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Aanstaande dinsdag, 21 december 2021, om 19.21 uur ben je van harte welkom om mee te doen met een live geleide meditatie in het teken van Kerst. Geleid door Stephanie Joyous Mind, creëren we een diepe verbinding vanuit ons hart, met elkaar, met de aarde, met het leven. Meer info:

I am so happy to contribute to the book of Sarah Dawkins: Heal Yourself.
She has collected at least 75 stories of ordinary people who have healed themselves in extra-ordinary ways.
Currently she is working on the finishing touch and I look forward to the book being published.

Book on selfhealing - inspirational stories

Nederlandstalige geleide meditatie waarin we gaan vliegen. Voel je zo vrij als een vogel, weg van alles wat je nu tegenhoudt. Niet langer vastzitten in het dagelijks leven, maar de vrijheid ervaren. Geef jezelf vleugels en vlieg met me mee!

Voor meer geleide meditaties bezoek de website van Stephanie Joyous Mind, klik hier:

Videocredits: jamboo7809 - Pixabay
Fotocredits: pexels - Pixabay

The live meditation I gave this morning turned into such a powerful healing meditation, that I suddenly realised the value and impact they can have for you if you wish to improve your health. My goal now is to develop the meditations I record in the direction of healing meditations more and more so that they can support your selfhealing journey.

I give all guided meditations from intuition, live ánd pre-recorded. They arise seemingly out of 'nothing' as soon as I quiet my mind and settle in for a session.
Feel free to follow me for guided meditations and be sure to check out the website as well, it's full of helpful info on selfhealing ;-)

With love,
Stephanie Joyous Mind

How to heal yourself
Guided meditations
Selfhealing journey

In this guided meditation we will open our hearts more by use of a breathing technique.

For more guided meditation visit our website.

April 1st the Meditation Academy will open its virtual doors at Patreon!

That means that in addition to the guided meditations, you will then also find courses. And we are starting with our Starting Level Meditation Course.

Are you new to meditation? Did you try it before but it néver worked out for you? Than be sure to stay tuned. I have received so much feedback from people who never quite managed to get results from meditation until they started meditating with me. That's why I decided to not only bring you guided meditations, but also help you to start up your own practice.

Courses will become available in both English and Dutch. As it is, the English course will be ready first ;-).
or check out Joyous Mind at Patreon ( )

♥ Share Love & Light ♥

More than ever we need to fill this world with our love & light. The infinite love we are all part of and all connected to. Pure source energy, pure consciousness.
This meditation supports you in opening your heart and allowing love to flow freely.

♥ If you like it, I invite you to share it with as many people as you can think of. Let's create a Heart Vibe around the globe! ♥

Voice guided heart meditation by Stephanie Joyous Mind
For more meditations follow Joyous Mind at Patreon (link on profile)

♥ Spread your light throughout the world ♥

Imagine standing on a huge top high above the world. The endless views you have from here! Now reconnect with the light and let your inner light shine throughout the world.

♥ Peace to all ♥

Voice guided meditation by Stephanie Joyous Mind


Created 3 years, 1 month ago.

8 videos

Category Health & Medical

Selfhealing & Meditation in both English & Dutch