Luke Reid

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Luke Reid



The State is a literal terrorist entity, which exists to remove liberty and steal money under threat of violence.
The Police and Armed Forces (enforcement arms of State) ensure this happens. The "British Justice System" is the other part of the enforcement arm of the State. This exists to quasi extort plebs who break "Laws" (diktats written by a ruling class) by paying for "legal representation" in order to "defend" themselves. In short, racketeering/ a racket.

All governance is tyrannical. The State exists to remove your liberty and steal your money/resources under threat of violence.

Tommy has 2 options: Continue as is or change course.

The State isn't there to represent/protect/serve the plebs, it is there to remove the plebs money/resources/liberty. This has always been the modus operandi of the State aka ruling class.

Gaslighting - a form of psychological abuse where a person causes someone to question their sanity, memories, or perception of reality. People who experience gaslighting may feel confused, anxious, or unable to trust themselves.

The Matrix - A system of control designed to control human behaviour under threat of violence and arrest

Piers Morgan represents (is an agent of) legacy media, which is one of the "Institutions of Authority" that seek to govern (rule) you. His goal is to disseminate matrix programming (narratives, propaganda, dogmas, orthodoxy) and to Gaslight all blasphemers, heretics, sceptics who question or resist the Matrix. I analyse some of his gaslighting techniques, which include him outright lying, he deployed during his recent Andrew Tate interview. Piers gaslights Andrew on Covid1984 and "January 6".

My videos referenced:

Why is an "anarcho capitalist" cheerleading a political candidate and celebrating an Election result (aka governance)?

ALL governance is tyrannical, whether the Politician or leader is an "ancap" or "libertarian".

Conservatives are legitimate idiots who believe all sorts of nonsense and fall for all sorts of foolishness

This should be common sense but common sense is not common.

The "Patriotic" right are matrix programmed sheeple aka statists repeating and obeying their programming.

Anti immigration cuckservatives are very upset about that. They are not bothered about centuries of tyranny (theft, rape, murder, etc) against British people from the British ruling elite; a literal terrorist group. No country founded on Monarchy with a tradition of centuries of tyranny is a "great country".

Noun: terrorism 'te-ru,ri-zum
The calculated use of violence (or the threat of violence) against civilians in order to attain goals that are political or religious or ideological in nature; this is done through intimidation or coercion or instilling fear

Commies and Nazis are retarded cousins

I read through Neils plea for "democracy" piece on the daily sceptic website and dissect it.

Team pro Palestine consists of the unholy trinity: The communist left, Islamist Muslims, Nazi sympathisers/ethno-nationalists

They are united in their disdain of Jews (Israel). It is nothing to do with any principle. The unholy trinity completely ignore muslim on muslim conflicts with much larger death tolls.

Authored by a King, Barons and an Archbishop the Magna Carta was a ruling class/state agreement amongst itself. It has/had nothing to do with liberty for the serfs/plebs and is not a pro liberty document/constitution that enshrines inalienable rights. More importantly, no "authority" can impose any such diktat. As per usual, British cuckservative talking heads are pushing a demonstrable lie that Britain or England has a tradition of being pro liberty or free.

This stuff is obvious, probably too obvious, or at least it should be. So obvious in fact that it is completely absent from the minds/brains of those who believe themselves to be "pro freedom" but are actually no such thing. They are part of the problem. Especially those who worked out Covid1984 was a scam yet still advocate for governance aka tyranny post 2020.

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Created 6 years, 4 months ago.

441 videos

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