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The Bible was written in Greek and certainly pretty much changed by Webrew and: Greek knows Vocals. The Book you need for the Lessons is:
Hansen Hardy Quinn Gerald M Greek an Intensive Course.
get it here for free:
Note: I do not know yet why Hillmann praises Satan in his Lady Babylon Platform but I guess it is some Sort for Thought Provocation and probably it turns out to be just the chemical Antidote in the Greek Textes. However: it is the most interesting Platform I have been seeing for a long Time on Youtube and you should be able to find Things for yourself and not behave as if you would have met a not existing Devil nor a not existing Corona Virus. At least you can learn Greek, the Man is a brilliant Teacher.
Tortured for the coming Orange Messias for the US. Good Luck America.

real ones they will not show you and especially not with as much of "Police Stuntmen" such engaged like in this Film: Police in Germany does not even come before you are dead.

but what about Greek?

Bioengineering and Geoengineering
For all you -especially American- Womenhaters:

Shut up, please, for a Moment and start to think what was and is really happening.
I noticed already in 1985 (in Germany) that Men were loosing their manly Look. Men who were shown in TV also used to look somehow special but not really manly. And so it was with so called Women: Par example Sophia Loren with a Mouth like a Frog and Shoulders of a Men. What do you think these Films produced?

Gender Dysphoria or call it: Inferiority Complex because you never fit the Pictures hammered into you per TV, Holly Weired.

Lateron I had found out that Men also had lost much of their Sperma Power while Women were on Antibaby Pills and sorry to tell you: Plenty of Men were pretty much for free Sex, meaning no Responsibility for Children to be expected: The Fatherless Society .. Homosexuality and much of Anti-Women Stuff was running back then and free Sex for Men was long time promoted, not only in the 20th Century. Free Sex for Men is not a good Thing because it promotes Betray.

Do not do on Others what you do not like on Yourself, right? So, how comes some Men do not get clever that this also applies to the Behaviors of Men towards Women?
It is madness to expect Women to be able to take such Pains. This can only be obtained. if Women have no Way to escape such Pains by a Fuck Around Men. And Hand on your Hearts, dear Men- had that not been going on for plenty of Years. The special Anekdote of Allied War Crimes had been the Rape of German Women. What do you think that such Behaviors cause? What do you think that Porno causes when this habit is practized? Let me tell you: The Binding between Men and Women get destroyed. All Romantic gone.

What about Alcoholism. How is it to live with an Alcoholic, just a Question. Do you think a Women can bear such Habits without Pain? Well, there are also Women who are Alcoholics. So you know dear Men how this feels, don`t you?

Tacitus was pretty much wondering how German Men were used to have only one Wife. No fuck around by neither of the Sexes. This by the Way was non Christian Behavior long before Christianity. Christianity does not promote: Do not do on others what you do not like on Yourself. It promotes War on Women, declaring Women as the Origin of Sin. And even more special is the Anti-Biology promoted in Genesis II where Eve is said to be produced out of Adams Rip. Well, here we are now: Men faking Birth...The LGBT and P Agenda is flourishing like never before, not outside of Christianity nor the other Abrakadabras but within all those Branches.

So, all this Nonsense has to be corrected. Men and Women have to overcome all the Wounds produced since the Abrakadabras came over us. And if these Assaults on Young Children are not a Wake Up Call for you- let us wait when all Happiness is gone like for these Young People.
by the Way: the New Testament was written in Greek not in We-brew. Ancient Hebrew is a very primitive Language without Vowels: with other Words you cannot speak it or just as you "like". Ancient Hebrew has only 8000 Words from which 2000 are just Names.

Most of the Greek Scripts have never been published - so you Cristians do not even know what you follow. Even with the crippled (censored Version): Most of you never read the Bible or fall straight into Cognitive Dissonance while reading all the genocidal Murder- and Inzeststories, reinterpreting them into something "holy" given either by God or Jesus... I am sorry Folks but you cannot find God in the Bible nor in the Koran. God has nothing to do with those Books- do you get that? They are manmade. And you have not been those People who made them, censored them and preached them as they thought fit for you.

Debate about the WHO and how the Doctors got lured into that Death Vaccine

remember -Trumps Words?

Even without his Poem, it had been my first inner Voice coming up. I do not know if it is true nor do I think that Vit C and D are the Antitodes (but probably also injected with the same Poison .... but Water and Seasalt or Cetic Salt could probably clean up the Poison. Or some serious Questions the Producers should be asked and we know who they are, the had not made a Secret out of it.

If you are finished with Listening (or reading): you probably have noticed where the Poisoners have situated their great Success: In Greece,
where the New Testament was written in Greek, not in Hebrew. I told you the Jews speak Yiddish or modern Hebrew what did not exist in ancient Times. The original Hebrew has only 8000 Words, which includes 2000 Names, so things come down to 6000 Words) The Greek Language has 140.000 Words, so you might know the advanced State of the Greeks. But the Hellenas (blond those Days) had been Pagans as all Europeans were: Appreciating the Wonders of Nature (Mother Earth, whose animated Children we are) and Father Sky and the Force beyond or inside that Wonder (the Creator). No Priest needed to explain us what to believe nor think. But the Hellenas had the disadvantage to live near to Asia Minor, they got infiltrated like Babylon and all the other great ancient Societies got infiltrated.


today we would call them "Gutmenschen" or "Libtards" or "Refugee Welcomers" and I might add everyone with a mental Need and Dependancy for the (jewish) Lovespell, People who would do everything for the Promise of everlasting Love ...It is a disarming Mentality and served as that. American Soldiers act even like Missionaires among Nato with the Bible in their Arms, completely disorientated at least since WWI and then WWII and ongoing against the most remaining Pagans in Europe: Germans- even we got Christianized with the Sword (as written in the Bible)-we did not forget that this had been the Case. But most Americans forgot that or do not even know that. They do not know how many Heathens, especially Women (those Days in Charge of Medicine and especially Midwifery) the Christians killed by burning our Women alive on Fire and as so called Witches.

Christianity is in Germany nearly dead and that was not the same but getting the same in the Weimar Republic. The German Army could not have faught the War against Bolschewism supported by the mental disturbed Americans (even circumcized), if they would have embraced Christianity as it is written in the Bible. Heathenism always remained relatively intact underneath Christianity in Germany. This is not Godless but non-JEHOVANISM; that ever lasting jealeous God. What Kind of God must be jealeous: please Americans start to think about your Missionairy Behaviors. If you love Armageddon please go ahead in Destroying the whole Creation of the Creator( female or male, who knows), the wonderful Nature ... but do that in America and only there.

My Word to you: learn to take your Nose out of your Parents Affairs, meaning us European. You are the Children, not the Parents and it is Time you realize that. Stop to behave like Know-it-Alls, but admit that you had lost yourself and your Roots. You behave like the Turkeys.... in Europe, also outrooted from their former Homeland.. and now thinking they could tell us Europeans how things would run.

I hope you understand me, we need you mentally healthy or our White Race will be finished and probably much more of Destruction of the Earth continues every Day by a complete maniac Gang and their Followers.
If you open the second Eye when reading the so called Word of God ... you will see what is actually written in that terrible Book: first Part and second Part.

Only one of the plenty of Poisons this and related Companies are presenting us through the Air (Chemtrails), the Oceans and Rivers (Tons of other Chemicals and horrific Poisons), Plants and Insects of course because they are sprayed all Day long like we are- so a little Insect can inject you with Poison, not its original small Defence Poison (what would not really harm you but only keep you away) but the Chemtrails on Top, through the poisoned Grains and Plants and Food and Drinks, Tons of Sugar in it ....Cosmetics and do not forget, the MediSinners and all of their Drugs.

On the Picture you see the main Trading Route for the Ships held by the Hanse League, which was a Cooperation between Towns which had access to Ports for the Shipping of Goods. Well, I do not think that the League created the Education System but as Part of Northern Germany - that means Prussia- they might have been taking Part in it. It is not very clever to run Ships with lots of Stupids, they should at least know where the Sun arises and where she goes down.

Sun Worship by the Way is not Webrew ... but international but of Course especially where People are missing the Sun for long time Periods- in the North- while Moon Worship is more common in the South, where People are pleased when the Moon comes up and the Sweat goes down. It is not even a form of Worship but a form of Appreciation for what is good. That the Abrakadabras made Gods out of them and spun a lot of Stories around it, is another Story and also not a special Story of the Webrews.

It was the Story of Nautic for Travellors over Sea and for Traders who had to overcome Deserts and other Landmasses: They were using the Sun, the Moon and the Stars to know where they are and where they need to go. It is called Astrotheology/Astronomy. The "12 Apostels"" were long known before any Judaism, any Christianity any Islam, HInduismis or Buddhism and what have you more ...was created. The Apostels were the 12 Months of a Year---sometimes 13. It is the so called Zodiac and has nothing to do with the Webrews as: We. and only we, got it right.
All Nations/Folks had that in their own Ways of Description what they saw in the Heavens (Sky). Some described it with Animals others with Trees and others with the great Dragon... and that was not a great Tranny. But with the Webrews Children now learn that Boys are actually Girls and Girls are actually Boys and cannot write anylonger nor read nor use their common Sense. In Prussia at least every Child who just went through the Basic Education knew how to read and write and use its Brain: My Mother went through that and she was more educated than any Student from the Universities today. And that is the sad State of these Days when the Webrews rule: Just Uglyness, Stupidity and Debt/Death.
So you fucking Shooters with Vaccines. You had Time enough to figure out that PoisoN (Viruse is the Latin Word for Poison), was distributed to the People worldwide. You also had Time enough to figure out who had been so proud of that.
They had no Mercy at German Zoo Animals either back then. They bombed them out with Fire Bombs. They bombed them with their Fire Bombs along with so many People and Animals like the Horses, Dogs and Cats over 60 major Cities. In Case you did not know: In Germany we had had the first Animal Rights established on Earth and that excluded kosher Killings of Animals because it is fucking cruel. But these Days are different though. I wonder why.
here is the List, you can email it around
here is a List of Diseases induced by Bio/Geoengineering (not "only" on Mankind but also on Animalkind and everything called Mother Earth
and here you find the Money-God

meaning understand what this is, do you?
well there would be a Solution. Stop your Games of Thrones. If you like Trannies so much- okay make them out of your own People. If you like Homos so much- make them out of your own People. If you like Gold so much - eat it. from mine all of it. If you like Blood so much ... no problem either, as long as you drink out your own. If you like Poison in the Sky and in the Water and on Land and in Food so much- no Probelm, consume it all. And if you like Robots so much- enslave them and go back to your Homestead in Russia. The Robots can help you build Houses and also clean them, they can burn off the Snow and so many more Things out of your Idiocy- but everything in your Homestead in Russia. But remember: do not fuck the Russian People again. It is more nice.

But I guess this will not soften your Fears to be comsumed by your own Rules, probably by your own People, who do not like your Agenda any longer and try to hide among the Profanes. I forgot to mention: do not forget your Comrades in Suisse and in the Vatican and so fort.

yes he did. No Use to contract anything whith jealeous led Jehovah Countries. The Geneva Conventions for War was just set out and "beautiful Bombs" for Civilians were "just and fine".

by Bill Cooper

the ever jealeous "God" Jehova needs it
Time to take the jewish God serious and take him out
here is the current Representative of Jehovah

in other Words: it is not rocket Science to understand this and it does not need any Kind of Bible Freaks for this Understanding either. It is just common Sense. In Case you should not like the Flag - take the Flag away - but the Topic remains the same. If you do not want to understand this then wait until the 100% Fullfillment of the current worldwide Programm: You will own nothing and you will be happy: either dead by Vaccine or sick for a While and then finally drugged away via Pharmacia and Geoengineering and replaced with Robots)
- notice, you have plenty of Skin, not only outside but also inside.
- we are being poisoned all Day and Night and that means you are sick. They probably tell you that you suffer of Borreliose - the current "famous" Dia-gnosis. Well Ticks were around since ever but did not cause anything like so called Borreliose. But when the Insects are poisoned, and they are just like we are- no better Way to inject you with Poison than through Insects.

A little Story: While my Time in Africa I had a Dog overthere who wanted to be cared by me, so he adopted me. I agreed with him, if he would allow me to clean him up from all the Insects on and in him. I tried to bring out the Ticks, no Way: he could not endure this .. and he had a lot of other Insects sticking even deeper in him. So finally I went to the Ocean with him. He did not like that -most Africans cannot swim and are really frightened of Water and that was the same with that Dog. But I reminded him on our Agreement and so he came into the Water with me: 3 Hours we were in there and I could pull out all the Insects without Pain for him. After that he got so strong (when he adopted me he was fully skinny) that he got the King over there.

The Problem with Salt: it really functions but it will itch you at first but if you mill the Salt before using it, it will go in and not scratch you on top of the other Shit.


Created 6 years ago.

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Category Education

Rotten Civilisation alias Modernity