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This information can be seen as science fiction or however the viewers see best, but I take my information very seriously.

Can you handle the truth?

Have you heard of the "incident" at the Pfizer warehouse in the United States where the supposed tornado caused a lot of damage to the "medical" plant where the COVID vaccines were being produced? So what do you think really happened?

Yes, 'Aliens Exist' - But The Fake 'Alien' Invasion Scam Is Building

"You are the big project.
Through continuous genetic reprogramming we have improved you.
Millennium after millennium, life after life.
Now you are ready to receive us definitively.
We are destined to rule the Earth, to rule over the other races in the entire universe.
It was the only way to stop the wars.
To create a being that can host us all.
On a planet that is a good genetic pool.
Thus, you are the product of the 13 races.
The 13 different geneticists each thought of their own interests.
Creating in you what you call "inner conflict."
There is a limitless genetic war between the 13 races.
But in the end we are the ones who triumph.
Now you are only ours."

Dr. Davide, a courageous scientist, has been studying thousands of cases related to alien abductions, obtaining by the abductees under hypnosis, the unsettling thesis that some extraterrestrial races have been installing for millennia their active memories in the abducted people's brains, in order to 'live' through them in this dimension, exploiting a special human energy: the Soul... But when the scientist will decide to help Saturnia, a seductive eighteen-old girl that believes she has been abducted, and shows a clear attraction for him - he will have to face an insurmountable problem: once hypnotized, Saturnia will not leave anymore the trance condition, giving place to Hexabor of Ur - an alien entity coming from Mesopotamian ages that consider himself an half-god. This will be complicated by the unexpected discovery that Saturnia belong to a wealthy black aristocracy's family...

Dr. Davide Piso is a courageous scientist who has been studying thousands of cases involving alien abductions with the aid of hypnosis. When the scientist decides to help Saturnia, a seductive teenager that believes herself to be an alien abductee and shows a clear attraction for him, he faces an insurmountable problem: once hypnotised, Saturnia cannot leave the trance condition anymore, hence giving manifestation to Hexabor of Ur, an alien entity coming from Mesopotamian ages. Hexabor considers himself a demi-god and wants to exploit a special human energy: the soul.

Sfârșitul copilăriei (II)- Vârsta de Aur

Sfârșitul copilăriei (I) - Pământul și Overlorzii

Sfârșitul copilăriei (III) - Ultima generație

(RO) Corrado Malanga XCongress Verbania 22 01 2017

CORRADO MALANGA - Dualitate - limita științei (Partea I)

Ukraine - CIC Report 2 - Direct Experience and Conclusions

921-RO-IT Camelia- GALAXY - Hipnoza Ezoterică ∞ Lucio Carsi

937-IT-RO Alina- ANIMA ANTICA - Ipnosi Esoterica ∞ Lucio Carsi

1173-RO-IT Maria- PARKINSON - Hipnoza Ezoterică ∞ Lucio Carsi

1140-IT-RO Investigație- Ucraina - Hipnoza Ezoterică ∞ Lucio Carsi

Was the earthquake in Turkey natural? What happened?

882-RO-IT Alessandro- ZONA 51- Hipnoza Ezoterică ∞ Lucio Carsi

911-RO-IT Nelly- Fiinte De Lumina - Hipnoza Ezoterică ∞ Lucio Carsi

884-RO-IT Stefania- ENTITĂȚI MENTALE - Hipnoza Ezoterică ∞ Lucio Carsi

854-RO-IT Daniela- INCONŞTIENT - Hipnoza Ezoterică ∞ Lucio Carsi

752-RO_IT Marita, FEDERAL RESERVE (PIRAMIDELE POLONEZE) - Hipnoza Ezoterică 3.0

660-RO_IT Clara, Mozart 432 Hz - CORRECT - Hipnoza Ezoterică 3.0 Lucio Carsi

688-RO_IT INVESTIGAȚIE, FLASH MOB - Hipnoza Ezoterică 3.0 Lucio Carsi

673-IT_RO INVESTIGAȚIE, CORONAVIRUS 2 - Hipnoza Ezoterică 3.0 Lucio Carsi


Created 4 years ago.

246 videos

Category Music