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22 Lions


Are you ready to take your storytelling to a whole new level?

We present to you an incredible opportunity—the chance to convert your beloved children's tales into captivating songs that will mesmerize young minds and make your stories come alive as never before!

🔖 Click here to ignite your imagination: https://www.22lions.com/products/rap-stories 🔖

Introducing Rap Stories, where we merge the magic of storytelling with the power of music. Our team will transform your cherished children's stories into unforgettable, toe-tapping melodies that will capture the hearts of little listeners across the globe!

💡 Why should you choose Rap Stories for your story-singing transformation?

⭐️ Unleash the Power of Audio: Bring your story's characters, settings, and adventures to life through the enchanting medium of music. Watch in awe as the essence of your tales is woven into catchy beats and mesmerizing rhymes that kids will adore.

⭐️ Captivate Young Minds: Spark imagination and creativity as young listeners embark on rhythmic journeys alongside your characters. With captivating melodies and engaging lyrics, your story-turned-song will inspire wonder, heighten emotional connections, and instill strong values in an unforgettable manner.

⭐️ Stand Out from the Crowd: In a sea of ordinary, make a splash with something extraordinary. By transforming your children's story into a unique and personalized song, you're setting yourself apart from fellow authors and emerging as an innovator in the world of children's literature.

⭐️ Reach New Heights: Your enchanting melody has the power to captivate not just young listeners but also publishers, agents, and literary enthusiasts across various platforms. This thrilling transformation can open doors to expanded opportunities, collaborations, and even multimedia adaptations!

Ready to embark on a melodious adventure? Visit our website and explore the wonders that await you at Rap Stories. Unleash the symphony within your story and wi..

In an historic final interview, filmmaker and music promoter Aaron Russo goes in depth on the insider-knowledge given to him by a member of the Rockefeller family. Russo was told - prior to 9/11 - of plans to stage terror attacks, invade foreign nations, and kickstart a high-tech police state control grid that would track the populations' every move with implantable RFID microchips.

‘Athene’s Theory of Everything’ is a film that not only deals with the self evident relevance between the subjects related to reality, quantum mechanics, neuroscience and human psychology, but at the same time he presents a compelling argument for breaking down the barriers that divivide these seemingly disparate scientific research communities. Without resorting to sensationalized or metaphysical claims, Chiren’s writing, which the documentary is based on stays clear of the pseudo-scientific psychobabble often associated with authors attempting to resolve ‘The Theory of Everything’, answer the ‘Bigger Picture’ questions of what is reality and the meaning of life. He looks to science with alacrity, due respect for its roots, in openness and scepticism without losing the sense of awe and wonder that popular scientists such as Carl Sagan and Sir Richard Attenborough manages to instil in us.

Dr. Steven Greer shatters the lies surrounding recent “official” UFO disclosures in his most explosive exposé yet. In The Cosmic Hoax: An Exposé, the mechanisms of manipulation yielded by the power elite are put on full display, and the roots of UFO secrecy are finally revealed.

This CLASSIC Alex Jones’ documentary shatters the hoax of the terrorism, revealing instead that government is history’s greatest killer. Now a 21st century technocratic global corporate tyranny seeks to kill billions with the superweapons it has created under a police state control grid and through the central banking warfare model it brought to life. This documentary is another powerful tool in exposing the false threats used by the elite to control us– powerful because it casts an even greater light on their own dangerous megalomaniacal quest for total power.

John E. Mack, M.D. (1929-2004) was a Pulitzer Prize-winning author and professor of psychiatry at Harvard Medical School.

Elliot Budd Hopkins was an American artist, author, and ufologist. He was a prominent figure in alien abduction phenomena and related UFO research.

This documentary exposes the truth about the covid pandemic and how it was engineered by several people in power to change society.

Thralldom-Based Education is a documentary made by Arin Boyalikli which explores the origin, purpose and contemporary manifestation of government-controlled "education".

Ukraine. Across its eastern border is Russia and to its west-Europe. For centuries, it has been at the center of a tug-of-war between powers seeking to control its rich lands and access to the Black Sea. 2014's Maidan Massacre triggered a bloody uprising that ousted president Viktor Yanukovych and painted Russia as the perpetrator by Western media. But was it? "Ukraine on Fire" by Igor Lopatonok provides a historical perspective for the deep divisions in the region which lead to the 2004 Orange Revolution, 2014 uprisings, and the violent overthrow of democratically elected Yanukovych. Covered by Western media as a people's revolution, it was in fact a coup d'état scripted and staged by nationalist groups and the U.S. State Department. Investigative journalist Robert Parry reveals how U.S.-funded political NGOs and media companies have emerged since the 80s replacing the CIA in promoting America's geopolitical agenda abroad.

Executive producer Oliver Stone gained unprecedented access to the inside story through his on-camera interviews with former President Viktor Yanukovych and Minister of Internal Affairs Vitaliy Zakharchenko, who explain how the US Ambassador and factions in Washington actively plotted for regime change.

And, in his first meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, Stone solicits Putin's take on the significance of Crimea, NATO and the US's history of interference in elections and regime change in the region.


Created 2 years, 3 months ago.

9 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

Reach international readers and share your story with the world. Publish with 22 Lions Publishing, and get access to 40,000 retail outlets across 6 continents, including bookstores, libraries, and online retailers. Expand your reach and engage readers around the globe - you don't have to limit yourself to your home market anymore!