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Finally I'm feeling much better, not perfect, but better.

I was feeling pretty crappy again through the morning, but felt well enough in the evening.

Since I was feeling a little better today, I decided to hit the bass and ended up with two hours, all told.

I feel like I'm slowly getting back to healthy, though my cough is pretty nasty.

Today was another day spent in bed.

Today was spent in bed. Whether simply through stress or exposure, I am ill today.

A lot more packing today, plus more organizing. It's been a very busy day.

Some more packing and trying to organize the last few visits, though I'm struck down with a mild illness.

Today I had to take someone to the airport and then had to say goodbye to a couple of people.

I returned to packing and checked on how I was going to pack my more troublesome possessions.

Today was the last of the pet runs. I can return to packing.

More pets gone, it was a rough day.

It's surprising and a little demoralising how little in a life is worth taking with you when you leave.

Today was the first day of my week off to pack up. I got a good bit done.

I felt pretty crappy today, aside from an hour of bass, not much got done.

I attempted to get right back to my routine, with good results.

I gave the first of my pets away today, meaning there is no salvaging the situation, and no peace to be had.

I let myself rest the whole day.

Today I feel a bit less than energetic. I think I've come down with something.

This was my last day at the warehouse, unless they call me in for a load this week. It was pleasant and I enjoyed the rest of my day. I did a bit of everything.

Today was a rough day at my warehouse job, so I let my body rest afterwards.

I got everything done today, which was very pleasant. I went against my mood, too, which meant I persevered.

Whilst I didn't get all my bass in today, I finally got to catch up with a very old friend, so it was a fair price to pay.

Today was my weekly gym day and I did a bit of everything else, as well.

A trip to the mechanic caused a small amount of interruption in my usual activites today, but I got almost everything done.


Created 2 years, 4 months ago.

877 videos

Category Vlogging

I've decided to quit video games for a year. This is my story.

The Story So Far:
I succeeded with my year of quitting video games, now I'm trying to improve upon my pet care for this year.

Backups on Odysee here: