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Every Central Bank is part of the pyramid scam that stole all wealth from the people. Now they try to install Communism 2.0 with the CBDC, UBI and a social credit system. Don't let it happen. Choose Ethical Money. See more at www.1coinh.com

Rico Brouwer, the host of Potkaars, became interested in the financial system even before he started his Potkaars podcasts. After various crises (Financial crisis of 2008, Icesave), the ever-increasing, insoluble national debts and now the current inflation and the CBDC, concerns about a good outcome are increasing rapidly.

Together with Teun van Sambeek, Rico discusses the backgrounds of these ever-increasing problems. Are we being thrown into a communist nightmare, or is there a way out? A solution such as a new human right to participate equally in global money creation, as Teun proposes with his 1 Coin Per Hour initiative.

This enlightening podcast/Potkaars goes through the dystopian ploys of the people behind the Fiat money, but also puts some hopeful dots on the horizon.

Have fun watching and listening!

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Rico Brouwer, the host of Potkaars, became interested in the financial system even before he started his Potkaars podcasts. After various crises (Financial crisis of 2008, Icesave), the ever-increasing, insoluble national debts and now the current inflation and the CBDC, concerns about a good outcome are increasing rapidly.

Together with Teun van Sambeek, Rico discusses the backgrounds of these ever-increasing problems. Are we being thrown into a communist nightmare, or is there a way out? A solution such as a new human right to participate equally in global money creation, as Teun proposes with his 1 Coin Per Hour initiative.

This enlightening podcast/Potkaars goes through the dystopian ploys of the people behind the Fiat money, but also puts some hopeful dots on the horizon.

Have fun watching and listening!

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Rico Brouwer van Potkaars is al voordat hij met Potkaars begon geïnteresseerd geraakt in het financiële systeem. Na diverse crises (2008, Icesave), de alsmaar oplopende, onoplosbare staatsschuld en nu de huidige inflatie en de CBDC nemen de zorgen over een goede afloop in sneltreinvaart toe.

Samen met Teun van Sambeek bespreekt Rico de achtergronden van deze alsmaar groter wordende problemen. Worden we een communistische nachtmerrie ingerommeld, of is er nog een uitweg? Een oplossing zoals een nieuw mensenrecht om gelijkwaardig te participeren in de mondiale geldcreatie, zoals Teun met zijn 1 Munt Per Uur initiatief voorstelt.

In deze verhelderende podcast/Potkaars worden de dystopische bedenksels van de mensen achter het Fiat-geld doorgenomen, maar worden ook wat hoopvolle stippen op de horizon gezet.

Veel kijk en luister plezier!

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Contrary to the WEF's "Great Narrative" that they are currently writing to gaslight even more people, the resistance to this dictatorship is challenged by James Corbett to write our own, real "New Narrative". The idea is that a proper "Narrative" can be very useful in the discussions with people that are still oblivious to reality. So if you are creative and have some time, please join this challenge!

If you like the content, you can donate Pirate Chain (ARRR):

The Documentary

One year after the Covid-19 global pandemic was declared, the society in which we live has undergone great changes. The purpose of this documentary is to help citizens understand what is really happening, but we need your help.

Covered under the pretext of a global pandemic, we are witnessing the largest attack perpetrated in history against our fundamental rights and freedoms

Through FEAR, in just one year policies have been carried out that would seem unthinkable under normal conditions. Confinement of all people in their homes, police repression, states of alarm, absolute control of the mass media, implementation of information censorship on a planetary level, silencing of any dissident voice with disqualification campaigns, absence of debate, disinformation campaigns, use of state funds without any control, as well as the attempt of a compulsory vaccination worldwide.

Power has always used crises to establish totalitarian control over the population. This is what is called the shock doctrine, described by Naomi Klein,
in which, through impacts on social psychology from disasters or contingencies and taking advantage of the general confusion and upheaval, unpopular reforms can be carried out.

THE FALSE PANDEMIC: Assumed as real by everyone, it has been possible thanks to a society not used to thinking for itself but to assuming “official truths”. Orchestrated using an inaccuracy-based strategy,
manipulations, hoaxes and lies of the current heads of the World Health Organization, with the complicity of large power groups, the blatant use of large media and the complicit silence of many scientists, doctors, researchers, academics, politicians , prosecutors, judges and magistrates and, ultimately, a society accustomed to assuming the truths imposed from the media that misinform us.

The documentary «The Big Reset» will be an enemy of censorship, and will try to reach as many people as possible the opinions of highly educated people who are being systematically silenced for not agreeing with the unique and obligatory thought that they are trying to impose on us. The documentary will try to generate debate, as well as to solve many of the questions that we have a right to know their answers.

One of the key questions is why in the media there is hardly any talk of The Great Reset, or The Great Reboot. The Great Reset is a proposal from the World Economic Forum (WEF) to rebuild the economy in a sustainable way in the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic. Framed in the plan of the globalists and their Agenda 2030, the current pandemic is presented as an «accelerating agent» of all the totalitarian policies that are being carried out at the planetary level.

This idea has been in the making for decades. To reach the omnipotent state, and carry out a radical transformation of society, greater interventionism and control of governments through cultural and scientific organizations is necessary. With the pronouncement of a supposed global pandemic, freedom faces a new enemy. Tyranny masquerades as expert government and benevolent dictatorship. The new rulers do not justify their right to rule due to divine providence, but now claim the right to rule the people in the name of universal health and safety, based on alleged scientific evidence.

It would be impossible to orchestrate a coup from above, as these power groups try to carry out, without the help of the media. These media have not been independent for a long time, but are controlled by large groups aligned with globalist slogans. Its social engineering mechanism turns media companies into instruments in command of power. In them is the key to manipulation, which we are clearly seeing in this pandemic.

Fortunately, there are more and more professionals in the field of medicine,
health and journalism, as well as other disciplines that question these “official truths”. Since the Great Barrington declaration, signed by more than 6,000 specialists around the world and 50,000 people, in which it is questioned
tough government measures to deal with the pandemic,
calling for the resumption of all work activities, up to the International Alert Message from health professionals to the governments of the world, already signed by
a thousand professionals, mostly doctors, belonging to the
collective United Health Professionals, in which they denounce that COVID-19 is «the biggest health scam of the 21st century.»

If you’ve never heard of all of this listed here, it’s normal. There is a deliberate attempt from the mass media to hide this type of information. They have been overwhelming us for a year with manipulated figures and data to confuse us and make us lose our sense of reality, while little by little they are undermining our freedoms.

See more at www.thebigresetmovie.com

Instead of allowing the globalists and their banks to use corona to enforce their "GREAT RESET" onto you, we provide an idea to create "A DIFFERENT RESET".
Take a look at a system that uses a digital currency that is freely created by every person that participates. One coin for every hour you are alive. With a full exposed blockchain that is shared with everybody.
See more at www.lyks.org

Dit is een gelekte email die niet geverifieerd is. Deze video kan dus gebaseerd zijn op onjuiste informatie. Wat echter belangrijker is, dat de agenda die hier wordt beschreven wel zeer nauwkeurig lijkt te kloppen met alle andere informatie die door onder andere het World Economic Forum als gewenste toekomst wordt gepresenteerd. Deze video is daarom zonder meer erg leerzaam! Let ook even op het einde. Want als we deze distopische toekomst kunnen vermijden, dan ligt er waarschijnlijk een veel betere toekomst in het verschiet.
Video is van Computing Forever. Kijk ook op Odysee: https://odysee.com/@ComputingForever

Bestaat SARS-Cov-2 wel? Waar is het bewijs dan? Die vragen stelt programmamaker Flavio Pasquino aan onderzoeksjournalist Patrick Savalle die al ruim 15 jaar met virus dossiers werkt. Na jaren lang onderzoek te hebben gedaan naar het humaan immunodeficiëntievirus (HIV) als de veroorzaker van AIDS heeft hij zich nu ook geworpen op deze vraag; zijn er sluitende wetenschappelijke bewijzen (volgens de gouden standaard) dat SARS-Cov-2 bestaat? En zo ja, is het daarmee de veroorzaker van het klinische beeld dat bij Covid 19 hoort? De laatste vraag kan allen beantwoord worden als de gouden standaard " Koch en/of Rivers Postulaten" is doorlopen maar ook dat is niet gedaan bij SARS-COV-2. Savalle komt nergens in de literatuur onderzoeken tegen die valide isolatie van het SARS-Cov-2 aantonen, noch een valide bewijs dat bewijst dat SARS-Cov-2 de veroorzaker is van de Covid 19.

In de video wordt een Youtube video van Samuel Eckert gebruikt als handvat voor de tijdlijn die bij de ontwikkeling van de PCR test heeft plaatsgevonden.

De Youtube video van Samuel Eckert https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S_Ofvc6jNNA

Bij de ontwikkeling van deze PCR test was oa. viroloog Marion Koopmans betrokken. Onder leiding van Dr. Christiaan Drosten werd in allerijl een PCR test ontwikkelt (21 jan. al klaar) op basis van Sars RNA uit databanken maar werd niet het geïsoleerde virus uit patiënt zero gebruikt. Een lab reconstructie dus die uiterst dubieus is, stelt Patrick Savalle. Het virus is uiteindelijk nooit volgens de gold standard geïsoleerd en daarmee komt wellicht alles op losse schroeven te staan, vervolgt Savalle.

Savalle refereerde ook naar een "slordige" paper van viroloog Marion Koopmans waarin volgens hem veel belangrijke bronnen niet zijn vermeldt. Dit is de link naar de paper; https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32570045/

Via deze link kun je nog een persoonlijke reflectie lezen van Patrick Savalle op deze video:

Dit is de link naar de publicatie van Ron Foucher uit 2003 die "zou" aantonen dat SARS-Cov-1 is geïsoleerd volgens de gouden standaard en dat Koch Postulaten is gelukt. Echt beiden bleken niet te kloppen, stelt Savalle. Lees het zelf maar: https://www.nature.com/articles/423240a


In de video wordt een oproep gedaan aan wetenschapper om mee te denken over de antwoorden op de vragen die gesteld worden. Je kunt je dan melden bij [email protected].

Link naar de website:

Why do so many people follow the instructions of their governments, even when they take away your freedom and don't make sense? In this 1981 movie of an event that happened in reality on a high-school in Palo Alto California April 1967, you can see how easy people can be manipulated by the group they take part in. Become your true self and ignore the unscientific mouth-masks, vaccines, social distancing and lock downs. They are all based on PCR-tests that are flawed and abused on a scale that is unprecedented.

Here you see some scenes from Michael Oswald's film The Spider's Web. You can see how the City of London financial interests created a web of secrecy jurisdictions that captured wealth from across the globe and hid it in a web of offshore islands. Today, up to half of global offshore wealth is hidden in British jurisdictions and Britain and its dependencies are the largest global players in the world of international finance.

See the entire documentary on: https://www.bitchute.com/video/1lYVrv3tQVIH/

Jorn Lukaszczyk in gesprek met met biochemicus Mario Ortiz en ondernemer in clinical trials Lars Admiraal over hoe de Corona PCR-test dé bron is van de huidige ellende. De besmettingscijfers, het reproductiegetal, de prevalentie, de krapte in zorgcapaciteit en de ziekenhuisdiagnostiek, dit alles komt door de PCR test.

In this video Christine Lagarde foreshadows the crypto asset paradigm shift. Benoit updates on how domestic cbdcs are coming and the spill over effects need to be dealt with by the G20. The global reserve status of the dollar is being threatened by technology and the world is changing in front of everyone's eyes! This system is coming and nothing will stop it. The debt bubble is about to pop and crypto is there for a reset!
Uploaded to YouTube by Darren MooreJr

Volgen jullie het nog? Er wordt heel veel verwarring gezaait op dit moment. Ik heb het gevoel dat het de bedoeling is om de verbinding tussen ons mensen te verstoren.
Bron: Christel Wolters via Facebook

Former Vice President of Pfizer who was also their Chief Science Officer for 16 years, Dr. Mike Yeadon, declares all PCR test result must be ignored, and explains why there is no proof for a second wave. He says: "Government are using a Covid-19 test with undeclared false positive rates."

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. speaks at the Siegessäule, Berlin, at the largest Anti-Corona protest up to that moment, in front of almost one million people.

He talks about the non existing Killer Virus, the role of Bill Gates and Anthony Fauci in bringing the world in a totalitarian control-state. He warns for the 5G and the dangers of the untested vaccines that are going to be used to control humanity. 'Our media is lying about us. We are called Nazi's in the newspaper. I see no Nazi's here. I see people from every nation, religion and race who want transparent government that care about us and our children.'
In the video you have a Picture-in-Picture that gives a proper impression of the massive crowd.
The fact that every main-stream-media downplayed the number of protesters, and bluntly ignored the historic speech of the Nephew of JFK (that took place on the exact same location as his uncle did in 1963) is the absolute proof that all main-stream-media is corrupt and plays a massive role in this criminal Corona-Scandal.

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich is one of the four members of the German Corona Investigative Committee.
After listening to the hundreds of medical professionals he comes to the conclusion that the "Corona-Crisis" needs to be renamed to the "Corona-Scandal" and will lead to the largest Class Action Lawsuit the world has ever seen. A massive group of criminals that are working for government and multinational corporations will be held accountable for the massive damage to societies around the world by intentionally abusing PCR-test results.

by Spiro Skouras
As we approach the one year anniversary of the novel coronavirus outbreak, we find ourselves facing many unanswered questions. We find ourselves worse off in many ways, in comparison to when the outbreak just began, as we receive signals from public health officials and the media to prepare for another lockdown. It appears we are approaching what could to be a perfect storm. The US Presidential Elections, flu season, the arrival of the new experimental COVID vaccine and the prophesied ‘second wave’ of COVID. The big news of the week of course, has been President Trump and the First Lady have both tested positive for COVID. The President has been hospitalized. President Trump’s doctor, said that Trump’s diagnosis was confirmed using the PCR test. Just like virtually every other ‘confirmed case’ we hear reported.

But was PCR really developed with the intention of diagnosing infectious diseases? Is PCR capable of diagnosing infectious diseases? How could a test developed almost 40 years ago be used to diagnose a brand new disease found less than one year ago? In this report, we examine this questions in addition to reviewing video clips of multiple doctors weighing in on the subject including the biochemist Kary Mullis who invented PCR and won a Nobel Prize in Chemistry for doing so has to say.

Why is understanding the test so important?
Because it is the driving factor in the fear campaign, that is being driven by the corrupt media and then used by the government to justify the restrictions imposed on our lives. This is a must see report that may change the perception of you, or of someone you may know, regarding the crisis.


Coronavirus Testing Suspended at Boston Lab Due to Nearly 400 False Positives

"Dead" Virus Cells Frequently Trigger "False Positives" In Most Common COVID Test, New Study Finds

Tanzania coronavirus kits raise suspicion after goat and pawpaw test positive

COVID Test Nasal Swab Punctured Woman’s Brain Lining and Caused Brain Fluid to Leak from Her Nose

Michigan Supreme Court: Governor exceeded powers during coronavirus pandemic

Federal judge rules Pennsylvania's coronavirus orders are unconstitutional

Was the COVID-19 Test Meant to Detect a Virus?

Kary Mullis, Inventor of the PCR Technique, Dies

Orwell believed totalitarianism was a great risk in the modern West, contrasting his ideas with those of Aldous Huxley, author of Brave New World.
And the winner is ... Oligarchical Collectivism...!!
Orwell was right, Huxley was closer to winning but still got defeated by Orwell on the finish line. The current collapse of the dollar and the Covid-19 global coup d'etat brings him the trophy of writer with the brightest foresight. (unless we stop the NWO).
Get the transcript ► https://academyofideas.com/2017/12/george-orwell-1984-how-freedom-dies/

The full history of our Central Banks and how they destroy our lives, wage all wars, control our governments and make slaves of us.
A Bill Still Documentary
Connect with Bill Still
Website: http://www.billstill.com
Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njEiJ...
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/BillStillOfficial
His Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/user?u=3204630

Bill Still was very accurate. In his "The Money Masters" of 1996 he predicted the Central Banks Induced Crisis that would bring them the New World Order and their New World Currency.

Our digital dictator Google is desperately trying to shut down free speech. The globalist fascist have no alternatives to keep their Covid scam, 9/11 scam and every other war they created for us, concealed for us. But they won't succeed. This is what you get if you allow un-elected individuals own all central banks. Once their pyramid Ponzi scheme dies in hyperinflation you will be in the mess that is surrounding us now. Please wake up, and leave Google, Facebook, Youtube and all the other outlets that will kill or enslave you you if we don't start fighting them seriously.

David Icke's impressive London speech where he crushed the governments and their owners who are trying to make us believe they have the power to rule humanity. Covid is exposed as a setup of the globalists to get us in an Orwellian future. David Icke knows how to put this into words like nobody else.

A video of The Money GPS (https://youtu.be/QzMGmk0z4IU) of the origins of the Central Banking system.
Also see The Money GPS: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCngq92xrmmsfEgGdfAJ6giQ

The monetary system started to melt down in September 2019. The elite uses the virus to hide this fact. Too many people however, see through the Corona Scare tactics. The sooner these 5 steps are put in place, the sooner the emerging depression will end. Only then we can really start working to rescue the environment. Time is not a luxury we have, so please spread this message.


Created 4 years, 11 months ago.

28 videos

Category Science & Technology

Equal participation in the universal money creation is a human right. Find out why everyone must receive One Coin Per Hour to create true ethical money!