Natural Intelligence

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Natural Intelligence

Natural Intelligence


Some excellent info. Worth a listen. I hope you're right Juan.

source: The peoples voice

Will it be something good or another scam to screw and control small companies to clear the field for monopolies? This is a 4th Reich/WEF EU collaboration. No good law can be made as long as our nations are ZOGs. It is simply an impossibility. Like you can't make cheese with scorpion venom, or you can't grow plants in salt. NO ZOG gov't is capable of doing anything other than destroy, control and manipulate. Its baked in the cake.

War crimes committed. No one has paid but the victims. They must all pay or it will happen again and again and again. ZOGs are the reason and perpetrator. Our countrymen sold out to the scum. They must all pay. No mercy for the merciless.
RIP Good doctor

This man is a hero to me, he was a doctor who discovered that western medicine was actually harming people with their vaccines. He exposed the corrupt medical industry and would even found and become the leader of a new political party in Canada, because he also knew that every political party is controlled by the evil elite. Like MANY real healers, this man was murdered by Big Pharma in 2013. He became "suicidal". Many of you know this term... It's when they kill someone and make it look like it was suicide.

His research proved that ALL vaccines cause harm. These vaccines cause mini-strokes in different parts of people's bodies, causing numerous so-called "diseases." From the day you are born, they inject you with poison! Say NO to ALL vaccines!

Yes, modern medicine is nothing but a money making industry that does NOT help people get better, it just creates more diseases so they can sell you a new pill for every symptom you get. Send you for countless 'tests' that make you even sicker. Diagnostic images such as X-rays, CT scans and PET scans all use ionizing radiation and should be avoided at all costs. Radiation causes cancer! I also learned that the radiation from these "tests" will cause ailments that were in the vaccines we were forced to receive growing up. "


Created 1 year, 11 months ago.

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Category Science & Technology

Exploring consciousness and the digital control grid.