The Way Back

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The Way Back

the SUN Carnival


Trust No One Batchute Throttled this Video and MI6 is parked outside my flat.
Watch Your Back

The Story : After surviving the Second Battle of Corinth and being told of the Twenty Negro Law that allows wealthy men to avoid being conscripted into military service, Newton Knight, a battlefield surgeon in the Confederate Army, deserts after his nephew Daniel is forced into military service, only to be mortally wounded and then denied medical care while the officers are tended to first. Upon returning home, Knight buries Daniel and reconnects with his wife, Serena. He befriends Rachel, an enslaved woman who has secretly learned to read, after she treats his infant son's illness.
Newton's disenchantment with the Confederacy grows after he learns that Confederate troops have been seizing crops, livestock, and draft animals from his neighbors, even though most are already struggling to feed their families. Newton threatens a Confederate officer, Barbour, at gunpoint; when Confederate militiamen are ordered to arrest him for treason, Newton is bitten by one of their attack dogs while trying to escape. Abolitionist-oriented Aunt Sally, a sympathetic community leader, has her servant George take him into the swamps, where he is put under the protection of runaway slave Moses Washington and his followers.
After the fall of Vicksburg, Confederate deserters flock into Jones County. Newton persuades his neighbors to provide him with weapons and organizes the deserters and slaves into a well-disciplined militia. When the rebels begin ambushing military convoys to take back their property, Barbour and his commanding officer, Col. Hood, order their farms to be torched. Serena is forced to flee with her son as Newton cannot protect them. Hood offers pardons to any rebel who agrees to rejoin the army, but when some of Newton's men abandon him and ask to be pardoned, Hood goes back on his word and sentences them to be hanged.
The rebels, appearing to accept defeat, persuade Hood to let them hold a funeral for the deceased under military guard. Suddenly, marksmen hidden under the church and in the coffins fire on the soldiers as the mourners take pistols from their coats and join in. The soldiers are all killed, and Newton strangles Hood to death with his belt. Barbour escapes, but he and the remaining troops in the county are driven out by the rebels, who declare the establishment of the "Free State of Jones". Swearing allegiance to the United States, the rebels manage to defend their territory against Confederate reinforcements for the remainder of the war.
Newton continues to fight racial inequality after the war. He helps free Moses' son from an "apprenticeship" to Rachel's former master. After Moses is lynched while registering freedmen to vote, Newton is seen participating in a march of voters to the polls while they sing "John Brown's Body". He eventually reconciles with Serena and has a son with Rachel. Since they are unable to legally marry, Newton arranges for Rachel to be deeded a parcel of his land for farming upon his death.
The film ends with Newton's great-grandson, Davis Knight, being arrested under Mississippi's anti-miscegenation laws in 1948. Since he has an eighth of black ancestry, the law considers him to be black, and he therefore has to divorce his white wife, which he refuses to. He is sentenced to five years in prison for refusing to leave the state, but his conviction is thrown out by the Mississippi Supreme Court in 1949, rather than risk the law being declared unconstitutional .
Newton Knight played by McConaughey lived to an Old Age and continued to piss people off.
Posted For educational purposes so everything is cool.


Isnt it too Messianic?, or a trifle too Satanic ! 👹

Another day another metamorphosis of
The Biden Borer Moth🦋.
🤓Today its the Double Chin Pete version.
This one doesnt have the big set of freaky white chattering teeth 🦷 like the other.
And Look around the eyes he has had major cutting done . Major Plastic surgery .
Eyes supposed to be Blue but they are brown.
A 73 year old man without wrinkles anywhere on his face ?
Ears are always different see my other clone videos.
Not political. Just looks obvious.
And now We just accept the world we are presented with i guess✊🏻
President Joe Biden following his trip to the outhouse has sparked an unusual conspiracy theory online, with some social-media users accusing the U.S. leader of skipping out on the trip and using a body double.

Cliff is what they call him now

Little known fact about squirrel is they leave none of their kin behind. They are faster than snake and adults are resistant to venom.

Terrifying footage shows the moment a runaway driverless truck mowed down 29 people at a festival in Kyrgyzstan today.

Maybe Rat playing Opossum

3.69 average price per gallon countrywide

If it keeps on a rainin' ☔ the levee gonna break.

John Paul Jones is Superman and deserves a cape

Put it in the lift

Newest Arrivals ready to Eat and to Serve man

Maybe got too much Sun/Melanin or something and went all 😧 crazy on beach!
Have not seen too many beach fights
Beach fights usually reserved for clashes between "Mods and the Rockers" on the Soho and Brighton Fair Grounds🇬🇧 xcross the pond.

Steve Garvey has always conducted himself with honor, the other guy has not. Just saying.

Another video to run off unwanted subscribers !
A Grocery store manager called local Police to report a beautiful young woman sitting naked and cross-legged on the floor whilst praying to a display of pineapples.🍍
While on the call, Police said they also observered a lovely bunch of coconuts .🥥🥥😆

Always check the Engine to Transom bolts before leaving Port

Michel is really a "Gent" so is Big Mike for President

I asked my Magik 8 🎱ball and it replied
"All signs point to YES 🎱"

Rosanne Barr

Adam and Eve banished from Garden of Eden and made to wander in the "Land of Nod" east of Eden,,,

From Croatia TV.
Something about a lovely female that all men love !


Created 3 years, 4 months ago.

202 videos

Category Pets & Wildlife

This channel is for my entertainment only.