

How can we speak of knowing something is historical even when it is controversial? What implicit theory of knowledge are some people subconsciously operating on?
I argue that part of the confusion is that some people do not apply the rigorous standard adopted by jurisprudence. When prosecutors construct arguments before judges, it´s assumed and widely accepted that a lot of what is considered evidence, even good evidence, is based on the other evidence that is brought to bear. I use the example of the Project for the New American Century documented which spelled out the Bush 2 administration´s need for ´´a new pearl harbor´´ to achieve their social and military goals. I say that it absolutely CAN be used as evidence of their orchestration of the Sep 11th attacks precisely because it is lined up with a lot of other really direct evidence that then shed light on what those words really meant. In the same way, the 1996 U.S air force document entitled ´´Owning the Weather by 2025 --- Weather as a Force Multiplier´´, while it is strictly true that by itself does not state anything more than an intention, when combined with all the other kinds of evidence that is presented, this document absolutely does carry significance. These documents wouldn´t carry any significance if not for all the other massive evidence. So it´s a cheap shot and a caricature to say, as a lot are saying now and have said to me, that pointing to these documents as ´´proof´´ of an inside job or of weather manipulation is assuming the conclusion, the problem is with the knee-jerk and shoot from the hip reaction and forgoing the rigorous standards of jurisprudence. Because in jurisprudence, a defense attorney would be laughed out of the court for dismissing something as ´´mere conspiracy theory´´ and likewise a defense attorney would be laughed out of court for suggesting that circumstantial evidence isn´t valid. In fact, I had a judge once tell me that circumstantial evidence is the best kind of evidence and it´s the evidence that judges look for because it is considered very, very strong!
´´I haven´t seen any evidence to suggest what you are saying is true.´´ This is often said to me, although it´s unclear what these people are looking at since we are headline readers, for the most part, and in the time in which we live, where information is so compartmentalized, it´s like these people expect to hear these controversial views of history handed to them on a platter on the nightly news or in the headlines of a major newspaper. If these naysayers were to pause and actually consider how the arguments they present are being constructed, they would see them for what they are, although I´m afraid that this too would be a distraction because part of the technique of the system is to get people focused on how the arguments are constructed rather than looking at the evidence. Anytime you are dealing with hijacked narratives that involve those in power and media manipulation there is going to be a large segment of the population against you that will come out of the gate looking for a fight and just refuse to engage. I find this to be true even amongst those who, on the surface, seem the most prone to question power but then wind up accepting the official media narratives at face value.

Es malo enseñar a los jóvenes que el preservativo es la única forma de evitar un embarazo, como si supusiéramos que van a ser promiscuos y esto parece ir muy en contra de la familia. Uno de los beneficios de tener una relación comprometida es poder prevenir un embarazo de forma natural. Esto no es cuidar por la regla o metodo del ritmo. Es otra cosa muy distinta. Se llama BILLLINGS o también ´´el metodo de la ovulación´´ y podemos ver desde entonces como funciona muy bien con mujeres con ciclos irregulares porque solo usa los días de la regla para llegar al día de la ovulación. En mi experiencia muchos medicos ni saben que existe este opción y transmite su ignorancia de los demás.

También tengo una razón personal para querer dar a conocer mejor en mi comunidad la verdad sobre la fertilidad de la mujer. Mucha gente no se da cuenta de que los anticonceptivos artificiales provocan microabortos. Hay cuestiones de bioética con implicaciones que son fundamentales. Mucha actividad cristiana se ha centrado en el crimen del aborto, su legalidad y su no legalidad, pero dejando fuera de la ecuación la cuestión de las píldoras y las inyecciones que también provocan microabortos. ¿A cuántas mujeres les gustaría saber que hay otras opciones? Además, cuando se combinan los signos del cuerpo y la llamada con la tecnología que tenemos hoy en día, como las aplicaciones que calculan todo por ella, uno puede ver cómo se podría confiar mucho en tal método. Una de las cosas más difíciles de hablar de este tema es que la gente me diga que es otra cosa. Creen que saben lo que es, aunque NO sea cuidarse por la regla o el ritmo aunque no lo es.

El Cáñamo en la Historia. Hay tanta ignorancia en torno al tema del cannabis, incluso sobre lo que es, que cualquier debate en las asambleas legislativas de américa latina sobre el tema de la legalización sin antes hacer una campaña de información a la población hará más mal que bien y reforzará prejuicios falsos. Uno de los prejuicios es que el único uso de esta planta es fumar y esa es una narrativa enormemente secuestrada. La realidad es que no tenemos un lenguaje lo suficientemente desarrollado para describir una planta que tiene tantos usos porque, sencillamente, no existe ninguna otra planta que sea capaz de ser fuente de alimento y textil y papel y plástico y cemento. A veces la gente me pregunta si el cannabis es legal en California porque han oído esto y yo siempre digo que no. Decir lo contrario sería burlarse del idioma. ¿Podríamos hablar de que el algodón es legal en un estado donde el único uso permitido es para papel higiénico? Por supuesto que no. Es legal vender cereales de cáñamo o ropa interior de cáñamo, pero pone ''Made in Canada'' o ''Made in Germany''. Es la producción lo que sigue siendo ilegal, incluso en California....especialmente en California.

La tendencia actual a atribuir tanto a los genes, desde la pedofilia hasta problemas sociales, representa una falla muy grande de la ciencia actual y no nos deja ver las causas reales de afecciones y comportamientos y condiciones.
Sin embargo, han traido el nuevo estudio de la epigenetica sin dar cuenta que es una manera salvar sus viejos teorias, o ajustarlo, aunque se ve la contradición en la genetica clasica. (La epigenetica es el estudio de como las cosas en el ambiete te hace prender los genes o no.) Nosotros tenemos una manera ver las causes de las enfermedades como ningun otra generación lo tenia por los descubrimientos de las cinco leyes biologica aunque los descubrimientos de Dr. Hamer son desconocido para la mayoria de medicos y los trabajando en la ciencia cognitiva.

Dr Claus Köhnlein extended Planet Lockdown interview. Kohnlein was/is one of the main critical voices for the official HIV equals AIDS theory. Now he´s turned the lightening rod of his analysis and, at times humor, to the Covid hysteria, proving that it is a criminal political plot without scientific basis. Here in this interview how they were killing patients with toxic drugs to give the impression of death going in waves.

Adrian Walker was a sub 4 hour marathon runner until he took the AstraZeneca vaccine. This vaccine was withdrawn from the international market last week because of bloot clots. Adrian now has blood clot thrombosis and is pushed around in a wheelchair by his wife. Listen to what he has to say: "I’m Adrian Walker and I’m #Vaccine injured - I have multiple Blood clots and I suffer from low platelets!! I was a sub 4 hour marathon runner and former, semi-pro football referee. I now rely on my wife to push me around in a wheelchair and just walking up and down the stairs makes me BREATHLESS! I NO LONGER LIVE, I MERELY EXIST!! We we’re told to do the right thing and PROTECT others by taking this #Vaccine BUT it turns out that it doesn’t protect you from getting #Covid or spreading the disease!! I feel coerced and LIED to, by the mainstream media, government and social media - They kept telling us it was SAFE and EFFECTIVE but the moment that narrative is questioned, it’s shut down, dismissed or labelled as MISINFORMATION……WE ARE NOT MISINFORMATION!!!!!”

If you do this before you need eyeglasses then you won`t need eyeglasses. Yoga as a means of prevention. Don`t scoff. We don`t use all our eye muscles and so they become weak through disuse. By activating them, we can insure that we don`t use glasses. You can actually improve your vision through doing this yoga for the eyes. There`s a lot that suggests giving eyeglasses to people actually weakens the muscles of the eyes and creates dependence. The eye is a muscle that grows, just like any other muscle, and is not fully formed until we reach adulthood. Moreover, the premature use of eyeglasses can actually create a self-feeding program that takes on a life of its own when we tell young people that they can`t see without eye glasses and then they want to see and this effects us biologically. A more holistic approach would be not treating totally to the full prescription, to encourage blinking during the exams, because of the glasses feel disorienting afterwards, like in my case, there is probably over treatment in place. We see this when we place liquid drops in the eyes of children and they start to see better because the liquid makes the eye muscles work. I remember being totally disoriented upon receiving eyeglasses at a young age and then starting to suffer a lot from headaches. I wish I`d said, ``No. I can see fine without my glasses,´´ unstead of being talked into thinking they were something I had to wear. When you have something between you and the world, as in the case of glasses, it can alter the perception in subtle ways and probably not for the good. I have friends to get eyeglasses but they are such a slight adjustment that afterwards they don`t use them so much. On the other hand, I certainly didn`t complain of any vision problems but at age 12 after receiving my first glasses, it totally made me dizzy and my head feel strange. Then within a few short years I was using such think lenses that I would actually be considered legally blind without the glasses. They say it`s genetics but I don`t think there are genes that would cause such rapid vision deteriation. I better way of understanding cognitive science is on the basis of something that, through a mere checkup, takes on a life of its own and becomes self-feeding. A university in the U.S actually did studies in Mexico in schools and found that Mexican schools that were in poor areas, the students almost never used braces or eyeglasses. The conclusion was because of lack of services. It`s true that poor families have different priorities. But another way of understanding this, because I`m sure all those poor people grew up with healthy eyes, is that premature distribution of eyeglasses actually damages the eyesight that would otherwise grow up find on its own. To say that those in poor schools as opposed to rich ones have different genes is far fetched but that is what the conventional wisdom would have us believe. Those at the poor school, if they go on later to get eyeglasses as adults, are going to use very reduced lenses as compared to those who started young and this even will affect the degree to which people are far-sighted or near-sighted, not genetic as assumed but actually a lifestyle and environmental cause. There`s always the issue that if when someone is a child then other people decide to make desicions for them, especially about the body, then later they feel like things were taken out of their hands. This could even include things like male circumcision or the way they used to change left-handers to right-handers (something which actually happened to me!)

Planet Lockdown (2022) subtitulado en español. Cierre del planeta. Este documental es una muy buena descripción de la agenda criminal que hay detrás de los encierros covid-19. Verás cómo no se basaba en la ciencia, sino en el deseo de crear un planeta prisión. Ahora puedes verlo con subtítulos en español.

Esta película se estrenó en 2022 y fue prohibida en Youtube y en las principales redes sociales. Es una gran descripción en general de cómo fuimos esclavizados durant el circo de la salud.

Planet Lockdown (Trailer)
This movie came out in 2022 and it was banned from YouTube and all the main social media sites. It´s a great overview of how we were enslaved and will continue to be unless we wake up!!

MICROWAVE FESTIVAL! Los Angeles California has become the Twighlight Zone! Once the city of the angels is now the city of hell!! Nobody seems to notice. The geometric pattern of the clouds you will see in this video is impossible by nature. Those that were watching the sky before the appearence of these grid patterns and boxes, that look like a cookie cutter design, did indeed see the airplanes lay the clouds down. I´ve been in this position a lot, watching the sky and I see the airplanes roll in. Not a cloud in the sky but then the airplanes roll in and a few hours later people say, ´´It´s just clouds´´ because they weren´t watching the sky. They form the geometric pattern in the clouds by hitting the nanodust with microwaves and EMF frequencies. Don´t look up!

WHAT ARE SSRI DRUGS? Why are they so dangerous and so hard to quit? SSRIs are the main antidepressive drugs like prozac and zoloft (loaded with fluoride). Moreover, we give ritalin and adderall to children with hyperactivity and so-called ADD, which does the same thing to the brain as cocaine and is considered a scheduled drug, meaning narcotic.

Versión española del nuevo documental Frankenskies
El calentamiento global es el tema político definitorio de nuestro tiempo y, sin embargo, apenas se ha comentado su relación con la manipulación meteorológica.

FRANKENSKIES - The Lies In Our Skies Exposed, is a new documentary by activist Matt Landman.

FrankenSkies is an 80-minute social change documentary regarding the Solar Geoengineering/Chemtrail agenda that affects every living being on earth. The struggle of bringing awareness to this subject, despite the obstacles of a socially engineered populace and the military industrial complex with its endless resources, is palpable in this awakening truth feature.

An impeccably timed eye-opening exposé, the film reveals the campaign to normalize chemical cloud formations via atmospheric aerosol dispersals.

Naomi Wolf on the Alex Jones show talks about the dangers of the Covid vaccines, especially the Pfizer shot. ´´It´s a depopulation operation worse than Nazi Germany. It´s a negative force beyond any human capability. It´s not even human! It´s killing babies!´´ The lipid nanoparticles target the reproductive organs first and foremost. Naomi Wolf has faced censorship and even been called a ´´doppelganger´´ and smeared by the mainstream media. ´´Democracy could end in the U.S´´, she said in 2007, ´´we could have fascism in the U.S. Now we are in it. There are ten steps to fascism and the last one is martial law and that happened in 2020. There is a map to fascism and we see it as a process that has been hammered out by history and is reliable.´´ Wolf is the author of the book The End of America where she documented everything that happened to bring fascism to the U.S in 2020 through the health circus. The Biden administration has put Naomi Wolf on an enemy list with President Biden specifically targetting Naomi Wolf and leaning on tech companies to ban her. This is a bombshell interview that should be shared far and wide! The lipid nanoparticles don´t stay at the injection sight but they cross the blood/brain barrier and travel to every part of the body wreaking havoc. They are self-assembling nanobots. It´s for hacking the human body and hooking the body up to artificial intelligence. ´´The dream of the whole tech sector is to hack the human body...all of them were part of the covid reaction project to amplify fear and the unified messaging because locking us in our homes and then injecting us led to increased revenue for the tech companies. Google is invested in vaccines and PCR tests. It´s all a big digital play....The central goal of these vaccines, according to the documents, is to destroy human reproduction. They hide the dead bodies...This is a war on women!´´

Will the future be human? Naomi Wolf says the centerpiece of this, the true purpose of the vaccines are about sex and reproduction, accumuilating in the ovaries. This is a war on women and babies.´´ She´s talking about the Pfizer vaccine, genetically modified therapy. ´´It suppresses semen. It´s about destroying women and babies and emasculating men. They don´t want humanity to survive. The moral magntitude of what happened is so extradrinary. Even during war and slavery they wanted humanity to survive. But they want to end humanity. Babies were targeted, pregnant women were targeted, breast feeding women were targeted and now we have a 14 to 20 percent drop in live births in the west, according to goverment records. Even the best totalitarians weren´t as good as this takeover and rollout and the subtlety of these injections doing so much damage to what brings us close to God, it rolled out in lock step beyond any human capability and it can´t be explained by anything that we know of as human. Look at all of human political history and this is beyond it, we´ve moved pure evil!´´

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi was publicly spanked by British folk guitarist Winston Marshall during a recent Oxford Union debate over her stance against populism and “contempt for ordinary people´´. Marshall said the real threat to democracy is from Davos and the marriage between big business and government. Marhsall goes over how the concepts like democracy, populism and totalitarianism have changed over time without any real glue tying these concepts together. Winston Marshall, however, does tie these concepts together in a breathtaking display of eloquence and his grasp of recent American and European political history.

It is precisely in the significance of postmodernism that separates Alexander Dugin from your typical anglo-American conservative. According to the 4th Political Theory, we can use parts of postmodernism. - ES LA DEGENERACIÓN DE LA VISTA GENETICA? - ¿CUÁLES SON LAS CAUSAS DEL DETERIORO DE LA VISIÓN? (SEGUNDA PARTE) Cuando tienes una lupa entre tú y el mundo, es antinatural decir que no afecta al pensamiento y creo que debemos considerar los aspectos emocionales de dar gafas a los niños y no dejar que crezcan los músculos oculares. Hay yoga para los ojos. ¿Qué significa tener todo el cuerpo equilibrado o tener una parte del cuerpo sobrecargada (en este caso los ojos)? Son preguntas que aún no tienen respuesta según un modelo médico que lo ve todo de forma aislada. Si uno tiene un problema en los ojos, va al oftalmólogo. Incluso si no tienes problemas de visión, en Estados Unidos, igual vas al oftalmólogo como para prevenir pero despues las cosas crecen su propia vida. Si tenemos un problema con el oído nos vamos al doctor del oído. Si hay problema con las hormonas, quizá veamos a un especialista en hormonas, y si tienes un problema con el pie, vas al doctor de los pies. Pero el cuerpo es un sistema y no puede aislarse así. El gran error de nuestro tiempo en la medicina convencional es que vemos todo de forma aislada sin mirar el cuerpo como un sistema, como un todo, donde cada parte afecta a todas las demás, incluido el papel de la visión en la formación de las emociones. Hasta hace poco, no existía una cartografía del cuerpo para poder comprender cómo la psique se relaciona con el cerebro y el cerebro con el cuerpo, pero gracias a los descubrimientos del Dr. Hamer, un médico alemán que descubrió las 5 leyes biológicas, ahora podemos empezar a hablar de la lógica de nuestros cuerpos y de la integración cosmológica de los procesos biológicos. Debería haber recibido 50 premios Nobel. En lugar de eso, lo metieron en la cárcel. No está diciendo que la medicina convencional esté equivocada, pero sí que es incompleta y que ahora comprendemos mejor cómo funciona todo el cuerpo como un solo sistema, incluida la interacción entre la psique, el cerebro y el órgano. Utilizando este modelo, también podemos ver cómo ciertas afecciones pueden llegar a tener su vida propia y autoalimentarse. En este vídeo examino el deterioro de la visión como ejemplo de ello. Hay médicos disidentes sobre este tema, ¡pero sus voces no se oyen! En mi caso yo muchas veces tengo dolor de la cabeza si no duermo suficiente o si no como tres comidas diarios o si uso mucho la computadora, siquiera si salto las comidas esto me da dolor de ojos y veo es porque estoy viviendo con el estres de usar lentes.

A través de mi historia personal, entrelazada con lo que he aprendido de las 5 leyes biológicas, en este vídeo espero demostrar que la deterioración de la vista no es genético, como se suponía anteriormente, sino en realidad el resultado de factores culturales que son fáciles de ver y muy obvios y también verificado por estudios sobre la educación. Si fuera realmente un resultado de los genes, como se cree ampliamente, entonces veríamos el mismo nivel de miopía y de hipermetropía repartido por igual entre las poblaciones del mundo, pero esto es exactamente lo que no vemos, donde el uso de gafas está correlacionado con las familias que son de un mejor nivel socioeconómico y que viven en lugares donde hay una tendencia al sobretratamiento por tener mejor acceso a servicios y chequeos excesiva. Que es excesiva o no depende de la información presentado aquí. Incluso recuerdo una vez a las diecisiete años me fui a una optometrista con lentes de contactos, teniendo en examen con los tentes contactos después de haber trabajado en una granja quemando basura y me hicieron la revisión ocular con el humo en los ojos, esto fue después de que en poco tiempo hubiera pasado de ver perfectamente sin gafas a estar legalmente ciego sin ellas desde que recibí los primeros alrededor de doce años. Espero que ahora podamos ver que a través de la Nueva Medicina Germánica, también conocida como las 5 leyes biológicas, hay otra manera de entender el deterioro de la visión que incluye programas biológicos que se autoalimentan y la combinación de sobretratamiento con programas de autoalimentación (querer ver pero no poder o que te digan que no puedes ver.... lo que absolutamente puede iniciar un programa biológico especial). Siento que las únicas dos preguntas que se nos permite hacer y asumir es si una condición es genética o infecciosa y así los factores culturales se pasan por alto y se supone que no son importantes. Ahora nos han traído la epigenética, que es cómo interactúan nuestros genes con el entorno, aunque no tengamos una estructura genética estable y las moléculas de nuestro cuerpo estén siempre cambiando. Si algún día la ciencia corrige su rumbo, el concepto de una estructura genética estable y congelada se verá seguramente como el mayor error de nuestro tiempo, en el que el entusiasmo por los descubrimientos del ADN nos han hecho ir tan lejos hacia un extremo.