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Have a listen to Hello Irlandia Show # 102 ☘️🎙📢 Our next guest speaker of 'Hello Irlandia Show # 102 is Dave Cullen, better known as 'Computing Forever'. Dave Cullen is an independent Irish journalist covering a wide range of social and political issues.

The Polish show live straight from Ireland is a subjective rundown of the most important news and events in Ireland and the world, presented by our hosts and their guests. Every Tuesday at 21.00 GMT the show presenters and their speakers will be talking about hot topics, social issues and will inform you about the upcoming events, in a relaxed atmosphere. The listeners and viewers will participate in the talks through social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube by asking questions live and commenting the show. The hottest news, the most important information and expert knowledge – Our viewers will find it all in Hello Irlandia # show. Our hosts along with their guests will discuss a chosen topic, to give our viewers a solid dose of information regarding issues like politics, new technology, health, lifestyle, and much more.

The #Polish show # live straight from #Ireland is a subjective rundown of the most important news and events in Ireland and the world, presented by our hosts and their guests. Every Wednesday at 21.00 GMT the show presenters and their speakers will be talking about hot topics, social issues and will inform you about the upcoming events, in a relaxed atmosphere. The listeners and viewers will participate in the talks through social media such as Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube by asking questions live and commenting on the show.

The hottest news, the most important information and expert knowledge - Our viewers will find it all in the Hello Irlandia show. Our hosts along with their guests will discuss a chosen topic, to give our viewers a solid dose of information regarding issues like politics, new technology, health, lifestyle, and much more.

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☘️ Niezależny dziennikarz z Kanady Leszek Szostak w Klubie Hello Irlandia w ”Christophes Restaurant & Catering ” na Smithfield opowiadal o sytuacji w Polsce i Kanadzie🎙

Gościem Klubu Hello Irlandia Show byl Leszek Szostak aka Joseph Conrad aka Citizen Kane – architekt, podróżnik, motocyklista, kajakarz oceaniczny, przedsiębiorca, mieszkający przez 35 lat w Kanadzie i przebywający obecnie w Polsce. Aktywista polityczny, wolnościowiec, sympatyk Konfederacji Korony Grzegorza Brauna. Niezależny dziennikarz, regularny gość wRealu24, Laura Lyon Tyler Thompson Show (Vancouver, Brytyjska Kolumbia, Kanada), Radio o Późnej Porze (Kitchener, Ontario, Kanada).

Video report from HTL in Galway, held on March 27, 2022. Very important words from David O'Reilly and Dar O'Flaherty in the video.
Video made by: www.rpphotojournalist.org

Video report of a Public Meeting on March 23, 2022 in Kilkenny.
Video by: Robert Pierzynski

Dr. Anne McCloskey speech at the Limerick City Rally on February 5, 2022.
Video: www.rpphotojournalist.org

Dr. Vincent Carroll's emotional speech at the Limerick City Rally on February 5, 2022.
Video: www.rpphotojournalist.org

Video report of the protest that took place on January 15, 2022 in Sligo in front of the city hall. Among the many speakers were Dr. Anne McCloskey, Rob De Salle, Dannan Gaughan and more. It was the second of four protests as part of the NORTH WEST RISING CAMPAIGN.
Video: www.rpphotojournalist.org

“It has long been the policy of the Kazakh government to block the internet at the site of street protests, to prevent protesters from mobilizing and to prevent both protesters and journalists from sharing information about what is happening,” Joanna Lillis, Almaty-based journalist and author of Dark Shadows: Inside the Secret World of Kazakhstan reported.

Co tak naprawdę wydarzyło się podczas przerwy dostawy Internetu w Kazachstanie ⁉️

„Od dawna polityka kazachskiego rządu polegala na blokowaniu internetu w czasie protestów ulicznych, uniemożliwianiu protestującym mobilizacji i dzieleniu się informacja zarówno wsrod protestujących, jak i dziennikarzy na temat tego co się dzieje naprawde dzieje” – donosi Joanna Lillis, dziennikarka z Ałmaty i autorka Dark Shadows: Inside the Secret World of Kazakhstan.

Video report from Hold The Line in Limerick. The video contains some very interesting statements from some members of this event.
Video: www.rpphotojournalist.org

Must Watch Video 💣 Dr Robert Malone on The Joe Rogan Experience Podcast 🎙️

Dr Robert Malone talks about being suspended on Twitter, the Covid 19 vaccines and adverse events.

Robert Malone to Joe Rogan: “You remember back a couple years ago when you felt sorry for the people in the People’s Republic of China?…Now, here we are. And the next thing that we all feel sorry about? A social credit system. Wake up folks.”

Terrifying footage online has captured the moment riot police with batons and shields tried to break up a crowd of several thousand as police dogs tore into protesters. Amsterdam mayor Femke Halsema issued an emergency ordinance, empowering police to clear the central Museum Square, after the protesters violated a ban on holding public gatherings during the latest wave of coronavirus infections.

PROTESTERS were attacked by police dogs in Amsterdam as thousands gathered in the Dutch capital on Sunday to protest against COVID-19 lockdown measures and vaccinations.

#protest #Amsterdam #Police #PoliceBrutality

Z czym mamy do czynienia obecnie w Polsce?

Dlaczego się prześladuje ludzi pod pozorem walki z zagrożeniem, którym jest wiadomo co.

Wszystkie korporacyjne media straszą tym 24 godziny na dobę.

Dziennikarz śledczy Wojciech Sumliński zagłębił się w temat i przeanalizował go bardzo trafnie.

Warto posłuchać jego niezależnej opinii.

Scientists have found proof of God in the Code of DNA. But what did they found in the DNA code that made them believe in the existence of God. Evidence of God has been found by scientists in the complexity of DNA (The God Code or God Genome).

More 👇


As you know that a computer program is a series of binary numbers i.e. ones and zeros. This sequence of 1s and 0s instructs the computer what to do. In the same way all the functions that are taking place inside the cell of the body are controlled by an incredibly complex and extremely long code written in the DNA which is placed inside the nucleus of all the cells of our body.
But now the question arises, how this Complex code of DNA convinced scientists of the presence of God.
Let's understand it with a simple example.
Suppose you are walking on a beach and suddenly you see a message written on the beach sand. The message is "Michael is my best friend". Then what is the possibility that this message was just written by chance by the random waves. You will say, No, It's not possible, how these waves of the ocean can write this message. This message is an information that must have come from the intelligence.
So it's not possible for us to neglect an intelligent mind behind such a simple meaningful message carrying information. So the point is, information comes from intelligence.
According to Dr. Francis Collins, director of the Human Genome Project, one can "think of DNA as an instructional script, a software program, sitting in the nucleus of the cell."
Now if we see the complexity of the code written in the DNA, it will boggle your mind. The letters of the programming language written in the DNA are A,T,G and C just like the letters of computer programming language one and zeros. As, what the computer will do is decided by the program placed inside its memory that may be hundreds to thousands of letters long. In the same way whole functions of the body are decided by the DNA code having its copy placed inside each cell of the body. This DNA code is nearly 3 billion letters long and its instructions are written by different sequences and arrangements of the four letters A,T,G and C. A unique combination of these letters instructs the cell how to carry our extremely complex body functions. These 4 letters of DNA code A, T, G, C are actually names of four chemicals.
These are Adenine, Thymine, Guanine and Cytosine that respectively stand for A, T, G and C letters.
As 1100010101101 is an example of a computer program instruction in the binary language with letters 1s and 0s. Similarly
AGAGTGGCTCACTCCTGAA is an example of an instruction in the DNA code written by using four letters A, T, G and C.
Now remember the example of message written on the beach again. It needs an intelligent mind conveying a piece of information. How is it possible to neglect an infinitely intelligent super intelligence who has written that incredibly long, dense and complex code of 3 billion letters inside the nucleus of each cell.
Who placed that code there. Is it just by chance? Do you know how much complex this DNA code is?
The DNA code contains all the information that makes up an organism. All the features that makes you, every quality and trait that you possess, every chemical reaction taking place inside your body and lot more. This code is transferred to the next generations. That is the reason why a child has many characteristics similar to his or her parents. Its interesting to note that A child shares 99.5% of the DNA with his parents.
Every thing that is happening inside the cell is instructed by the DNA code written in the language of 4 letters A,T, G and C. Not only this, this code has instructions also for auto repairing itself. This 3 billion lettered code is copied to new cells before a cell dies, So the information is not lost after the death of the cell. These all unbelievably complex functions are performed by the DNA code at extremely high speed without you even noticing. So it's obvious that job to write this program is beyond the limits of a human mind. No program has ever been written by chance. If you are a computer programmer than you can understand how much intelligence, concentration, creativity, pain and time it takes to write a simple code of just few hundred words if we want to get a task done by instructing a machine. Can that computer program be written without an intelligent programmer by itself by chance. No...
So how can we think that this incredibly long code of 3 billion letters that is unbelievably complex and the densest storage of information in the universe can be written without any super intelligence behind it. Who is that programmer?

Katarzyna Lubnauer o braku motywacji ws. szczepień, wstępie do „akwarium” i paszportach covidowych 😆

Stephen T Manning's speech at the Galway protest on 18/12/2021.

Do internetu trafiło nagranie ze zdarzenia, które rozegrało się w sobotę 11 grudnia w zamojskim centrum handlowym Twierdza. Film jest masowo udostępniany przez użytkowników mediów społecznościowych.

Policjant wspólnie z funkcjonariuszem Straży Miejskiej idąc pasażem, zauważyli mężczyznę i towarzyszącą mu kobietę bez założonej maseczki. Zwrócili im uwagę, aby zasłonili usta i nos. Funkcjonariusz policji używa ostatecznie paralizatora.

To wszystko dla naszego zdrowia oczywiście ‼️

Portlaoise Protest - 27 November 2021

Video report of the cyclical protest that took place in Portlaoise, Ireland.

Video: Robert Pierzynski Photojournalis
You can find more videos and photos on:
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We also invite you to visit our media partner at the following addresses:
https://www.facebook.com/actioncovid1984 https://t.me/actioncovid1984

🇦🇺 Aboriginal people in Australia are being forcibly held down and vaccinated against their will ‼️

The Fact Hunter 👇https://open.spotify.com/episode/0MDu8zli8sqjoszeLKm7Jb?si=1Bz-2xEWSoyjXmFSehR7GQ

It's just two weeks to flatten the curve
It's just a mask
It's just a church service
It's just a gym
It's just your business
It's just the economy
It's just suicide rates
It's just a vaccine
It's just your home
It's just your health
It's just your freedom

Why are you so selfish?

W sieci pojawiło się nagranie, na którym widać, jak przy okazji meczu z Węgrami kibice weszli na teren szpitala covidowego na terenie Stadionu Narodowego.

Civil Rights Day in Galway, 10/23 / 2021- Video Report

Some very interesting speeches by Carina Harkin, Dannan Gaughan, John Caulfield, Stephen Delaney and others.

Video: Robert Pierzynski Photojournalis

You can find more videos and photos on:
and Telegram Channel

We also invite you to visit our media partner at the following addresses:
https://www.facebook.com/actioncovid1984 https://t.me/actioncovid1984

Civil Rights Day - Galway, 10/23/2021

A few important words from Dannan Gaughan, John Caulfield and Stephen Delaney.

Video: Robert Pierzynski Photojournalis

You can find more videos and photos on:
and Telegram Channel

We also invite you to visit our media partner at the following addresses:
https://www.facebook.com/actioncovid1984 https://t.me/actioncovid1984

Free Speech Platform in Roscommon - 10/02/2021

Video: Robert Pierzynski Photojournalis

You can find more videos and photos on:
and Telegram Channel
We also invite you to visit our media partner at the following addresses:
https://www.facebook.com/actioncovid1984 https://t.me/actioncovid1984

The group that broke away from the official Garda-controlled protest goes to Freemason's Hall
Video: Robert Pierzynski Photojournalis
You can find more videos and photos on our fanpage https://www.facebook.com/Irlandia24H
and Telegram Channel
We also invite you to visit our media partner at the following addresses:
https://www.facebook.com/actioncovid1984 https://t.me/actioncovid1984

Polecamy 23 odcinek naszego cyklu Hello Irlandia Show - Rozmowy Niekontrolowane. Najświeższe njusy z Polski, Irlandii i świata! Tygodniowa porcja niezbędnych informacji, których nie możesz sobie podarować!

Polonijny program prosto z Irlandii nadawany live to subiektywny przegląd najważniejszych informacji oraz wydarzeń minionego tygodnia w Irlandii oraz na świecie w opinii naszych dziennikarzy oraz gości. W każdy wtorek o godzinie 21.00 (IE) prowadzący i ich rozmówcy w przyjaznej atmosferze omawiają aktualne tematy, sprawy społeczne, informują o nadchodzących wydarzeniach. Rozmowom towarzyszą internauci, którzy za pośrednictwem mediów społecznościowych (Facebook, Twitter, YouTube) na bieżąco zadają pytania i komentują program. Najnowsze wiadomości, najważniejsze informacje oraz ekspercka wiedza - to wszystko znajdują widzowie w Hello Irlandia Show. Nasi dziennikarze wraz ze swoimi gośćmi raz w tygodniu omawiają wybrany bieżący temat, aby dać widzom solidna dawkę wiedzy z obszaru: polityki, nowych technologii, zdrowia, stylu życia, i wielu innych.


Created 3 years, 10 months ago.

85 videos

Category News & Politics

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