
channel image




0:00 Maréchal, Nous Voilà! (Marshal, Here We're!)
2:51 France, Libère-toi! (France, Free Yourself!)
5:31 La France de Demain (The France of Tomorrow)
8:21 Semons le Grain de la Lumière (Let's Sow the Light's Seed)
11:26 Vive Demain (Hail the Tomorrow)
14:08 La Marche des Jeunes (The Youth March)
17:02 C'est Nous les Cadets (We're the Cadets)
19:39 Ohé, la Vie (Oh, the Life)
22:25 Renouveau (Renewal)
25:18 Debout, la France (Stand Up, France)
28:17 Nous, les Français (We, the Frenchmen)
31:14 Mon Église (My Church)
34:33 Front National (National Front)
37:40 Hymne Franciste (Francist Hymn)
40:32 Marche du Francisme (Francism's March)
43:17 Nous Voulons Rester Français (We Want to Continue Being Frenchmen)
45:47 Le Chant des Cohortes (The Cohorts Song)
50:19 Le Chant du Diable (The Devil's Song)
52:31 Au Revoir, Petite Monica (Goodbye, Little Monica)
54:27 Contre les Rouges (Against the Reds)
55:30 Division Charlemagne (Charlemagne Division)
56:52 Marche de la 33e SS Division Charlemagne (March of the 33rd SS Charlemagne Division)
59:55 Marche du Régiment d'Infanterie Français 638 L.V.F. (March of the French Infantry Regiment 638 L.V.F.)
1:01:54 La Route de France (The France's Route)
1:05:24 Ça Sent si Bon la France (France Smells so Good)
1:08:20 Chanson de France (France's Song)
1:11:40 Petite soeur, Angélique (Little Sister, Angelique)
1:14:57 Les Cloches de France (The France's Bells)
1:18:02 Bel Ami (Nice Friend)
1:21:14 Les Cloches du Retour (The Return's Bells)
1:24:08 La France aux Français! (France for the Frenchmen!)
1:27:28 Ah! Que la France est Belle (Ah! France is Beautiful)

I'm not the original author of this, all credits are from Elvis Sinatra, I'm uploading this video because their channel was removed from YouTube.

Original Description
Second time reuploaded, probs not the last.

0:00 - 日独伊防共トリオ (Japan, Germany, Italy: The Anti-Communist Trio) [Japan]
3:36 - ¡Arriba España! (Hail Spain!) [Italy]
6:17 - Himno de la División Azul (Anthem of the Blue Division) [Spain]
7:57 - Legionaersangen (The Legionnaires Sang) [Denmark]
9:06 - Parademarsch der Legion Condor (Parade March of the Condor Legion) [Germany]
10:45 - Mussolini, Hitler, Franco [Italy]
13:35 - Camerata Richard (Comrade Richard) [Italy]
16:57 - Szovetseges Hadak Induloja (March of the Axis Powers) [Hungary]
19:44 - So Ziehn Wir Unter Fremden Fahnen (So We Pull Under a Foreign Flag) [Germany]
21:47 - Мы идём широкими полями (We're Going Into the Wide Fields) [Russia]
24:54 - Uraliin! (To the Urals!) [Finland]
27:33 - Napkeleti Vizeken Hömpölyög Az Ár (On the Eastern Seas the Waves Roll Along) [Hungary]
28:53 - Friheten Leve! (Hail Freedom!) [Sweden]
32:11 - Zem Mūsu Kājām (Under Our Feet) [Latvia]
35:22 - Les Partisans Blancs (The White Partisans) [France]
38:03 - Narva Pataljon Laul (Song of the Narva Battalion) [Estonia]
40:47 - Aj Karmela! [Serbia]
43:28 - Oostlandlied (Eastern Lands Song) [Netherlands]
46:40 - 愛国行進曲 (The Patriotic March) [Japan]
48:52 - ファシスト の 歌 (Fascist Song) [Japan]
50:54 - Le Chant du Diable (The Song of the Devil) [France]
51:47 - Saksan Keisari Wilhelmi (Emperor Wilhelm of Germany) [Finland]
53:47 - Вахт-на-Рейне (The Watch On The Rhine) [Russia]
57:44 - Suomi Marssii (Finland Marches) [Finland]

Jeez, doing this compilation was a martyrdom, not because it was difficult for me to find enough songs to complete the hour but on the contrary, there were many songs that I could have used for this compilation, I had to stop all the instrumental marches (Because I plan to use them for another compilation) and be very selective with the music sung to avoid that the video would be ridiculously long (If I had used all the songs sung the video would have lasted 2 hours and a half).

0:00 Ébredj, Magyar! (Wake up, Hungarian!)
3:00 Horthy Miklós Katonája Vagyok (I'm a Soldier of Miklós Horthy)
6:11 Előre Budapesti Srácok! (Forward, Guys from Budapest!)
9:11 Rózsika ["Erika" in Hungarian]
12:16 Kívül a Kaszárnyán (Outside the Barracks) ["Lili Marleen" in Hungarian]
15:38 Horthy Miklós Azt Üzente (Miklós Horthy Has Said)
17:34 Napkeleti Vizeken Hömpölyög Az Ár (On the Eastern Seas, the Waves Roll Along) ["Aikoku Kōshinkyoku" in Hungarian]
20:22 Horthy Miklós a Legfőbb Hadúr (Miklos Horthy is the Supreme Commander)
21:53 Tiértetek Induló (March for You)
24:55 Honvéd Menetelők (Honvéd Marchers)
30:22 Hajnalodik, Közeleg A Reggel (It's Dawning, the Morning is Approaching)
32:20 Horthy Miklós Édesapánk (Miklos Horthy, Our Father)
33:28 Üzenet a Frontról (Message from the Front)
36:41 Székely Himnusz (Hymn of the Székelys)
39:25 Kis Kató (Little Kate)
42:05 Sej-haj Elvitték a Fiamat, a Jóskát Katonának (Hey-Ho, They Took my Son, Joe, to be a Soldier)
42:54 Szovetseges Hadak Induloja (March of the Axis Powers)
45:44 Búcsút Intünk (We Say Goodbye) ["Das Englandlied" in Hungarian]
48:29 Délvidéki Induló (Délvidék March)
51:40 Szép Szál Vitézek (Nice Thread of Heroes)
54:42 Egyesült Erővel (United Forces)
57:14 Horthy Miklós Táborában (In the Camp of Miklós Horthy)
58:42 Eljen Magyarorszаg! (Hail Hungary!)
1:01:37 Rózsacsokrot Tűzök én Egy Honvédlegény Sapkájára (I'm Putting a Bouqet of Roses on the Private's Cap)
1:04:47 Horthy Miklós ha Felül a Fekete Lovára (Miklós Horthy Gets on his Black Horse)
1:06:06 Boldogasszony Anyánk (Our Lady, the Blessed Virgin)
1:08:58 Rajta Testvérek a Harc Zaja Zeng (Come on Brothers, thy Battle's Noise that Resonates)
1:10:06 Viszontlátásra Hadnagy Úr (Goodbye, Sir Lieutenant)
1:13:30 Talpra Magyar! (Stand up, Hungarian!)
1:16:45 Testvér, Elég a Szolgaságból! (Brothers, Enough of Slavery!)
1:18:08 Horthy Miklós Himnusz (Hymn to Horthy Miklós)
1:21:09 Oh, hol vagy magyarok Istene? (Oh, Where are you, God of the Hungarians?
1:24:06 Minden Magyarokhoz (For all Hungarians)

Time without see you, it's time to continue with this section of the channel.
I had this compilation pending for a long time because the songs I had selected didn't convince me, but I finally managed to find enough Irish songs to complete the hour.

0:00​ March On!
2:07​ O'Duffy Abu!
3:11​ O'Duffy's Spanish Campaign
10:58​ The Old Fenian Chief
12:03​ The Death of the Bear
15:47​ Admiral William Brown
20:23​ St. Patrick Battalion
25:28 The Extreme
28:22 The Trail
31:39 The Treachery
35:24​ The Stand
39:33​ The Dream
43:31 Siúil A Rúin (Go, My Love)
49:01 Mo Ghile Mear (My Gallant Darling)
52:38 The Nation
1:02:19 Blue Shirted Soldier
1:10:14​ March On! [Alternative Version]
1:13:12​ God Save Ireland

I got the idea for this compilation from Teura's "Half Hour of European National Socialist Music" video, unfortunately he deleted it and it's no longer available, but I did my best and tried to find all the songs from different countries that could be considered "NatSoc" (Including some adaptations of German songs and/or used by SS volunteers)

PS: This video was going to be published on January 30th, for the 88th anniversary of Adolf Hitler's rise to the Chancellery, but I had some setbacks and until now I was able to publish it, anyway, I hope you enjoy it

0:00 Das Kampflied der Nationalsozialisten (The National Socialist Combat Song) [Germany]
1:39 Avatar [United States]
4:55 Con la Bandera en Alto (With the Banner on High) [Venezuela]
7:56 George Lincoln Rockwell [United States]
14:13 La Canción de los Tanques (The Tanks Song) [Venezuela]
17:16 Nuestro Rommel (Our Rommel) [Venezuela]
19:21 Vamos en las Negras Hordas de Geyer (We're Entering in the Black Hordes of Geyer) [Venezuela]
21:18 国家社会主義日本労働者党歌 (Anthem of the National Socialist Japanese Worker's Party) [Japan]
24:30 ¡Chilenos, a la Acción! (Chileans, to Action!) [Chile]
27:05 η SS βαδίζει εντός εχθρικού εδάφους (SS Marches in Enemy Territory) [Greece]
29:16 De Zwarte Soldaten (The Black Soldiers) [Netherlands]
30:26 W.A. Marcheert (W.A. Marches) [Netherlands]
31:29 Oostlandlied (Eastern Lands Song) [Netherlands]
34:40 Au Revoir, Petite Monica (Goodbye, Little Monica) [France]
35:36 Norge, Vårt Land! (Norway, Our Country!) [Norway]
37:27 Budstikka Gikk (The Message Was) [Norway]
39:12 Legionaersangen (The Legionnaires Sang) [Denmark]
40:22 Le Chant du Diable (The Devil's Song) [France]
42:36 Itinaas ang Watawat (The Flag on High) [Philippines]
43:27 Erika [South Africa]
45:37 Friheten Leve (Hail Freedom!) [Sweden]
49:11 Folk, i Gevär! (People, to Arms!) [Sweden]
51:14 Eesti Leegioni Laul (Estonian Legion Song) [Estonia]
54:19 Kurzemes Leģionārs (Kurzeme Legionnaires) [Latvia]
57:18 Песня Казаков Вермахта (The Wehrmacht Cossacks Song) [Russia]
59:45 White Amerika [United States]
1:03:58 El Mañana Nos Pertenece (Tomorrow Belongs to Us) [Mexico]
1:07:16 Rudolf Hess [Canada]
1:09:27 Leon Degrelle [Spain]
1:12:20 Angel of the Morning [United States]

The story behind this song is pretty troubled...

Firstly, its origin is unclear, but with the little information I could find, it was possible to reach the following conclusion: Apparently, the lyrics of this song were written in the 30s by a Mexican National Socialist movement based in the north-central area of the country (Some people say that they were settled in the state of Guanajuato, but others claim that they operated a little further north, in the state of San Luis Potosí).

Since it's unknown who were responsible for this recording, I decided to put in the picture the leaders of the 2 main third position movements in Mexico: José Antonio Urquiza Septién (Left) and Nicolas Rodríguez Carrasco (Right).

José Antonio Urquiza Septién was the founder of the National Synarchist Union, the best known nationalist party in Mexico, strongly inspired by European clerical fascisms, although showing particular sympathy to the Spanish Falangism and Carlism.
It's also important to mention that, although Urquiza Septién was offered the opportunity to be the leader of the Synarchist movement, he rejected it saying "what I want to be is the first soldier and first martyr of the Synarchism", which he achieved on 11 April 1938, when he was assassinated (Officially, he died at the hands of a peon who worked for him, but there is a theory that Salvador Abascal Infante, another member of the National Synarchist Union, was the mastermind behind Urquiza's murder, this is supported by the fact that some time later, Abascal left the Synarchism to help Manuel Gómez Morin in the foundation of the liberal party "National Action Party", both descendants of Jews).

Nicolas Rodríguez Carrasco was the leader and founder of the Revolutionary Mexicanist Action (Better known as the Gold Shirts), a nationalist organization comprised mostly of ex-combatants of the Mexican Revolution (Most of them were former supporters of Francisco Villa, although there were also ex-Zapatistas, ex-Carrancistas, ex-Porfiristas, etc.) who operated in Mexico during the 1930s; the members of the movement tried to put aside the differences of the former "isms" of the Mexican Revolution to only recognize themselfs as "Mexicanists", this with the objective of fighting what, according to them, were the 3 main threats for the nation: the Communists, the Jews and the Chinese.
On 20 November 1935, a communist group caused problems in a commemoration march of the Revolutionary Mexicanist Action, this started a battle between the Gold Shirts and the members of the Mexican Communist Party, in which the first ones would be victorious, but this would motivate that the president (And faithful sympathizer of the Marxism), Lázaro Cárdenas del Río, banned the nationalist movement, exling several of its leaders (Including Nicolas Rodríguez Carrasco) and imprisoning others.

Bandera en alto, bandera libertaria,
Marchando vas, tranquilo y firme el paso,
|: ¡Contemplan ya las águilas, llenos de esperanza!
¡El día de pan y libertad! :|

Las calles ven marchando batallones,
Para los hombres, llenas están de flores.
|: ¡Contemplan ya las águilas, llenos de esperanza!
¡El día de pan y libertad! :|

Apparently, there is a third stanza created by the Mexican National Socialist Workers Party, but there isn't a recording with this, the lyrics would be the following:
"Bandera en alto, el país despertando,
La verdad triunfa, el judío queda atrás.
|: ¡Los pueblos se liberan del judeomasón!
¡Nuestro país reinará otra vez! :|"

Which means:
"Flag on high, the nation is awakening,
The truth triumphs, the Jew is left behind.
|: The peoples are liberating from the Jewish-Masonery!
Our nation will reign again! : | "

YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQgJr4N8w6u99N8BPgVR50A
Secondary Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNPxlLnZWYD4xl3czqK-zmg
UGETube Channel: https://ugetube.com/@FalangeBall
Telegram Channel: https://t.me/FalangeBall

The National Party (Polish: "Stronnictwo Narodowe") was a Polish party formed on 7 October 1928, as an attempt to continue the program of Popular National Union (Another political party aligned with the Polish nationalist movement known as "National Democracy").

The main objectives of the National Party were the construction of a Catholic Polish State, the transformation of the political system by increasing the role of the national elite within the country, the support for the hierarchical organization of society and increasing restrictions on the civil liberties of the Jews (including access to universities).

The organization acquired a certain notoriety in the country, particularly in the areas of Greater Poland, Pomerania, Warsaw, Wilno and Lwów; mainly because the party distinguish for being one of the main opponents of Sanacja (The movement of the Chief of State, Józef Piłsudski), its importance increased shortly before World War II, when the party reached the 200,000 members, becoming the largest opponent of the time.

Already in World War II, many activists of the National Party joined the resistance movements, collaborating with the National Armed Forces and the National Military Organization.

Finally, after the end of World War II and the beginning of People's Republic of Poland, the organization was banned in Poland, but it continued operating in exile.
Once the communist regime ended, it was re-established in Warsaw in 1989; however, many of its members would eventually move to the League of Polish Families, leading to the dissolution of the National Party in 2001.

Ponad kolumny płyną sztandary
Szczerbiec, zwycięski znak krzyża
|: Z naszej krwi żywej, płomiennej wiary
Dzień Wielkiej Polski się zbliża :|

Maszerują nasze bataliony
W słońcu migocze jasny strój
Granat beretów mieczem zdobiony
Kolumny dążą na krwawy bój.

Ponad kolumny płyną sztandary
Szczerbiec, zwycięski znak krzyża
|: Z naszej krwi żywej, płomiennej wiary
Dzień Wielkiej Polski się zbliża :|

Przed nami jeszcze długa droga
Nie jeden na nas czeka trud
Z wiarą w zwycięstwo, z wiarą w Boga
Do Wielkiej Polski idziem wrót.

Ponad kolumny płyną sztandary
Szczerbiec, zwycięski znak krzyża
|: Z naszej krwi żywej, płomiennej wiary
Dzień Wielkiej Polski się zbliża :|

Nas nie zastraszą, nas nie złamią
Więzienne kraty Berezy grób
Złamiemy przemoc żydowską, wrażą
Do nóg nam padnie sanacji trup.

Ponad kolumny płyną sztandary
Szczerbiec, zwycięski znak krzyża
|: Z naszej krwi żywej, płomiennej wiary
Dzień Wielkiej Polski się zbliża :|
-Translation notes-
Szczerbiec: It was the sword used in most of the coronation ceremonies of the Polish monarchs from 1320 to 1764.
Bereza's Prison: The Bereza Kartuska Prison was a prison of the Second Republic of Poland, established as a camp to detain people who were seen by the Polish state as a "threat to security, peace and social order".

YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQgJr4N8w6u99N8BPgVR50A
BitChute Channel: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/AeDLouY6W2yT/
UGETube Channel: https://ugetube.com/@FalangeBall
Telegram Channel: https://t.me/FalangeBall

Well, you probably have noticed by now, but I'm experimenting with the design of the pictures and the fonts, do you like this new design or do you prefer the way the videos looked before? Let me know in the comments.

As for the song, this was composed during the Spanish Civil War to represent the "Pelayos", which was the way in which the children of the Carlist Movement were referred to.
The Pelayos received a pre-military training (In addition to traditional indoctrination) to be the future crusaders of the Carlist cause.
Despite the fact that, as a general rule, they were asked to limit themselves to parading in the rear, many were the cases of children who escaped from their homes to appear with the Requetés (The adult division) and, even when they were returned by the heads of units, some managed to circumvent this discipline, hiding their age among the older Requetés.

|: Pelayos somos de España,
Decididos a luchar,
Para hacer, de nuestra Patria,
¡Cuna de héroes inmortal! :|

|: Somos niños, los Pelayos,
Mas seremos, sin tardar,
¡Los soldados más valientes,
Que a su Patria salvarán! :|

|: Boina roja, tú serás...
El emblema del honor,
¡Porque triunfe la Verdad...
De la Santa Tradición! :|
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCQgJr4N8w6u99N8BPgVR50A
Secondary Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCNPxlLnZWYD4xl3czqK-zmg
UGETube Channel: https://ugetube.com/@FalangeBall
Telegram Channel: https://t.me/FalangeBall

I'm not the original author of this, all credits are from Teura Reborn, I'm uploading this video because their channel was removed from YouTube.

Original Description
This mega compilation have nationalist, patriotic, war-, anti-soviet/russian and political party songs.

Tähän syssyyn on tungettu monenmoista kipaletta. On kansallismielistä, isänmaallista, sota-ajan, antineukkua ja antiryssää poliittisten puolue laulujen kera. Nauttikaa kansallismieliset, tämä on teille!

00:00 - Jumala ompi linnamme - A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
04:30 - Ateenalaisten laulu - Song of the Athenians
06:13 - Me tahdomme - We want (Anthem of the Academic Karelia Society)
08:56 - Mustapaitojen marssi - March of the Black shirts
11:48 - Karjalan osa - Karelia's Fate
16:54 - Herää Suomi! - Finland Awake!
20:27 - Vöyrin marsi - March of Vöyri
21:58 - Tumman virran taa - Behind the dark river
22:53 - Kosolan tulolaulu - Kosola's arrival song (Song about leader of the Finnish Patriotic People's Movement)
25:28 - Iso-Antti, Kuularuiskulaulu - Iso-Antti, Machine gun Song
27:44 - Molotohvin koktaili - Molotov's Coctail (I'm not sure that song name)
30:50 - Njet Molotoff - Nyet/No Molotov
33:13 - Suomi marssii - Finland Marches
36:14 - Vapaussoturin valloituslaulu - Freedom Warrior's Conquest Song
39:50 - Silmien välliin - (Shoot) Between the eyes
42:33 - Suomalainen rukous - Finnish Prayer
45:07 - Pientalonpoikain marssi - March of the Peasants (Finnish Rural Party Song)
47:41 - Marskinpa miehiä - We're Marshal's Men
50:28 - Marsalkka Mannerheim - Marshal Mannerheim
53:37 - Oi, kallis Suomenmaa - Oh, dear Finland
56:06 - Täällä Pohjantähden alla - Under the North Star

I'm not the original author of this, all credits are from Teura Reborn, I'm uploading this video because their channel was removed from YouTube.

Original Description
This mega list have Swedish nationalist, march and patriotic music.

Denna megalista har svensk nationalistisk, marsch och patriotisk musik.
Detta är för er svenska nationalister!

00:00 - Vår gud är oss en väldig borg - A Mighty Fortress Is Our God
06:00 - Atenarnes Sång - Song of the Athenians
08:56 - Upp Alla Svenskar - Up All Swedes
11:00 - Jämtlandssången - Song of Jaemtland
12:36 - Vårt Land - Our Land (Proposal Anthem of Sweden at the beginning of the 20th century)
14:14 - Björneborgarnas Marsch - March of Björneborg
17:08 - Soldatgossen - Soldier boy
22:22 - Gustafs Skål - Gustav's Toast
23:44 - Folk I Gevär - People to Arms
25:43 - Frontsången - The Front Song
28:14 - Det Finns Ännu Tid - There Is Still Time
31:34 - Karl Johan beordrar oss bröder - Karl Johan orders us brothers
34:45 - Vi går fram, fram, fram - We go forward, forward, forward
37:45 - Fädernas Kyrka - The Church of the Father
40:18 - När solen lyser klart på himlen blå - When the sun shines brightly in the blue sky
42:00 - Blanka Gevär - The Shiny Rifles
44:11 - Du Blonda Folk - You Blonde People
46:56 - Stormande Ungdom - Stormy Youth
49:33 - Arbetarnationalen - Worker's Nationale
52:05 - Under Svea Banér - Under the Svea Banner
53:48 - Nämner du Sverige - When you Mention Sweden
56:56 - Solryttarsången - The Sun Rider song

I'm not the original author of this, all credits are from Teura Reborn, I'm uploading this video because their channel was removed from YouTube.

Original Description
00:00 - Unknown Soldiers (Anthem of the Lehi)
01:40 - The Atsel Anthem
04:11 - Left of the Jordan, two banks of the Jordan
07:10 - Song of Witness
09:49 - Beitar Song
11:50 - All mine
13:59 - The Palmach Anthem
15:23 - At your gates Jerusalem
20:10 - On the Way to Eilat
22:22 - Raise the barricades (Irgun song)
24:42 - Hymn of the Palmach
26:40 - Unknown Soldiers (different version)

I'm not the original author of this, all credits are from Teura Reborn, I'm uploading this video because their channel was removed from YouTube.

Original Description
[00:00] - 青年日本の歌 - Song of the young Japan (Japanese Shōwa Restoration Song)
[03:11] - 敬天愛人 - Respective Mistress
[07:16] - 起て!紅の若き獅子たち - Get Up! Young Crimson Lions (Anthem of the Tatenokai)
[11:00] - NSJAP (NSJAP song)
[14:08] - けんか - Fight (NSJAP song)
[18:39] - 憂国 - Patriotism
[21:43] - 大日本愛国党 党歌 - Anthem Of The Great Japan Patriotic Party
[23:42] - 返れ祖国へ - Return to homeland (Song about the Kuril Islands aka Northern territories)
[27:45] - 大和民族の歌 - Song Of The Yamato People

I'm not the original author of this, all credits are from Teura Reborn, I'm uploading this video because their channel was removed from YouTube.

Original Description
00:00 - Ey Irân - Oh Iran (different version)
02:10 - Sorude Parcam - Anthem of flag of Iran
03:04 - Ey Irân - Oh Iran (but it's de facto anthem of Iran)
05:49 - Unknown
09:09 - Anthem of the Pan-Iranist Party
13:38 - Anthem of the Resurgence Party
15:02 - Co Irân Nabâšad Tane Man Mabâd
18:55 - Other unknown song
21:11 - Enghelâb-e Sefid
26:09 - Sarzbâz
28:27 - Vatanam, vatanam (National Anthem of Iran 1873 - 1909)

I'm not the original author of this, all credits are from Teura Reborn, I'm uploading this video because their channel was removed from YouTube.

Original Description
00:00 - Anthem of the Syrian Social Nationalist Party
04:04 - Resistance Anthem
09:06 - Oh, My Country, Get Up
13:53 - Nashid ya zulam alsijn
17:17 - Nashid hadthy ena al-zmana
19:51 - We Commend My Homeland, Twin of History
23:30 - Unknown
26:26 - Right My Weapon
29:20 - We Are Eagles of The Whirlwind

I'm not the original author of this, all credits are from Teura Reborn, I'm uploading this video because their channel was removed from YouTube.

Original Description
00:00 - 國家 - Country
02:46 - 保衛大中華 - Defend Greater China
04:47 - 大中華民國復興會會歌 - Anthem of the Revival Society of the Republic of China
05:41 - 反攻大陸去 - Go back to the mainland
08:58 - 大中华 - Great China
10:12 - 中华儿女大中华 - Sons and daughters of Greater China
12:55 - 中華民國最堅強 - The Republic of China is the strongest
15:51 - 反攻抗俄歌 - Counterattack against Russia
16:41 - 国民革命歌 - National Revolution Song
17:26 - 三國戰將勇 - Brave Warriors of Three Kingdoms
17:54 - 中國一定強 - China must be strong
19:40 - 還我河山 - Give me back
23:32 - 老兵 - Veteran
25:30 - 旗正飘飘 - Flag is fluttering
28:07 - 中華民國頌 - Ode to the Republic of China

I'm not the original author of this, all credits are from Teura Reborn, I'm uploading this video because their channel was removed from YouTube.

Original Description
00:00 - Anthem of the Popular Democratic Party
01:22 - Hernández Colón Me Encanta - Hernández Colón I love it
02:23 - Himno Revolucionario - Revolutionary Anthem
04:28 - Nuestro Regimiento - Our Regiment
07:14 - Anthem of the New Progressive Party (and other songs in same idk)
11:10 - Jalda Arriba
13:20 - Ferré Esto tiene que cambiar! - Ferré This has to change!
14:22 - Unofficial party anthem of the Reunification Movement with Spain
15:50 - National Anthem of Puerto Rico
17:42 - Soñando Con Puerto Rico - Dreaming About Puerto Rico
21:57 - La Estrella Sola - The Single Star
26:33 - El Grito de Lares - The Cry of Lares

I'm not the original author of this, all credits are from Teura Reborn, I'm uploading this video because their channel was removed from YouTube.

Original Description
00:00 - Liên Đoàn 81 Biệt Cách Dù
03:03 - Thề Chiến Thắng Quân Thù
06:10 - Ta Sẽ Về Đông Hà
09:30 - Thuc quân
12:23 - Xin Hãy Làm Ánh Đuốc
17:12 - Giờ Phản Công - Nguyệt Anh & Việt Dzũng
21:13 - Thiên Hùng Ca Việt Nam
25:01 - Ngày Quật Khởi
31:11 - Tiến Quân
35:37 - Bản Hùng Ca Thủy Quân Lục Chiến
42:18 - Tỉnh Thức Đi
46:05 - Bài Ca Về Nguồn
50:32 - Ta Đã Thấy Gì
55:28 - Bình Long về Trị Thiên
01:01:00 - Chiến Sĩ Vô Danh
01:05:07 - Hùng Ca Sử Việt
01:09:57 - Hưng Khúc Việt Nam
01:13:40 - Người Là Ai
01:17:15 - Dù Hoa Lạc Lối
01:22:05 - Thăm Những Vùng Địa Sử
01:26:31 - Anh Về Quảng Trị Cờ Bay
01:31:32 - Thắp Lửa Tự Do
01:34:23 - Đường Chúng Ta Đi
01:38:24 - Nàng Tiên Của Lính
01:42:30 - Bài Hát Chống Xâm Lăng
01:47:00 - Giây Phút Thủ Đô Sài Gòn Hấp Hối
01:52:14 - Bốn Ngả Đường Quê Hương
01:56:20 - Anh Giải Phóng Tôi Hay Tôi Giải Phóng Anh

I'm not the original author of this, all credits are from Teura Reborn, I'm uploading this video because their channel was removed from YouTube.

Original Description
00:00 - Anthem of the Dominican Liberation Party
02:15 - Que viva el Jefe - Long live the Chief (Anthem of the Dominican Party)
05:40 - La seguidilla Con Danilo
10:04 - Trujillo y Franco - Trujillo and Franco
13:06 - Era Gloriosa de Trujillo Molina
15:55 - Recogiendo limosna
18:31 - Rafael Leónidas Trujillo Molina
21:08 - Levantaré Mi Bandera - Raise My Flag
24:02 - Padre de La Patria Nueva - Father of the New Country
26:30 - Najayo

I'm not the original author of this, all credits are from Teura Reborn, I'm uploading this video because their channel was removed from YouTube.

Original Description
0:00 - 3:00 - Suomi marssii - Engelandlied
3:02 - 5:58 - Aseveikko - Ich hatt' einen Kameraden
5:59 - 8:51 - Kaarina - Erika
8:51 - 11:46 - Liisa pien' - Lili Marleen
11:47 - 14:33 - Orvokki - Es war ein Edelweiß
14:34 - 17:25 - Pikku Tellervo - Lebe wohl, du kleine Monika
17:25 - 20:57 - Pelko pois, Rosmarie - Das kann doch einen Seemann nicht erschüttern
20:58 - 23:54 - Anna-Maija - Hannelore
23:55 - 26:35 - Uraliin - Im Ural
26:36 - 29:52 - Suomen valta - Deutschlandlied

After some time of inactivity here's another "One Hour of Music" video, this time focused on Getulio Vargas (Originally, it was going to be a compilation of music about the Brazilian New State, but seeing that there were many songs about Vargas I decided to focus the video on him).
Also, I want to thank SDV II for sharing several of the songs used in this video.

0:00 Glórias ao Brasil (Glories to Brazil)
2:41 O Grande Presidente (The Great President)
7:22 Ode a Revolução (Ode to Revolution)
10:11 Marcha da Campanha Eleitoral de Getulio Vargas (Getulio Vargas Election Campaign March)
13:32 Hino do Partido Trabalhista Brasileiro (Anthem of the Brazilian Labour Party)
17:17 Seu Getúlio (Mr. Getúlio)
19:56 Ai Gegê
23:05 GEGÊ
26:09 Gegê
28:32 19 de abril (April 19)
31:27 Salve 19 de abril (Hail April 19)
34:21 Retrato do Velho (The Portrait of the Old Man)
36:52 Nos Queremos (We Want)
39:28 Exaltação a Getúlio Vargas (Exaltation of Getúlio Vargas)
42:16 A Menina Presidência (The Little Presidency)
45:22 61 anos de República (61 years of Republic)
49:30 Hino em Homenagem a Getulio Vargas nas Eleicoes Presidenciais de 1950 (Anhem in Homage to Getulio Vargas in the 1950 Presidential Elections)
52:05 Se eu Fosse o Getúlio (If I Were Getúlio)
55:06 É Chegado o Momento (The Time Has Come)
57:38 Gratidao (Gratitude)
1:00:35 Legado de Getulio (The Legacy of Getulio)
1:05:44 Diplomata (Diplomat)
1:08:17 24 de Agosto (August 24)
1:10:46 A Grande Perda do Brasil (Brazil's Big Loss)
1:14:10 Sublime Evocação (Sublime Evocation)
1:16:27 Ele Disse (He Said)
1:19:13 Doutor Getúlio (Doctor Getúlio)
1:22:17 Hino a Getúlio Vargas (Anthem to Getúlio Vargas)

The Auxiliary Corps of the Black Shirt Action Squads, better known as the Black Brigades, was a fascist paramilitary group that operated in northern Italy during the last years of WW2.
Created in 1943, after the Italian government led by Marshal Pietro Badoglio banned the National Fascist Party, the Black Brigades were established in the Italian Social Republic in order to protect members of the Fascist Party (Now known as the Republican Fascist Party) of the attacks of the partisan groups and the allied troops, at the same time that they cooperated with the German and Italian police authorities and assisted the military authorities in counterinsurgency operations.

Ci sparano alle spalle per le strade,
Ché di venirci avanti hanno paura;
E per risposta noi delle Brigate,
Ai mitra abbiamo tolto la sicura!

Chi siete? Io non lo so!
Chi siamo? Ve lo dirò!
Siam le Brigate Nere!
Abbiam la forza di spezzarvi il cuor!

Siam stati nel Piemonte e in Lombardia,
Per rompere la schiena dei ribelli,
Abbiam lasciato i morti per la via,
Con sulle labbra i nostri canti belli.

Chi siete? Io non lo so!
Chi siamo? Ve lo dirò!
Siam le Brigate Nere!
Abbiam la forza di spezzarvi il cuor!

This is my first time translating a song from National Socialist Germany, for obvious reasons, I'll only upload this video here, so don't expect to see it posted on YouTube.
I'm partly doing this as a kind of experiment, I want to see how well received could be an individual song that can only be seen on BitChute, if the result is good, maybe I'd upload more videos like this, both national socialist songs and others that could easily be considered "Hate Speech" on YouTube.
Anyway, in case you don't know, here's the context of the song:

The Deutsches Afrika Korps ("German Africa Corps") was a German military force sent to North Africa in 1941, with the aim of supporting the Italian troops, which were being defeated by the English during World War II.
Notable for their most recognized commander, Field Marshal Erwin Rommel (Also known by the nickname "The Desert Fox"), the Afrika Korps had a brilliant performance, fighting in inferior conditions against the British troops of General Bernard Law Montgomery, until be defeated in the second battle of El Alamein (October 23 to November 3, 1942).
Finally, after Rommel was evacuated due to illness, General Hans-Jürgen von Arnim took command, who months later would capitulate in Tunis, thus dissolving the Afrika Korps on May 12, 1943.

Wohlan durch Wüstensand,
und heißen Sonnenbrand,
Hebt jetzt ein großes Jagen an,
mit lautem Halali!
Die Jäger, die sind wir;
im weiten Jagdrevier:
Das deutsche Korps in Afrika!
Heia! Heia! Safari!

Und wenn auch noch so wild
der brit'sche Löwe brüllt,
Es nützt ihm nichts sein großes Maul,
Wir jagen ihn zu Tod!
Denn Jäger, die sind wir;
im weiten Jagdrevier:
Das deutsche Korps in Afrika!
Heia! Heia! Safari!

Und ist die Heimat weit,
und ist auch heiß der Streit,
wir schlagen, wo auch immer wir,
dich treffen Engeland!
Und Sieger, die sind wir;
im weiten Weltrevier:
Das deutsche Korps in Afrika!
Heia! Heia! Safari!

I'm not the original author of this, all credits are from Lebanese Resistance, I'm uploading this video because its original compilation was deleted from YouTube (He later uploaded the video, but he had to delete some songs).
By the way, I also took the opportunity to write the titles of the songs in Arabic (Since in the original video the titles had been written as they were pronounced) and I tried to translate them into English, although I'm not sure if the translation is correct, whatever, if someone who understands Arabic sees this video, I'd greatly appreciate if you could confirm if the translations are correct.

0:00 جنود الحرية (Soldiers of Freedom)
3:04 أرضي أرض البطولة (My Land is the Land of the Champions)
6:06 غنتلي اليمامة [I Wasn't Able to Translate This]
8:59 الصرخة صرخة حُرية (The Cry of Freedom)
12:23 الكل ان قالوا نعم نحن نقول لا (If Everyone Says Yes, We Say No)
15:18 بيدر الابطال (The Heroes)
18:48 يا جندي (Hey, Soldier)
22:18 وطني الحب وطني النار (My Fatherland is Love, my Fatherland is Fire)
25:18 ارضك الكرمة (The Land of Dignity)
30:23 حمرا ومكتوبي بالنار (Red and It's Written With Fire)
32:58 مهما كانت صعبة الدرب (No Matter How Hard the Path is)
35:35 من قلب الدمار (From the Heart of Destruction)
41:32 قوم إتحدى (The People's Challenge)
48:40 رشوا الفل [I Couldn't Translate This Either]
51:18 من زمان (Once Upon a Time)
54:10 عا دعساتك (Stand Up)
57:00صبوا فوقك النار (Pour Fire Over You)

After a while, here is a new compilation of nationalist music, this time is focused on the Estonian Forest Brothers (Although there are also songs from other Estonian Nationalist/Anti-Soviet movements).
The only thing I'd like to mention here is that I'm not completely sure if the translation of some song's titles is correct, so if you understand estonian, I'd appreciate if you could help me checking if the translations is correct.

0:00 Metsavendade Laul (Song of the Forest Brothers)
2:00 Narva Pataljon Laul (Anthem of the Narva Battalion)
3:46 Teid Me Tervitame (We Greet You)
6:16 Eestimaa, Mu Isamaa (Estonia, My Fatherland)
8:19 Eerika
12:02 Meil Metsad Veel on Vabad (Our Forests are Still Free)
14:59 Öö pime (The Night is Dark)
17:22 Porilaste Marss (Chief of Defence March)
21:02 Llmeni Ääres (By the Lake Llmen)
23:45 Ood Eesti Laskurkorpusele (Ode to the Estonian Rifle Corps)
24:48 Metsavenna Elu Lõbus (Forest Brother's Life Fun)
26:20 Kodumetsa Raal (In the Lap of the Natal Forest)
29:56 Sõdurpoisid (Soldiers)
33:20 Politruk (Political Commissar)
36:05 Meie Maast ida Pool (East of Our Land)
38:38 Eesti Piir Käib Vastu Hiina Müüri (The Estonian Border Goes Against the Great Wall of China)
40:34 Narva Valss (Narva's Waltz)
44:53 Kuperjanovile
47:46 Pommikilde (Bomb Shards)
49:10 Metsavendade Salga Hümn (Anthem of the Forest Brothers Regiment)
51:24 Kaugel Venes (Far Away in Russia)
55:24 Eesti Leegionäride Laul (Song of the Estonian Legionnaires)
58:47 Mehed Metsas on Ühendanud Jõu (The Men in the Forest Have Joined Forces)
1:00:49 Veri Mullas (Blood in the Soil)
1:04:30 Kas Võit Või Surm? (Will be Victory or Death?)
1:07:13 Mustlane (Gypsy)
1:09:51 Mets Mühiseb (The Forest is Roaring)
1:12:49 Partisanide Hümn (Partisan Hymn)
1:15:37 Vabadus Valatud Verest (Freedom from Shed Blood)
1:18:55 Touskem Voitluseks! (Let's Fight!)

Okay, this is another of the music compilations that I managed to download before YouTube removed it for "Hate Speech"

I had to make some modifications to make this video look more presentable, some of them were that I replaced the picure that appeared in the background (A 3D version of the Flag of the German Empire) for this textured version of the Reichskriegsflagge; also, I change the last song of the compilation to "Die Watch am Rhein" and "Heil Dir im Siegerkranz", since the final song was incomplete, I'd have tried to find it on my own, but unfortunately I couldn't recognize it.

In adittion, I want to clarify that I have no idea who was the responsible for the original video (The channel from which I downloaded it said that he was also re-uploading the video).

0:00 Westerwaldlied (Westerwald Song)
3:09 Wenn die Soldaten (When the Soldiers)
5:06 Morgen Marschieren Wir (Tomorrow We March)
7:13 Im Ganzen Vaterland (In the Whole Fatherland)
9:42 De Hamborger Veermaster (Hamburg's Four-Master)
13:00 Ein Schifflein sah ich Fahren (I Saw a Small Ship Sailing)
15:13 Funkerlied (The Radio Operators Song)
19:11 Märkische Heide (Maerken Moors)
22:30 Die Blauen Dragoner (The Blue Dragons)
24:43 Schwarzbraun ist die Haselnuss (Black-Brown is the Hazelnut)
27:00 Wenn Wir Marschieren (When We March)
29:02 Zehntausend Mann, die Zogen ins Manöver (Ten Thousand Men, They Went Into the Maneuver)
31:37 Ein Heller und ein Batzen (A Dime and a Penny)
35:35 Alte Kameraden (Old Comrades)
37:57 Auf Kreta bei Sturm und bei Regen (In Crete During Storm and Rain)
41:31 Argonnerwaldlied (Argonne Forest Song)
43:49 Drei Lilien (Three Lilies)
46:09 Es War ein Edelweiss (It Was an Edelweiss)
48:31 Erika
51:30 Im Wald, im Grünen Walde (In the Forest, In the Green Forest)
53:55 Wir Lagen vor Madagaskar (We Anchored Near Madagascar)
56:25 Der Mächtigste König im Luftrevier (The Most Powerful King in the Air Hunting Ground)
59:43 Die Wacht am Rhein (The Watch on the Rhine)
1:04:00 Heil Dir im Siegerkranz (Hail to Thee in Victor's Crown)


Created 4 years, 10 months ago.

85 videos

Category None

Channel dedicated to compiling and translating Fascist, Nationalist, Traditionalist and Anti-Communist music.

Feel free to request songs.