Events throughout the world

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Events throughout the world



Joe Biden talks BULLSHIT...
Take your vaccine to be protected against hurricanes and all.....

Ad van Rooij en Rob Brockhus bespreken de grondwettelijke positie van Nederland

Jab ISN'T mandatory in Australia!
listen carefully!

Paricienne wordt neergeslagen omdat zij zonder covid pass wilde winkelen

Thanks to @Floridadeerkiller on TicTok....
Paintspray goes ...... to the mask....fill in the blanks...

They ask the children to come to the stadiums WITHOUT their parents?
What the actual fuck are they planning to do??

Patrick King after Court proves Covid is fake

Covid Compilatie.
Karel van Wolferen in gesprek met Sven Ake Hulleman

Nieuws wordt in Nederland en Belgie op enorme schaak gecensureerd of gewoonweg niet getoond!
Er IS beweging van het ANTI maatregelen, ANTI VAXX front....alleen we krijgen het niet te zien!

This is not mine.
I do not own the rights or any rights whatsoever about this.
Just saving it to this channel, before it gets erased or whatever.

Vaccins which are not vaccins and warnings, side effects...
Listen and take action...

Dutch Subtitled
Amazing Polly!
concerned and so right!

Listen how this woman calls a so called proffesionalist and what he says.....

This audio recording from 1967 reveals as it says all

Are vaccines safe, these particular C19 vaccines??

interview Peter McCullough with Tucker Carlson
Australia and what you may not do there to prevent or cure from C19....

How fake news is being made.....

Truthseeker takes J&J vaccin to investigate!
can be found on Instagram --> search for The_gift_of_life

Not my video, all credits go to TruthVault!
Melissa Keenan Ciummei - The Truth About The Global Lockdown A Warning To The World - A Trojan Horse For The Real Agenda


Rockefeller speech in 1991- pretty troubling
A speech which was promised never to leave the room....

After or during a Miss competition years ago, the contesters need to prove their skills they have on certain things.
The specialty of Patricia was obviously singing......

Paul Codde van Indigoplatform interviewt Marcel Messing over wakker zijn in deze tijd. Hoe belangrijk het is goed geïnformeerd te zijn om je koers te kunnen bepalen in deze wereld. Opgenomen in 2013
Dutch Spoken, not subtitled/

yes...the tilte says it right....
How to be fooled easily with a jab....
Look at it time after time after time....but it stays the injection is given!

Trumep flies with AF1.
Secret Services are there, Trump's own bodyguards.....
What is going on?


Created 3 years, 4 months ago.

50 videos

Category Vlogging

Events throughout the world!