GT's BitChoot

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GT's BitChoot



For those exposed to the 'vaxxed', reports and (first-hand) personal experience suggest that disease and possibly death could follow. The diabolical method of having the deceived and/or ignorant population infect the environment around them is resulting in many 'unvaxxed' or 'purebloods' to become afflicted and/or infected by the spike proteins; this can result in blood clotting, heart & circulatory system afflictions, and all things attributed to COVID/SARS.

Apparently, one must use prophylactic and/or therapeutic therapies to treat these as well. I have, over time, come to have multiple symptoms and problems, though I never took the 'JAB'. I pray that people come to realize the Truth, and begin treatments to avoid/relieve toxic effects ASAP, and even before becoming affected, to ward off major ill effects. May we gain a hedge of protection from the Most High, and prevent major illness/death by means of gaining information about these perils...

This is the first of two 'prerequisite' or reference videos that I produced a while back on YouToob (Systems of the Beast 'series'); these could be considered 'seminal' resources for anyone trying to understand HOW the world could possibly become a 'global', or 'one-world' government. That is, given conventional thinking, it really seems either unlikely, or perhaps even impossible/implausable that it would/could even occur--it isn't, as one should realize after examining these two videos, and as preliminaries to viewing "The Mark 'Evolves' as Bizarre Agendas Unfold...", my most recent addendum on the topic[s].
[see: ]
Please DO watch all three for understanding just how close we all are to being sucked into their systems and deceptions...

I'm pretty sure that the systems of the beast that must-need be involved are already aligned and the agendas set up so that the mystical 'one-world government' can AND WILL come to fruition, given the ongoing narratives being pushed by 'globalist' entities, such as the Vatican, the U.N. and the various institutions & NGOs that they control, along with their corporate whoredoms--the systems of the beast. We are at a critical 'choice-point', and the world id teetering on the edge of becoming engulfed. Really.

I am putting these two videos up for convenience of my BC viewers, so nobody need visit YT. Frankly, I thought these vids were probably here on Bitchute when I uploaded "The Mark 'Evolves' as Bizarre Agendas Unfold...", but I was mistaken. I will try to get some more of my other videos transferred over here in the next few weeks, as I am able.

May all viewers be blessed with discernment and a call to action, especially to test all things, and to source the scriptures for Truth. ;)

This is the second of two 'prerequisite' or reference videos that I produced a while back on YouToob (Systems of the Beast 'series'); these could be considered 'seminal' resources for anyone trying to understand HOW the world could possibly become a 'global', or 'one-world' government. That is, given conventional thinking, it really seems either unlikely, or perhaps even impossible/implausable that it would/could even occur--it isn't, as one should realize after examining these two videos, and as preliminaries to viewing "The Mark 'Evolves' as Bizarre Agendas Unfold...", my most recent addendum on the topic[s].
[see: ]
Please DO watch all three for understanding just how close we all are to being sucked into their systems and deceptions...

I'm pretty sure that the systems of the beast that must-need be involved are already aligned and the agendas set up so that the mystical 'one-world government' can AND WILL come to fruition, given the ongoing narratives being pushed by 'globalist' entities, such as the Vatican, the U.N. and the various institutions & NGOs that they control, along with their corporate whoredoms--the systems of the beast. We are at a critical 'choice-point', and the world id teetering on the edge of becoming engulfed. Really.

I am putting these two videos up for convenience of my BC viewers, so nobody need visit YT. Frankly, I thought these vids were probably here on Bitchute when I uploaded "The Mark 'Evolves' as Bizarre Agendas Unfold...", but I was mistaken. I will try to get some more of my other videos transferred over here in the next few weeks, as I am able.

May all viewers be blessed with discernment and a call to action, especially to test all things, and to source the scriptures for Truth. ;)

This is a revision/extension of a recent series (Mammon, Merchants and the Mark), updated with timely additions relating to more current events and agendas. I attempt to put the 'Mark' in context, as well as the various aspects of the 'global' systems of the beast that are already extant, in what may be clearer to the viewer. Please watch and share as you are led, and may all viewers &/or listeners be blessed with discernment and a call to act...

In my search for support of my statements and inquiries, I came across several cogent clips on AJ's '' site, by Greg Reese. These are short but full of documentation and they pose a lot of questions and possibilities about both the 'COVID and the 'VAX' schemes being pounded into the public narrative. I believe everyone should have a look, and I suggest that each of us remain sceptical, until all is sorted out, over time. The important point to be made is that WE SIMPLY DON'T KNOW AND ARE ILL-INFORMED about it all, so the 'take-home' , to me, would be AVOID BEING SUCKED INTO THE NARRATIVE; DON'T SUCCUMB TO 'TREATMENTS' WITHOUT TRULY INFORMED CONSENT!

My main goal in producing this video was to explain (in not-so-technical terms) just what the so-called mRNA Vax is, how it functions, and how/why it may be considered a potentially harmful or fatal CHOICE. I present my own descriptions and possible sequelae which have emerged from recent reports and public information, but I encourage everyone to do their own research--I am not a virologist or a medical practitioner, so nothing contained in this video is to be considered as 'medical advice'...
Regardless, from what I understand, it seems humanity has succumbed to a GREAT DECEPTION which seems likely to facilitate a great culling, and to initiate what is seemingly the 'final solution' of TPTB; to genetically modify and control the entire population...
watch and share as you are led

This video pretty much wraps up the discourse re: these several early Feasts, and especially the Passover/observance. In my understanding, these early harvest festivities and observances center around the advent and actions of our Messiah, and the importance of the bread & wine in symbolic &/or metaphoric &/or spiritual Truth.

One may or may not agree with any or all that is/was stated, and the direction that led me to observe the Passover in the way that i did and henceforth will do. Please do as you are led by the Spirit, but also consider the many scriptural referents leading to my conclusions.

The Passover period is filled with MANY scriptures speaking or related to the bread & wine, and our Messiah provided a lot of 'dots' that we should be connecting ("Do this in remembrance of me", etc.) IF one is looking to His historical accounts, by His disciples. Remember also that many of His disciples went away and were angered or confused about just what He was trying to say. I pray WE not make the same kind of mistake, for lack of understanding, or from clinging to established dogma &/or tradition. Full well people will honor their own traditions, forsaking the will of the Father and His desire/commandments...

Please just consider what is being said, throughout, and may you be led as He leads, in thought and/or deeds. May all viewers &/or listeners gain a blessing of discernment and a hefty portion of the Spirit to guide all, in any case; so be it.

See my videos on GT's BitChoot at the BitChute site, & on LBRY (@GTox444, I think) as well, or alternatively. I have and will put content there that cannot now be placed into YT content...

In the vein of my previous "Cycles of Time" videos, I present the Passover as a key event in human history, the Advent and ultimate sacrifice of our Messiah. Although the origin of this important celebration (a Feast of Yahuah) is worthy of memorial as an institution, and as commanded, it truly was a foreshadow of what might be the most important event in all human history, since the very creation.

In that light, I now feel compelled to honor that event and the new testimony/covenant, in the manner that we were told to do "in remembrance of me", with the symbolic bread & wine observance.

This portion of this 'miniseries' leads up to others, in which I share my observance, and the scriptural bases for it. Again, I make no judgement as to how you or anyone else 'should' do or observe, leaving that to however one is led.This is/has been all 'fairly new' to me as well, but I am doing as I understand things to be more/most proper in the stream of time; YMMV...

Join me as a virtual celebrant in the next video, in which I emphasize the blood and the wine, showing the great import of these in eternal life, using scriptural referents. May you be blessed with discerning motivations to search, to think and to act as you are led by Yah, the Most High and Creator. So be it.

This was actually the first of several time & timings videos of 2021 that I was led to produce; I put out one that was more of a 'standalone' just prior to releasing this particular video, so one might be also inclined to view that (too). I hadn't actually planned on redoubling my earlier video from 2020 (re: Passover), but it was seemingly what was to be, and then some. Now, I'm not sure how many videos will end up in this 'mini-series', but my own stream of thought was to get more into both the feast of First Fruits AND Unleavened Bread observances, etc. Time will tell what ends up, and at what time it might be released, as of this day (dunno).

Regardless, I have at least one more video to combine, without going into the separate components any deeper (i.e., of the several involved in these early harvest Feast days). What will be, will become apparent soon enough, I guess. Please watch and share, as you are led. May viewers &/or listeners be blessed with a discernment for Truth and of the Spirit, a call to act on that which convicts or guides one to look ans SEEK deeper the will of our Creator. So be it.

In what became a production of much greater meaning and length, I will be going over my resolution of a quandary from my own (previous) inquiry and prayerful search. I believe, as I was led to discuss, that many in the 'Hebrew' roots revival and/or Messianics (etc.) are going back to ceremonial observances which may no longer hold as much or greater meaning than a more progressive attitude centering upon the Messiah--the *True* basis for the ordinances, as foreshadowing for His advent. Perhaps it is time to honor what was being foreshadowed, rather than the shadowy allusions of the past?

Please watch and share, as well as consider a meaningful turning *towards* the Messiah, rather than a blind return to old ways which may have been superceded. I am NOT saying that a return to the old ways is a negative, and we have been instructed to go back into remembrance, because we have lost our way in modern times. The problem seems to be the what and the how, as well as the when, as per the appropriateness of our observances. We must not blindly lose the forest for examining each and every 'tree'...

May all viewers and listeners gain a blessing in the Spirit and Truth of what will be discussed during the course of this 'miniseries'--so be it

Despite the constant barrage of fear-mongering and lies from all media sources, there remains no real science behind (what should be) the hated masks we are TOLD are meant to protect the public. The reality of this ‘new normal’ (for most people, it seems) is that wearing a mask is simply another ‘PC’ narrative, projected upon the public by globalists with their own (evil) intents. What, exactly, that intent [s] is/are is not totally clear. However, one thing of which we all should be aware is that it is not ‘good’ intent; in fact, the opposite is much more likely.

In this video I delve into what the narrative[s] really are; a self-imposed tyranny and usurped ‘rights’ to establish global dominion over each and every one of us, and to dictate (unlawfully) things which are in fact HARMFUL to people. As I explain, this is achieved by means of social/cultural conditioning via ‘PC’-like narratives, pounded into the minds of the public-at-large.

Much evidence suggests that these masks, and accompanied narratives, can actually be harmful or fatal. Is THIS the real goal, or is it in conjunction with attempting to take over dominion of our BODIES as well as our minds? Probably both, and more, are being actively programmed into us as a ‘new normal’, which isn’t normal at all.

These narratives and mal-intent are purveyed, maintained and promoted by the social PSY-OPS by the public drones, who (~innocently) seem to BELIEVE everything put on a screen, and by the corporate whoredom which is doing what the globalist policy-makers desire, regardless of intent. One thing for sure is that there is no ‘good’ which will come of bowing to the false narratives of our adversaries.

My conclusion is that much more death and destruction will come BECAUSE of wearing the masks, and apparently, Dr. Fuaci and others in collusion know that to be true. They stand to make BIG mammon from this so-called pandemic, and they are using it to unlawfully usurp control over John Q Public, world-wide. Is this something that anyone should support? Should we simply bow to their PC narratives and have FAITH in them to ‘save’ us?

I say “NO.”

Please watch and share as you are led. There are included some potential solution[s] for those less-inclined to simply defy the narrative outright—it’s called ‘exemption’…
Watch to gain better understanding and how to get out of being ‘punked’ like everyone else out there clinging to their PC and all the lies to which they must bow.

May all viewers &/or listeners gain discerning understanding, and then begin to ACT (omission or commission) appropriately in response to this global deception. Don’t be ‘marked’ as a hive-minded slave to a corrupt system and the system-lords….
Visit my sites and ‘channels’

YouTube: GTox444 Over 400 produced videos + hundreds of titles from others of a similar mind, on MANY topics!
Go To:
Vimeo: GT Awakening (nine videos—not ‘2’ as stated in showcase—buggy interface!)
Go To:
BitChute: GT’s BitcHoot (testing a few newer videos—please visit!)):
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Brighteon: GT Awakening (testing a few newer videos—please visit!):
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Blogger: Ramblings of a Wayward GT—Articles, opines and a seminal collection of ‘Awakening’ videos that everyone should view…
Go To:

ALSO: LBRY (All of my YT videos cached and viewable/downloadable!)
Invitation to LBRY link:$/invite/@GTox444:b

Timely commentary on the failings of the so-called 'green' plans of the globalists which have already been implemented. These are, in reality, consequences of the Agenda Twenty-one &/or 2030, per UN policies that have been adopted from the bottom up (rather than top-down). The current cold wave/storms of 2021 reveal just how devastating such evil policies actually manifest, in real-world cases. The worst is yet to come, and yet to be fully revealed, as consequences build.

I have been producing videos on this & related (fossil fuels, energy, etc.) topics for several years, but a reprieve from the progression of the insanity was felt under President Trump, who kept us both sovereign and implemented rational policies that protected everyday Americans from globalist plots and 'trade agreements', as well as insane energy policies [etc]; Koyoto, Paris cLIEmate , TPP, TPIP, and more. Now that dictator O-BuyDem has put on the carona, he is now extending the obamanation policies of the near past-those I feared meant real threats to America and the world...

We must be giving more attention to these so-called 'green' policies and their implementations, whether they be by 'law', or simply adopted because they are well-accepted as being 'good, or 'popular', or politically correct.

Whether this is slowed or stopped, one should be 'prepping' for the disasters to come, because 'they' want to ensure the neo-feudalism takeover, and that involves killing our economies, wiping out the middle class, and regulating/curtailing energy use. They know what will happen-it is the same thing becoming exposed in Texas, with the bizarro energy policies being pushed through by delphi techniques, by/through a naive public that is seemingly clueless. Time to prep, and time to get educated, folks.

May viewers&/or listeners be blessed with discernment and a call to ACT against the evil being purveyed. So be it, in the name of the Only Begotten.

(Re)introduction to a continuing ‘series’ on the methods used to create a consensus of false group-think, leading to the insanity of a massive hive mind mentality in the captivated drones one might call the ‘public’.

Utilizing repeated reinforcement and fear/trauma programming techniques (Delphi techniques), the globalists are usurping control via their minions in ‘mainstream media’. They want to control the population by fear-mongering, forcing ‘lockdowns’ and impeding personal health as well as the sovereignty of the people and nations; this is a world-wide operation.

By promoting or ‘mandating’ masks and social policies (not LAWS), they usurp what little control and rights we the people have, until recently, reserved. Their methods are familiar, though, and there are remedies. We must become aware of their insidious methods, and then resist and/or push back; they have no real power, except their programming. They lie and deceive in order to steal, kill and destroy us, through lack of knowledge.

Using portions of a previously-published video, I go through some of the previous lies and false ‘prophecies’ that they have attempted. They use the same old methods that I and others have exposed. They have published both their thinking and what they wish to do to to depopulate us, poison us and even sterilize us. They must be stopped…

Please watch and share as you deem fit, to educate yourselves and others, and then do some more researching into what is Truth, and ACT to thwart their evil plans…

May Yah (the Creator) bless those who view &/or listen with discernment and a call to ACT. So be it.

(Part 2 of 2) Continued from part one, further discourse about cycles or PHASES of time and timing, revealing when Both the new month (New Moon) AND the New Year begin. I was led to produce this video showing the incompatibility of using the FULL moon as a sign and transition for both counting a month and a year (as they are related functions in time and timing) Please view this in order to see why. There are mis-informed folks and doctrine 'out there' which can and will lead one astray from the true Creator's Calendar, and the cyclical functions of time that He established. I'm relatively sure most who adhere to errors are well-meaning, but hopefully this video can serve as a source of correction, while leading others to become familiar with the lunisolar [luni-solar, etc -SP?] calendar OF the Creator....

Our Father created and set in motion a number of biphasic cycles which are used for the markers of time, which are all very similar in pattern, the transitions of which are notable and usable to establish both cyclical renewal and in order to count timre (See this and my *several previous videos on TIME, and CYCLES of TIME* [etc. ;) I have gone to some considerable depth in explaining these signs, their cycles and functions, as well as how to determine the 'counts' of days, and months, as well as some extrapolations of interest, connecting the Creation weekl, prophecy, the story and cycle of Mankind, and the advent of Messiah--its all very interesting how the END is foretold from the BEGINNING.

IN GENERAL, I BELIEVE that these two videos (Part 1 [P1] and Part 2 [P2] l, by illuminating and understanding each of the cycles involved, and their familiar 'dark-to-light' patterns, can reveal the true markers band sign[s] of when both a MONTH and a YEAR should begin. All of the above are based upon the use of the lunisolar calendar system of time and timing, which is cogently outlined and explained by World's Last Chance., their data, and their many videos--probably the finest resource on all things relating to time/timings that I have researched. Please view some/all of my previous videos on TIME and the CYCLES [etc.] as well, for real-world application of the timings, and how they relate to scripture[s]…

Join those seeking the Father and His ways to come to both know and observe the Sabbaths laid out in scripture, and comply with ('keep') the commandment[s], I pray. May those who view, listen or read be blessed with understanding, and a desire to become familiar with the ways of the Most High. Seek and you will find; So be it.

(part 1 of 2) Some have suggested that New Moon day relates to a FULL moon, rather than the 'traditional' view that it coincides at/near 'conjunction', or the dawn after the moon is darkest [not visible]. This video provides rational evidence by examining this dichotomy, using cyclical PATTENS which are apparent in the lunisolar (Creator's) calendar. Similarly, these same patterns help to reveal when the NEW [renewed] YEAR occurs,.

Understanding these facets of TIME and calendation are of great import, in making determinations of both Sabbaths and 'Feasts' [Moedim] , such that one might honor them properly, and as a necessity in obedience of the Fourth Commandment.

There are patterns in the various time-related cycles to which one should attend, and these are discussed within the present video. Specifically, a general pattern of 'dark' to 'light', in both a spiritual sense and in physical signs that we have been instructed (within scripture), such as the sun and moon. These are the basic signs to follow when making many important time-related determinations, such as those aforementioned. Although it isn't explicated within the present discourse, this is also the same basic pattern which was presented within the context of the Creation week, as a relevant guide. I have discussed this concept in other video presentations in past, however, so this particular topic was not discussed within this particular video presentation [scope].

Briefly, the Creation week reveals a dark-to-light patterning, but the light overcoming the darkness is the determining transition for RENEWAL of each cycle. For example, a day begins at dawn, when the light overcomes the dark[ness]. Similarly, a month begins, or is 'renewed', the dawn following the dark, or 'conjunction' [new] moon phase; Following the same basic pattern, a YEAR cycle renews ~after the equinox, dividing the winter (cold, dark ) from the summer (warm, light). Each of the transition points mentioned show that each of these cycles is renewed at the point in which a shift is ocurring, from dark[ness] towards increasing light, regardless of the 'sign' being used to measure. Hopefully, if this is unclear, one will gain a better understanding from this video, and/or my previous time-related productions (see my playlists; many were produced ~2017 and newer)

Please watch and share these videos, and come out of the traditions of Man and the beast system's times and timings. We are to learn and prepare with the renewal of knowledge and understanding the old ways, as I am led to do and show, by His will, and may all viewers, listeners and even readers gain a blessing of understanding, by the will of the Most High. So be it. ;)

Dragon Methodology for World Takeover

A really basic introduction to readily-available information that is out there FOR SEEKERS wishing to
go deeper. Frankly, I was somewhat astonished that much was available on pooptoob. The 'government(s)' and political, social and cultural influences are and were infiltrated by dragon sources and methods in order to affect the takeover(s), world-wide.

Per scriptures, the dragon has deceived the whole world, by and through the beast (systems) and they, in turn, are the under the power and authority of the dragon (AKA Satan, the serpent, etc.). Please watch and share this basic guide to find some important information, as a basis for greater understanding of the REAL threats we face in the REAL world, though they are guided and based in a spiritual realm (see Ephesians 6:12+)

May all viewers be lead to both discernment and action in the name of the Only Begotten, and also a blessing of guidance and protection for these perilous times to come. So be it...

Visit my sites and ‘channels’

YouTube: GTox444 Over 400 produced videos + hundreds of titles from others of a similar mind, on MANY topics!
Go To:
Vimeo: GT Awakening (nine videos—not ‘2’ as stated in showcase—buggy interface!)
Go To:
BitChute: GT’s BitcHoot (testing a few newer videos—please visit!)):
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Brighteon: GT Awakening (testing a few newer videos—please visit!):
Go To:
Blogger: Ramblings of a Wayward GT—Articles, opines and a seminal collection of ‘Awakening’ videos that everyone should view…
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ALSO: LBRY (All of my YT videos cached and viewable/downloadable!)
Invitation to LBRY link:$/invite/@GTox444:b


The Copyright Laws of the United States recognizes a “fair use” of copyrighted content.  Section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Act states:
“notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106a, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright.” No financial profit is generated by or through any of my videos, nor will it ever be.

Further elaboration of the ways and means being used by the Dragon in order to take over the nations and institute a 'global' tyranny. In the previous part, I emphasized the corporate nature of the takeover. That is an essential part of the DRAGON methodology, but its success also relies upon tempting real flesh-and-blood men & women, as well. This fact helps to illustrate theTruth on a deeper level; that the 'crises' and the takeovers are a function of GOOD VS EVIL, and not really L-R, R-D, and so on...

People are tempted and succumb to carnal lusts for mammon and power because they are selfish, narcissistic and greedy, mainly because they are 'lovers of self' over all others. This is partly a function of the general decrease in morality, which has been steadily eroded for generations--purposefully. The current 'crises' and world events have and were pre-'programmed' by ongoing deceptions and the collapse of the societal 'pillars', which I have spoken about in many of my older videos (see YT or LBRY). One must understand that the events and the takeover are a function of GOOD VS EVIL, and this required a lot of time and effort on the part of evil forces which now are (or soon will be) in control.

If we are not a moral and upright nation (world), and do not repent, then judgement comes in the form of letting us go on to our just rewards, right here on earth. Respect and obedience to the mandates of the Most High are essential for an upright society that is not simply a bunch of carnal self-loving mammonites. We must also teach our children the same reverence and fidelity, lest they be damed and condemned. If we forget HIM, he will forget our children...

Please brethren and sisters, be watchful and repentful, that we mayt be granted at least a reprieve from the evil that is now so readily apparent, if we turn around and ACT against the evil people and institutions that now prevail...

May all viewers, listeners and even readers gain a blessing of understanding and a CALL TO ACTION. So be it.


Visit my sites and ‘channels’

YouTube: GTox444 Over 400 produced videos + hundreds of titles from others of a similar mind, on MANY topics!
Go To:
Vimeo: GT Awakening (nine videos—not ‘2’ as stated in showcase—buggy interface!)
Go To:
BitChute: GT’s BitcHoot (testing a few newer videos—please visit!)):
Go To:
Brighteon: GT Awakening (testing a few newer videos—please visit!):
Go To:
Blogger: Ramblings of a Wayward GT—Articles, opines and a seminal collection of ‘Awakening’ videos that everyone should view…
Go To:

ALSO: LBRY (All of my YT videos cached and viewable/downloadable!)
Invitation to LBRY link:$/invite/@GTox444:b


The Copyright Laws of the United States recognizes a “fair use” of copyrighted content.  Section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Act states:
“notwithstanding the provisions of sections 106 and 106a, the fair use of a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use), scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright.” No financial profit is generated by or through any of my videos, nor will it ever be.

(NOTE: For full understanding, one needs to be able to view the annotations within the presentation. Please DO download &/or view &/or plan to play on a readable screen size, too, if using mobile devices.. ;)

Also, at 20:23 there is an odd graphic 'glitch', but it doesn't last long and the audio is unaffected...

. Multinational, corporate 'Bigs' (e.g., Big Banksters, Big Pharma, Big Tech, etc.) and the governments they 'own' are clearly making overt moves and spinning wild webs of deception on a world-wide basis. Using the 'pharmakeia' (sorceries--see Rev 18:23 etc.) of illusory deceptions, and especially fiat 'money' systems, they easily buy up all the resources and influence policies of corporate-whore 'governments, politicians, and policy-makers, everywhere. This is achieved by taking advantage of the selfish, covetous greed of the average 'mammonite', who apparently will sell out both their country and their brothers for a few pieces of silver.

There is one especially poweful DRAGON amongst these mammonites--a system purposefully created and maintained by the 'globalist' cabal of the multi-nationals, to have DOMINION over trade and financial trickery. This entity is well-known, but prefers to do battle in covert ways, and without drawing undue attention. It uses the same systems of the BEAST that other world powers use, but has a distinct advantage over all others, due to its unique systems and global support by TPTB...

Can you guess to what I refer? Watch the video presentation throughout, and then share your understanding with a brother or sister, and help the great Awakening proceed...

May all who view or listen be granted a special blessing of discernment and a call to ACTion.So be it.
;) GT
Visit my sites and ‘channels’

YouTube: GTox444 Over 400 produced videos + hundreds of titles from others of a similar mind, on MANY topics!
Go To:
Vimeo: GT Awakening (nine videos—not ‘2’ as stated in showcase—buggy interface!)
Go To:
BitChute: GT’s BitcHoot (testing a few newer videos—please visit!)):
Go To:
Brighteon: GT Awakening (testing a few newer videos—please visit!):
Go To:
Blogger: Ramblings of a Wayward GT—Articles, opines and a seminal collection of ‘Awakening’ videos that everyone should view...
Go To:

ALSO: LBRY (All of my YT videos cached and viewable/downloadable!)
Invitation to LBRY link:$/invite/@GTox444:b


The Copyright Laws of the United States recognizes a “fair use” of copyrighted content. See Section 107 of the U.S. Copyright Act.

The apparent purpose of our Media-hyped 2020 AGENDA is to both generate FEAR and produce chaos (as well as division), thus making a situational opportunity to further strip away the peoples’ RIGHTS, while supporting a rationale for globalist takeover of local, national and/or ‘global’ governance (AKA ‘the reset’). It really (MAINLY) is about usurping greater (authoritarian) control, and, as usual, making lots of mammon/profit. However, there are MANY other agendas and purposes which can/will be attempted, using the main ‘crises’ as a vehicle for their subversions, as I have noted in several recent videos_check my videos_:

Recent videos ~along a similar vein:
Globalist Scripts Empowering Dictator 'Wannabes'

Fear & Loathing in the US of A

Rule of Law, or Lawlessness?

One of the main purposes of the current events is a transfer of wealth from the people (especially the MIDDLE CLASS) to the princes & ruling ‘elites’, or COLLABORATORS; it’s all part of their [RE]ESTABLISHING THEIR DESIRED NEO-FEUDAL structure of CONTROL, as they have historically enslaved Mankind…We are literally on their ‘plantation’.

Yeah. Isn’t it clear who benefits? These ‘elites’, their ’Big-Med/Big Pharma/military-industrial CORPORATIONS, and all their government CRONIES who stand to gain corrupt profits. That is, in collusion with their serpent-seed masters…(see my ‘SERPENT SEED’ videos…)

We are being deceived through outright LIES, gaslighting and DISINFORMATION, as purveyed by a TRAITOROUS cabal of foreign corporate owners, banksters and their ‘mouthpiece’ media conglomerates. What seems to me to be most problematic is that a vast majority—the ’sleepers’, simply don’t care about medical tyrants, government takeovers by the Chinese (dragon), or traitors in our midst. They only care about themselves and their many, carnal distractions. Perhaps they are feeling helpless, and have simply given up on caring about the world (and people) around them—I dunno.

However, If one is well-prepared, and paying attention to the REAL news & info about the world, their fake ‘foods’ (poisons & gen-toxins), etc., then one SHOULD be ~immune. Our Father made us fearfully and wonderfully, to be able to withstand most of their ’slings and arrows’ of our adversary. Putting on the Armor of the Most High will succeed even moreso. *but* we were warned: DO NOT BE DECEIVED…

Also, Do not fear, because it is the mind-killer, brethren & sisters all. Their ‘programs’ have managed to go further now than all past attempts, through the use of a fear programming and hysteria, _driven by ‘mainstream’ (liars) corporate whore ‘media’_. Don’t let them win.

Be calm and trust in the Creator….We all must pass through this life (nobody escapes death). Fear that which will kill both body AND soul; there are to be troubles upon earth during these end times. Do not succumb to their fear-mongering tactics and false-flag scenarios and such--they have an agenda which relies upon deceptions and fear-based trauma they spread through the 'mainstream' (propaganda). Fear not; these wars, rumors of wars, famine, and pestilence are part of the end-times, and must occur...

Be strong in faith and charity, and do all as needed to prepare, brothers & sisters, and keep the faith to remain a carrier of Truth, the Light, and the Law. We are being shown that the ‘governments’ of man are flawed and tyrannical, but that His kingdom (coming!) will bring the righteous rule we need and desire. (That IS the ‘good news’ of the TRUE gospel)
May the Almighty bless all viewers and/or listeners. So be it.

Visit my sites and ‘channels’

YouTube: GTox444 Over 400 produced videos + hundreds of titles from others of a similar mind, on MANY topics!
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Vimeo: GT Awakening (nine videos—not ‘2’ as stated in showcase—buggy interface!)
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BitChute: GT’s BitcHoot (testing a few newer videos—please visit!)):
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Brighteon: GT Awakening (testing a few newer videos—please visit!):
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Blogger: Ramblings of a Wayward GT—Articles, opines and a seminal collection of ‘Awakening’ videos that everyone should view, plus Jonesian Alex /Knight David/ Shroyer Owen show[s] mirror[s] [live] (Really.)
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ALSO: LBRY (All of my YT videos cached and viewable/downloadable!)
Invitation to LBRY link:$/invite/@GTox444:b


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In this part (3), I document and illustrate HOW one can take a dive into a globalist 'rabbit-hole'' and of course, given that this series is about symbols, sorceries and satanists ('rulers' of this carnal world), I followed the 'tracks' based upon my own knowledge bases & experiences. Had I not been exposed to the elements in question, I would not have been armed with the knowledge, and could NOT have easily followed the path back into the past, NOR would I have easily 'connected-the-dots' leading to the present or future.

This series is predicated on history 'repeating', per the titles. However, one is unable to understand neither the present nor the future (and likely sequelae leading thereto), if one has no knowledge or basis of understanding the PAST; a very important KEY. It has been stated in scripture that (Yah's) people are destroyed for lack of knowledge; that is because one cannot 'connect-the-dots' of events & the machinations of our adversaries across time or place.

In this particular illustration of a 'process' of linking & discovery across time & place, I expose two ~parallel or analogous series of events, linking the evil intent and agendas of those (so-called 'elites) who used the 'French Revolution' to usurp authority and attempt to oust 'God' (Yahuah) and His established law and morality, replacing &/or substituting their own system--their own 'gods'. Their 'gods' are and were their same old gods, symbolically-revealed on many levels. Thus, I was able to reveal both their symbols and intent (implied) from the past, and then to link it to similar events and methods that are CURRENT.

The levels of deception are relatively simple to wade through, given a bit of knowledge and some tenacity; again, these 'rulers' seem to rely upon the same methods, symbols and sorceries that were successful in the past. They rely on people NOT actively testing or LOOKING for Truth (seek and ye shall FIND); apathetic, lazy people seem to find it easier to simply endure tyranny and loss of 'liberty', rather than expose the evil and/or fight against it...
We must all gain understanding, and then stand up to the evil, if we are ever to regain 'Liberty', freedom and equality. What we are told and promised is simply a pack of lies meant to FOOL us into taking over authority from current 'governments' and 'democratic' systems of rule. Those illusions were designed to be overthrown...
DO NOT BE DECEIVED, brothers & sisters.

May all viewers & listeners be blessed with understanding and a call to ACT.
So be it.

Visit my sites and ‘channels’

YouTube: GTox444 Over 400 produced videos + hundreds of titles from others of a similar mind, on MANY topics!
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Vimeo: GT Awakening (nine videos—not ‘2’ as stated in showcase—buggy interface!)
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BitChute: GT’s BitcHoot (testing a few newer videos—please visit!)):
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Brighteon: GT Awakening (testing a few newer videos—please visit!):
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Blogger: Ramblings of a Wayward GT—Articles, opines and a seminal collection of ‘Awakening’ videos that everyone should view, plus Jonesian Alex /Knight David/ Shroyer Owen show[s] mirror[s] [live] (Really.)
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ALSO: LBRY (All of my YT videos cached and viewable/downloadable!)
Invitation to LBRY link:$/invite/@GTox444:b

This video is an introduction to my newest 'series', exposing how the adversary and his 'minions' have historically used lies and deceptions to purportedly do or stand for one thing (or things), yet the reality shows or showed the exact opposite.

Right now, there are a lot of events and agendas/narratives being promoted by the adversary and his cohort, especially by and through the power of the traitorous collaborators in shadowy corporate, NGO &/or governmental institutions, with the influential support of the bought-&-paid-for media. Historically, they tended to weave the same sort of lies and deceptions that they are now pushing, under disguise, using the same false promises and trying to show themselves as 'good' (or having 'good' intent); masquerading as 'ministers of light' ... (see: [2Co 11:15 KJV] 15 Therefore [it is] no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.)

They are NOT doing or promoting 'good'; neither are the things they say or the things they project even remotely true or good. The adversary and the minions of iniquity only come to kill, steal and destroy, and they do so by deception and stealth, &/or through their occulted LIES and machinations. In general, as with the liars in power now, what they say and do are typically OPPOSITE that what they appear to be or want or represent (they are LIARS).

I went down some deep rabbit-holes in search of Truth, and ended up revealing or discovering something which does or may have more relevance, as it pertains to current &/or ongoing events. Many if not all of my previous videos and topics seemingly 'connect' to what I will be discussing. As you are led, please join me in developing and connecting a whole lot of 'dots' connecting motives and M.O.s of the evil ones and their minions, from the distant past and onwards into the future...
Visit my sites and ‘channels’

YouTube: GTox444 Over 400 produced videos + hundreds of titles from others of a similar mind, on MANY topics!
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Vimeo: GT Awakening (nine videos—not ‘2’ as stated in showcase—buggy interface!)
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BitChute: GT’s BitcHoot (testing a few newer videos—please visit!)):
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Brighteon: GT Awakening (testing a few newer videos—please visit!):
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Blogger: Ramblings of a Wayward GT—Articles, opines and a seminal collection of ‘Awakening’ videos that everyone should view, plus Jonesian Alex /Knight David/ Shroyer Owen show[s] mirror[s] [live] (Really.)
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ALSO: LBRY (All of my YT videos cached and viewable/downloadable!)
Invitation to LBRY link:$/invite/@GTox444:b

The second in the 'History Repeats' series, purposed mainly as a progressive defining of terms and meanings required for common understandings, as we follow my progress & process of connecting-the-dots. I go through some very basic points on symbols, satanism, and the reality of the RULERSHIP OF THIS WORLD; very salient and seminal understandings necessary for going further down the 'rabbit-hole'...

In the next video[s], I will be using these basics to illustrate the process and the path to discovery re: how symbols, sorceries & satanism are used, and in general, their purposes. These things are 'hidden-in-plain-sight', yet they are not meant to be how one might think, and their True meanings are hidden behind a facade of lies & deceptions. What they are and what they mean are NOT as one might think, or how 'they purvey & portray them...

Come along on my 'rabbit-hole' journey and you might be surprised how connected the dots become, from the far past to the 'hoped-for' future, per our evil rulers desires.

Visit my sites and ‘channels’

YouTube: GTox444 Over 400 produced videos + hundreds of titles from others of a similar mind, on MANY topics!
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Vimeo: GT Awakening (nine videos—not ‘2’ as stated in showcase—buggy interface!)
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BitChute: GT’s BitcHoot (testing a few newer videos—please visit!)):
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Brighteon: GT Awakening (testing a few newer videos—please visit!):
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Blogger: Ramblings of a Wayward GT—Articles, opines and a seminal collection of ‘Awakening’ videos that everyone should view, plus Jonesian Alex /Knight David/ Shroyer Owen show[s] mirror[s] [live] (Really.)
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ALSO: LBRY (All of my YT videos cached and viewable/downloadable!)
Invitation to LBRY link:$/invite/@GTox444:b

The apparent purpose of our current Media-hyped AGENDAS is to generate FEAR , thus making a situational opportunity to further strip away the peoples’ RIGHTS, while supporting a rationale for globalist takeover of local, national and/or ‘global’ governance. It is NOT because ‘they’ care about the average people, or ‘minorities’ (etc), though they pretend to be concerned. It really [Mainly] is about usurping greater control, and, as usual, making lots of mammon/profit. However, there are MANY other agendas and purposes which can/will be attempted, using the main ‘crisis’ as a vehicle for their subversions, as I have noted in recent videos:

Recent videos ~along a similar vein:

Globalist Scripts Empowering Dictator 'Wannabes'

Fear & Loathing in the US of A

Rule of Law, or Lawlessness?

One of these alternative purposes is a transfer of wealth from the people (especially the MIDDLE CLASS) to the princes & ruling ‘elites’, or COLLABORATORS/MINIONS; it’s all part of their [RE]ESTABLISHING THEIR DESIRED NEO-FEUDAL structure of CONTROL, as they have historically enslaved Mankind…

Yeah. Isn’t it clear who benefits? These ‘elites’, their ’Big-Med/Big Pharma/military-industrial CORPORATIONS, and all their government CRONIES who stand to gain corrupt profits. That is, in collusion with their serpent-seed masters…(SEE MY ‘SERPENT SEED’ videos…)

The people are exposed to the hype and overt fear-mongering in order to make them feel both afraid AND helpless, thinking they need the ‘governments’ to somehow SAVE them. The authoritarian RULERS & systems they wish to establish.

If one is well-prepared, and paying attention to the REAL news & info about the world and their fake ‘reality’, their fake ‘foods’ (poisons &-toxins), etc., then one SHOULD be prepared, and ~immune. Our Father made us fearfully and wonderfully, to be able to withstand most of their ’slings and arrows’. Putting on the Armor of the Most High will succeed even moreso.

Do not fear, because it is the mind-killer, brethren & sisters all. Exemplars of their ‘programs’ has managed to go further than all past attempts, but through the use of a single-mindedness of fear programming and hysteria, _driven by ‘mainstream’ (liars) corporate whore ‘media’_. This series of programs they are running is truly insane. How are they really fooling so many? I just don’t ‘get it’. Cmon. In a few weeks, everyone will [hopefully] awaken to the clear fact that there is nothing so deadly as the FEAR that they generated. It will most likely fizzle out like all past iterations… I pray it be so.

Their clear desire to strip away what few ‘rights’ they haven’t already taken, using similar scenarios; it’s all about FEAR/TRAUMA, and their ability to convince weak minds to bow to them as saviors, out of fear and insecurity.

This too shall pass. Be calm and trust in the Creator….We all must pass through this life (few escape death). Fear that which will kill both body AND soul…
LOOK UP and call out to Him who only can save you, and let the fear pass away with His promises.

As a Christian, we need not fear that which cannot kill both body and soul; there are to be troubles upon earth during these end times. Do not succumb to their fear-mongering tactics and false-flag scenarios and such--they have an agenda which relies upon deceptions and fear-based trauma they spread through the 'mainstream' (propaganda). Fear not; these wars, rumors of wars, famine, and pestilence are part of the end-times, and must occur...

Be strong in faith and charity, and do all as needed to prepare, brothers & sisters, and keep the faith and remain a carrier of Truth, the Light, and the Law. May God bless all viewers and/or listeners. So be it.

Visit my sites and ‘channels’

YouTube: GTox444 Over 400 produced videos + hundreds of titles from others of a similar mind, on MANY topics!
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Vimeo: GT Awakening
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BitChute: GT’s BitChoot --please visit!)):
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Blogger: Ramblings of a Wayward GT—Articles, opines and a seminal collection of ‘Awakening’ videos that everyone should view, plus Jonesian Alex /Knight David/ Shroyer Owen show[s] mirror[s] [live] (Really.)
Go To:

ALSO: LBRY (All of my YT videos cached and viewable/downloadable!)
Invitation to LBRY link:$/invite/@GTox444:b

Over the course of my studies, and in the making of this video, I was led to [finally] gain a better understanding as to how and WHY to properly observe the Passover, and hence the other 'Feasts / Festivals' of Yah. For the longest time, I now believe I was in error, and confusion, as it regards the topic.

Frankly, I was leaning towards a literal observance, and keeping to the tradition & law/ordinances of the 'Old' Testament--but I was never sure or assured, and not led by the Spirit to do so.

I do/did study on the Passover and the 'Feasts', so that I think that I came to understand what they 'mean', and what their purposes are/were, and the prophetic content they purvey. As with many or even most prophecy, they are ~ dualistic, with layers of meaning and more than one iteration (e.g., the Passover is/was a memorial, and a physical, &/or historical event, but it was also a distinctive and obvious [to modern Man] foreshadowing of the advent of our Messiah, and how He became the Passover, the First Fruit and the Unleavened Bread...

[see my recent videos and especially that relating to Time, the Millennium/Rest, etc.]

Anyways, as I have said, one's growth and understanding is a process. I now am led to believe that these 'Feasts' are and should remain important, but that they need be viewed and understood from a distinctively spiritual 'standpoint.' Likewise, they should be observed in the same light. That is, respecting the spiritual meanings being conveyed, in Spirit & Truth, which is how one is to worship and revere the Father and His Only Begotten--our Lord and Savior (after belief, repentance, and receiving the Spirit, etc...).

This way is a transformative form of worship, as one is to transform in the process of learning and growing, in one's relationship with the Most High and our Savior. I guess this video is also a testimony, given that I did become UN-confused in these matters. I believe that my observing Passover will henceforth involve a memorial and obedience to our Master's call to partake of the bread and the wine, which should now replace the law and tradition of the worldly and the past.

I don't feel led to wholly abandon observance of Passover or any of the Feasts, but rather to observe them with reverence and in the Spirit; a [modified] transformative observance. Thus, for example, I can and will be making my own unleavened bread, and observing a communion (as per Yahushua's [aka 'Jesus'] dictates. I will also be making and eating unleavened bread for the 7 days of ULB, though perhaps this is not truly necessary [?]; regardless, it is an easy and 'doable' observance...

I will continue to study and attend to the times and festivals as either/both memorials &/or foreshadowings re: both the fulfilled and the unfulfilled prophetic events they illustrate, out of respect and love. I pray that each of you do as you are led, as well. These are spiritual convocations and they have a depth of meanings to comprehend. May each & all of my viewers &/or listeners gain understanding and reconciliation with the Spirit to do that which is deemed appropriate (as one id led)...
Praises and glory to the Most High. ;)

Visit my OTHER sites and ‘channels’ TO VIEW UNCORRUPTED/ UN-REDACTED videos…
(e.g., this video at: )

YouTube: GTox444 Over 400 produced videos + hundreds of titles from others of a similar mind, on *MANY*, many Awakening topics!
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LBRY (MOST of my YT videos [+] cached and viewable/easily downloadable!) **best site overall, now**[IMO]
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My ‘chan’ is @GTox444

Commentary and exposition of the many & varied AGENDAS being purveyed in the midst of WHAT some might say is 'A CRISIS'. One must understand that the complex scenarios of TPTB corporatocracy are woven into our 'reality' by adepts and sorcerors who devise their PLOTS just like the 'plot' of a movie SCRIPT. In fact, devising and carrying out their bizarre objectives is likely a function of the same 'writers' who 'cast' those same 'plots' [etc.]...

There are, in the current 'crisis', some and several sub-agendas being 'pushed' into the collective consciousness, by means of their weaving webs and plots--just like those previously described in several of my videos these few months past:

Liars & False 'Prophets' (part 2 of 2) 13 views 4 months ago

Liars & False 'Prophets' (part 1of 2) 14 views 4 months ago

'Prophetic' & Bizarre Scripts Portend Globalism Goals [P2] 22 views 4 months ago

'Prophetic' & Bizarre Scripts Portend Globalism Goals 27 views 4 months ago

Watch/share these all...


Visit my sites and ‘channels’

YouTube: GTox444 Over 400 produced videos + hundreds of titles from others of a similar mind, on MANY topics!
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Vimeo: GT Awakening (nine videos—not ‘2’ as stated in showcase—buggy interface!)
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BitChute: GT’s BitcHoot (testing a few newer videos—please visit!)):
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Brighteon: GT Awakening (testing a few newer videos—please visit!):
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Blogger: Ramblings of a Wayward GT—Articles, opines and a seminal collection of ‘Awakening’ videos that everyone should view, plus Jonesian Alex /Knight David/ Shroyer Owen show[s] mirror[s] [live] (Really.)
Go To:

ALSO: LBRY (All of my YT videos cached and viewable/downloadable!)


Created 7 years ago.

52 videos

Category Spirituality & Faith

A variety of topics and discourse about realms of our current reality, as it concerns facets of the great Awakening, encouraging both political and spiritual understanding. My hope is to reach out to the awakening masses and to challenge 'sleepers' beliefs and perceptions, the vast majority of which are 'programmed' by indoctrination, unbeknownst to them, Ideally, together, those who SEEK Truth and a return to the Way, we can re-forge our reality and bring about the repairing of the breaches which have developed over many years of assault. Armed with the Truth, may we usher in the return of morality and boundaries of true law (of the Most High) and justice, which has been corrupted by deceptions and machinations of the rulers and principalities (and their minions) who now rule and enslave us with their lies and systems of deception...

My videos are usually not 'short', because the topics under discussion are usually complex or inter-related, so if you don't have time, I suggest downloading them to watch at your leisure. I encourage everyone to do further research and investigation on their own, and to 'test everything', like a Berean. In most cases, I will list or refer to scriptures, as it applies, and most videos have explanatory or extended annotations leading to related topics (etc.)

Please visit my channel on YouTube (GTox444) to view literally hundreds of my (other) videos on a variety of topics, and my many playlists full of relevant (conservative) content produced by me and many others ... Given a more open venue and better viewing experience, I hope to upload many more of my newer, most recent &/or most relevant videos here; however, that will depend upon the viability & performance of BitChute and audience participation[s]*

*At this point (2021), I have decided to make BC (BitChute) my 'default' upload site, as I have experienced negative outcomes and limited access, censored or removed videos, &/or 'shadow-banning' (etc.) on most other venues to which I have posted.
My LBRY 'channel' ( ) is basically a clone or backup of my YT content, but more and more, I am unable to post to YT because of the nature of my truth-telling topics and their insidious 'PC' narrative control techniques--so visit HERE for most up-to-date information...

Please like, share, subscribe and interact to maximize this system's viability and add to the 'Great Awakening', as I see it gaining momentum ;)

--thanks, and may all viewers be blessed with a greater or expanded understanding...