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Craig Boswell is Tri Service Veteran of 40 years.
He was in the Navy for 6 years, the Army Reserve SF 4.5 years,
And an Australian Federal Police officer for 34 years (he retired in Dec 2022)
A Proud Australian he is the Father of 4 children and wants to talk.

Cafe Locked Out.. CLO of Facebook.

Apr 11, 2013
As an adjunct to The Fire Water Project, this film (via two people's experience in trying to avoid fluoride exposure) has been made to draw attention to the fact that citizens in artificially fluoridated nations, such as Australia and the United States, are being exposed to fluoridated water without any attempt by health authorities to monitor for potential side-effects.

According to the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), and the US National Research Council (NRC), hypersensitivity reactions to fluoridated water may be occurring within the general population. In light of this medically plausible possibility, both these organisations have called for scientific studies to gather reliable data on this issue.

In 1991, the NHMRC stated: "It is desirable to explore in a rigorous fashion the vague constellation of symptoms which are claimed to result from ingestion of fluoridated water can be shown to be reproducibly developed in these "susceptible" individuals. These claims are being made with sufficient frequency to justify well-designed studies which can properly control for subject and observer bias."

In 2006, the NRC reiterated: "Epidemiologic studies should be carried out to determine whether there is a higher prevalence of hypersensitivity reactions in areas where there is elevated fluoride in the drinking water. If evidence is found, hypersensitive subjects could then be selected to test, by means of double-blinded randomized clinical trials, which fluoride chemicals can cause hypersensitivity. In addition, studies could be conducted to determine what percentage of immunocompromised subjects have adverse reactions when exposed to fluoride in the range of 1-4 mg/L in drinking water."

For viewers who wish to learn more about the issue of potential hypersensitivity, Sapphire Eyes Productions recommends: 'The Case Against Fluoride' by Dr. Paul Connett, Dr. James Beck, and Dr. Spedding Micklem -- available from Chelsea Green Publishing (2010, ISBN: 9781603582872). Refer to Chapter 13.
Source Video and other Information

General Resources:

Fluoride Fatigue
FAN Hypersensitivity Database
Fluoridation: The Great Dilemma
Connett, Beck & Micklem 2010, Chapter 13

TGA Correspondence 18/01/2013
TGA Correspondence 12/12/2012
TGA Role Overview
Public Health Ethics August 21, 2012
Sodium Fluoride MSDS
EPA Letter Nov. 16, 2000
NICNAS Letter Mar 11, 2011
Legislative Flowchart
Fluoride Toxicity
Fluoride from China
Darryl Turner Test results
2006 NRC Report
Four Arguments Against the Fluoridation of Water Supplies
Fluoridation: The Great Dilemma by G.L. WALDBOTT

Sep 24, 2011
'FIRE WATER: Australia's Industrial Fluoridation Disgrace.' 2011 Sapphire Eyes Productions

Dec 14, 2012

Update - 13 Dec. 2012

Jaya Chela Drolma, Producer of documentary and short film productions; and Creative director of Sapphire Eyes Productions

To all our Subscribers; and those who view Fire Water,
Since the release of Fire Water: Australia's Industrial Fluoridation Disgrace, the website of The Fluoride Action Network (FAN USA), has been overhauled.
See: sapphireeyesproductions.wordpress.com/2012/08/30/introducing-fan-2-0/
As a result, numerous URL's to the Scientific articles and peer reviewed papers used within the film - have changed.
Unfortunately, some of the URL's cited as part of Fire Water may have been rendered inactive.
We apologise for any inconvenience.
We recommend, however, visiting the new FAN website [ www.fluoridealert.org ] and using the internal search feature to locate specific items.

Questions and/or comments can be added here: www.facebook.com/FluorideActionNetwork
Thank you for your patience, https://youtu.be/cP3pBWqV1Ao?list=PLAA059AC6E4EADC7B

Truth Justice ™
THE END OF THE COVID CRIMINALS: The Plandemic was created and orchestrated by a Global Criminal Organization led by Bill Gates, Fauci, Tedros, Drosten, Klaus Schwab, Rothschilds, BlackRock, the DOD, Pfizer and many more to inject the world with Bioweapons.

This is a True Story That Every Parent Should Hear and Pass on to someone you Know.

3 May 2024
There are over 40 illnesses known to cause the same symptoms / injuries that can present as Shaken Baby Syndrome. It is a fact that is both disturbing and incomprehensible, that to this day, any person who presents at a hospital with a baby or child with what is deemed as the ‘Triad of injuries’ is guilty until proven innocent, and simultaneously charged with Shaken Baby Syndrome or more commonly abusive head trauma or grievous bodily harm.

This documentary will shine the light on the outdated and now considered defunct science and ultimately cause the science to be actively reviewed.

Nyomi Holm

The Parental Voice

Therese Kerr

David Webb exposes the system Central Bankers have in place to take everything from everyone.

Level With Me (2023) - The Flat Earth and Fake Alien Invasion - Documentary

White Rabbit States they Can't Arrest you For not taking the Flu Jab.

Have Your Vote
National Strike Australia
End the Belligerent Occupation!


The National Strike Vote Count will remain open until the end (December 2024).
You are urged to endorse and vote for this National Strike and also urged to get your friends, family, work mates and neighbours to endorse and vote for the National Strike motion as well.

Overwhelming support must be demonstrated on a National basis for the Strike Actions being called for.

So as to Demonstrate to this Belligerent Occupation and to the world - that they have lost all control of the Australian population

Have Your Vote
National Strike Australia
End the Belligerent Occupation!

This Video was Uploaded For my own Interest and Keeping.
Feel Free to Download and Share


The National Strike Vote Count will remain open until the end (December 2024).
You are urged to endorse and vote for this National Strike and also urged to get your friends, family, work mates and neighbours to endorse and vote for the National Strike motion as well.

Overwhelming support must be demonstrated on a National basis for the Strike Actions being called for.

So as to Demonstrate to this Belligerent Occupation and to the world - that they have lost all control of the Australian population

Have Your Vote
National Strike Australia
End the Belligerent Occupation!

This Video was Uploaded For my own Interest and Keeping.
Feel Free to Download and Share


The National Strike Vote Count will remain open until the end (December 2024).
You are urged to endorse and vote for this National Strike and also urged to get your friends, family, work mates and neighbours to endorse and vote for the National Strike motion as well.

Overwhelming support must be demonstrated on a National basis for the Strike Actions being called for.

So as to Demonstrate to this Belligerent Occupation and to the world - that they have lost all control of the Australian population

Have Your Vote
National Strike Australia
End the Belligerent Occupation!

This Video was Uploaded For my own Interest and Keeping.
Feel Free to Download and Share


The National Strike Vote Count will remain open until the end (December 2024).
You are urged to endorse and vote for this National Strike and also urged to get your friends, family, work mates and neighbours to endorse and vote for the National Strike motion as well.

Overwhelming support must be demonstrated on a National basis for the Strike Actions being called for.

So as to Demonstrate to this Belligerent Occupation and to the world - that they have lost all control of the Australian population

Have Your Vote
National Strike Australia
End the Belligerent Occupation!

This Video was Uploaded For my own Interest and Keeping.
Feel Free to Download and Share


The National Strike Vote Count will remain open until the end (December 2024).
You are urged to endorse and vote for this National Strike and also urged to get your friends, family, work mates and neighbours to endorse and vote for the National Strike motion as well.

Overwhelming support must be demonstrated on a National basis for the Strike Actions being called for.

So as to Demonstrate to this Belligerent Occupation and to the world - that they have lost all control of the Australian population

Have Your Vote
National Strike Australia
End the Belligerent Occupation!

This Video was Uploaded For my own Interest and Keeping.
Feel Free to Download and Share


The National Strike Vote Count will remain open until the end (December 2024).
You are urged to endorse and vote for this National Strike and also urged to get your friends, family, work mates and neighbours to endorse and vote for the National Strike motion as well.

Overwhelming support must be demonstrated on a National basis for the Strike Actions being called for.

So as to Demonstrate to this Belligerent Occupation and to the world - that they have lost all control of the Australian population

Have Your Vote
National Strike Australia
End the Belligerent Occupation!

This Video was Uploaded For my own Interest and Keeping.
Feel Free to Download and Share


The National Strike Vote Count will remain open until the end (December 2024).
You are urged to endorse and vote for this National Strike and also urged to get your friends, family, work mates and neighbours to endorse and vote for the National Strike motion as well.

Overwhelming support must be demonstrated on a National basis for the Strike Actions being called for.

So as to Demonstrate to this Belligerent Occupation and to the world - that they have lost all control of the Australian population

Have Your Vote
National Strike Australia
End the Belligerent Occupation!

This Video was Uploaded For my own Interest and Keeping.
Feel Free to Download and Share


The National Strike Vote Count will remain open until the end (December 2024).
You are urged to endorse and vote for this National Strike and also urged to get your friends, family, work mates and neighbours to endorse and vote for the National Strike motion as well.

Overwhelming support must be demonstrated on a National basis for the Strike Actions being called for.

So as to Demonstrate to this Belligerent Occupation and to the world - that they have lost all control of the Australian population

Have Your Vote
National Strike Australia
End the Belligerent Occupation!

This Video was Uploaded For my own Interest and Keeping.
Feel Free to Download and Share

Japan has issued a formal apology to the unvaccinated, admitting that the government bowed to pressure from the international elite to employ “totalitarian” psychological warfare tactics on the public to brainwash citizens during the pandemic.

According to Japanese officials, it is time to prepare to say goodbye to vaccinated loved ones, because billions of people will soon be dead as a consequence of a crime worse than the Holocaust, and the world will never be the same again.

As the tsunami of deaths among the vaccinated continues to accelerate, and the Japanese people continue rising up against the elite, the truth is starting to emerge and the villains behind the plandemic are left with nowhere left to hide.

Have y0u had Your Flu Shot this Year..When you hear This, You May just Wonder about the Next one.


5 Jun 2024
In the 4 June 2024 Senate Estimates hearing of the Economics Committee, corporate regulator ASIC (Australian Securities and Investments Commission), sought to deflect from One Nation Senator Malcolm Roberts' pointed questions regarding an investigation of corporate fraud by a bullion company, in response to Senator Roberts noting that ASIC commissioners have been referred to the National Anti Corruption Commission (NACC).
In a move seemingly pre-arranged with the government Senator chairing the hearing, and the goverment Minister in attendance, ASIC read a lengthy statement that sought to disparage the reputation of the unnamed person behind the complaint of corporate fraud and the referral to the NACC.
ASIC's defensive behaviour indicates a level of internal turmoil inside the dysfunctional regulator which is unprecedented, likely from the intense scrutiny it has been under in recent years due to its systemic failures relating to its lack of law enforcement.

Salt and Sand Power

How the world's first sand battery stores green power - BBC News
The world's first fully working "sand battery", which can store green power for months at a time, has been installed by Finnish researchers.
The developers said this could solve the problem of year-round supply, a major issue for green energy.
Using low-grade sand, the device is charged up with heat made from cheap electricity from solar or wind.
The sand stores the heat at around 500C, which can then warm homes in winter when energy is more expensive.
Homemade Salt Batteries running Thermo-Electric fans! Easy DIY! Salt & Sand Batteries.
Homemade Salt Batteries running fans! Salt Batteries are easy to make and can power a variety of Thermo-Electric Device's and in this video it will show two DIY Salt Batteries running several thermoelectric fans.

The fans themselves create their own electricity using the thermal energy stored in the Salt that electricity is then fed into the fan's motor which turns the blades. Note that sand can be used in place of the salt.


Created 3 years, 2 months ago.

3360 videos

Category Education
