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Hydrochloric Acid 4% and Sodium Chloride 25% available here: https://www.eclo2.com/

This is an interview with Dr. Patricia Callisperis. Thank you Dr. Callisperis for taking the time to be interviewed. Dr. Callisperis is a surgeon and specialist in pediatric orthopedic trauma. She discovered chlorine dioxide for herself when a friend and colleague suggested its use on oral lesions that could not be cured with standard treatments. After her cure she began her own deep dive into understanding what chlorine dioxide is and what it can do. It is because of her efforts that chlorine dioxide was legalized for the treatment of COVID-19 in the country of Bolivia. It's legalization and use has led to a drastic decline in case rates and case fatalities for COVID-19 in Bolivia.

More info: Mewe https://mewe.com/join/hiddenknowledgeaboutclo2 Telegram: https://t.me/joinchat/S9kNB0PmSmbCkODh

Is THE UNIVERSAL ANTIDOTE really bleach? The answer might surprise you.

¿El antidoto universal es realmente lejía? ¿Qué nos dice la ciencia? (Spanish subtitles)

Link to Autism Testimonials: https://mmstestimonials.co/autism

Kerri Rivera has had very good success with eliminating gut parasites using a highly diluted solution of chlorine dioxide called "MMS". Dr Seneff has explained that MMS also neutralizes glyphosate toxicity. Every city in the country treats municipal water supplies with chlorine so the FDA's hysteria over MMS enemas is baseless. They have even gone so far as to call it "deadly". Well, sure if you drank undiluted chlorine. Whatever happened to "it's the dose that makes the poison" that they always say when we point out the deadly chemicals in vaccines?

Kerri has helped many children recover from autism using a completely safe MMS protocol. But there are people who think autism is just "neurodiversity" and choose to ignore the serious medical issues. A few "neurodiversity" people complained to Facebook and YouTube about Kerri, saying that it's insulting to imply that autism could be "cured". As a result, YouTube has deleted her account. 2 books to download and learn more about this https://gaiaelixers.wordpress.com/2020/05/11/cds-mms-protocollen-a-t-m-z/

Keri can be contacted through cdautism.org or kerririvera.com


Created 2 years, 6 months ago.

45 videos

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