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Recall all the Maui city council. Recall Mayer Bisin. Recall the chief of police. Get rid of all the government whores.

These stores have massive amounts of security they throw people out who do not wear a mask they throw people out who do not have a vaccine. They have all the security in the world and the amount that is being stolen from them is less than 1/10 of 1% of s***. Government taxes fees and fines are the reason businesses are going out. The government is 100% to blame. The people need to get rid of this s*** government.

Mike Glover is a child murdering government whore burning in hell burning in hell. Mike Glover is a child murdering government whore burning in hell burning in hell.

Child Murdering Government Whores burning in hell burning in hell. Child Murdering Government Whores burning in hell burning in hell. Child Murdering Government Whores burning in hell burning in hell.

Helicopter. Child Murdering Government Whores.

New York Police Department are genocidal child murdering government jew zionest whores burning in hell burning in hell. New York Police Department are genocidal child murdering government jew zionest whores burning in hell burning in hell.

Sabine Hossenfelder is a child murdering government whore burning in hell burning in hell. Sabine Hossenfelder is a child murdering government whore burning in hell burning in hell.

Ayn Rand does not approve of murdering children. Ayn Rand does not approve of killing Palestinian children. And Rand does not approve of government's murdering anyone. Ayn Rand does not approve of government using guns and bombs and bullets to murder children to force them off of the land that they were born on. If you believe it's okay to murder children because they are on property that you want to take then you are neither a human nor any kind of sentient being you are an evil piece of shit.

Anthony Albanese is a child murdering government whore burning in hell burning in hell. Anthony Albanese is a child murdering government whore burning in hell burning in hell.

District Attorney is a child murdering government whore burning in hell burning in hell. District Attorney is a child murdering government whore burning in hell burning in hell. It is time we erase the power of a child murdering government. It is time we lower our taxes by 50% or more. It is time we close the prisons and gels. It is time for us to be our own masters and look after our own lives and be our own protectors.

Child murdering government whores burning in Hell burning in Hell childmurdering government whores burning in Hell burning in Hell child murdering government whores burning in Hell burning in hell. Karen Read is a Hero. Pass it on. Israeli cops tied children's hands behind their backs and then killed them and threw their bodies in a pit.


A minute in Compton.

Jacqui Lambie is a child murdering government whore burning in hell burning in hell. Jacqui Lambie is a child murdering government whore burning in hell burning in hell.

Are humans real? Or, are we corporate machines. What really controls us? Are we just puppets on a string?

Steve Mould shows a powerful Spiral Fire.

In the few moments it took me to change from photo to video the thing went totally blue. Virtual invisible. Illuminati?

The Reason Why the people of Palestine attacked the government of Israel. Do you ever ask the reason why? Does it ever matter to you? If I say someone was killed by someone; is that all there is? If someone says it is a crime to kill and someone is accused of killing and that person killed is the evidence of the killing is there anything more than that? Because murder is murder and killing is killing but the reason why is the difference between murder and not murder. If someone breaks into your home and is beating your child to death and you kill that person is that murder? If someone is put on trial and you're not allowed to know the reason they committed a murder is that trial Fair? If a trial is not fair in America it's not a trial. In America trials are required to be fair. If you're on a jury and you're not allowed to know all the evidence that you must find the accused not guilty. If you don't know all the evidence and you don't know all the facts how can you make a decision? How did Osama bin laden get kicked out of his home? He was evicted by United States Marine corps personnel. In violation of the constitution. The entire Al Qaeda War is a matter of a constitutional violation by United States government personnel.

Alex de Campe and Ramon Villalobos are child murdering government whores. Burning In Hell, burning in hell.

Disney corp. has been taken over by our child murdering government. Disney corp. is guilty of rape and murder of children. CIA is guilty of rape and murder of children. NSA is guilty of rape and murder of children. FBI is guilty of rape and murder of children. Disney is the propaganda tool of the government. It is time we close the prisons. It is time for a 50 percent cut in taxes on the people who work. Bob Igar is a whore. Lesley Headland is a child murdering government whore. It is time to close them down.

CIA and NSA puppet Saji Sharma is a child murdering government whore. Sanji Sharma is a child murdering government whore. Saji Sharma is a child murdering government whore burning in hell. Saji Sharma is a child murdering government whore burning in hell. Saji Sharma is a child murdering government whore burning in hell.

Eclipse Eclipse

Britney Spears Is The Goddess Of Love And War. Britney Spears Is The Goddess Of Love And War.

Britney Jean Spears Is The Goddess Of Love And War. Britney Jean Spears Is The Goddess Of Love And War.

Police use clubs to smash in the face Gret Thunbrrg. Greta thunberg's face was bashed in so badly it could not be recognized. Police leave Great Thunbrrg dead in a pool of her own blood. Not.


Created 2 years, 3 months ago.

278 videos

Category Entertainment