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Here I review the 7 day progress, feel accomplishment... exactly what I love about this.

Guys. be sure to subscribe so you don't miss out on future CHALLENGES and content! _______
Everything feels MUCH easier to endure. What's up with that?? Either way, I feel BEAST, and I see excelling in the future

Guys. be sure to subscribe so you don't miss out on future CHALLENGES and content!
Everything feels MUCH easier to endure. What's up with that?? Either way, I feel BEAST, and I see excelling in the future

Day 3 now, and damn, thought I wouldn't be able to handle it, but managed to get a HIIT workout in the mix

Going to start exercising twice a day, do my reps in the morning, then again 1-2 hours after

This is the site I was referencing:

Attempting to make videos here on BitChute. These will be pretty much all about my personal self-improvements, as well as sharing my thoughts though life. Any feedback is welcome, glad to be here


Created 4 years, 11 months ago.

7 videos

Category None

I am nothing more than a common man, on a journey to ever self-improve.

Purpose for using video websites, is to document, and inspire others, simple. Videos consist of some personal thoughts, again, I am simply attempting to show discipline and dedication