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Thrive for Good recently brought our 4 pillars...

1. Organic gardening
2. Nutrition
3. Natural medicine
4. Income generation the St Francis School for the Hearing Impaired.


In 2020, The Tamara Foundation partnered with Thrive for Good to start 32 community garden projects for single women in Kenya. This is one of those projects.

Today, the Tamara single women garden projects are providing food for more than 3,000 women.

28 of the projects are generating income and completely self-sustaining.


Recently, Thrive’s Executive Director, James Woller, returned from a two-week trip to Africa. One of the projects he visited was a women’s group that started in 2020. Through Life Gardens, the women have completely transformed their diets and health. The most incredible part is that within the first 12 months, they achieved self-sustainability, no longer relying on donors to grow their own food. They have been successfully selling their surplus crops and have used the money to dig a borehole for access to clean water. They have invested in a goose and a sheep, further expanding their income-generating opportunities. Twenty-six women involved in this project are now living life to the fullest.


Here are the photos from the event:


Created 3 years, 7 months ago.

6 videos

Category People & Family

<h2>Exactly how can Thrive For Good's Life Gardens help neighbourhoods prosper?</h2>
Usually, individuals who live in poverty are or prepare given with processed foods that have white grains and corn. While processed meals help individuals feel satiated, they don't have the vital vitamins, minerals and trace elements that our bodies require to operate efficiently.

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<h3>Strategic companions:</h3>
Flourish For Good operate in conjunction with NGOs, government firms, exclusive corporations, colleges and also spiritual institutions in order to raise its scale and impact.

Grow For Good was founded in Kenya, over a year earlier in 2008 and operates in conjunction with regional neighbourhoods to fight hunger as well as poverty. Today over 90% of Thrive For Good's team members is based in East Africa. Actually, many workers are recruited directly from the areas which Thrive For Good assistance.

To date, Thrive For Good has actually offered the resources and training to profit over 37,337 people in over 743 African neighbourhoods. As a result of the development of over 38,506 Life Gardens over 1.4 million, natural, nutritionally rich dishes have been produced.

The creators of Thrive For Good were concerned that hidden appetite protects against individuals from escaping hardship as appetite stops kids from obtaining an education and learning and adults from holding down a task. As grownups as well as children that do not eat vitamins, nutrients and minerals typically do not have energy and are prone to developing serious, harmful ailments. By providing neighbourhoods the tools as well as training to produce their own organic yards, Thrive For Good seeks to aid individuals to lead healthier lives which will enable them to flourish. Specifically, as many of the foods expanded in Life Gardens have medicinal buildings.

How Thrive For Good seeks to lower poor nutrition and also poverty in Africa
Prosper For Good is a non-profit charity that seeks to put an end to malnutrition and to minimize destitution by training people as well as areas in Africa to expand healthy, organic, life-sustaining fruit and vegetables. One of Thrive For Good's vital activities is educating African neighbourhoods exactly how to produce Life Gardens. Community-run gardens which provide nutritious, healthy and balanced food for every community.

<h3>Educating programs:</h3>
In helping neighbourhoods to utilize organic farming to feed their participants, Thrive For Good additionally runs programs that vary from short 5 day workshops to thorough 3-year programs. People that finish Thrive For Good's training programs will be provided with the seeds, materials and devices to begin their very own Life Garden and also will learn just how to teach others exactly how to create a Life Garden.

<h2>Exactly how can you aid Thrive For Good to change the globe?</h2>

Each $15 donation will offer one individual with the tools and also training to grow a life time's supply of healthy and balanced, health food. While every donation is valued if you're passionate regarding Thrive For Good's objective as well as projects you might intend to consider becoming a member of Thrive For Good and also registering to contribute $15 per month. If you come to be a Thrive For Good participant not just will you help transform 12 people's lives but you'll also get a regular monthly impact record that features tales concerning individuals whose lives have been favourably impacted by your contributions?

<h3>You can join Thrive For Good's activity by joining the Thrive For Good Initiative.</h3>

Thrive For Good is a non-profit charity that looks to place an end to malnutrition and also to lower hardship by training individuals and also communities in Africa to grow healthy, organic, life maintaining fruit and vegetables. By offering neighbourhoods the devices and training to create their very own natural gardens, Thrive For Good looks to help individuals lead much healthier lives which will allow them to flourish. While every contribution is appreciated, if you're enthusiastic about Thrive For Good's objective and also tasks you may desire to think about becoming a member of Thrive For Good as well as authorizing up to give away $15 per month. If you end up being a Thrive For Good participant not just will you assist transform 12 people's lives but you'll additionally get a monthly impact record that features stories about people whose lives have actually been favourably affected by your contributions.

If you're passionate concerning combating poor nutrition and poverty in Africa and think in Thrive For Good's objective, it's well worth it to check out Thrive's website,, where you can learn all about Thrive and how you can help plant a seed of change!