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An automatic video uploader for Twitch (using their API) as a fairly technical component run on your own computer without the need to give passwords, secrets, keys or permissions to anybody.

Update: The uploader is likely defunct now, because not long after completion, Twitch changed their API.

Source code repository:

First steps of 2D graphics + animation programming with JavaFX and HTML5 canvas for graph visualization and editing.

Parsing and interpreting tokens from the input for semantical analysis in order to affect and drive control flow.

Small example of ViewSpecs as found in Douglas Engelbart’s NLS and Augment.

This XML file does not appear to have any style information associated with it. The document tree is shown below.

“Interactive Tero” ist ein interaktiver Parsergrammatik-“Debugger”, aber bisher noch nicht zu einem Editor ausgebaut.

Mock-up of hypertext tool/capability use.

Ein einfacher, kleiner Web-“Browser” (eigentlich besser: Viewer).

Loading (deserializing) structured input data into computer memory as an implicit chain of tokens in order to prepare subsequent processing, syntactical/semantical analysis, conversion, parsing, translation or execution.

Choices for the design of data or text structuring inline by reserving regular or special characters or sequences of such to act as a separator/delimiter/marker.

Basic model, concept and technique to read symbols (might be characters, numbers, signals, any kind of pattern/symbol) from an input source, which might be a database, a file on the disk, a data packet incoming from the network, a measure by a sensor, or a key typed by the user. Focus is on how to organize loop iterations and handling, processing, reaction to the sequence of input data arriving within or requested by your own software application code.

This shows a very simple experiment exploring 2D drawing. Rendered with code in Java.

Welcome to the BAC Language, which isn’t a programming language yet, or might never be. The syntax and concept is not my invention, but stolen from somebody who didn’t want to be remembered in history and is also not alive any more. All the books about it are long out of print, so I simply try to implement one limited description of a bunch of its features, therefore BAC may show differences in comparison to the original inspiration. The implementation is even more off, caused by lazy repurposing of other code I happened to have. As I’m writing parsers for some domain-specific languages (text-oriented formats) anyway, it turned out to be a relatively small step to advance into developing an interpreter potentially for an interactive programming environment. Maybe a little bit like LISP or Smalltalk? Not crazy enough to consider writing a compiler.

This recording hopefully offers an overview about what “application programming interfaces” are, what role they play in the system architecture of computer software, as well as discussing the question if APIs should be copyrightable, as there’s a long legal battle going on of Oracle suing Google for their re-implementation of the Java “API”, and what the implications might be for the profession of computer software programmers, the field, industry and our digital future. (in “VCF West XIII -- Time Paterson -- Original DOS and the old days”, Tim Paterson mentions a range of more or less different types of interfaces)

An online forms generator for data entry which also handles the semantics. Code:

Apply a XSLT stylesheet onto a XML input file to generate output formats, using xsltproc for example.

First version of a simple audio messaging system, using the more recent audio interface standard in browsers to grant device access to the microphone. For the theme of hypermedia, check out Jon Udell’s work around adequate audio controls, or the “Hyperland” documentary by the BBC. Code:

First version of a small system that manages a “monthly mixtape” of song recommendations. Code:


Created 6 years, 3 months ago.

132 videos

Category Science & Technology