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A Squirrel intensive Review of Fedora 40 Workstation

I installed several desktops and the Operating system using the Networked Installer for Devuan 5.0

A true ass kicking

Screwtape Lispy Gopher show.

Oh alright,,, I"m just fucking around here... OKAY!!!

I'm trying out the new NetBSD 10 release install in qemu on a Chromebook using the Linux beta

I fixed my compile problems with audacity in the last video. then installed Filezilla and Libreoffice successfully. Then installed qemu and virtualbox , which both have issues to fix. Qemu has no networking and virtualbox seems to only want to run 32 bit software.

Compiling VLC then OBS-STUDIO on Slackware 15 with some work done on audacity in here.

It was a boring night, so I installed Slackware 15 as a tutorial inside the new compile I did of Oracle VirtualBox for the Slackware 15 host on an I3 laptop.

Squirrels, motorcycles, and green slime drinks

What if the two Motorcycle companies, Triumph and Royal Enfield both came out with
motorcycles based on a 500CC single piston engine.
Triumph Baby Bonnyville 500CC VS a theoretical Royal Enfield Hunter 500CC both bikes being a single piston 500CC engine.

Another lazy Saturday Squirrel video

Demonstration of the gopher sphere using phetch and it's multi-media capabilities
on OpenBSD 7.2 using the GNOME desktop

A ride along with me as I piddle.
I go back to 1993 with this thing and it's ext2 filesystem.

A discussion about gpg and gopher and a program called phetch for the gopher

We need younger POTUS candidates

I found this on GAB and decided to FREEZE IT IN TIME. An obvious DEEP FAKE video made of Joseph Biden talking about Transgender Females.


Created 6 years, 7 months ago.

135 videos

Category Science & Technology

A former member of the Human Race who was abducted by aliens back in the 1960's and converted to a Squirrel and placed
in the magical forest in Eastern Oklahoma. Zen soon found a cell phone some girl dropped in the woods and has been on the internet since the late 80's. Zen_Floater is a native American yet his screen name is Zen_Floater2. The reason he's Zen_Floater2 instead of just
Zen_Floater is because he lost his Google password once so he had to create yet another identity. But, it's okay, Zen_Floater uses keepassx now so, he's okay. Zen is mainly into politics, FREE and Open Source operating systems and NUTS.