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Pail Male


One last time guess who your Congressman, your representative works for? Hint it ain’t U

Be seems to know what he’s talking about

The Empire of Japan formulated an attack on Pearl Harbor, in 1941. 60 years later we are asked to believe, that a man on dialysis in a cave in Afghanistan formulated a far more sophisticated attack.

He says they’re considering it, as of the uploading this video they have indicted him

You will feel confident knowing this guy is directing the money supply. Understanding the federal reserve system, is the key that unlocks 100 more doors. Ever wonder why Saddam Hussein, and Momar Qaddafi, and possibly John F. Kennedy had to be killed?
The federal reserve bank has made itself difficult to understand. This is by design. Adolf Hitler canceled Central Banks in Germany and Austria. He & Germany had to be killed. Central Banks are the head of the snake.

Hungry Poland Moldova and many other smaller European countries are NOT allowing their territories to invaded by low IQ, 3rd world scum. The best point from her comments is… why is Hungry under such enormous pressure as to allow the take over? Well please watch & share.

Are you all for helping a needy neighbor?
Some neighbors need more assistance than others.

Two rather reputable commentators, saying they won’t even tell their children or wifes about this. That soldiers have been attacked. We have the bodies? We have physical evidence? Come on? Show me the captain’s log, interview the soldiers, where is this happening?

This will guarantee the end of our race and Homo sapiens. Beware harsh language at the end of this video.

Just a hard to believe, make that impossible to believe commercial

Some of her fans, show up as she’s leaving a show. Try to not vomit.

If you are anti-Christian can I (a Christian)take your apartment? What pisses me off about the Jew is this kinda stuff. If a Jew does not like what you say, he wants you to sleep on the streets. PS bitchute now requires you to watch 20 or 30 minute commercials before you get to watch an uploaded video. This will be the end of BitChute. Let me know in the comments if this must see ads section has happened to you. Thank you all

Well not exactly

First alway thank the Lord that these folks live amongst us. We wouldn’t know how to tie our shoes without them. Then we’ve all seen that white boy on the subway, who reeks havoc.

2024 will be the year of the wake up. At your family cookout this year, bring up the Jew issue. To see who in the group is aware.

Feeling betrayed by the governors of South Dakota, Florida, and Texas? Not one of those pricks cares about anti-white ism.
Well screw them because, everyone is waking up. This is worth your nine minutes. This is funny. Share it with someone who needs a laugh.

Sometimes you can’t believe your ears.

Number one is a surprise. Did you expect Texas? All 10 have had a decrease in whites.
If you like cold winters you’ll be moving. Of course percentages can be deceiving, means and mediums are more specific. Good luck and hang in there all my white colleagues. We are winning. “ Name the Jew” “cancel the ADL” calling out Ben Shapiro is now mainstream. Stay positive. Stay strong.

Why haven’t you made a video of Jewish parents disapproving of a Christian boy? Why haven’t you made a video of a Jewish business owner (example in Israel) showing prejudice towards Christian patrons?
What would you do then John Q?
Is it possible that you John can only see racism from the angle you choose to see it? You do sometimes cast blacks as the villains, you often case whites as the villains, but you know better then to cast Jews as the


Created 4 years, 11 months ago.

468 videos

Category People & Family

I’m not selling T-shirts, I don’t have a Patreon, I’m not asking my viewers for anything. I just wanna wake up the white race, my people, my race, we are being replaced In almost all white majority countries. Please share my videos with your still sleeping white friends & relatives. Baby-Boomers are the whites who are still napping. Don’t participate with your own slavery.
If only the masses knew the power they have, non-compliance is your freedom.
The oligarchs want us to blame each other, Black versus white, Christian versus Muslim, republican versus democrat, liberal versus conservative. As long as we continue this the powers that shouldn’t be will gain more control. Who are these evil rulers? The World economic forum, the builder berg group, the Council on foreign relations, the trilateral commission. And yes most of these groups are controlled by the tiny hat people in the Middle East.
They want the white race exterminated. White’s will not allow themselves to be subjects, the strongest group of whites are Germans, the tiny hats tried twice to destroy the German nation. They did not succeed. However their latest attempt is succeeding it is mass immigration from Third World countries.