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1) Be respectful.
Everyone has opinions, and they should be respected (unless the opinion breaks Rule 3).
2) Try to keep things Family Friendly.
I feel I shouldn't have to explain what family friendly means. So yeah, use that grey matter between your ears.
3) No racism or harassment.
Fairly obvious, so I shouldn't have to explain this.
4) No spamming.
Do not spam messages or ping people for no reason.
5) No politics.
Discussions of real world politics are prohibited. That said, feel free to talk about politics in fiction (e.g. Elder Scrolls, Star Wars, etc.).
6) No Promoting Other Channels.
Do not promote other channels on Twitch or YouTube unless I ask.

1) Be respectful.
Everyone has opinions, and they should be respected (unless the opinion breaks Rule 3).
2) Try to keep things Family Friendly.
I feel I shouldn't have to explain what family friendly means. So yeah, use that grey matter between your ears.
3) No racism or harassment.
Fairly obvious, so I shouldn't have to explain this.
4) No spamming.
Do not spam messages or ping people for no reason.
5) No politics.
Discussions of real world politics are prohibited. That said, feel free to talk about politics in fiction (e.g. Elder Scrolls, Star Wars, etc.).
6) No Promoting of Other Channels.
Do not promote other channels on Twitch or YouTube unless I ask.

Minecraft on the PS4 test livestream.

Outro music is from Zapsplat:


I didn't expect the game to start me off on a mission when I launched the game for the second time.
Outro music is from Zapsplat:


This was a clip from my first time playing Destiny 2 and I was so shocked that they had something like this in the game.

I have a discord server for my channel now. Feel free to check it out.

A review for Perry Miniature's Agincourt Foot Knights.
Outro Music is from ZapSplat:

Not sure if it's spell practice or if the a.i. just thinks I'm in front of it.

If you have an idea for why this is possible, please let me know in the comment section.

The Mario Bros pipes as it would turn out are able to connect to each other. Granted, they do so randomly if you have more than two on the island. They can also connect to any that are placed in your home (which I find kind of cool).

Seems that Raddle may need to call an exorcist or something....

Apparently the Knights of Seiros don't consider this noteworthy.....

A video detailing how to make objects float in Skyrim Special Edition. Music and sound effects are from Zapsplat:


Created 1 year, 4 months ago.

18 videos

Category Gaming

This is where I upload videos of the games that I enjoy playing. It's not much, but it's something. Also, I may upload non video game videos occasionally as well.

Note: I don't have an upload schedule. So don't be concerned if I just randomly vanish for a while after an upload.