JoshWho #SeekingTheTruth

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💯There was a time when the news actually told the truth about vaccines.💉💉‼️🧐

Military enforced use of Adenovirus vaccine despite cancer concerns in animal trials. Took 3 years to remove from market. #VaccineControversy #1960sNews

Full Report: 9/11 was a Inside Job.💯 Why is there still some people that refuse to believe so? - via @JoshWhoX #JoshWhoNews

What really goes on with all of Hollywood?
3 weeks ago Jaden Smith, son of Hollywood icon Will Smith, has made public statements that have sent shockwaves through the entertainment industry. Full story

#OklahomaCityBombing 💔🕊️
Exploring the facts and consequences of the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing, 💥which took place on April 19, 1995.

This devastating attack killed 168 people, including 19 children, and injured more than 500.
It remains a somber reminder of the impact of FBI CIA fuelled terrorism in the U.S. 🇺🇸✨
#NeverForget 🙏

The boy's mother, Bre Micciolo, reported her concerns to authorities before the tragic incident. #JusticeForCorey #ChildAbuseAwareness #NewJersey

a British MP stuns parliament. “The evidence was pretty considerable 18 months ago when I first spoke out. It’s overwhelming now.
Every week there’s more evidence,”

Bridgen told GB News, citing a recent Japanese research paper that found “a clear link between people who’ve had the boosters and increased cancer.”

Project Blue Beam getting ready yalls. 🤣 I am glad the majority knows by now, but there is going to be a lot of them mask 😷wearing karens👽🛸 for this when it happens too all over in the skies, and they will scream at you to start worshipping Jesus, and make it everyone's issue for their own sins. | This is how they used it for 9/11 🤫✈️🏬

Do the Pfizer💉 Spin💉🌀🎵🎶🙄🧐 #agenda21sabotage #Agenda21 #CrimesAgainstHumanity

These organizations have been implicated in meddling with elections across the globe, including Brazil and the U.S., by employing a vast network of bots and fake accounts on various social media platforms and online services.

The shocking revelations came to light after a series of investigative reports and leaked documents exposed the intricate web of deception and manipulation orchestrated by these entities. Among the platforms targeted by their nefarious activities were Twitter, Facebook, Gmail, Instagram, Amazon, and Airbnb, where they used fake accounts to spread disinformation and influence public opinion.

The scale of their operations is staggering, with reports suggesting that Team Jorge alone has meddled in more than 30 presidential-level elections worldwide, claiming to have successfully influenced the outcomes of 27 of them. These revelations have sent shockwaves through the international community, raising serious concerns about the integrity of democratic processes in numerous countries.

Cambridge Analytica, a British political consulting firm that previously gained notoriety through the Facebook–Cambridge Analytica data scandal, has been linked to Team Jorge's operations. This collaboration further highlights the potential for such organizations to exploit the vulnerabilities in digital platforms to sway public opinion and undermine the democratic process.

In Brazil, the recent presidential election has come under scrutiny, with allegations of hacking and manipulation of electronic voting systems. The revelations have added fuel to the fire, with many questioning the legitimacy of the electoral process and demanding a thorough investigation into the role of these organizations in influencing the outcome.

Similarly, in the U.S., concerns about election security and foreign interference have been reignited by these revelations. The specter of election manipulation by these groups has raised alarms among political analysts and the general public, prompting calls for increased vigilance and stronger measures to safeguard the integrity of the electoral process.

As the dust settles on these explosive revelations, the world watches with bated breath to see what actions will be taken to address the threat posed by these shadowy organizations. The need for greater transparency, accountability, and security in the digital realm has never been more pressing, as the very foundations of democracy come under siege from the unseen forces of manipulation and deceit.

Police say an Ohio man accused of murdering an Uber driver wrongly believed she was involved in an ongoing phone scam.

An 81-year-old Ohio man, William Brock, has been charged with murder after he shot and killed an Uber driver, Loletha Hall, on March 25, 2024.

The tragic incident occurred in South Charleston, Ohio, and was the result of a scam phone call. Both Brock and Hall had been targeted by separate scam calls, which ultimately led to the fatal encounter.

#ProjectBlueBeam Fake Alien invasion 2024 Project Blue Beam , this is the year of the deception. Already seeing new videos now. This was seen in the skies at Sequoia Park, California. Humanoid figure being projected in the sky. projectbluebeam view thread here

Apple River Stabbing what a crazy ass world we live in. Breaking the spell on what the Mainstream media is trying to feed you. This is a Mind Wars operation trying to make you take the side of the foreigner. PLEASE WATCH‼️
This can happen to anybody, at a picnic, family reunion, wedding, anything etc... some guy runs at you thinking you, or your guest, stole his friends phone, yalls all minding your own business and he runs up to you all and kills one of your friends in the process.

He wouldn't let go about finding a phone that was not his.

Guilty of First-Degree Reckless Homicide in State of Wisconsin vs. Miu Case

The video transcription is from a court session in the State of Wisconsin versus Nikolai Miu.

The jury, consisting of twelve jurors with Mr. Ashland as the foreperson, reached a verdict on all six counts. The verdict found Nikolai Miu guilty of first-degree reckless homicide in the case of Isaac Schumann.

The jury determined that Mr. Miu committed the crime while using a dangerous weapon.

The court session is focused on the announcement of the verdicts in the case.

🚨Apple River Stabbing, Nicolae Miu was found guilty by jurors of many felonies, including murder, in connection with the Wisconsin stabbings that occurred in Apple River in 2022.‼️ HERE IS WHY HE WAS FOUND GUILTY‼️👇

Apple River Stabber Nicolae Miu is 💯 responsible for charging up on a crowd and then not expecting them to be freaked out is just plain ignorant. All he had to do was "Leave those kids alone" listen to his friend who owned the phone, telling him to ignore it, it is insured, forget about it.

This guy went to those teens with a knife in pocket for no reason at all‼️

Apple River stabber Nicolae Miu will be guilty of murder and attempted manslaughter plus other charges of assault with a deadly weapon, obstruction of justice, lying to officers for a murder in I dentification, etc.... Evidence doesn't lie.

He lied to the cops saying he wasn't the stabber when being detained,
He tried to hide the murder weapon,
He lied about the urgency to find the phone.
His friend Ernesto who's phone it was said "it was insured don't worry about it."
His second friend testified also saying to not worry about it, "don't bother the kids, they might think you are a predator".🧐

He still went out of his way to go over there to see if the black kid had his friends phone, who clearly told him not to worry about it. He wanted to take a closer look at the black kid. He was purposely looking for trouble and why he had his knife with him. Now it looks like premeditation will also be applied.

This could have happen to anyone. Imagine having a picnic and some guy comes running towards your family and starts grabbing on you. You would have freaked out too. Stop being sheep going along with the bs narrative that mob mentality is trying to spew.

Proves he lied about the knife,
he lied to the cops saying he wasn't the stabber when being detained,
He tried to hide the murder weapon,
He lied about the urgency to find the phone.
His friend who's phone it was Ernesto said "it was insured don't worry about it."
His second friend testified also saying to not worry about it, "don't bother the kids, they might think you are a predator".🧐

People put their children in front of whatever they want them to become. You may not realize that is what you are doing but it is and always has been.

Documentary by
did a fantastic job compiling this, and many people should see it to comprehend the true nature of what is occurring in these schools.

From the raw footage, see this for yourself. Stabber was the aggressor and is 💯 responsible for all that happened that day. So sad and crazy af😱 Full story

"as I saw a star fall from the heavens, and it was given a key, to a bottomless pit." Revelation 9:1-2
That key is the Flaming Sword. Lucifers Flaming Sword. CERN is trying to replicate it so they can cut through space time and make portals, to other realms. April 8th 2024 Opening a portal.

In a heart-wrenching incident that unfolded in Oklahoma City, an 82-year-old man, Anthony Goulding, set himself and his home on fire as police officers attempted to serve an eviction notice on Monday. This distressing event has not only left the community in shock but also reignited discussions on the treatment of American citizens facing eviction. More info here

The Governments boogieman, same thing with the Bolsheviks years ago in the past. Same games different regimes, same players, same order.

Why I do what I do. Bill William Copper was a great man and is what inspired me to do what I do. There can be no truth if there is no genuine freedom of expression. 😢 I need all your help combined to make everything work. We the people are the only thing that can stop the machine. Please support my work


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